TVCC – WEEK OF FEBRUARY 15 - FEBRUARY 21, 2018 - 15 Wednesday Prime Time 5 PM F NP DT D 5:30 6 PM KVAL News at 6pm (N) (Live) (CC) February 21, 2018 6:30 7 PM 7:30 Inside Edition Jeopardy! (N) ’ Wheel of For- (N) ’ (HD) (CC) (HD) (CC) tune “Delicious Destinations” 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 Big Brother: Celebrity Edition (N) The Amazing Race (Season Finale) (N) ’ (HD) (CC) ’ (HD) (CC) 11 PM KVAL News at 11pm (N) (Live) (CC) 11:30 (11:35) The Late Show With Ste- phen Colbert 4 - 13 13 KVAL News at KVAL 5pm (N) (Live) (CC) - - 2018 Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Bobsled, Cross-Country Skiing. Alpine skiing (men’s slalom); freestyle ski- (8:35) 2018 Winter Olympics Men’s NBC 5 Olympic (10:05) 2018 Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Bobsled, KOBI ing (men’s halfpipe); bobsled; cross-country skiing. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) Late News Cross-Country Skiing. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) Alpine Skiing. (N) (CC) 6 - 16 16 7 - 28 - 9 - 9 9 - - 36 36 KTVC 13 - 34 34 The People’s Court (N) ’ (HD) KLSR (CC) - - CBS Evening News With Jeff Glor (N) (CC) 2018 Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Bobsled, Cross-Country Skiing. Alpine skiing (men’s KMTR slalom); freestyle skiing (men’s halfpipe); bobsled; cross-country skiing. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) To Be Announced KOAC Wild Kratts “Ker- KEPB honk” KEZI 9 News at KEZI 5:00 (N) Nature “The Last Rhino” The north- NOVA Mountain tombs in the Hima- Impossible Builds A multimillion ern white rhino. (N) layas. ’ (HD) (CC) (DVS) dollar floating home. (N) (CC) Wild Kratts “Mimic” (CC) KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News at Family Feud (N) Entertainment ABC World 6 (N) 6:30 (N) ’ (HD) (CC) Tonight (N) ’ News Tonight (HD) (CC) With David Muir Digging Up The Future 5 PM Journeys in Ja- Nightly Busi- PBS NewsHour (N) ’ (HD) (CC) pan ’ (CC) ness Report (N) 5:30 The Prophetic Code Amazing Facts Presents The Abortion Controversy 25 25 236 114 26 56 248 137 27 29 206 140 Grey’s Anatomy A 700-pound pa- LIFE tient has numerous issues. ’ The Goldbergs “Hogan Is My Grandfather” Speechless “B- I-- BIKINI U-N-- UNIVERSITY” Modern Family “Dear Beloved Family” Better Life Today Remodeling Your Life The Time of the End The end of evil’s reign. Who Wants to DailyMailTV (N) Oregon’s News DailyMailTV (N) The X-Files “The Lost Art of Fore- at 7 ’ (HD) (CC) head Sweat” Mulder and Scully Be a Millionaire ’ (HD) (CC) make a discovery. (CC) (N) ’ (HD) 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 3 317 226 QVC In the Kitchen With David (N) (Live) (CC) 10 14 307 - WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos ›› Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002, Comedy) Mike Myers. (CC) TMZ (N) ’ (CC) Portland News The 700 Club ’ (CC) Dr. Phil ’ (CC) 11 - 23 23 KEVU (N) (CC) 24 36 252 108 2018 Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Bobsled, Cross-Country Skiing. Alpine skiing (men’s slalom); freestyle skiing (men’s halfpipe); bobsled; cross-country skiing. ’ (HD) (CC) 8:30 The Book of John Bible Questions Great Contro- Answered versy 9-1-1 “Pilot” An emergency response Oregon’s News OREGON’S team helps people. ’ (HD) (CC) at 10 SPORTS RE- PORT 9 PM 9:30 10 PM KEZI 9 News at (11:35) Jimmy 11pm (N) Kimmel Live ’ (HD) (CC) 10:30 Modern Family Mike & Molly “Hit and Run” ’ “Mike Likes Cake” (CC) (HD) 11 PM 11:30 Blink Wireless Home Security (N) Susan Graver Style (N) (Live) (CC) ›› Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002, Comedy) Mike Myers. (CC) Engagement Engagement The Dr. Oz Show (N) ’ (CC) Dateline “Indiscretion” DNA leads to Dateline Friends seek justice for a suspects in a cold case. ’ dead woman. ’ (CC) How I Met Portland News (N) (CC) How I Met Mom ’ (CC) Little Women: Atlanta Chris’ jeal- ousy gets the best of him. (CC) Little Women: Atlanta Tanya pon- Little Women: Atlanta Juicy lands a (10:04) Little Women: Atlanta (CC) (11:04) The Rap Game JD lines up ders her future with Devon. (N) magazine cover shoot. (N) (CC) a press tour. (CC) E! News (N) (CC) E! E! News: Daily Pop (N) (CC) ››› Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation (2015, Action) Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg. Ethan Hunt FX and his team square off against the Syndicate. ’ (CC) Keeping Up With the Kardashians E! News (CC) ››› Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014, Action) Colin Firth, Michael Caine, Taron Egerton. A dapper spy ››› Kingsman: The Secret Service takes a troubled youth under his wing. ’ (CC) (2014, Action) Colin Firth. ’ (CC) (4:00) College Basketball North ESPN Carolina at Syracuse. (N) (Live) Grey’s Anatomy Karev treats a troubled teen. ’ (CC) 8 PM Total Gym Experience (N) (Live) (9:31) American Match Game Horatio Sanz; Amy Housewife ’ Sedaris; Tim Meadows. (N) ’ (HD) (HD) (CC) Super Skyscrapers “The Vertical City” Shanghai Tower. ’ (CC) College Basketball Louisville at Duke. From Cameron Indoor Stadium in SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (N) (Live) (CC) 28 30 209 144 ESPN2 College Basketball Andy Griffith 29 66 301 106 TVLAND Andy Griffith 30 49 276 886 NGEO Locked Up Abroad: Breakout (N) 31 58 360 205 FNC Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) (CC) College Basketball Florida at Tennessee. (N) (Live) Basketball M*A*S*H (CC) M*A*S*H (CC) Locked Up Abroad: Breakout (N) Hannity (N) (CC) M*A*S*H (CC) M*A*S*H (CC) Locked Up Abroad (N) ’ (CC) The Ingraham Angle (N) (CC) Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Locked Up Abroad: Breakout Fox News at Night (N) (CC) Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Mom ’ (CC) Mom ’ (CC) Locked Up Abroad ’ (CC) Locked Up Abroad “Cuzco” ’ Tucker Carlson Tonight (CC) Hannity (CC) 32 60 356 209 MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes (N) (CC) Bizaardvark ’ Bizaardvark ’ 34 32 290 172 DSNY (CC) (CC) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Jessie “Where’s Jessie “Space Zuri?” ’ Out” ’ The Last Word Bunk’d “No Es- cape” ’ The 11th Hour Andi Mack “Min- Stuck in the iature Gulf” Middle ’ The Rachel Maddow Show (CC) Bizaardvark Raven’s Home “Draw My Life” ’ (CC) The Last Word The 11th Hour Gravity Falls ’ Gravity Falls ’ Andi Mack ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) Stuck in the Middle ’ Two and a Half 35 43 325 168 PARMT Men ’ (CC) ›› National Treasure (2004, Adventure) Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, Justin Bartha. A man tries to steal the Declaration of Independence. ’ (CC) Waco “Of Milk and Men” Negotia- tions intensify. ’ (Part 4 of 6) Waco “Stalling for Time” The FBI turns up the heat with psy-ops. Cops “On the Run” ’ (CC) Two and a Half Men ’ (CC) Bunk’d ’ (CC) (4:45) South COM Park “Gnomes” 37 50 245 138 (4:00) ›› Rambo (5:45) ›› The Expendables 2 (2012, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li. A TNT (2008, Action) mercenary and his team seek vengeance for a murdered comrade. (CC) (DVS) 40 65 244 122 WTBS American Dad American Dad Family Guy ’ (4:30) ›› The Transporter (2002, Action) Jason Sta- SYFY tham, Shu Qi, François Berléand. (CC) The Real Housewives of Atlanta 41 63 273 129 BRAVO “Storming Out” (CC) 42 54 229 112 43 38 687 - Jalen & Jacoby 30 for 30 (CC) South Park Ani- South Park “Fat- South Park (CC) South Park (CC) South Park (CC) South Park (CC) South Park “Mar- South Park “But- South Park “C... Corporate “The mated. Idol. beard” jorine” terballs” Magic” (CC) Long Meeting” 36 44 249 107 38 20 247 139 NFL Live (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) The Real Housewives of Atlanta Kenya begins shifting priorities. Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying HGTV Property Brothers: Buying (4:00) College Basketball Clemson College Basketball Wake Forest at Pittsburgh. From Petersen Events ROOT at Virginia Tech. (N) (Live) Center in Pittsburgh. (N) (Live) Cops ’ (CC) South Park (CC) The Daily Show The Opposition- Jordan Klepper ›› The Expendables 3 (2014, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio Banderas. (10:45) ›› Point Break (2015, Action) Édgar Ramírez, Barney Ross brings in new blood to fight an old associate. (CC) (DVS) Luke Bracey, Ray Winstone. Premiere. (CC) (DVS) Family Guy ’ Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ››› Mad Max: Fury Road (2015, Action) Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult. Mad The Magicians Margo stands Max must outrun a warlord and his men in a desert chase. (CC) (DVS) against