The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, November 29, 2017, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Page 12, Image 40

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    12 - TVCC –
WEEK OF NOVEMBER 30 - December 6, 2017
Sunday Prime Time
5 PM
3 Wide Life
December 3, 2017
6 PM
CBS Weekend KVAL News at
News (N) ’ (HD) 6pm (N) (Live)
7 PM
Full Measure
60 Minutes (N) ’ (HD) (CC)
With Sharyl Att-
kisson (N) (CC)
8 PM
13 13
Football Night in (5:20) NFL Football Philadelphia Eagles at Seattle Seahawks. (N) ’ (Live) (HDTV SAP) (CC)
KOBI America (N)
16 16
3 317 226
11 PM
KVAL News at
NCIS: Los Angeles “Queen Pin”
Sam goes after an elusive drug lord. 11pm (N) (Live)
’ (HD) (CC) (DVS)
10 PM
Paid Program
Paid program-
Blue Bloods “Whistleblowers” Frank Dateline NBC ’ (HD) (CC)
deals with a whistleblower. ’ (HD)
(CC) (DVS)
NBC 5 News at
11 Sunday (N)
Hiring America
’ (HD)
NBC 16 News at (11:35) The Big
11pm (N) (Live) Bang Theory ’
KOAC Big Band Years
KEPB (My Music)
KEZI 9 News at
KEZI 5 (N)
PBS NewsHour Reflections on the Vietnam War An overview of “The Victoria Returns Great Performances “Andrea Bocelli: Cinema” Songs from the movies.
Weekend (N)
Vietnam War.” ’ (CC)
’ (CC)
’ (CC)
››› The Beatles: Eight Days a Week -- The Touring Years (2016) Paul
McCartney. Ron Howard examines the early years of the Beatles. ’
ABC World
KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News at America’s Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos Shark Tank Dealing with a Christ-
News Tonight
6 (N)
6:30 (N)
Winter mishaps montage; cats. ’
A girl misplaces her lollipop. (N) ’ mas nuisance. (N) ’ (HD) (CC)
With David Muir
(HD) (CC) (DVS)
(HD) (CC) (DVS)
Shark Tank Survival kits; a throw-
able microphone. ’ (HD) (CC)
KEZI 9 News at (11:35) Paid
11 (N) (CC)
Program Paid
36 36
It Is Written ’
Better Life To-
day: Classics
Larren Cole
Better Life On Tour
Celebrating Life in Recovery
34 34
In Depth With
KLSR Graham Bens-
inger ’ (HD)
Matter of Fact
With Soledad
O’Brien (N)
Modern Family
“Crazy Train” ’
KVAL News at
10 on FOX (N)
Bones “The Final Chapter: The
Flaw in the Saw” A golfer-turned-
lumberjack is murdered. (CC)
10 14 307 -
9 PM
NBC 5 News at 6 Small Town Big Small Town Big Dateline NBC ’ (HD) (CC)
Sunday (N)
Deal (N) (CC)
Deal (N) (CC)
(4:00) Football (5:20) NFL Football Philadelphia Eagles at Seattle Seahawks. The Seahawks look to extend their streak over NBC 16 News
KMTR Night in America the Eagles to four when the two clubs meet in Week 13. Seattle has put up at least 24 points in each of its three
(N) (CC)
wins on the current streak, while limiting Philadelphia to no more than two TDs. (N)
5 PM
The Carol Burnett 50th Anniversary Special Celebrating “The Carol
Burnett Show.” (N) ’ (HD) (CC)
23 23
24 36 252 108
25 25 236 114
26 56 248 137
27 29 206 140
Journey ’n Jour- Help in Daily
Modern Family
’ (HD)
6 PM
The Prophetic
The Prophetic
Give Me the Bible
2 Broke Girls
2 Broke Girls ’ The Simpsons Ghosted “Haunt- Family Guy (N)
“And the Escape (HD) (CC)
“Mr. Lisa’s Opus” ed Hayride” (N) ’ (HD) (CC)
7 PM
Great Gifts (CC)
QVC Today’s Top Tech (CC)
WGN-A Ocean’s Eleven ››› Ocean’s Eleven (2001, Comedy-Drama) George Clooney, Matt Damon. (CC)
8 PM
Clever & Unique Creations
Bones ’ (CC)
The Last Man
on Earth (N) ’
9 PM
Vionic - Footwear (CC)
Bones ’ (CC)
10 PM
Modern Family
“Pilot” ’ (HD)
Electronic Gifts (CC)
Elementary “Risk Management”
Portland News
Funny You
Should Ask ’
›› The In-Laws (2003, Comedy) Michael Douglas, Albert Brooks, Robin
Tunney. A CIA agent wreaks havoc on his future in-law.
