The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, January 17, 2018, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Page 10, Image 28

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    10 - TVCC –
Saturday Prime Time
5 PM
- 13 13
CSI: Miami “Sinner Takes All”
KVAL A high-stakes poker game turns
deadly. ’ (HD) (CC)
- 16 16
- 36 36
- 34 34
Mike & Molly
Mike & Molly
KLSR “Mike’s Boss” ’ Molly plans a
yard sale. (CC)
3 317 226
Soledad O’Brien NBC Nightly
News - Holt
- 23 23
24 36 252 108
25 25 236 114
26 56 248 137
27 29 206 140
6 PM
KVAL News at
6pm (N) (Live)
7 PM
CBS Weekend Jeopardy! ’
News (N) ’ (HD) (HD) (CC)
NBC 5 News at 6 Paid Program
Saturday (N)
Wheel of For-
tune “Fabulous
Florida” (CC)
8 PM
To Be Announced
Access (Joined in Progress) (N) ’ Will & Grace ’
(HD) (CC)
Superstore ’
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
To Be Announced
48 Hours ’ (HD) (CC)
KVAL News at
11pm (N) (Live)
Dateline NBC ’ (HD) (CC)
Saturday Night Live (N) ’ (HD)
NBC 5 News at (11:29) Saturday
11 Saturday (N) Night Live (N)
Extra (N) ’ (HD)
NBC 16 News at The Big Bang
Naturally, Danny Give Non-profits NBC Nightly
Theory Home
News With Les- 6:30pm (N)
KMTR Seo “Salt Bath” that help vet-
business. (CC)
ter Holt (N)
The Big Bang
Theory Penny
has a rival.
Will & Grace An (8:29) Saturday Night Live (N) ’ (Live) (HD) (CC)
old friend falls in
love with Will.
(10:02) Saturday Night Live (N) ’ NBC 16 News at (11:29) Saturday
(HD) (CC)
11pm (N) (Live) Night Live ’
(HD) (CC)
KOAC This Old House
KEPB (N) ’ (HD)
NBA Countdown
KEZI (N) (Live) (HD)
Rick Steves’
Europe ’
Globe Trekker American Midwest
and Great Lakes states. ’ (CC)
Father Brown “The Star of Jacob”
Father Brown investigates.
Silent Witness “Squaring the Circle: (10:53) Silent Witness “Squaring
Part 1” ’ (Part 1 of 2) (CC)
the Circle: Part 2” ’ (Part 2 of 2)
KEZI 9 News Special Edition
Paid Program
Paid program-
20/20 ’ (HD) (CC)
KEZI 9 News at Paid Program
11 (N) (CC)
Paid program-
Better Life
3ABN Today
Shepherd’s Call
Generation of Youth for Christ
PBS NewsHour The Great British Baking Show A Travels to the
Weekend (N)
uniform bake across the batch. ’
NBA Basketball Golden State Warriors at Houston Rockets. From the Toyota Center in
Houston. (N) (Live) (HD) (CC)
I Want This City Nature Video
5 PM
10 14 307 -
January 20, 2018
QVC Mario Badescu Skin Care
WGN-A Blue Bloods “In & Out” ’
TMZ (N) ’ (CC)
Landmarks of Prophecy
Table Talk
Mom “Sparkling
Water & Ba-
Dinkers” (CC)
Person of Interest “Mors Praema- The Four: Battle for Stardom “Week Three” New challengers perform.
