The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, February 14, 2018, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Page 6, Image 24

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    6 - TVCC –
Friday Prime Time
5 PM
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
11 PM
2018 Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Alpine Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Skeleton. Figure skating (men’s final); alpine skiing (women’s Super-G); freestyle skiing; skel-
KOBI eton. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) (CC)
(9:35) 2018 Winter Olympics Women’s Freestyle Ski- NBC 5 Olympic 2018 Olympics
ing, Men’s Figure Skating Postgame. ’ (HD)
Late News
- 16 16
2018 Winter Olympics Figure Skating, Alpine Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Skeleton. Figure skating (men’s final); alpine skiing (women’s Super-G); freestyle skiing; skel-
KMTR eton. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) (CC)
(9:35) 2018 Winter Olympics Women’s Freestyle
NBC 16 News at 2018 Olympics
Skiing, Men’s Figure Skating Postgame. (N Same-day 11pm (N) (Live)
Tape) ’ (HD) (CC)
- 36 36
Better Life To- Native New Day SS Study Hour
KTVC day Bible Study
- 34 34
The People’s Court (N) ’ (HD)
5 PM
3 317 226
24 36 252 108
25 25 236 114
26 56 248 137
27 29 206 140
Nightly Busi-
PBS NewsHour (N) ’ (HD) (CC)
ness Report (N)
ABC World
KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News at Family Feud (N) Entertainment
6 (N)
6:30 (N)
’ (HD) (CC)
Tonight (N) ’
News Tonight
With David Muir
(HD) (CC)
QVC (4:00) Susan Graver Style (N)
M*A*S*H (CC)
10 14 307 - WGN-A M*A*S*H (CC)
TMZ (N) ’ (CC) Portland News
11 - 23 23 KEVU
(N) (CC)
Travels With
Darley ’ (CC)
It is Written: Reformation 500
Doc Martin “Rescue Me” Martin
returns to Portwenn. ’ (CC)
Hawaii Five-0 “Hana Komo Pae”
KVAL News at
Terrorists seize a high school dance. 11pm (N) (Live)
’ (HD) (CC)
- 13 13
Wild Kratts ’
Inside Edition
Jeopardy! (N) ’ Wheel of For-
Big Brother: Celebrity Edition (N) ’ (HD) (CC)
(N) ’ (HD) (CC) (HD) (CC)
tune (N) ’ (HD)
10 PM
KOAC Wild Kratts ’
KEZI 9 News at
KEZI 5:00 (N)
KVAL News at
6pm (N) (Live)
KVAL News at
KVAL 5pm (N) (Live)
CBS Evening
News With Jeff
Glor (N) (CC)
February 16, 2018
The Inspector Lynley Mysteries “Chinese Walls” In-
vestigate the death of Emily Proctor. ’ (CC)
Endeavour on Masterpiece “Prey” The case of a
missing Dutch au pair proves far from routine. ’
››› Wreck-It Ralph (2012, Children’s) (HD) Voices of John C. Reilly,
Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer. Animated. An arcade-game “bad guy”
wants to be a hero. ’ (CC)
20/20 ’ (HD) (CC)
KEZI 9 News at (11:35) Jimmy
11pm (N)
Kimmel Live ’
(HD) (CC)
Better Life
GP Worship Hour
Help in Daily
Thunder in the
Holy Land
Modern Family
“See You Next
Fall” (CC)
Mike & Molly
“The Wedding”
’ (HD)
11 PM
Animal Encoun- Feature Presentation
Who Wants to DailyMailTV (N) Oregon’s News DailyMailTV (N) The X-Files “This” A friend contacts The X-Files “Plus One” Twins are Oregon’s News OREGON’S
Be a Millionaire ’ (HD) (CC)
at 7
’ (HD) (CC)
Mulder and Scully. ’ (HD) (CC)
playing a dangerous game. ’ (HD) at 10
(N) ’ (HD)
(CC) (DVS)
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
G.I.L.I. with Jill Martin (N) (Live)
Peace Love World - Fashion (N)
M*A*S*H (CC)
M*A*S*H (CC)
The 700 Club ’ (CC)
M*A*S*H (CC)
Dr. Phil ’ (CC)
M*A*S*H (CC)
How I Met
How I Met
The Dr. Oz Show Ground beef; cell- American Ninja Warrior Obstacles American Ninja Warrior Obstacles Portland News
phone tower dangers. (N) ’
include Floating Monkey Bars.
include Floating Monkey Bars.
