8 A SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 2018 © 2018 by Vicki Whiting, Editor MAY 10 7 National Lost Sock Day 14 Dance Like a Chicken Day 4 paint brushes 2 Teddy bears 3 basketballs 8 crayons 2 dominoes 3 pans 18 National Pizza Party Day Gather friends and family and order some pizzas. Or, make your own! Find your way through this maze to grab your slice of yummy pizza. 30 National Water a Flower Day Go on a hike with your family. Bring along some extra water and give it to a wildflower you find along the way. Draw the flower that should come next to complete the pattern in each row. May is National Hamburger Month! Survey 15 friends to find out what topping they prefer on a hamburger. Create a graph to show the results. Standards Link: Math/Data Analysis: Display results using a graph. Standards Link: Math/Probablility: Identify and extend simple patterns. MAY 5 Free Comic Book Day Most comic book shops offer customers a free comic book the first Saturday in May. Visit your local comic book store and be sure to say a mighty, “Thank you!” How many differences can you find between these two comics? May is Teacher Appreciation Month Design a newspaper ad telling your teacher how much you appreciate him or her. Look at some ads in your newspaper for ideas. Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. SPONSORED BY MAY Cinco de Mayo On the fifth of May, people from Mexico and Mexican-Americans celebrate a ______________ called Cinco de Mayo. Cinco de Mayo is how you say fifth of May in _______________. On May 5, 1862, in the ___________ of Puebla, Mexico, a tired, poor and small Mexican army defeated the large, well-armed forces from France. How many chickens are on this page? MAY Some of the words are missing in this article. Work with a family member to decide where each word belongs. 5 MAY Fold your arms like wings, play your favorite music and d dance like a funky chicken! Sure, it’s silly. But it’s really good eggs-ercise! With some friends, try to stand in these crazy chicken dance poses for 30 seconds without getting the giggles. Clean Your Room Day 1 hairbrush 2 sneakers 3 pencils 6 books 6 baseballs 2 cups You throw your dirty socks in the hamper. (You do, don’t you?) But after washing, not every sock is found! Where do they go? It’s one of life’s great mysteries. While thinking about the fate of those lost socks, look below to find each sock’s match. Can you find the one sock that has no match? MAY Vol. 34, No. 21 If your room has gotten out of control, spend this May 10 cleaning up your messy room. But first, help Chloe find the following things in this big pile of stuff from her room: Check out some of these unusual holidays that you can celebrate in May. MAY Jeff Schinkel, Graphics CHICKEN UNUSUAL PIZZA FATE FLOWER SILLY COMIC SOCK HIKE MESSY WATER MAY DANCE ROW FUN Mexicans did not want to be ____________ by the French; they wanted to rule themselves. The French eventually left Mexico and each year, people of Mexican heritage ________________ the historic battle at Puebla with food, games, music and dancing. Cinco de Mayo became very __________________ in the 1980s, and has been so ever since. It’s a fun-filled __________________ or, as they say in Spanish, a fiesta! Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions. Find the words by looking up, down, backwards, forwards, sideways and diagonally. Q Z T H F Y Z A K C Y L J I D L F C R I A A S K T M O U S M Z U M E S S Y W N O Z S P D K I E A E C I U W A Z L W T F R P N O N Z L T E A T L U R C A Y B R L F A G N E K C I H C Z Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. This week’s word: APPRECIATION The noun appreciation means knowing the value or worth of someone or something. John showed a great appreciation for the hard work of his baseball coach. Try to use the word appreciation in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. Animal Riddle Write a “Who am I?” riddle with three or more clues about an animal. Write the answer on the back of the riddle. Can your friends guess the animal?