tura” Root needs Shaw’s help with a ’ (HD) (CC) (DVS)
directive. ’ (HD)
Mom Roscoe is
caught smoking
pot. ’ (HD)
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
It Is Written ’
Paid Program
Paid program-
Shark Solutions (N) (Live) (CC)
Blue Bloods “Lost Souls” ’
Sleep Number Beds (N) (Live)
Blue Bloods ’ (CC) (DVS)
Access (N) ’ (CC)
The X-Files “Piper Maru” Bizarre ill- Rizzoli & Isles “Deadly Harvest” A
ness strikes divers. (CC)
murder victim is found. (CC)
(3:00) ›››› Titanic (1997, Historical Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane. A woman falls for
LIFE an artist aboard the ill-fated ship. (CC)
Shark Solutions (N) (Live) (CC)
Person of Interest “One Percent”
9 PM
KVAL News at
10 on FOX (N)
10 PM
Modern Family Hell’s Kitchen “Five Is the New
Haley goes to col- Black” A series of three difficult chal-
lege. (CC)
lenges. ’ (HD)
11 PM
Oster Digital French Door Oven
Person of Interest ’ (CC)
Temp-tations Presentable Kitchen (N) (Live) (CC)
Person of Interest “Relevance”
Person of Interest “Proteus” ’
Castle “Den of Thieves” Beckett
connects with a new detective.
Bones Human remains are found in Portland News
chocolate. ’ (CC)
Family Feud ’
Cocaine Godmother: The Griselda Blanco Story (2018) Catherine Zeta-Jones, Carlos Rodri- (10:32) Griselda: The Godmother (11:32) To Be
guez. Premiere. Griselda Blanco becomes a pioneer in Miami’s cocaine trade. (CC)
(N) (CC)
››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams. (CC)
››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams. (CC)
E! (4:00) ›› The House Bunny (2008) ››› Easy A (2010, Comedy) Emma Stone, Penn Badgley. (CC)
(3:30) ››› Lone Survivor (2013,
›› Thor: The Dark World (2013, Action) Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston. Thor must save ›› Jurassic World (2015, Adventure) Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Irrfan Khan. Man- Baskets “Denver”
FX War) Mark Wahlberg. ’ (CC)
the Nine Realms from an ancient enemy. ’ (CC)
made dinosaurs go on a rampage at an island resort. ’ (CC)
’ (CC)
(5:15) College Basketball Florida at Kentucky. From Rupp Arena in Lex- (7:15) College Basketball UCLA at Oregon. From Matthew Knight Arena (9:15) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
ESPN ington, Ky. (N) (Live)
in Eugene, Ore. (N) (Live) (CC)
SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
28 30 209 144 ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
Golden Girls
29 66 301 106 TVLAND Golden Girls
30 49 276 886 NGEO G. Bush: The 9/11 Interview
2018 Australian Open Tennis Round of 16. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) (CC)
Golden Girls
Golden Girls
Golden Girls
Golden Girls
Air Force One
Brothers in War (CC)
Air Force One
Russia’s Toughest Prisons (CC)
World’s Toughest Prisons (CC)
Surviving Maximum Security
31 58 360 205
FNC Watters’ World (N) (CC)
32 60 356 209 MSNBC The Last Word
Andi Mack Andi Andi Mack ’
34 32 290 172 DSNY takes a stand.
Justice With Judge Jeanine (N)
The 11th Hour
Bizaardvark “Yes Bizaardvark ’
and No”
The Greg Gutfeld Show (N) (CC)
Lockup: Long Island
Raven’s Home Raven’s Home
’ (CC)
’ (CC)
Watters’ World (CC)
Justice With Judge Jeanine
Lockup: Long Island
Lockup: Tampa- Extended Stay
Disney’s Descendants 2 (2017) Dove Cameron, Cameron Boyce. The
pressure to be perfect gets to be too much for Mal. ’ (CC)
The Greg Gutfeld Show (CC)
Lockup: Tampa- Extended Stay
(10:05) Andi
Stuck in the
Mack ’ (CC)
Middle ’
Watters’ World (CC)
Lockup: Oakland- Extended Stay
Walk the Prank Lab Rats ’ (CC)
’ (CC)
(3:00) ››› Indiana Jones and the
35 43 325 168 SPIKE Temple of Doom (1984) ’ (CC)
››› Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989, Adventure) Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, Denholm Elliott.
Indy’s hunt for his missing father leads to the Holy Grail. ’ (CC)
Mom ’ (CC)
Mom ’ (CC)
King of Queens King of Queens
Bellator MMA Live Welterweight champion Douglas Lima takes on Rory MacDonald; Quinton Jackson vs.
