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About The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 2018)
10 A SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 2018 FIELD TESTCandidates Wanted URGENT NOTICE: You may be qualified to participate in a special Field Test of new hearing instrument technology being held at a local test site. An leader in in digital digital hearing hearing devices is sponsoring a product eld in test in your area week next week An industry industry leader devices is sponsoring a product field fi test your area next and they have asked to select up 15 to qualified 15 qualifi ed candidates to participate. They are interested and they have asked us us to select up to candidates to participate. They are interested in determining the benefits of GENIUS™ 3.0 Technology in eliminating the difficulty hearing users aid in determining the benefi ts of GENIUS™ 3.0 Technology in eliminating the diffi culty aid hearing experience in difficult environments, such as those background noise or multiple users experience in diffi cult environments, such with as those with background noise talkers. or multiple talkers. Candidates in Candidates other test areas have test reported feedback so far.2IIHUYDOLGXQWLO'$7( in other areas very have positive reported very positive feedback so far. +(5( Offer valid until April 13, 2018 :e looking for additional candidates candidates in *(1(5$//2&$7,21+(5(DQGWKH We are are looking for additional in Florence and the surrounding areas. VXUURXQGLQJDUHDV OPEN HOUSE EVENT ;d^,ZͿ Dates: Product Test Site: FLORENCE - APRIL 9-13 0LUDFOH(DU6HUYLFH&HQWHU $''5(66+(5( MIRACLE EAR FLORENCE 2775 Hwy 101 Suite B • Florence, OR 97439 0LUDFOH(DU6HUYLFH&HQWHU $''5(66+(5( 541-423-3142 0LUDFOH(DU6HUYLFH&HQWHU $''5(66+(5( 0LUDFOH(DU6HUYLFH&HQWHU $''5(66+(5( $''5(66+(5( 541-236-2628 $''5(66+(5( 541-435-2753 MIRACLE EAR NORTH BEND MIRACLE EAR NEWPORT 1938 Newmark St., North Bend, OR, 97459 1217 N. Coast Hwy. Suite D Newport, OR 97365 0LUDFOH(DU6HUYLFH&HQWHU 0LUDFOH(DU6HUYLFH&HQWHU In an effort to accurately demonstrate the incredible performance of these devices, specially trained representatives will be conducting testing and demonstrations during this special event. In an effort to accurately demonstrate the incredible performance of these devices, specially trained In representatives addition to an will audiometric hearing evaluation, candidates during will receive a fi ber-optic be conducting testing and demonstrations this special event. otoscope exam, a painless procedure that could reveal common hearing problems such as excessive wax or damage In the addition to an as audiometric hearing evaluation, a fiber-optic otoscope exam, a to eardrum, well as other common cause candidates of hearing will defi receive ciencies. painless procedure that could reveal common hearing problems such as excessive wax or damage to the eardrum, as well as other common cause of hearing deficiencies. Qualifi ed Field Test Candidates: • Live in Florence or the surrounding area Qualified Field Test Candidates: at in least 55 years of age or older • • Are Live *(1(5$//2&$7,21+(5(or the surrounding area some level or of older hearing diffi culty, or currently wear hearing aids • • Have Are experienced at least 55 years of age work some for a level market research company • • Don’t Have currently experienced of hearing difficulty, or currently wear hearing aids • • Call BEFORE APRIL 13, 2018. Don’t currently work for a market research company • &DOO%()25((;3'$7(+(5( We have a limited supply of the GENIUS™ 3.0 test product currently on hand and ready for testing. We have also been We have a limited the discounts GENIUS™ if 3.0 product authorized to offer supply signifi of cant you test decide to currently on hand instruments and ready for home. testing. We have also not been take the hearing If you choose to keep them, to there’s no risk or discounts obligation if of kind.† authorized offer significant you any decide to take the hearing instruments home. If you choose not to keep TO PARTICIPATE: them, there’s no risk or obligation of any kind. † 1) You must be one of the fi rst 15 people to call our offi ce Code: 18AprField. TO Mention PARTICIPATE: 2) be be required to have your hearing in our You You will must one of the first 15 people to call tested our office offi ce, FREE OF CHARGE, to determine candidacy. Mention Code: 18$SU)LHOG. 3) results with the your hearing instruments to the Report You will your be required to have hearing tested in our Hearing Care OF Specialist over three week test period. office, FREE CHARGE, to a determine candidacy. Report your results with the hearing instruments to the Hearing Care Specialist a three week period. Qualifi ed candidates will over be selected on a test fi rst-come, PARTICIPANTS fi 4XDOLILHGFDQGLGDWHVZLOOEHVHOHFWHGRQDILUVWFRPH rst-served basis so please call us TODAY to secure PARTICIPANTS Will be tested and your spot in the Product Field Test. ILUVWVHUYHGEDVLVVRSOHDVHFDOOXV72'$<WRVHFXUH Participants who qualify and complete the product test \RXUVSRWLQWKH3URGXFW)LHOG7HVW Will be tested and selected same-day. will receive a FREE $100 Gift Card* as a selected same-day. Participants qualify complete the product test token of our who thanks. Exp. and April 13, 2018 will receive a FREE $100 Gift Card* as a token of our thanks.([S'$7(+(5( FIELD TEST FIELD TEST AVOID AVOID WAITING – CALL MENTION CODE: 18AprField! WAITING – CALL AND AND MENTION CODE: 18$SU)LHOG! *One per household. Must be 55 or older and bring loved one for familiar voice test. Must complete a hearing test. Not valid with prior test/purchase in last 6 *One months. While supplies card loved may one be for used toward of food at participating restaurants where a in minimum purchase may last. also Free be per household. Must be last. 55 or Free older gift and bring familiar voice the test. purchase Must complete a hearing test. Not valid with prior test/purchase last 6 months. While supplies required. See be for details. Not redeemable for cash. Promotional available special event dates for only. †If Not you redeemable are not completely gift card may used toward the purchase of food at participating restaurants where a minimum offer purchase may also during be required. See details. for cash. † satisfi ed, the aids may be returned for a full refund within 30 days of the completion of fi tting, in satisfactory condition. See store for details. Promotional offer available during special event dates only. If you are not completely satisfied, the aids may be returned for a full refund within 30 days of the completion of fitting, in satisfactory condition. See store for details.