(N) (CC)
›› Madea’s Witness Protection (2012, Comedy) Tyler Perry, Eugene Levy, Doris Roberts. Madea uses tough
LIFE love on a Wall Street banker and his family. (CC)
E! (4:30) ›› Couples Retreat (2009) Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman. (CC)
›› Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015) Voices of Adam Sandler. Animated.
FX Dracula tries to bring out his grandson’s inner vampire. ’ (CC)
E! News (N) (CC)
Clarks Footwear (N) (Live) (CC)
10 PM
Friday Night Beauty (N) (Live)
M*A*S*H (CC)
(11:35) The Late
Show With Ste-
phen Colbert
›› Daddy’s Little Girls (2007, Romance) Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba. A
poor mechanic and an attorney share an unexpected romance. (CC)
G.I.L.I. with Jill Martin (N) (Live)
NFL Live (CC)
E! News (CC)
››› The Croods (2013, Children’s) Voices of Nicolas Cage. Animated.
Mother Nature experiments with life in the Croodacious era. ’ (CC)
(4:00) 2018 NBA All-Star Celebrity Boxing Raymundo Beltran vs. Paulus Moses. Beltran (34-7-1) takes on Moses (40-3-0) in a SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
ESPN Game From Los Angeles. (N)
world lightweight title bout from Reno, Nevada. (N) (Live)
How I Met
Mom ’ (CC)
(10:02) The Rap Game JD lines up (11:12) The Rap (11:17) To Be
a press tour. (N) (CC)
Game (N) (CC) Announced
›› He’s Just Not That Into You (2009) Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston. (CC)
››› The Croods (2013, Children’s) Voices of Nicolas Cage. Animated.
Mother Nature experiments with life in the Croodacious era. ’ (CC)
Peace Love World - Fashion (N)
› Bride Wars
›› Oblivion (2013) Tom Cruise,
Morgan Freeman. ’ (CC)
SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
30 for 30 (CC)
Mom ’ (CC)
Dear Black Athlete
King of Queens King of Queens
28 30 209 144 ESPN2 College Basketball
Andy Griffith
29 66 301 106 TVLAND Andy Griffith
College Basketball Georgia State at Georgia Southern. (N) (Live)
M*A*S*H (CC)
M*A*S*H (CC)
M*A*S*H (CC)
M*A*S*H (CC)
30 49 276 886 NGEO Alaska State Troopers (CC)
31 58 360 205
FNC Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) (CC)
Alaska State Troopers (CC)
Alaska State Troopers (CC)
Alaska State Troopers (CC)
Alaska State Troopers (CC)
Alaska State Troopers (CC)
Alaska State Troopers (CC)
Hannity (N) (CC)
The Ingraham Angle (N) (CC)
Fox News at Night (N) (CC)
Tucker Carlson Tonight (CC)
Hannity (CC)
The Ingraham Angle (CC)
The Last Word
The 11th Hour
The Rachel Maddow Show (CC)
The Last Word
The 11th Hour
Mom ’ (CC)
32 60 356 209 MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes (N) (CC)
Bizaardvark “In Bizaardvark ’
34 32 290 172 DSNY Your Space!”
The Rachel Maddow Show (N)
Two and a Half
35 43 325 168 PARMT Men ’ (CC)
›› Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008, Adventure) Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Shia Bellator MMA Live Matt Mitrione vs. Roy Nelson. (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC)
La Beouf. Indy and a deadly Soviet agent vie for a powerful artifact. ’ (CC)
Two and a Half
Men ’ (CC)
Jessie Jessie
gets a job.
