NED HICKSON , SPORTS EDITOR ❘ 541-902-3523 ❘ SPORTS @ THESIUSLAWNEWS . COM WEDNESDAY EDITION ❘ FEBRUARY 14, 2018 ❘ SECTION B Siuslaw News Sports & Recreation S PORTS L EAGUE Calendar STANDINGS As of 2/13/18 B ASKETBALL F AR W EST • FEB. 16 MARSHFIELD BROOKINGS DOUGLAS S. UMPQUA N. BEND SIUSLAW SHS GIRLS B-BALL AT S. U MPQUA 6 P . M . SHS BOYS B-BALL AT S. U MPQUA F AR W EST 7:30 P . M . MARSHFIELD N. BEND BROOKINGS DOUGLAS SIUSLAW S. UMPQUA SHS WRESTLING 4A STATE TOURNEY IN P ORTLAND 9 A . M . • FEB. 17 8-0 7-1 5-3 3-5 1-7 0-8 BOYS 8-0 6-2 5-3 3-5 2-6 0-8 M. W EST GIRLS ALSEA MCKENZIE LOWELL SILETZ MOHAWK T. LAKE M. W EST 10-2 9-3 8-4 7-5 5-7 3-9 BOYS T. LAKE 11-1 LOWELL 10-2 SILETZ 8-4 EDDYVILLE 7-5 MOHAWK 3-9 MAPLETON 3-9 On the Bite SHS WRESTLERS 4A GIRLS STATE TOURNEY TBA A WEEKLY FISHING REPORT FOR T IDE T ABLE THE LOCAL REGION Entrance Siuslaw River High Tide Low Tide Feb. 14 5:05am / 2.9 5:46pm/ -0.1 10:52am / 7.6 TURN IN YOUR COMBINED ANGLING TAG Even if you didn’t har- vest a salmon, steelhead, sturgeon or halibut in 2018. ODFW Biologists use this data to better manage these fisheries. Anglers can use this data to see where fish have been caught over the years. Tags can be turned in to any POS agent or at any ODFW office located throughout the state. The tags also can be mailed to any ODFW office. Feb. 15 12:11am / 6.5 5:43am / 2.6 11:30pm / 7.7 6:18pm / -0.2 Feb. 16 12:41am / 6.7 6:19am / 2.4 12:07pm / 7.6 6:50pm / -0.2 Feb. 17 1:12am / 6.9 12:45pm / 7.5 W INTER STEELHEAD : 6:57am / 2.1 7:21pm / 0.0 Feb. 18 1:42am / 7.0 1:24pm / 7.2 7:35am / 1.9 7:53pm / 0.4 Feb. 19 2:13am / 7.1 2:07pm / 6.8 8:17am / 1.7 8:26pm / 0.9 WATER DEPENDENT NED HICKSON/SIUSLAW NEWS Senior Richard Huff will compete for the 120-lb. 4A title this weekend and a chance at a second state crown. H UFF PINS RETURN TO STATE B Y N ED H ICKSON Siuslaw News Feb. 20 2:47am / 7.2 2:56pm/ 6.3 9:04pm / 7.2 9:03pm/ 1.3 S IUSLAW N EWS 148 Maple St. Florence 541-997-3441 Siuslaw will be sending three mem- bers of its wrestling team to the 4A state meet this weekend in Portland, where senior 120-pounder Richard Huff will compete for a chance to win his second state title after winning his division during last weekend’s region- als at Hidden Valley High school. Joining Huff will be freshmen Brady Libby, who placed second at 106 lbs., and Elijah LaCosse, who earned a trip to state with a fourth-place finish at 120 lbs. “It was a weekend of spirited per- formances,” said Siuslaw wrestling coach Neil Wartnik. Huf, the returning 113-lb. state champion, pinned a return trip to state after winning his quarterfinals match against Ty Cross of Douglas by techni- cal fall, 16-1, then pinning Colton West of Marshfield during the semifinals in just 1:18. Huff then won the first tie- breaker match over Frankie Harlow of Marshfield, 3-2, for the district title. See WRESTLING 4B Vikings wrap up final game on home hardwood B Y N ED H ICKSON Siuslaw News SHS GIRLS : 29 DHS GIRLS : 42 SHS BOYS : 57 DHS BOYS : 48 Siuslaw’s basketball teams hosted Douglas for the final home game of the season, as well as the final appearance on Glenn Butler Court for nine seniors between the girls and boys teams. Seniors for the Lady Vikings includ- ed Carreina Greenburg, Marika White and Lexi Curtis; senior boys included Dylan McGallian, Jake Hickson, Jared Brandt, John Rollin, Kyle King and Trent Reavis. In the girls game, junior Madison Reynolds scored a team-high 8 points to go with 5 rebounds and 2 steals against Douglas. Siuslaw also got scor- ing from three of its freshmen, Lindsey Long (6), Brea Blankenship (5) and Gracie Freudenthal (5). Defensively, junior Alyssa Richards led with 6 rebounds. In spite of Siuslaw’s effort, the Lady Trojans emerged with a 42-29 win. See This time of year, water conditions for winter steel- head fishing can vacillate between too low and clear, and too high and muddy. Successful anglers will: 1) adjust their gear and tackle for current condi- tions, and/or 2) be ready to hit the water when water condi- tions improve — usually once water levels start to drop after a good rain. Check out the zone reports for the best weekend possi- bilities. SIUSLAW RIVER: Steelhead, Chinook A few winter steelhead are starting to be caught in the lower river. Fall Chinook fishing has been slowing down, but a few fish are still available. Anglers are reminded that there is no wild coho salmon retention. NORTH COAST LAKES: Trout stocking is com- plete for the year. Cape Meares, Town, Coffenbury, Lost and Sunset lakes were stocked with “trophy” SIUSLAW 3B See FISHING 4B 6252 SKUNK HOLLOW RD Funky, cool, 1889 2-story home in Skunk Hollow. This 1280 sqft home has great bones with solid foundation & garage with extra storage. The main floor has newer kitchen appliances & maple flooring. Living room has high ceilings & custom woodworking which continues thru thru-out. There’s an extra storage area, nice bathroom & large utility room. Up- stairs are 2 bedrooms & an area for clothes hanging. Builder owned in great condition. Sold ‘as-is’. $190,000 Lynnette Wikstrom Broker Cell: 541.999.0786 CBC#11578/MLS# 18335713 100 Hwy. 101, Florence, OR • 541.997.7777 “We’re next to the Bridge.” COAST REAL ESTATE