Chael Sonnen. (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC)
36 44 249 107
(4:15) ›› Starsky & Hutch (2004) Ben Stiller. Two de- (6:20) ››› Shanghai Noon (2000, Comedy) Jackie Chan, Owen Wilson, Lucy Liu. Premiere. ›› Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006, Comedy) Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, (11:35) ›› The
COM tectives investigate a cocaine dealer. (CC)
A Chinese guard arrives in 1881 Nevada to rescue a princess. (CC)
Sacha Baron Cohen. A NASCAR driver has a new rival. (CC)
Campaign (2012)
37 50 245 138
(3:00) ›› Now
TNT You See Me
38 20 247 139
40 65 244 122
›› Insurgent (2015, Science Fiction) Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Octavia Spencer.
Fugitives Tris and Four search for allies and answers. (CC) (DVS)
Friends (CC)
WTBS Friends (CC)
(3:00) ››› Skyfall (2012) Daniel
SYFY Craig, Judi Dench. (CC) (DVS)
The Real Housewives of Beverly
41 63 273 129 BRAVO Hills Erika is shaken by news.
Brooklyn Nine
Brooklyn Nine
Brooklyn Nine
Brooklyn Nine
›› Divergent (2014, Science Fiction) Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ashley Judd. A young woman discovers ››› The Social Network (2010,
a plot to destroy those like her. (CC) (DVS)
Drama) Jesse Eisenberg. (CC)
Big Bang
Big Bang
Big Bang
Big Bang
The Real Housewives of New Jer- Movie (CC)
sey “Reunion Part 1” (Part 1 of 2)
43 38 687 -
44 52 242 105
(4:27) › G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) Channing Tatum, Dennis
USA Quaid. Elite soldiers battle a corrupt arms dealer named Destro. (CC)
››› Marvel’s the Avengers (2012, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo. Superheroes join
forces to save the world from an unexpected enemy. (CC) (DVS)
TLC Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress
TCM ››› The Band Wagon (1953, Musical) Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse. (CC)
Dirty Jobs “Tofu Maker” Electronic Street Outlaws “Bad Beets” Chuck
TDC waste recycling facility. ’
takes over as racemaster.
Say Yes to the Dress ’ (CC)
Say Yes to the Dress (N) ’
(7:15) ››› Royal Wedding (1951, Musical) Fred Astaire. (CC) (DVS)
46 47 280 183
48 64 256 132
49 48 278 182
50 26 282 184
51 46 265 118
52 35 258 133
55 45 269 120
57 61 355 208
61 51 254 130
70 34 311 180
71 31 299 170
72 57 202 200
87 68 312 185
501 501 501 300
Dirty Jobs “High-Rise Window
Washer” Mike travels to Hawaii.
››› Gone Girl (2014, Mystery) Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris. A woman disappears on her
FXM fifth wedding anniversary. (CC)
HIST Pawn Stars ’ Pawn Stars ’ Pawn Stars ’ Pawn Stars ’ Pawn Stars ’ Pawn Stars ’
Undercover Boss “Loehmann’s”
CNBC Undercover Boss “Budget Blinds” Undercover Boss ’ (CC)
(4:24) Breaking (5:33) Breaking Bad Walt tries to (6:42) Breaking Bad “End Times” Hank pushes Go-
AMC Bad “Salud”
protect his secret. (CC)
mez to pursue a lead. (CC)
2 Broke Girls
Futurama ’
(Part 2 of 4)
Falling Water “Safehouse” Tess,
Taka and Burton deal with pain.
Say Yes: Wedding SOS (N)
(10:04) Say Yes to the Dress ’
››› Three Little Words (1950, Musical) Fred Astaire, Vera-Ellen. (CC)
(11:01) ››› Marvel’s the Avengers
(2012, Action) Robert Downey Jr..
