2 A SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 2018 POLICE LOG Florence Police Mar. 27 Criminal mischief was reported in the 4200 block of Spuce Street. Arrest was reported in the 1400 block of Highway 101. Animal abuse was reported in the 300 block of Kingwood Street. Accident, without injury, was reported in the 91000 block of Highway 101. Hit-and-run accident was reported in the 4700 block of Highway 101. Trespass was reported in the 88000 block of First Street. Mar. 28 Death investigation was con- ducted in the 100 block of Shoreline Drive. Trespass was reported in the 85000 block of Highway 101. Theft was reported in the 400 block of Highway 101. Theft was reported in the 1600 block of Second Street. Fire was reported in the 400 block of Ninth Street. Theft was reported in the 1700 block of Highway 101. Dispute was reported in the 500 block of Laurel Street. Trespass was reported in the 3000 block of Oak Street. Mar 29 Trespass was reported in the 2500 block of Highway 101. Arrest, with warrant, was reported in the 900 block of Greenwood Street. Fraud was reported in the 1600 block of Rhododendron. Dispute was reported in the Florence area. Shots fired was reported on Xylo Street. Theft was reported in the 1500 block of Ninth Street. Mar. 30 Hit-and-run accident was reported in the 2100 block of Spruce Street. Fire was reported in the 100 block of Outer Drive. Trespass was reported in the 2000 block of Spruce Street. Trespass was reported in the 3000 block of Munsel Lake Road. Theft was reported in the 10000 block of Highway 126. Mar. 31 Trespass was reported in the 4700 block of Highway 101. Trespass was reported in the 400 block of Ninth Street. Arrest, with warrant, was reported at Second and Harbor Streets. Apr. 1 Dispute was reported in the 500 block of Myeena Street. Accident, with unknown injury, was reported at Gleneda Hill Road and Highway 126. Death investigation was con- ducted in the 1100 block of Maple Street. Shots fired was reported in the 11000 block of Highway 36. #DriveHealthy: April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month National Distracted Driving Awareness Month is in April, just as the week of April 9 to 13 is National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week. Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) encourages people to #DriveHealthy in April and every month. ODOT gives some “startling statistics” on distracted driv- ing: On average, in Oregon… • A distracted driver causes a crash every 2.5 hours — almost 10 crashes each day. • Distracted driving causes one in every 12 serious injury crashes in Oregon. ODOT gives some “startling statistics” on work zones: On average, in Oregon… • A work zone crash occurs O REGON every 17 hours. • An inattentive (distracted!) driver is the most common cause of work zone crashes. • Four out of five work zone fatalities are drivers and their passengers. • Fines double 24/7 — when workers are there or not. Help ODOT mark the month of April and the week of April 9: • Think about your one and only job when you’re behind the wheel: driving. #DriveHealthy: Hands on the wheel, mind on the road. Put your phone in the glove com- partment or hand it to a passen- ger. • When you’re a passenger, don’t let your driver drive dis- tracted. Ask for their phone — you can answer, instead. Or set it aside. • Pay attention all the time you’re driving, but especially when you see orange signs, barrels, cones and barricades. Stay alert in work zones. From April 1 to 30, com- memorate National Distracted Driving Month with the social media hashtag #JustDrive for the national campaign and #DriveHealthy for the ODOT program. From April 9-13: commemo- rate National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week with the social media hashtags #WorkZone, #NWZAW, #EverybodysResponsibility. In addition, Oregon will also mark work zone safety aware- ness for the entire month of May. Wednesday, April 11, is Go Orange Day, the day to wear orange as a reminder: Orange is your clue! Pay attention when you see orange signs, barrels, cones or barricades. People are encouraged to post an orange selfie and use the social media hashtags: #GoOrange and #Orange4Safety. For updated information on highway work and current trav- el information throughout Oregon, visit www.tripcheck.com or call the Oregon road report at 511 or 1- 800-977-6368. state highways. In addition to studded tires, other types of traction tires are available that meet the Rubber Manufacturers Association standards for use in severe snow conditions. These tires carry an emblem on the tire sidewall of a three-peaked mountain with a snowflake in the center. Research shows these tires R E-CORNER and the surrounding area, and should be able to prepare a monthly report for the Dunes City Council. To apply, com- plete an Application for Appointive Office available at Dunes City Hall or from the City’s website www.dunescity .com/permits andforms. Applications may be deliv- ered to Dunes City Hall, 82877 Spruce St. in Westlake, mailed to PO Box 97, Westlake Ore., 97493, or emailed to recorder@dunes