Jessie “Morning Bunk’d ’ (CC)
Rush” ’
Andi Mack “We Zombies (2018) Meg Donnelly. Premiere. Suburban
Were Never” (N) high schoolers learn to coexist with zombies. ’
36 44 249 107
(5:15) The Office Dwight is ap-
COM pointed acting manager. ’ (CC)
(6:15) The Office Jim helps inter-
view applicants. ’ (Part 2 of 2)
37 50 245 138
Bones “The Santa in the Slush” A
TNT corpse has on a Santa suit. (CC)
2018 Rising Stars Challenge Stars from the U.S. and the world partici-
pate in this exhibition of the NBA’s finest young talent. (N)
38 20 247 139
40 65 244 122
WTBS American Dad American Dad Family Guy ’ Family Guy ’ Brooklyn Nine Brooklyn Nine
(3:30) › The Leg- ›› Conan the Barbarian (2011, Adventure) Jason Momoa, Rachel Nichols, Stephen Lang.
SYFY end of Hercules Conan slashes his way across Hyboria on a quest for revenge. (CC)
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
41 63 273 129 BRAVO “Tea Is of the Essence” (CC)
42 54 229 112
43 38 687 -
44 52 242 105
46 47 280 183
48 64 256 132
49 48 278 182
50 26 282 184
51 46 265 118
52 35 258 133
55 45 269 120
57 61 355 208
61 51 254 130
(6:50) The Office (7:25) The Office The Office
“The List” ’
“The Incentive” “Lotto” ’
HGTV House Hunters House Hunters
(4:00) College Basketball Loyola
ROOT Marymount at Gonzaga.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
Kenya begins shifting priorities.
Married to Medicine Curtis am-
bushes Jackie. (CC)
House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters
College Basketball Oregon State at UCLA. From Pauley Pavilion in Los
Angeles. (Taped)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Modern Fam-
USA “Penetration” ’
ily ’
Modern Family
“Truth Be Told”
Modern Fam-
ily ’
Modern Family
“Grab It” ’
Inside the NBA
(N) ’ (Live)
The Office “Gar- The Office
den Party” ’
“Spooked” ’
› Tammy (2014, Comedy) Melissa McCarthy, Susan Sarandon, Kathy Bates. A woman hits
the road with her feisty grandmother. (CC)
The Alienist “These Bloody
Thoughts” Moore goes on a date.
The Alienist “Silver Smile” A crucial Bones “The Man in the Mud” Re-
element in the case vanishes.
mains of a motorcycle racer.
››› Ant-Man (2015) Paul Rudd. Ant-Man uses his shrinking skills to battle Yellowjacket.
Futurama “Mars Futurama ’
University” ’
Futurama ’
(4:00) ››› Zero Dark Thirty (2012, Drama) Jessica Chastain, Jason
FXM Clarke, Joel Edgerton. Elite operatives hunt Osama bin Laden. (CC)
Ancient Aliens ’ (CC) (DVS)
HIST Ancient Aliens ’ (CC)
Shark Tank ’ (CC)
CNBC Shark Tank ’ (CC)
(4:30) ›› The Book of Eli (2010) Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman. A
AMC lone warrior carries hope across a post-apocalyptic wasteland. (CC)
Futurama ’
Futurama ’
Futurama ’
Married to Medicine Eugene gets a Married to Medicine Mariah shares The Real Housewives of Atlanta
major health scare. (CC)
a shocking revelation. (N)
Kenya begins shifting priorities.
72 57 202 200
NICK SpongeBob
CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (CC)
Kid Danger
Anderson Cooper 360 (N) (CC)
To Rome for Love Ashley wants to
know Leo’s intentions. (CC)
Modern Fam-
ily ’
Modern Family
“Snow Ball” ’
Modern Family
“Do It Yourself”
Modern Fam-
ily ’
Modern Fam-
ily ’
Chrisley Knows 2018 Winter
Untold Stories of the E.R. ’
Untold Stories of the E.R. ’
(9:15) ›››› A Star Is Born (1937) Janet Gaynor, Fredric March. (CC)
Untold Stories of the E.R. ’
(11:15) ››› Boys Town (1938)
Gold Rush Parker suspects Tony of (10:01) Gold Rush: White Water
sabotage. (N) ’ (CC)
“Boulder Battles” (N) ’ (CC)
(11:02) Gold Rush Parker suspects
Tony of sabotage. ’ (CC)
Treehouse: Out on a Limb
Treehouse Masters “Episode 6”
(11:01) Treehouse Masters ’
(8:06) Live PD: Rewind “Live PD:
Rewind No. 86” (N) ’ (CC)
Live PD “Live PD -- 02.16.18” Riding along with law enforcement. (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC)
(10:01) Treehouse Masters ’
›› Here Comes the Boom (2012) Kevin James. A
teacher moonlights as a mixed martial arts fighter.
