4 - TVCC – WEEK OF JANUARY 25 - JANUARY 31, 2018 Weekday Daytime 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 F NP DT D 4 - 6 7 9 - 13 - - - - - - - 13 - 16 28 9 36 34 13 KVAL - KOBI 16 KMTR - KOAC/KEPB 9 KEZI 36 KTVC 34 KLSR (7:00) CBS This Morning (7:00) Today (7:00) Today Curious Curious Tiger (7:00) Good Morning America Varied Life Today Varied News Varied Wommack KVAL News at 9am Megyn Kelly Today Megyn Kelly Today Tiger Splash Kelly and Ryan The Whole Message Judge Divorce The Price Is Right Today-Kathie Today-Kathie Sesame St. Super Why The View Varied Programs Judge Mathis Young & Restless Paid Prog. Pawn Stars The 700 Club Dinosaur Builder KEZI 9 News Midday News Bold Funny You Funny You The Doctors Varied Programs The Chew Pickler & Ben The 700 Club The Talk Days of our Lives Days of our Lives General Hospital 3ABN Today Anger Mgt Last Man Let’s Make a Deal Dateline Steve Nature Cat Cat in the Rachael Ray Life Today Kids Time Mike Broke Girl The Dr. Oz Show Harry Harry Ready Jet Arthur Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Varied Programs Mod Fam Pawn Stars Dr. Phil The Dr. Oz Show Ellen DeGeneres Show Odd Squad Odd Squad KEZI 9 News at 4:00 Hot Bench Hot Bench 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 8 10 11 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 46 3 14 - 36 25 56 29 30 66 49 58 60 32 43 44 50 20 65 63 54 38 52 47 317 226 307 - 23 23 252 108 236 114 248 137 206 140 209 144 301 106 276 886 360 205 356 209 290 172 325 168 249 107 245 138 247 139 244 122 273 129 229 112 687 - 242 105 280 183 48 64 256 132 49 48 278 182 50 26 282 184 51 46 265 118 52 35 258 133 55 45 269 120 57 61 355 208 61 51 254 130 62 28 64 62 66 53 70 34 71 31 72 57 87 68 89 89 418 418 277 215 246 204 231 110 311 180 299 170 202 200 312 185 603 159 606 153 501 501 501 300 549 549 512 310 579 579 537 318 598 598 544 327 644 644 526 340 QVC Varied Programs Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Blood Varied Blue Blood Varied Cops Cops WGN-A In the Heat In the Heat of the Night Murder, She Wrote Crime Watch Daily Killer Mystery Dateline FamFeud FamFeud Jokers ThisMinute Harry Wendy Williams Show Funny You Access KEVU Paid Prog. Good Day Oregon Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy LIFE TBA E! News: Daily Pop The Kardashians The Kardashians Kardashian Varied E! Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Mike Mike Mike Varied Programs FX (7:00) Movie SportsCenter Outside NFL Live The Jump SportsNation Question Around Pardon SportsCenter Varied Programs ESPN (7:00) First Take SportsCenter First Take Varied Programs Jalen Varied NFL Live Intention Football Question Around Pardon College Basketball ESPN2 SportCtr Griffith Griffith Griffith (10:51) Bonanza Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Griffith Griffith TVLAND Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Griffith NGEO Varied Programs Outnumbered Outnumbered Overtime Daily Briefing Shepard Smith Your World W/ Cavuto The Five Special Report The Story With Martha FNC Newsroom Happening Now MSNBC Andrea Mitchell MSNBC Live MSNBC Live MSNBC Live Deadline: White House MTP Daily The Beat With Hardball Matthews MSNBC MSNBC The Lion Mickey Mickey Mickey Roadster Puppy Pals Vampirina PJ Masks Puppy Pals Elena Varied Sofia Bunk’d Jessie Stuck Liv-Mad. Raven Stuck DSNY Hotel M*A*S*H Cops Cops Cops Cops Movie Varied Programs Two Men Two Men Two Men SPIKE Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. M*A*S*H Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs ’70s Show ’70s Show Varied ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show The Office COM Scrubs Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Varied Programs TNT Charmed Married King