2 - TVCC – WEEK OF FEBRUARY 15 - FEBRUARY 21, 2018 crossword fun 2018 Winter Olympics Thursday at 5 p.m., 12:30 a.m., 3 a.m. on KGW, KOBI; 5 p.m., 11:35 p.m. on KMTR Japanese figure skater Yu- zuru Hanyu comes into Py- eongChang recovering from an injury suffered this past fall; one that kept him out of prac- tice until just a month before the Olympics. How healthy is he and will time away from practice affect his performance? These are the big questions as the men’s short program gets under way. Also on the program are snowboarding; skeleton; freestyle skiing, and cross-country skiing. Falling Water Saturday at 10 p.m., 1:01 a.m. on USA Sabine (Brittany Allen), the older sister of Tess (Lizzie Bro- chere), begins to show symp- toms that suggest she is falling apart in a new episode called “Love Is a Dreamer.” Mean- while, Taka and Alex (Will Yun Lee, Sepideh Moafi) pay a visit to Shadowman’s family, and Burton (David Ajala) struggles with his increasing guilt. Ben- nett puts out a contract on Woody (Kai Lennox). 2018 Winter Olympics Sunday at 4 p.m., 1 a.m., 3:30 a.m. on KGW, KOBI, KMTR It’s the final week of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Py- eongChang, which means com- petition intensifies with medals on the line. The ice dancing segment of the figure skating competition comes to the fore- front where the United States puts their hopes on Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue. Meanwhile, the men’s bobsled- ding competition begins to sort out who will go for gold. Free- style skiing, speed skating, and cross-country skiing are also on tonight’s itinerary. The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, unscramble the letters noted with aster- isks within the puzzle. Across 1. Role on “Blue Bloods” (2) 9. “The Skeleton __”; 2005 Kate Hudson movie 10. City in Utah 11. One of the sisters in “Little Women” 13. “__ __ my case”; closing words in an ar- gument 15. 505 x 20 17. 1989-98 sitcom about a stand-up comic 18. “__ Wife and Kids” 20. Initials for Disney’s quacker 21. Geologic period 23. “American __!” 24. Monogram for the star of “Topper” 25. Beatle wife 26. Janet Jackson’s age 29. Viola Davis’ state of birth: abbr. 30. Sci-fi adventure se- ries for Anson Mount 34. “Wheel of Fortune” personality 36. “__ __ Evil”; 2006 Glenn Jacobs movie 38. And so forth: abbr. 39. Actor Calhoun 42. “A Flea in Her __”; 1968 Rex Harrison film 43. Role on “NCIS: Los Angeles” (2) 4. Redford’s initials 5. Ending for employ or absent 6. French girlfriend 7. Surrounded by 8. Prefix meaning “mod- ern” 9. “Jimmy __ __!” 12. “The __ __”; Freddie Highmore series 14. “__ and the City” 16. “Ask This __ House” 19. Cartoon bear 20. Rather and Aykroyd 22. Mayberry’s location: abbr. 23. “The __-Over”; 2016 Adam Sandler movie 27. Mary __ Summers; “Gilligan’s Island” role 28. “__ Life to Live” 30. Peruvian Indian 31. “__ to Hart” (1979- 84) 32. “__ __ sow, so shall ye reap” 33. “Hide and __”; 2005 Robert De Niro film 35. Source of quick cash, for short 37. “Emerald Point __” (1983-84) 40. “__ vey” 41. Yellow Brick, for one: abbr. Down 1. Suffix for auction or puppet 2. Deli loaves 3. “Surely it is __ __, Rabbi?”; Judas’ words at the Last Supper www. the siuslawnews.com E -E DITION • S PORTS • T OP S TORIES • O BITUARIES • W EATHER • F ORUMS • B LOGS