SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 2018 © 2018 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 34, No. 8 3 B One important thing to understand when you read is cause and effect. For example, in the legend of Groundhog Day, when the groundhog sees his shadow, he goes back in his burrow. In this case, the effect is that the groundhog goes back in his burrow. That is what happens. What causes him to go back in his burrow? Getting frightened by his shadow. Why are sunny winter days COLD, while sunny summer days are HOT? Kid Scoop’s winter expert Dr. I. Cicle explains it all! 1. With a parent or learning buddy at home, select an article from today’s newspaper. Read the headline. Discuss what you think caused the news reported in the headline. 2. The headline usually tells what happened. This is called an effect. Read aloud to your learning buddy the first paragraph of the article. Does this tell you the cause? Read the rest of the article aloud. After each paragraph, stop and discuss what you have learned about what caused the news reported in the headline. Standards Link: (DUWK6FLHQFH6WXGHQWVNQRZWKDWZHDWKHUFDQEHREVHUYHGPHDVXUHGDQGGHVFULEHGFKDQJHVLQZHDWKHUDQGVHDVRQVDUHDIIHFWHGE\WKH(DUWK·VSRVLWLRQ Try this experiment to understand the difference between indirect and direct sunlight. Complete the following: Keep track of your work on a separate sheet of paper like the Scientist’s Notebook. • 2 metal pie tins or flat pans • a sunny winter day • watch or clock HEADLINE (effect): • a rock (Fig. 1) direct sunlight 1. Lay one pan flat on the ground in the direct sunlight. (Fig. 1) 2. Tilt the other pan on its side. Lean it against a rock or a shoe. This pan is being hit with indirect sunlight. (Fig. 2) (Fig. 2) indirect sunlight 6&,(17,67ҋ6127(%22. Question Hypothesis Observation Conclusion Which pan do you think will feel warmer after three minutes in the winter sun? What do you think the answer to the question is? Which pan was warmer in three minutes? Was your hypothesis correct? What did you learn from this experiment? pan in direct sunlight pan in direct sunlight pan in indirect sunlight pan in indirect sunlight CAUSE(s): Without the sun we wouldn’t have newspapers because newsprint is made from trees and trees need the sun to grow. Look through the newspaper for other things that need the sun to exist. 3. Wait three minutes. 4. Which pan is warmer? Standards Link: Language Arts/Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. Standards Link: Investigation: Students will make predictions based on observation; answer meaningful questions and draw conclusions. The sun is covered with spots! Use the spots to solve the mystery questions. 0 How far is the sun from the Earth? 4 million miles (149.6 million km) How long does it take the sun to make one complete rotation? 2 1 3 5 7 8 6 9 Earth days WARNING! What is the diameter of the sun? , miles. Never look directly at the sun as this can damage your eyesight! (1.4 million km) Standards Link: Earth Science: Students know about the sun, planets and stars. SUNLIGHT EXPERIMENT SUMMER MILES PAPER DIAMETER HYPOTHESIS METAL WINTER SAND SNOWBALL PAN AXIS SHOE I S E H T O P Y H D A L L A B W O N S I W N I R E M M U S A S S D N X T N E R M I M E T A L R S E E X P E R I M E N T T A R S G T L P U N E E O H S R H T I I Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. This week’s word: HYPOTHESIS The noun hypothesis means a suggestion or guess not proved but the basis for further study. The class was asked to test their hypothesis. Try to use the word hypothesis in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. Winter Poem Why is the weather report important to different people? Why is it important to a farmer, an astronaut or a fireman? Find an article or picture in the newspaper of a person who cares about the weather. Tell why this person cares. ANSWER: Ice caps. SPONSORED BY N A S I M N A P N W Who cares about the weather? Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Understand the main idea and supporting details in expository text. NAME OF LEARNING BUDDY: Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Distinguish between cause and effect in text. Find the words by looking up, down, backwards, forwards, sideways and diagonally. S NAME: Write a poem about winter or winter weather.