the Fairy Queen. (N) (CC) The Real Housewives of Atlanta “Tea Is of the Essence” (CC) King of Queens King of Queens Locked Up Abroad ’ (CC) The Ingraham Angle (CC) The Real Housewives of Atlanta “Livin’ la Villa Loca” (CC) Relative Success With Tabatha “Drama, Italian Style” (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (N) (CC) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N Same-day Tape) Big Bang Full Frontal (10:01) Channel Zero: Butcher’s Block “All You Ghost Mice” (N) Conan (CC) (11:01) ›› The Transporter (2002) Jason Statham, Shu Qi. (CC) Vanderpump Rules Stassi consults Watch What a tarot card reader. (CC) Happens Live Real House- wives/Beverly House Hunters Hunters Int’l Property Brothers (CC) College Basketball St. John’s at Marquette. From BMO Harris Bradley Center in Milwaukee. (N Same-day Tape) 44 52 242 105 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit USA “Her Negotiation” ’ “Surrender Benson” ’ “Real Fake News” ’ “Spellbound” ’ “Conversion” ’ “American Dream” “Sanctuary” ’ (Part 2 of 2) 46 47 280 183 My 600-Lb. Life ’ (Part 1 of 2) (7:04) My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life “Lisa’s Story” (N) ’ (CC) (10:05) Dr. Pimple Popper ’ TLC My 600-Lb. Life “Ashley’s Story” (6:45) ››› Born Yesterday (1950) Judy Holliday, William Holden. (CC) (8:45) ›››› The Lion in Winter (1968) Peter O’Toole, Katharine Hepburn. (CC) TCM ››› The Three Faces of Eve (1957, Drama) (CC) Street Outlaws Teams face off Street Outlaws “Blinding Lights” Street Outlaws “Armageddon Returns” (N) ’ (CC) Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings (10:01) Garage Rehab: Revisited TDC against the OKC. ’ (Part 1 of 2) Teams face off against the OKC. “Special 2” (N) ’ (CC) “Return to Westside Hotrods” (N) 48 64 256 132 49 48 278 182 50 26 282 184 51 46 265 118 52 35 258 133 55 45 269 120 57 61 355 208 61 51 254 130 ANML Treehouse Masters ’ Storage Wars Storage Wars A&E ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (4:00) ››› Star Trek Into Darkness (2013, Science FXM Fiction) Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto. (CC) HIST The Curse of Oak Island ’ CNBC Shark Tank ’ (CC) (DVS) (4:00) ››› Cool Runnings (1993) AMC Leon, Doug E. Doug. (CC) 62 28 277 215 TRAV Bizarre Foods/Zimmern 64 62 246 204 TRUTV Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. 66 53 231 110 FOOD Guy’s Grocery Games (CC) 70 34 311 180 The Middle FREE “Worry Duty” 71 31 299 170 72 57 202 200 Loud House NICK Loud House CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (CC) HALL (4:00) Summer Villa (2016) (CC) 87 68 312 185 Treehouse Masters ’ (CC) Storage Wars Storage Wars ’ (CC) ’ (CC) The Middle “Mother’s Day” Treehouse Masters ’ (CC) Storage Wars Storage Wars ’ (CC) ’ (CC) The Curse of Oak Island ’ Shark Tank ’ (CC) (DVS) The Curse of Oak Island ’ Billion Dollar Buyer (N) (CC) 501 501 501 300 (11:07) Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings “Special 2” ’ (CC) Treehouse Masters: Branched Out “Two Times the Trees” (N) ’ Treehouse Masters ’ (CC) Storage Wars ’ Storage Wars (10:01) Rooster & Butch A live so- (11:03) Rooster & Butch ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) cial networking app is tested. (N) (6:45) ››› Star Trek Into Darkness (2013, Science Fiction) Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban. Capt. James Kirk hunts a one-man weapon of mass destruction. (CC) ››› Wild (2014, Biography) Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, Thomas Sadoski. A lone woman undertakes an 1,100-mile hike. (CC) ››› Lincoln (2012) Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field. Premiere. Lincoln takes measures to ensure the end of slavery forever. (CC) The Profit (CC) The Profit (CC) Billion Dollar Buyer (CC) Paid Program ›› Bruce Almighty (2003, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman. A frus- ››› Pretty Woman (1990, Romance-Comedy) (SAP) Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, Ralph trated reporter receives divine powers from God. (CC) Bellamy. A corporate raider hires a hooker to act as a business escort. (CC) Paid Program ››› Pretty Woman (1990) Richard Gere. A corporate raider hires a hooker to act as a business escort. Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Expedition Unknown (CC) Expedition Unknown (Part 2 of 2) Expedition Unknown (N) (CC) Expedition Unknown (CC) Expedition Unknown (CC) Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Guy’s Grocery Games (CC) Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Guy’s Grocery Games (CC) Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Guy’s Grocery Games (CC) Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Guy’s Grocery Games (N) (CC) Imp. Jokers Inside Jokes Guy’s Grocery Games (CC) Laff Mobb Laff Laff Mobb Laff Guy’s Grocery Games (CC) The Middle “Sig- ›› Monster-in-Law (2005, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Lopez, Jane nals” ’ Fonda. A shrewish woman clashes with her son’s fiancee. (CC) Henry Danger Henry Danger Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (CC) Full House ’ Full House ’ Hunter Street SpongeBob ›› The Wedding Planner (2001, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Lopez, Matthew McCo- naughey. An event organizer has eyes for her biggest client’s beau. (CC) ››› The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (2015) ’ (CC) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (CC) Full House ’ Full House ’ Full House ’ Full House ’ The Middle ’ The Middle ’ (4:00) 2018 Winter Olympics Olympic Ice, Women’s Curling. Canada takes on OAR in a 89 89 603 159 NBCSN women’s curling match. Plus, Liam McHugh hosts “Olympic Ice.” (N Same-day Tape) 418 418 606 153 Treehouse Masters ’ (CC) Storage Wars Storage Wars ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (11:06) My 600-Lb. Life ’ (11:15) ›››› Sunrise (1927) Amer. Rifleman Shooting USA Shooting Gllry OUTD Best Defense (4:00) ›› Lights ›› Constantine (2005, Fantasy) Keanu Reeves. A man who sees de- HBO Out (2016) (CC) mons helps a policewoman probe her sister’s death. ’ (CC) Full House ’ Full House ’ Anderson Cooper 360 (CC) The Middle ’ The Middle ’ (7:45) 2018 Winter Olympics Women’s Hockey, Gold Medal Game: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Gun Stories Best Defense VICE News To- night (N) ’ › The House (2017) Will Ferrell. A couple and their neighbor start an underground casino. ’ (CC) Amer. Rifleman Shooting USA Friends ’ Friends ’ CNN Tonight With Don Lemon Golden Girls Golden Girls 2018 Olympics Duck Dynasty Crashing “Artie” High Mainte- ’ nance ’ (5:55) ›› Orphan (2009, Horror) Vera Farmiga, Peter Sarsgaard. An ad- ›› S.W.A.T. (2003, Action) Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Farrell. A Los An- opted child’s angelic face hides a demonic heart. ’ (CC) geles SWAT team must protect a criminal. ’ (CC) The 700 Club ’ (CC) Duck Dynasty Shooting Gllry Gun Stories Here and Now “It’s Coming” Kristen Traffic Stop and Ashley run into trouble. (2017) ’ ›› The Mummy (2017, Action) Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe. A soldier of fortune fights an ancient, resurrected monster. ’ (CC) 549 549 512 310 (4:05) ›› Central Intelligence MAX (2016) Dwayne Johnson. ’ (CC) 579 579 537 318 ›› The Stepford Wives (2004) Nicole Kidman. A cou- (6:45) ›› The Light Between Oceans (2016, Drama) Michael Fassbender, Alicia Vikander. A Eric Clapton: Life in 12 Bars (2017, Documentary) Eric Clapton. A look at (11:15) Whitney: Can I Be Me SHO ple move to a town where all women act the same. couple meet the mother of the baby they found and raised. ’ (CC) the life and work of guitarist Eric Clapton. ’ (CC) (2017) ’ (CC) 598 598 544 327 (4:35) Cursed to Kill (2016, Horror) TMC Anney Reese. ’ (CC) (6:15) ››› Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon. Real- › American Outlaws (2001, Western) Colin Farrell, estate salesmen fight to survive; David Mamet’s play. ’ (CC) Scott Caan, Ali Larter. ’ (CC) (9:35) ›› Young Guns (1988) Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland. Six deputized regulators become the objects of a manhunt. ’ (CC) (3:59) ››› Lost (5:43) ›› Money Monster (2016) George Clooney, Julia Roberts. A man (7:24) › Bio-Dome (1996) Pauly Shore. Slack-brained (9:01) ››› Frenzy (1972, Suspense) Jon Finch, Barry Foster. A man is 644 644 526 340 STZEN in Translation holds a Wall Street guru hostage on live television. ’ (CC) buddies crash a scientific experiment. ’ wrongly suspected of committing a rash of murders. (CC) Ash vs Evil Dead ’ ›› Young Guns II (1990) (CC) Ash vs Evil Dead ’