The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, July 21, 2018, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 4B, Image 12

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    4 B
1. Rated horsepower (abbr.)
4. What a cow says
7. Snake-like fi sh
8. Spiritual leader
10. Catch
12. Car part
13. Extremely small amount
14. Nucleic acid
16. The Greatest of All Time
17. Lustrous
19. India’s least populated
20. Muckraking journalist Jacob
21. Medicine
25. S. American plant
26. Small amount
27. Dry or withered
29. Where construction takes
30. Russian river
31. Supervises fl ying
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20
A motivated mind could be
the inspiration you need to
progress with your tasks this
week, Aries. Take short breaks
to maintain your stamina and
make it through.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21
Taurus, you may be curi-
ous to explore new places this
week. New experiences can
provide excitement and stimu-
lation. Book your plans now.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21
Gemini, seeking out new
ideas and opportunities may
boost your self-confi dence and
contribute to personal growth.
Don’t shy away from new ex-
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, your confi dence
may have been waning for
some time, but this is the week
to once again grab the reins
Umm Hi it’s me Gage. I enjoy visits with kids for some reason they bring out my inner
puppy. Adults are another story, it’s not that I don’t like you I just don’t know you. As soon
as you play ball with me though, hey buddy pal friend I sure do like you. If you are into
having lots of company I may not be the most social of butterfl ies, but I do enjoy watching
from a distance. I like other non aggressive dogs. My preference is to live mostly outside.
Of course I would not go potty in the house that is just wrong and I am a good boy. Do you
want to know if the mail man is around I will tell you so you are not caught unaware! Well
that’s about all for now, I am in a foster home and my foster dad would love to talk to you
some more about what a good boy I am.
Any applicants with other dogs must do a doggy meet and greet upon approval.
and realize that you are more
than capable.
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23
Leo, a hectic personal and
professional life may be caus-
ing feelings of exhaustion.
Take some time for yourself
to restore your energy and put
you in good health.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, others may notice
your good mood this week.
Th is may be a result of a deep
sense of purpose and satisfac-
tion with where your life is at
32. “City of Brotherly Love” na-
39. Greeting at meeting
41. Common gibbon
42. Type of TV
43. Corpuscle count (abbr.)
44. Scottish port
45. Computer company
46. One from Asia
48. Former signifi cant others
49. Woven fabrics or garments
50. One’s sense of self-esteem
51. The Science Guy
52. Monetary unit
1. “The Leftovers” actress King
2. Epic
3. Missouri county
4. Chinese revolutionary
5. Get
6. Ancient Greek coin
this point in time.
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23
Your emotional responses
to relationships this week may
make you appear more sensi-
tive, Libra. Don’t worry about
others’ perceptions of you in
the days ahead.
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, this week you may
be inclined to engage in some-
thing that expresses your cre-
ative spirit. Immerse yourself
in nature and beautiful things
for inspiration.
8. Returned material authoriza-
tion (abbr.)
9. Part of the human eye
11. A fi sherman’s accessory
14. Brazilian state
15. Of a wedding
18. Prosecutor
19. The main constituent of
20. Advice
22. Principles of right and wrong
23. Decorate a cake with frost-
24. Headgear
27. New York art district
28. __ Lilly, drug company
29. Car mechanics group
31. Infl uential U.S. president
32. Quell the anger
33. Swiss river
34. Personal computer
35. Incline from the vertical
Dec 21
Sagittarius, you may be
tempted to make hasty deci-
sions as your patience begins
to wane. Resist this tempta-
tion, as it may only complicate
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan
Capricorn, devote some
time this week to creating
more balance in your life. Bal-
ance can contribute to greater
quality of life and overall hap-
If you would like to meet these two or any of their friends, please visit us at:
2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 •
36. Wild goats
37. Assert that someone has
done wrong
38. Anti-apartheid leader __
39. Crop of a bird
40. “A Doll’s House” playwright
44. Autonomic nervous system
47. Consumed
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, a desire to be with
others this week can lead to
new relationships. Embrace
any opportunities to connect
with someone new, going out-
side your comfort zone if need
PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
Deadlines regarding work
projects has you feeling appre-
hensive, Pisces. Do not be held
hostage to your worries. Di-
vert your thoughts elsewhere.
Hello there, my name is Yumi. I am beautiful as my name
means and very sweet. I love and adore attention and
people. I take great care of my sister and stick up for her
when others pick on her. I am waiting for a home with my
sister that is forever.