2A | WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2018 | SIUSLAW NEWS T HE R ECORD OBITUARIES BROWN—Roy M. Brown, 83, passed away peacefully July 5, 2018, after a very sud- den cancer diagnosis. R o y loved liv- ing in Flor- ence, where he and his wife, Jeanie, moved to nine years ago after traveling Roy Brown around the country in their motorhome. Roy was born in London, England and after joining the RAF (Royal Air Force), he im- migrated to Toronto, Canada. After three years, he then im- migrated to America. Roy always loved cars and motorbikes. He was a passion- ate and great tennis player and very much enjoyed traveling, meeting new friends, motor homing and loved all the sites along the way. When he left Canada, he drove a brand new convertible Cadillac along Route 66 until he finally reached Southern California, where he lived for many years. It was also where POLICE Flat. • Dispute was reported in the 500 block of Myleena Loop. • Fight was reported in the 1400 block of Zebrawood Street. July 6 • Arrest, with warrant, was reported at Sixth and King- wood streets. • Theft was reported in the 900 block of Highway 101. July 9 July 7 his daughter, Lisa Brown, was born. Roy worked in sales most of his life and, while selling you something you may or may not have needed, he also be- came your friend. He had the uncanny ability to make many of his friends feel like he was their best friend. He was always available to help out, play a tennis match or a round of golf or was ready to invite you over for a meal and a few drinks — and espe- cially a cup of tea and a chat. In the early ’70s, Roy moved to Santa Cruz, Calif., where he met the love of his life, Jeanie Raiser. Roy and Jeanie were the dynamic duo for 45 years and, together, they created a place where everyone want- ed to be — whether it was at their home in Scotts Valley, the “Hacienda Ranch,” or their homes in Oceanside, Bonsall and Florence, or on their road home. Roy Brown, also known fondly as “Ye Ol’ Bugga,” was a mate to all, but especially to Dave, Scottly, Brett the Moose, Alfonso, Andre, Dick, Mick, two Freds, and Bob Smith; his list of friends is endless, just as is our love for him. While Roy leaves a huge whole in our hearts, what he also leaves is the memory of his bright smile and a life well lived. He showed us by exam- ple how to love deeply, enjoy each moment and the true val- ue of meaningful friendships. Roy is survived by his wife, Jeanie Raiser of Florence; his daughter, Lisa Brown (John- Scott Forester) of Petaluma, Calif.; his daughter, Kit Brown (C. Jackson) of Oceanside, Ca- lif.; his son, Chris Raiser, of Dana Point, Calif.; his sister, Yvonne Coleman (and John) 0+0"!/3 -!#"--) !-+! -$*/ No calls to report. • Accident, with injury, was reported on Tree Island Road. • Missing person was report- ed in the 89000 block of Shore Crest Drive. • Accident, without injury, was reported on South Jetty Road. • Trespass was reported in the 2000 block of Spruce Street. • Accident, without inju- ry, was reported in the 90000 block of Deadwood Creek Road. July 10 Accident, with unknown in- jury, was reported in the 2000 block of Willow Loop. Burglary was reported in the 6000 block of Mercer View Drive. Fire was reported in the 1700 block of Highway 126. Theft of motor vehicle was reported in the 2000 block of Highway 101. Arrest, with warrant, was reported at Eighth Street bus stop. Burglary was reported in the 1100 block of Highway 101. July 8 • Dispute was reported at the Woahink boat launch. • Fire was reported at Dunes ((,+/ "(!%/+& 9).&); ,) C).&")&'?.0D#09C 9F,)-)? ?)- F0B.& ?#B,,F)&)?,& .B). )9, (9 : ' 9).&)#09, ;;?'./HH4'););0. 0#0B9 ;-,, ;?-0;?);9 ?' 9).&;0,B?)0.;40-2, ? D)?')9, (9;0B.5B,)?FB;?0-#)??).&. 0-29 ' .;)C ; 9C) .D99.?F290&9-40.8? 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