King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Amer. Dad Amer. Dad WTBS Married Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs SYFY Movie BRAVO Varied Programs Fixer Upper Varied Programs HGTV Varied Programs Varied Programs Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show Varied Programs ROOT Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Rich Eisen Show Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU USA Varied Programs Say Yes Say Yes Varied Programs Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life Say Yes Say Yes TLC Say Yes Th Ride in the Whirlwind (8:45) ›› Son of a Gunfighter (1966, Western) ›› The Fastest Guitar Alive (1967) › A Stranger in Town (1966) › The Silent Stranger (1968) (3:15) ›› The Valley of Gwangi (1969) (CC) (4:15) MGM Parade F (7:15) ››› The Prize (1963) Paul Newman. (9:45) ››› Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) (11:45) ››› Sweet Bird of Youth (1962) Paul Newman. (CC) ››› Cool Hand Luke (1967) Paul Newman. ›› Crime Doctor (10:45) ›› Barbary Coast Gent (12:15) ››› The Hidden Eye ››› Roughly Speaking (1945) (CC) ›› Bad for Each Other (1954) TCM M (7:45) ››› The Commandos Strike at Dawn T ››› Cry Havoc (1943) Margaret Sullavan. (CC) ››› Force of Arms (1951) (CC) (11:15) ›› China Sky (1945) Randolph Scott. ››› The Hasty Heart (1949) Ronald Reagan. ››› Bright Victory (1951) Arthur Kennedy. W (7:15) ››› She Couldn’t Say No ›› This Could Be the Night (1957) (CC) ›› Affair With a Stranger (1953) (12:45) ›› Mister Buddwing (1966) (CC) ››› Home Before Dark (1958, Drama) Jean Simmons. (CC) TDC Varied Programs America’s Cutest Dogs 101 Varied Programs Too Cute! Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Varied Programs ANML Varied Dog Dog Dog Dog Th Parking Killer Kids ’ (CC) Killer Kids ’ (CC) Killer Kids ’ (CC) Killer Kids ’ (CC) Killer Kids ’ (CC) Killer Kids ’ (CC) 60 Days In ’ (CC) Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Live PD “Live PD -- 03.04.17” Riding along with law enforcement. ’ (CC) F Parking Live PD “Live PD -- 11.17.17” Riding along with law enforcement. ’ (CC) Dog Dog Dog Dog The First 48 ’ (CC) The First 48 ’ (CC) The First 48 ’ (CC) The First 48 ’ (CC) The First 48 ’ (CC) Killer Kids ’ (CC) Killer Kids ’ (CC) A&E M Parking T Paid Prog. Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Undercover High (CC) Undercover High (CC) Undercover High (CC) Intervention “Eddie” ’ Intervention “Christina” Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Rooster & Butch (CC) W Parking Th (7:00) We’re Not Married ››› There’s No Business Like Show Business ›› Bobbikins (1959, Comedy) (CC) ›› Parental Guidance (2012) Billy Crystal. (CC) ›› Let’s Be Cops (2014) Jake Johnson. (CC) › Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 X-Men: First Class (2011) F Come-Stbl (7:50) ›››› Zorba the Greek (1964) (CC) (10:15) ››› Bedazzled (1967) Peter Cook. ›› Let’s Be Cops (2014) Jake Johnson. (CC) ›› A Good Day to Die Hard (2013) Bruce Willis. Dawn of Apes (10:25) ›› Mr. Billion (1977) (CC) ››› Trance (2013) James McAvoy. (CC) › This Means War (2012) Reese Witherspoon. FXM M (7:10) All Hands on Deck (8:45) › Caprice (1967, Comedy) Doris Day. (CC) T (7:05) › Caprice (1967) (8:45) ›› Mr. Billion (1977) Terence Hill. (CC) (10:20) ›› The Last American Hero › This Means War (2012) Reese Witherspoon. › The Smurfs 2 (2013) Neil Patrick Harris. (CC) ››› Rio (2011) (CC) FXM Pres. ››› Gone Girl (2014) (8:45) The House on Skull Mountain W Legend-Hell (10:15) ››› Bedazzled (1967) Peter Cook. › The Boy Next Door (2015) Jennifer Lopez. (CC) › No Good Deed (2014) Idris Elba. HIST Varied Programs Squawk Alley Fast Money Halftime Power Lunch Closing Bell Fast Mny Varied Mad Money Shark Tank CNBC Squawk Th Above Lw ›› The Da Vinci Code (2006, Mystery) Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou. (CC) ›› Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005, Action) Brad Pitt. (CC) ››› True Lies (1994) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. (CC) F (6:30) ›› Ghosts of Mississippi (1996) (CC) ››› An Officer and a Gentleman (1982, Drama) Richard Gere. (CC) ›› Bruce Almighty (2003) Jim Carrey. ››› Pretty Woman (1990) Richard Gere. (CC) ››› Friday Night Lights (2004) Billy Bob Thornton. ›› Draft Day (2014, Drama) Kevin Costner. (CC) ›› The Longest Yard (2005) Adam Sandler, Chris Rock. (CC) AMC M (6:30) ››› Invictus (2009) Morgan Freeman. T ››› G.I. Jane (1997, Drama) Demi Moore, Viggo Mortensen. (CC) ››› Black Hawk Down (2001, War) Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor. (CC) ›› Armageddon (1998) Bruce Willis. A hero tries to save Earth from an asteroid. W Beneath ›› Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985, Action) (CC) ›› Rambo III (1988, Action) Sylvester Stallone. (CC) ››› First Blood (1982) Sylvester Stallone. (CC) ›› Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone. (CC) TRAV Paid Prog. Varied Programs Funniest Funniest Funniest Funniest Funniest Funniest Varied Programs Jokers Jokers TRUTV Funniest Varied Programs Pioneer Pioneer Varied Programs FOOD Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Pioneer The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Gilmore Girls Reba Reba Reba Reba The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle FREE Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man 700 Club Sponge. PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Rivets Bubble Bubble Blaze PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Shimmer Top Wing PAW Patrol PAW Patrol Sponge. Varied Programs Loud NICK Sponge. Inside Politics Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper Situation Room Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront CNN Newsroom At This Hour With Home & Family Movie Movie HALL Love Lucy Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Home & Family Varied Programs NBCSN (6:00) The Dan Patrick Show Duck D. Duck D. Varied Programs OUTD Varied Programs (3:25) The Day the Earth Stood Still Th Harry Potter Austin Powers-Spy (9:40) ›››› Grey Gardens (2009) ’ (11:25) ››› Selena (1997) Jennifer Lopez. (1:35) › 12 Rounds (2009) John Cena. ’ Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li ››› Keeping the Faith (2000) Ben Stiller. (CC) F Hitchhiker’s (8:05) ›› Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) (CC) (1:40) ›› The Box (2009) Cameron Diaz. (CC) (3:40) › Domestic Disturbance (CC) Real Time, Bill (9:10) Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant ›› Terminator Salvation (2009) Christian Bale. ›› Going in Style (2017) ’ (3:40) ››› Hidden Figures (2016) HBO M (7:10) ›› The Princess Diaries (CC) Harry Potter-Phoenix T (7:25) Back to the Future Part II (1989) (9:15) ›› The Zookeeper’s Wife (2017) Jessica Chastain. (11:25) ››› Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) (1:45) › I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009) ’ May It Last: Avett Brothers (4:05) Addicted to Love W (6:20) Renaissance Man ›› Waterworld (1995) Kevin Costner. ’ (10:45) ›› Dragonfly (2002) Kevin Costner. (CC) ›› My Sister’s Keeper (2009) Cameron Diaz. War Dogs Th Eddie Eagle (7:50) ›› Cutthroat Island (1995) Geena Davis. (9:55) ›› A Cure for Wellness (2016) Dane DeHaan. (12:25) ›› Lucky You (2007) Eric Bana. › The Divergent Series: Allegiant (2016) (3:50) Unforgiven (1992) F How Single (7:50) ›››› Her (2013) Joaquin Phoenix. ›› Genius (2016) Colin Firth. (11:45) ››› New Jack City (1991) (CC) ››› A Perfect World (1993) Kevin Costner. (CC) (9:25) ››› Man on the Moon (1999) (CC) (11:25) ›››› Her (2013) Joaquin Phoenix. (1:35) ›› Final Destination (2000) (3:15) ›› Jennifer’s Body (2009) Megan Fox. MAX M (7:45) ›› Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates T (7:20) The French Connection (1971) (9:05) ›› Absolute Power (1997) ’ (CC) (11:10) ›››› Unforgiven (1992) Clint Eastwood. ’ (1:20) First Kill (2017) (SAP) ’ (CC) (3:05) ›› The Accountant (2016) Ben Affleck. Peregrine W (7:40) ›› Table 19 (2017) (9:10) ›› The Human Stain (2003) (CC) ›› Away We Go (2009) (CC) (12:40) › Coyote Ugly (2000) Piper Perabo. (2:20) ›› Lucky You (2007) Eric Bana. Th Imaginarium ››› Miracle (2004) Kurt Russell. ’ (10:45) ››› Chuck (2016) Liev Schreiber. ’ ›› Young Guns (1988) Emilio Estevez. ’ (CC) ››› Gangs of New York (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. (CC) Middle School: Worst Years of My Life (4:05) ›››› Jaws F (7:25) ›› Some Kind of Wonderful ›› St. Elmo’s Fire (1985) Rob Lowe. ’ (10:55) The Rendezvous (2016) ’ ›› U-571 (2000) Matthew McConaughey. (CC) Scream ››› Charlie Wilson’s War (2007) (2:15) ›› The Light Between Oceans (2016) ’ (CC) SHO M The Nutty Professor (CC) Middle School: Worst Years of My Life (10:15) ››› Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011) Gary Oldman. Rendezvous T Imaginarium ››› Cop Land (1997) Sylvester Stallone. (CC) XTC: This Is Pop ’ (CC) ››› Lincoln (2012) Daniel Day-Lewis. ’ (CC) ››› Certain Women (2016) Kristen Stewart. W While You Were Sleeping ›› Lions for Lambs (2007) (CC) (10:15) Rush: Time Stand Still (2016) ’ (CC) ›› Sniper (1993) Tom Berenger. (1:45) ›› Urban Legend (1998) Jared Leto. ’ (3:25) ››› Open Range (2003) (3:55) Heartbreakers (CC) Th Meru (2015) Jon Krakauer. ’ (CC) Streetdance Family (2016) ’ (CC) ››› The Art of the Steal (2009) (12:15) ›› Can’t Hardly Wait (1998) ’ ›› Employee of the Month (2006) Dane Cook. Burning F Burke ››› The Gift (2015) Jason Bateman. ’ (CC) (11:20) ›› Burnt (2015) ’ (1:05) ›› Secret in Their Eyes (2015) ’ Fair Haven (2016) Tom Wopat. ’ Cupid’s Proxy (2017) ’ (CC) Unnatural (2015) James Remar. (CC) ›››› Hoop Dreams (1994, Documentary) ’ (CC) Lost (8:45) ›› Christmas Eve (2015) Patrick Stewart. Cupid’s Proxy (2017) ’ (CC) TMC M (7:00) Burke & Hare ’ (11:05) Claire in Motion (2016) (CC) T (7:45) ››› The Bear (1988) Tcheky Karyo. ›› Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) (2:15) ›› Extraterrestrial (2014) Brittany Allen. Fair Haven (2016) ’ ››› The Art of the Steal (2009) (4:15) Can’t Hardly Wait W (7:05) › Hardball (2001) ’ ›› Fanboys (2008) ’ (CC) ››› Bridge of Spies (2015) Tom Hanks. ’ (CC) › The Cookout (2004) Ja Rule. ’ ›› Bad Moms (2016) Mila Kunis. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Th (7:35) ›› Overboard (1987) Goldie Hawn. ››› District 9 (2009) Sharlto Copley. ’ (11:25) ››› Coming to America (1988) (CC) (3:12) ›› Overboard (1987) Goldie Hawn. F Save the Last Dance (8:21) ››› Coming to America (1988) ’ (10:20) ››› Top Gun (1986) (CC) (12:12) ›› The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) ›› Save the Last Dance (2001) Julia Stiles. (CC) (3:55) ›› Tommy Boy (7:46) ››› Danny Collins (2015) (9:36) ›› Overboard (1987) Goldie Hawn. (11:31) ›› Miles Ahead (2015) (CC) (1:14) ››› My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997) (3:01) ››› Walk the Line (2005) ’ (CC) STZEN M My Best John Carpenter’s Escape From L.A. (3:39) Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home T (6:58) ››› Enchanted (2007) (CC) (8:48) ››› Weird Science (1985) (12:07) ››› Rudy (1993) Sean Astin. ’ (2:03) ›› Addams Family Values An American Werewolf in London (CC) (3:57) ›› Rush Hour 2 W (7:45) ››› An American Werewolf in London (9:26) ›› Rush Hour 2 (2001) (CC) (10:59) ›› Final Destination 2 (CC) (12:32) ››› Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) (CC)