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About The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 2018)
2 ❚ THE SIUSLAW NEWS SCHOOL NEWSLETTER ❚ March 2018 COASTAL COMMUNITY CROW kids take to the trees on silks C ameron Utz and Aliza- beth Norton didn’t realize that they’d have to learn how to climb actual vines when they accepted their respective roles of Tarzan and Jane, in CROW’s upcoming produc- tion of Disney’s “Tarzan.” But sure enough, for two Satur- days, these teens have traveled to Springfi eld to work with the incredible Sally Brewer of Rev- eler’s Aerial Works at her Silks workshop located at Northwest Ninja Park. Utz and Norton are sched- uled to rehearse more in the days leading up to opening night, but this time at the Flor- ence Events Center, where the show will be presented April 13, 14 and 15. Utz, a senior at Siuslaw High School, immediately took to the silk vines, aft er Brewer of- fered him some expert instruc- tion, including diff erent climb- ing techniques such as the “French climb” and “Russian climb.” He also learned several poses such as the appropriately named “Monkey pose” and a P HOTOS SUBMITTED BY M ELANIE H EARD “Backpack hold.” (Left) Cameron Utz and Alizabeth Norton (lower right) learn how to In the musical show, a shirt- climb silks with Sally Brewer of Reveler’s Aerial Works. The actors less, loincloth-clad Tarzan will portray Tarzan and Jane in CROW’s production of “Tarzan.” must swing into the scene in Rotary invites students to 4-Way-Test Speech Contest Any Siuslaw-area high school student (public, private or home-schooled) in grades 9 to 12 who cares about ethi- cal standards and behavior in today’s world is invited to par- ticipate in the 2018 Rotary In- ternational 4-Way Test Speech Contest Th e contest will be held Th ursday, April 19, at 4 p.m. at the Florence Events Center, 715 Quince St. Th ree fi nalists will then pres- ent their speeches and receive certifi cates and cash prizes to- a transitional song called “Son of Man,” where the character quickly changes from his 10- year old self to his adult self through the magic of live the- ater. During this song, Brewer will also be 10 to 15 feet in the air, with one of her colleagues Ashly Milliot or Amanda Bearden — all three profes- sional silks aerialists are slated to perform. Th e aerialists will portray gorillas and exotic jun- gle frogs in Tarzan. CROW Artistic Director Melanie Heard could not be more thrilled about the part- nership between CROW and Revelers. “Sally was so positive and excited about the project from the very beginning. She has choreographed the aerial sec- tions of the show in Spring- fi eld, and we’ve communicated via video and email,” Heard said. “She is committed to sharing her circus skills and extensive aerial knowledge with our local kids. It’s a true gift to have her involved in our production.” Heard strongly believes in bringing the “real world” home to Florence for local youth in the arts, and she sees this col- taling $1,500 at a Rotary meet- ing on Tuesday, April 24, at noon, also at the events center. Th e winning speaker will also be expected to compete in a “Speak Off ” at the Rotary District Conference in Ash- land, Ore., on May 5. First place prize for the local contest is $750, second place will receive $500 and third place is $250. Th ere are even more cash prizes available at the district level. All participants will be re- APPLY NOW TO SCHOLARSHIPS Th e following are the dead- sities and technical schools for SA) online, or request a paper lines for some scholarships additional scholarships and FAFSA by calling 1-800-4-FED- available to Mapleton and Siu- funding resources. AID (1-800-433-3243) or the slaw high school seniors and In addition, the application TTY line at 1-800-730-8913for juniors. period is open to fi le for fed- the hearing impaired. Students who apply for stu- eral student fi nancial aid. To Th e FAFSA is open to all stu- dent aid and scholarships apply today, visit dents planning to attend school- should also check their two- to fi ll out the Free Application ing, not just current high school and four-year colleges, univer- for Federal Student Aid (FAF- students. • Oct. 1 to June 30 – FAFSA (Free Application for