(11:04) Say Yes to the Dress ’
››› The Night Visitor (1970)
Dirty Jobs “Tofu Maker” Electronic MythBusters If burglar can be shot MythBusters “Dead Body Double” If MythBusters Painting a room with a
waste recycling facility. ’
out of chimney. ’ (CC)
a dead body is bullet-proof. ’
boom. ’ (CC)
Pit Bulls and Parolees ’ (CC)
Live PD: Rewind (N) ’ (CC)
Pit Bulls and Parolees (N) ’
(10:01) The Vet Life (N) ’
(11:02) Pit Bulls and Parolees ’
Live PD “Live PD -- 01.20.18” Riding along with law enforcement. (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC)
(7:50) ››› Gone Girl (2014, Mystery) Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris. A
woman disappears on her fifth wedding anniversary. (CC)
Pawn Stars: Pumped Up (N) (CC)
Undercover Boss ’ (CC)
Undercover Boss ’ (CC)
(7:48) Breaking Bad “Face Off”
Walt and Jesse team up on Gus.
(10:39) FXM
Presents (CC)
Relative Success With Tabatha
Planet Earth: Blue Planet II “One Ocean” (Premiere)
Life in the oceans. (N) (CC)
› Getaway (2013, Action) Ethan
Hawke, Selena Gomez. (CC)
Pawn Stars ’
Paid Program
Pawn Stars ’
Paid Program
››› Dirty Dancing (1987) Jennifer Grey. A sheltered
teen falls for a street-wise dance instructor. (CC)
Ghost Adventures (CC)
Ghost Adventures (CC)
Ghost Adventures (CC)
Ghost Adventures (N) (CC)
Ghost Adventures (CC)
Ghost Adventures (CC)
Inside Jokes
Inside Jokes
Worst Cooks in America (CC)
Inside Jokes
Inside Jokes
Worst Cooks in America (CC)
Inside Jokes
Inside Jokes
Worst Cooks in America (CC)
Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff.
Worst Cooks in America (CC)
Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff.
Worst Cooks in America (CC)
Laff Mobb Laff Laff Mobb Laff
Worst Cooks in America (CC)
(5:15) ›› Pocahontas (1995, Children’s) Voice of Irene Bedard. Animat- (7:15) ››› Big Hero 6 (2014, Children’s) Voices of Ryan Potter, Scott Adsit, T.J. Miller. Ani- ›››› Beauty and the Beast (1991) Voices of Paige O’Hara. Animated. A › Jem and the
FREE ed. A Powhatan maiden falls for an English settler. ’ (CC)
mated. A robotics prodigy uncovers a dangerous plot. ’ (CC)
maiden trades places with her captive father. ’ (CC)
Holograms (CC)
Loud House
Loud House
NICK Loud House
CNN Special Program (CC)
CNN CNN Special Program (CC)
HALL Unleashing Mr. Darcy (2016) Ryan Paevey, Cindy Busby. (CC)
89 89 603 159 NBCSN
418 418 606 153
Full Frontal
House Hunters House Hunters Property Brothers (CC)
Property Brothers (CC)
House Hunters Renovation (N)
Log Cabin Lvn Log Cabin Lvn
College Basketball Portland at Loyola Marymount. From Gersten Pavilion Women’s College Basketball Texas at Texas Tech. From United Super- Women’s College Basketball Kan-
in Los Angeles. (N) (Live)
markets Arena in Lubbock, Texas. (N Same-day Tape)
sas State at Baylor.
Pit Bulls and Parolees ’ (CC)
Pit Bulls and Parolees ’ (CC)
ANML Pit Bulls and Parolees ’ (CC)
Live PD “Live PD -- 01.12.18” Riding along with law enforcement. ’ (CC)
62 28 277 215 TRAV Food Paradise “Tasty Traditions”
Inside Hacks
64 62 246 204 TRUTV Imp. Jokers
66 53 231 110 FOOD Worst Cooks in America (CC)
Big Bang
Movie (CC)
HGTV House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters
College Basketball Gonzaga at Santa Clara. From Leavey Center in
ROOT Santa Clara, Calif. (N) (Live)
42 54 229 112
Big Bang
››› Contagion (2011, Suspense) Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne. Doc- ››› Mad Max: Fury Road (2015, Action) Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult. Mad Futurama ’
tors try to contain the spread of a lethal virus. (CC)
Max must outrun a warlord and his men in a desert chase. (CC) (DVS)
(Part 1 of 4)
Figure Skating
Henry Danger ’ (CC)
CNN Special Program (CC)
Frozen in Love (2018, Comedy) Rachael Leigh Cook, Niall Matter. (CC)
Figure Skating European Figure Skating Championships: Ladies’ and
Men’s Free Skate. From Moscow, Russia. (N Same-day Tape)
OUTD ›› The Count of Monte Cristo (2002, Adventure) Jim Caviezel, Guy Pearce.