Ancient Aliens: Declassified “Angels, Gods and Heroes” The origins of myths and legends. (N) ’ (CC)
2018 Winter Olympics Women’s Hockey, Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC)
The Profit “Southern Culture”
›› Armageddon (1998, Science Fiction) (SAP) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler. A hero tries to save Earth from an
asteroid. (CC)
Hunter Street
The Filthy Rich Paid Program
Paid Program
›› Armageddon (1998) (SAP) Bruce Willis, Liv Tyler.
A hero tries to save Earth from an asteroid. (CC)
››› The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (2015) ’ (CC)
Full House ’
Full House ’
Josh Gates’ Destination Truth
Imp. Jokers
Imp. Jokers
Diners, Drive
Friends ’
OUTD ››› The Missouri Breaks (1976, Western) Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Randy Quaid. ››› The Missouri Breaks (1976, Western) Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Randy Quaid.
(4:15) Atomic Homefront (2017,
(5:50) ››› Split (2016, Suspense) James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy. A (7:50) ›› Suicide Squad (2016, Action) Will Smith, Jared Leto. Armed
HBO Documentary) ’ (CC)
man who has 23 personalities abducts three teens. ’ (CC)
supervillains unite to battle a powerful entity. ’ (CC)
549 549 512 310
(4:00) ›› Invin- (5:45) ››› Good Will Hunting (1997, Drama) Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck. A
MAX cible (2006) (CC) young Boston man must deal with his genius and emotions. ’ (CC)
579 579 537 318
(3:25) ›› The
›› Con Air (1997, Action) Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, John Malkovich.
SHO Peacemaker (CC) Vicious convicts hijack their flight. ’ (CC)
598 598 544 327
(4:00) ›› Stander (2003) Thomas
TMC Jane, Dexter Fletcher. ’ (CC)
(4:03) ›› The 5th Wave (2016)
644 644 526 340 STZEN Chloë Grace Moretz. ’
Friends ’
CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) The Radical Story of Patty Hearst The Radical Story of Patty Hearst Anderson Cooper 360 (CC)
The Middle ’
The Middle ’
Golden Girls
HALL (4:00) One Winter Weekend (2018) The Wedding March (2016, Romance) Jack Wagner, Josie Bissett. (CC) Wedding March 2: Resorting to Love (2017) Jack Wagner. (CC)
(4:00) 2018 Winter Olympics Olympic Ice, Figure Skating. Figure skating (7:10) 2018 Winter Olympics Canada vs Czech Republic. Cody Goloubef leads team Cana- 2018 Winter Olympics U.S. vs OAR. (N Same-day Tape)
89 89 603 159 NBCSN coverage includes the men’s gold medal final. Plus, “Olympic Ice.”
da as it takes on Tomá? Kundrátek and the Czech Republic in Group A. (N) (Live)
501 501 501 300
Diners, Drive
The 700 Club ’ (CC)
87 68 312 185
418 418 606 153
Futurama ’
Modern Family
“The Alliance”
Ghost Adventures (CC)
Expedition Unknown (CC)
Josh Gates’ Destination Truth
Josh Gates’ Destination Truth (N) Josh Gates’ Destination Truth
62 28 277 215 TRAV Ghost Adventures (CC)
Imp. Jokers
Imp. Jokers
Imp. Jokers
Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Imp. Jokers
Imp. Jokers
64 62 246 204 TRUTV Imp. Jokers
Diners, Drive
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (CC) Diners, Drive
Diners, Drive
Diners, Drive
Diners, Drive
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (CC) Diners, Drive
Diners, Drive
66 53 231 110 FOOD Diners, Drive
(4:30) ›› The Flintstones (1994, Children’s) John
(6:40) ››› Mulan (1998) Voices of Ming-Na Wen, Eddie Murphy. Ani-
(8:45) ››› Up (2009, Children’s) Voices of Ed Asner, Christopher Plummer, Jordan Nagai.