Fed- • April 30 – CROW • May 4 – Delta Gamma, Tammy Nivens and An- eral Student Aid) at drea Wright • April 6 – Oregon Pacifi c Bank • May 1 – Daughters of the American Revolution • April 6 – Geraldine Bagley • May 1 – Florence Community PTA • April 14 – Siuslaw Athletic Booster Club • April 15 – Western Lane Community Foundation • May 4 – Florence STEP (Salmon Trout Enhance- ment Program) • April 15 – Florence Masonic Lodge • April 15 – Oregon School Employees Association • May 15 – Central Coast of Oregon Realtors • May 15 – Ronnie Catalfamo Memorial Scholar- • April 15 – Soroptimist of Florence (x3) ship • April 20 – Florence Lions Club • May 15 – Tony’s Garage Scholarship • April 21 – Glen C. Butler • May 15 – Jose De La Mora • April 22 – Pacifi c Coast Wind Ensemble • Memorial • April 25 – Siuslaw Valley Firefi ghters • Anytime – Coastal Celtic Society • April 25 – Oregon Jaycee laboration as another way that kids can learn about the many possibilities that exist as they grow and mature. Th is sum- mer, Heard and CROW As- sistant Director Genevieve Meltzer will travel to New York and participate in an educator’s workshop designed to broaden horizons, deepen skills and re- fresh CROW’s contemporary theatrical knowledge base. During their time in NYC, the duo will take in fi ve Broad- way shows and meet with Broadway producers, directors and artistic staff . Heard and Meltzer are delighted to bring “Th e Big Apple back to Flo- town” through a New York- themed summer camp entitled “Broadway Bound.” Informa- tion can be found on CROW’s website. Disney’s “Tarzan” runs April 13 at 7 p.m., 14 at 2 and 7 p.m., and 15 at 2 p.m. at the Florence Events Center, 715 Quince St. For tickets and addition- al information, visit www. or call the FEC Box Offi ce at 541-997-1994. “Revelers Aerial Works is going to be an energetic and dazzling part of our show,” added Heard. quired to take the Rotary 4-Way Test and apply it to real life throughout their speeches. Th e 4-Way Test has four principles: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all con- cerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendship? 4. Will it be benefi cial to all concerned? Th e choices for topics are endless. Would the Super Bowl pass the 4-Way Test? What about homework as- signments? How about social networking? All speeches must be origi- nal and may not be less than 5 minutes or more than 7 min- utes. Speeches should also be memorized. For information on partici- pating, including an application and guidelines, visit www.the- fl and choose the tab “Club Youth Programs.” Th ose interested can also contact Committee Chair Meg Spencer via email at We are your community partner in financial education! MAPLETON Aside from providing financial products and services, we are happy to offer educational support for all ages: SAILOR SPIRIT Credet and Savengs Best Practeces Mapleton School District participated in a Spirit Week Fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Each day, students brought in coins to match the dress up day: Monday was Pajama Pennies day, Tuesday was Neon Nickels Day, Wednesday was Dazzling Dimes Day and Th ursday was Crazy Quarters/Team Spirit Day. Each school competed against each other to meet the school goal of raising $500. At the end of the week, the fi nal tally was: high school in third place bringing in $8.09 per student for a total of $380.52; elementary school in second place bringing in $10.40 per student for a total of $728.53; middle school in fi rst place bringing in $10.90 per student for a total of $228.74. Th e total amount that Ma- Ferst-teme Home Buyeng Resources Cybersecuret y Buseness Teps Estate Pl anneng Consultateons In need of financial resources? Visit your local banker today! ’ M ARA PHOTO SUBMITTED BY J ODI O (Right) Juline Walker, MHS Leadership Teacher, and Alyssa West, MHS Lead- ership student, demonstrate Sailor Spirit. Walker was instrumental in sup- porting the High School Leadership Class in putting together this amazing fundraiser. pleton School District Stu- $1,337.59. We more than dou- dents raised for the Leukemia bled our goal! GO SAILORS!!! and Lymphoma Society was — Submitted by Jodi O’Mara 1355 Highway 101 • Florence • Oregon (541) 997-7121 • member