(3:55) ››› Logan (2017, Action)
(6:15) ››› Role Models (2008) Seann William Scott. Two wild guys be-
HBO Hugh Jackman. ’ (CC)
come mentors to two impressionable youths. ’ (CC)
(5:35) Strike Back Raiding a bio-
chemical facility. ’
(6:23) Strike
Back ’
Nicky, Ricky
CNN Special Program (CC)
FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup:
Women’s Downhill.
Full House ’
Full House ’
CNN Special Program (CC)
Fresh Prince
Fresh Prince
CNN Special Program (CC)
One Winter Weekend (2018) Taylor Cole, Jack Turner. Premiere. (CC)
FIS Alpine Skiing World Cup:
Men’s Downhill.
Golden Girls
Golden Girls
Premier League Match of the Day (N)
›› The Count of Monte Cristo (2002, Adventure) Jim Caviezel, Guy Pearce.
›› Snatched (2017) Amy Schumer. Kidnappers target (9:35) Divorce
a woman and her mother in South America.
“Night Moves”
Friends ’
Friends ’
CNN Special Program (CC)
(10:05) Crashing (10:35) High
“The Atheist”
Gun Stories
(11:05) ›› Snatched (2017, Com-
edy) Amy Schumer. ’ (CC)
549 549 512 310
(4:48) Strike
MAX Back ’
(7:10) Strike Back The team makes ››› Speed (1994, Action) Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper. A transit bus ›› Murder by Numbers (2002) Sandra Bullock, Ryan Gosling, Michael
its way to an air base.
is wired to explode if it drops below 50 mph. (CC)
Pitt. Teen-age killers play cat-and-mouse with a detective. (CC)
579 579 537 318
The Chi “Alee” Brandon reels from a Boxing Errol Spence Jr. vs. Lamont Peterson. Errol Spence Jr. defends his IBF welterweight The Chi “Pilot” Four lives are linked. The Chi “Alee” Brandon reels from a Shameless “Church of Gay Jesus”
SHO loss. ’ (CC)
title against challenger Lamont Peterson, 12 rounds. (N) ’ (Live) (CC)
’ (CC)
loss. ’ (CC)
Ian’s sudden fame. ’ (CC)
598 598 544 327
›› Secret in Their Eyes (2015) Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman. An FBI
TMC agent probes the murder of a colleague’s daughter. ’ (CC)
››› The Gift (2015, Suspense) Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall. An old
acquaintance causes trouble for a man and his wife. ’ (CC)
(4:07) ›› King Kong (1976) Jeff Bridges. An oil mogul (6:24) ›› Tommy Boy (1995) Chris Farley. An heir
644 644 526 340 STZEN seeks to exploit a monstrous ape in New York.
tries to save his father’s business. ’ (CC)
›› Madea’s Fam-
ily Reunion (CC)
Amigo Undead (2015) Randall Park. Kevin tries to rec- Death Do Us Part (2014, Horror) Julia Benson. Pre-
oncile with his estranged brother. ’ (CC)
wedding partygoers meet grisly ends. ’ (CC)
(8:04) ››› Rudy (1993, Drama) Sean Astin, Ned Beatty. A working-class Spartacus: Blood and Sand
teen dreams of admission to Notre Dame. ’ (CC)
Spartacus is enslaved. ’ (CC)
(10:56) ››› Top Gun (1986, Ac-
tion) Tom Cruise. ’ (CC)