cityor.com. For more details, call City Recorder Jamie Mills at 541- 997-3338. Applicants will be notified of the date the City Council will consider applications and should plan on attending that meeting. Clarification In the front-page article, “The Right of the People To Keep and Bear Arms” in the March 31, edition of the Siuslaw News, “revolvers” were identified as “single- shot.” Technically revolvers are double-action, meaning the firing mechanism (hammer) does not need to be cocked each time the trigger is pulled. A single-shot would be sim- ilar to a falling block rifle or muzzleloader. Also, a bolt-action rifle does not need hand-fed ammunition if it is magazine- or tube-fed. Siuslaw News regrets any confusion. The name you have learned to trust, now in our new state of the art practice in Eugene! will work to clear any late-sea- son snow or ice as soon as pos- sible. Dr. Sarah Rincker, DPM, FACFAS 4750 Village Plaza Loop, Suite 202, Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-650-6170 CHARM TRAIL Dave’s ✔ YES Start Collecting Yours Today Follow the Charm Trail through Oregon’s Coastal Playground Make a personalized keepsake from your travels to Florence PAPER TOWELS AND TISSUE PAPER NO As it’s often already made from recycled paper, tissue paper can’t be recycled again, because the fi bers are too short to pulp properly. Similarly, paper towels can’t be recycled, especially if it’s been contaminated with food. However, it is compostable, so you can put it out on your garden instead of in your bin. IL E RV M SE IC 02-7 1) 9 55 4 4 COAST DIS AL L SA PO CEN (5 TR Candidate to hold lunch meeting Nora Kent, candidate for West Lane County Commissioner, invites the community to a “Lunch Date with Nora” at the Windsong Apartments, 1365 Spruce St. in Florence, on Saturday, April 7, at 1 p.m. Kent will be speaking about protecting the area’s waterways and forests and bringing living-wage jobs, affordable housing and access to healthcare to west- ern Lane county. Suggested donation for lunch is $20 to $25. cause no more damage than standard all-weather radial tires, but they provide better traction than studded tires on bare pavement. Drivers with studded tires on their vehicles after the deadline can be charged with a Class C traffic violation. ODOT maintenance crews will continue to monitor high- ways and weather forecasts and Dunes City is looking for a volunteer to serve as the Dunes City Council represen- tative at Lane Area C o m m i s s i o n o n Transportation (Lane ACT) meetings. Lane ACT is an advisory body to the Oregon Transportation Commission established to provide a forum for stakeholders to collaborate on transportation issues affect- ing Lane County. Meetings are held the sec- ond Wednesday of every month from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Springfield. Applicants must be Dunes City residents and be willing and able to drive to Springfield. Applicants should be inter- ested in learning more about Lane County transportation issues, funding and projects that might impact Dunes City A PRIL 15 STUDDED TIRE SEASON EXTENDED THROUGH Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Washington Department of Transportation have extended studded tire season in the two states until the end of the day Sunday, April 15. Travelers can use studded tires only during this season, which usually lasts Nov. 1 to March 31. State law grants each state’s transportation department the ability to extend the studded tire season when necessary based on pro- jected weather forecasts. “The forecast suggests Oregon’s mountain passes will receive some significant snow in the next few weeks,” said Luci Moore, State Maintenance and Operations Engineer. “But we ask that if you’re not plan- ning to travel in those areas, please don’t wait until the last minute to remove your studded tires.” This is only the fifth time in the past 16 years that ODOT has extended the studded tire season past March 31. Three of those extensions occurred from 2010 to 2012. ODOT encourages drivers to consider other types of traction tires or chains to help minimize the roadway damage that stud- ded tires cause. A 2014 study concluded studded tires cause about $8.5 million in damage each year to Dunes City seeks Lane ACT representative E W I TH A S The only locally owned & operated garbage company in Florence. We provide full service trash & recycling removal for commercial & residential accounts. Call us today for prices 541-902-7554 PO Box 1629 Florence OR 97439 2017 RECYCLE STATS Comingle - 1,313,120 pounds Glass - 174,580 pounds Motor Oil - Over 500 Gallons Fun weekend activity for families! Great for visitors who want a keepsake of their time in Florence! Pick up your bracelet and signature charm at a Trailhead for $5. Then visit Charm Trail locations around Florence to add charms for $2 each to complete your bracelet. Trailheads: Siuslaw News • Florence Area Chamber of Commerce Driftwood Shores • BeauxArts Fine Art Materials & Gallery or Periwinkle Station Flo ce ren Oreg o n Charm Trail OR EG O N’ S COA GRO STAL PLAY U ND fl orencecharmtrail.com