SIUSLAW NEWS | WEDNESDAY, J ULY 18, 2018 | 5B © 2018 by y Vicki Whiting, g, Editor Jeff Schinkel, , Graphics p Vol. 34, , No. 32 Summertime is the perfect time to invite a group of friends over for Telling ghost stories at a slumber party is fun. But not all ghost stories are scary. Ask a parent for each type of word to fill in the blanks. Then, dim the lights and read it aloud tonight! Here are a few tips for planning the perfect slumber party: Create some colorful cards to invite your friends. Be sure to tell the start time and end time for the party. Boris had fallen asleep in his ___________ reading one night. Around 2:00 a.m., a loud Have a plan for things your guests will enjoy, such as playing games, watching a movie, working on a craft, etc. The room was completely dark. Have yummy snacks such as s’mores, popcorn or fresh fruit. A deep voice in the shadows _________ startled him awake. “Who’s there?” cried Boris. replied, “It is I, a ___________ Encourage everyone to help clean up any mess the next morning! It’s not fair to leave it for your parents to do. _____________. And there is no escaping my __________ !” mber Part be y r Sloppy Slu ys at Noah’s slum Boris ran across the dark room Wow! The bo n, but they sure party had a lot of fu s. Can you mes made a really big ong the clutter? am s m find these ite 11 pretzels 11 crayons 7 socks 6 cups 4 plates 6 apple cores and began to _________ the stairs. But he felt a cold _____________ grip his ankle. 3 books 8 flashlights 5 pizza slices 2 action figures 3 basketballs 4 sneakers He couldn’t _________ at all! “Wait!” shouted Boris. “If I give you my collection of _________ Silly Sleepover Sentence ____________, will you leave?” Which two sets of pajamas are exactly alike? Write a sentence about a silly sleep over. over Use one noun, one verb and three adjectives! “You collect those, too?” said the voice. “That’s amazing! Do you also like to eat _____________ ______________ on toast?” “My favorite!” said Boris. He turned on the overhead How many differences can you find between these two pictures? __________ and the two hairy Sleepover Scavenger Hunt monsters shook ___________. “Nice to meet you! I’m Boris!” Look through the newspaper to find: A flashlight A picture of a bed Three nouns Four adjectives Five verbs How many slippers can you find on this page? “My name is Edgar,” said the other monster. “I know it’s late, but I think we can still catch a few __________ ___________ before the sun comes up.” Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. Standards Link: Visual Discrimination. With that, the two monsters friends stepped out into the Sleepovers are fun, but you’ll need to catch up on your sleep. Why does sleep matter? Replace the missing words. Your brain needs sleep, so you can: • Remember what you _________ • Pay ___________________ and concentrate • Solve problems and think of new __________ Your body needs sleep, so your: • Muscles, bones, and __________ can grow • Muscles, skin and other parts can fix ___________ ‡¬%RG\FDQVWD\BBBBBBBBBBBBDQGILJKWVLFNQHVV Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions. SLEEPOVER SENTENCE PAJAMAS HEALTHY PILLOW SPEECH FIGHT BRAIN SOLVE BONES VERBS GHOST SKIN GROW BED Find the words by looking up, down, backwards, forwards, sideways and diagonally. dark __________ night. P A J A M A S A F T E R P D A B L S R H T H G I F K E I T E G S S L L N E D V A This week’s word: SLUMBER H I K G T L P L E L O H I The verb slumber means to sleep, usually lightly. E W T O S R T S E N O B S V W B H Grandpa slumbered through most of the boring movie. T C R H C E E P S Y Try to use the word slumber in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. E G O U T B R A I N Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical words. Skim S and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. Opposite Headlines THAT’S STRANGE Select five or more headlines in today’s newspaper. Re-write each headline so that it says exactly the opposite of what the original headline said. Standards Link: Vocabulary Development: Students understand and use antonyms to determine the meaning of words. ANSWER:You make headlines! Siuslaw News What is one of the strangest things you have ever heard about? Write about it and share it with a friend or family member. + Glass for Every Purpose 1780 Kingwood St. / P.O. Box 144 Florence, OR 97439 541-997-8526 Fax 541-997-9132 ccb#55030