SIUSLAW NEWS | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2018 | 5B © 2018 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 34, No. 52 Reindeer Fitness A science project that also makes a great holiday gift! Put on your lab coat and some Christmas music, work with an adult helper and make a crystal tree grow! STUFF YOU’LL NEED: Comet Kicks STUFF YOU’LL NEED: drop of glycerin a shallow dish plastic figure or decoration small enough to fit in jar 6 tbsp salt 6 tbsp laundry bluing Kick your legs up as high as you can! (Make sure you have plenty of space!) clear epoxy glue a jar with a tight lid distilled water 6 tbsp water glitter 1 tbsp ammonia sponge Blitzen Bend INSTRUCTIONS Stand with your feet slightly apart. Raise your arms over your head and then slowly bend backward as far as you can. 1. In the shallow dish, mix together the water, salt, bluing liquid and ammonia. Stir until the salt dissolves. 2. Cut a sponge into the shape of a Christmas tree and set in the shallow dish. 3. Depending on the temperature and humidity, , d crystals should lization) grow (crystallization) over the next 10 to 12 ryer the air the better. You can top up hours—the dryer o keep your tree growing. the solution to 1. Glue your ornament or figure to the inside surface of your lid. Allow it to dry. How many snowflakes can you find on this page? 2. Fill the jar to the top with distilled water. Add glitter and a drop of glycerin. The glycerin will keep the glitter from falling too quickly. Dancer Twist 3. Screw on the lid. Be careful not to dislodge your ornament. Holiday Scavenger Hunt Standards Link: Science Investigation: Conduct simple experiments. 4. Turn it over and watch it snow! What happened? Put these sentences in order! Play one of your favorite songs and do the twist! Look through the newspaper to find something: sweet made from crystals about trees about Santa about winter weather Standards Link: Research: use the newspaper to locate information. Dasher Dash Run in place for one to two minutes. Mrs. Claus is decorating her Christmas tree. She knows just where she wants each ornament to go. Do the math and then draw a line from each ornament to its place. GLITTERING CRYSTALS DISSOLVE GLYCERIN GROWING SPONGE SCREW SWEET WATCH SNOW DISH GLUE TREE JAR MIX C G L Y C E R G H H R T G I N C M A L N J I N H S T S S L I This week’s word: I T G U B O R A O D W A E X S O W D I P T W R I S S O L V E R O N M Y S W E E T G N I R E T T I L G G S C R E W T R E E Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. DISSOLVE The verb dissolve means to become absorbed in a liquid. The sugar dissolved in the hot cup of coffee. Try to use the word dissolve in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. Winter Poems News Talk Look through the newspaper for different ways to start sentences. Find examples of startling statements, quotations, prepositional phrases, questions and more. ANSWER: The ones going on vacation. Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Use reading skills and strategies to interpret informational text. Standards Link: Physical Education: Use a variety of basic and advanced movement forms. Find the words by looking up, down, backwards, forwards, sideways and diagonally. How does winter feel? Smell? Sound? Taste? Look? Use these thoughts to write a poem about winter. SPONSORED BY W H E N E X P E R I E N C E CO U N TS We go to EXTREMES to solve your hearing problems!