70 34 311 180 FREE Goodman, Elizabeth Perkins, Rick Moranis. ’ (CC)
mated. A Chinese maiden disguises herself as a man. ’ (CC)
Animated. An old man flies away in a balloon-powered house. ’ (CC)
71 31 299 170
›› Tron: Legacy
Futurama ’
House Hunters Hunters Int’l
House Hunters Hunters Int’l
UEFA Champions League Soccer Teams TBA. (Taped)
(7:15) ››› Zero Dark Thirty (2012, Drama) Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel Edgerton. Elite operatives hunt Osama bin
Laden. (CC)
Ancient Aliens ’ (CC)
Bones ’ (CC)
Dream Home
Dream Home
Dream Home
Dream Home
UEFA Champions League Soccer Teams TBA. (Taped)
Untold Stories of the E.R. ’
Untold Stories of the E.R. ’
Untold Stories of the E.R. ’
TLC Untold Stories of the E.R. ’
››› The Champ (1931, Drama) Wallace Beery. (CC)
TCM ›››› Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) James Stewart, Jean Arthur. (CC) (DVS)
Gold Rush Parker Schnabel opens Gold Rush “Broken Men” Parker
Gold Rush: Pay Dirt Parker threat- Gold Rush Live The crews reveal
TDC a brand-new cut. ’ (CC)
takes on a wash-plant move. ’
ens a shutdown. (N) ’ (CC)
the final tallies. ’ (CC)
Treehouse Masters ’ (CC)
Treehouse Masters ’ (CC)
ANML Treehouse Masters “Twin Fix”
Live PD “Live PD -- 12.08.17” Riding along with law enforcement. ’ (CC)
(9:45) Andi Mack (10:15) Zombies (2018, Adventure) Meg Donnelly, Emilia McCarthy. Sub-
’ (CC)
urban high schoolers learn to coexist with zombies. ’ (CC)
Duck Dynasty
Duck Dynasty
Real Time With Bill Maher (N
Same-day Tape) ’ (CC)
(7:55) ›› Jason Bourne (2016) Matt Damon. Premiere. Ex-CIA operative Strike Back (N) ’ (CC)
Jason Bourne battles a sinister network. ’ (CC)
Golden Girls
2018 Winter
High Mainte-
nance (N) (CC)
2 Dope Queens
“Hot Peen” (N)
Strike Back ’ (CC)
(7:25) ›› Sleepless (2017) Jamie Foxx. A Las Vegas The Trade “103” John hits the street Word Is Bond (2017, Documentary) Premiere. Sacha
cop must save his kidnapped son from gangsters.
to feed his habit. (N) (CC)
Jenkins explores hip-hop’s lyricism. (CC)
The Trade “103”
›› The Boondock Saints (1999) Willem Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flanery. Two › Delta Farce (2007) Larry the Cable Guy. Three bo-
brothers set out to rid Boston of its criminal element. ’ (CC)
gus soldiers believe they are in the Middle East. ’
› Disaster Movie (2008) Matt Lanter. Attractive
20-somethings dodge catastrophic events. ’ (CC)
›› Kingpin (1996) Woody Harrel-
son, Randy Quaid. ’ (CC)
(5:58) ››› Bolt (2008) Voices of John Travolta. Ani-
mated. A delusional TV dog winds up in New York.
(9:28) ›› Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While
Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (1996) ’ (CC)
Ash vs Evil
Dead ’
(7:37) ››› La Bamba (1987, Biography) Lou Diamond Phillips. A fact-
based account of Ritchie Valens’ (1941-59) career. ’ (CC)
Ash vs Evil
Dead ’