Rizzoli & Isles “Lost & Found” The The X-Files “Humbug” Escape art-
team tries to find a witness.
ist’s mysterious death. (CC)
Person of Interest “Dead Reckon-
ing” Reese is captured. ’
(4:00) ››› The Christmas Hope
LIFE (2009) Madeleine Stowe. (CC)
12 Men of Christmas (2009) Kristin Chenoweth, Josh Hopkins. A woman
uses media savvy to stir excitement in a small town. (CC)
My Christmas Prince (2017) Alexis Knapp, Callum Alexander. Premiere.
Samantha has to make a difficult choice during Christmas. (CC)
(10:02) Deliver-
ing Christmas
Family Feud ’
11 PM
LOGO by Lori Goldstein (CC)
Elementary “A Landmark Story”
Buck McNeely
(10:17) Dear Santa (2011) Amy Acker. A party girl has
to change her ways or get cut off. (CC)
E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians WAGS LA “No Ring, No Deal” (N) Keeping Up With the Kardashians
(3:30) ›› The Best Man Holiday
›› Christmas With the Kranks (2004) Tim Allen, Jamie Lee Curtis. A
›› The Santa Clause 2 (2002, Children’s) Tim Allen, Elizabeth Mitchell. ›› The Santa Clause 2 (2002, Children’s) Tim Allen, Elizabeth Mitchell.
FX (2013) Morris Chestnut. ’ (CC)
couple scramble to assemble a holiday celebration. ’ (CC)
Santa must get married in order to keep his job. ’ (CC)
Santa must get married in order to keep his job. ’ (CC)
(4:30) SportsCen- Championship Drive: Who’s In? (N) (Live)
ESPN ter (N) (Live)
28 30 209 144 ESPN2 Champ. Drive
29 66 301 106 TVLAND Reba ’ (CC)
SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
(N) (Live) (CC)
ACL Southern College Cornhole Championships From Atlanta. (N)
Berman: All the Way
30 for 30 Shorts ESPN FC (N) (CC)
Reba ’ (CC)
Reba “Switch”
30 49 276 886 NGEO Diving Into Noah’s Flood (CC)
31 58 360 205
FNC OBJECTified (N) (CC)
32 60 356 209 MSNBC Kasie DC (N) (CC)
Raven’s Home Stuck in the
34 32 290 172 DSNY “Dream Moms” Middle ’
Reba ’ (CC)
Reba ’ (CC)
Reba ’ (CC)
Secrets of Christ’s Tomb
2018 Breakthrough Prize Ceremony (N) (CC)
The Next Revolution With
Fox News Sunday
OBJECTified (CC)
The Next Revolution With
Dateline Extra (CC)
Dateline Extra (CC)
Lockup: Wabash- Extended Stay
Dateline Extra (CC)
Bizaardvark ’
(4:00) ››› Rush Hour (1998) Jackie Chan. Mis-
35 43 325 168 SPIKE matched police partners seek a kidnapped girl. ’
Bunk’d ’ (CC)
StarTalk “Celestial Navigation”
››› Wreck-It Ralph (2012, Children’s) Voices of John C. Reilly. Animat- (8:50) Mickey
ed. An arcade-game “bad guy” wants to be a hero. ’ (CC)
Mouse ’ (CC)
Naked Science
SC Featured
Who’s In?
King of Queens King of Queens
Secrets of Christ’s Tomb
StarTalk “Celestial Navigation”
Fox Report (CC)
Fox News Sunday
Lockup: Wabash- Extended Stay
Meet the Press (CC)
(9:50) Andi Mack (10:25) Andi
’ (CC)
Mack ’ (CC)
K.C. Undercover K.C. Undercove
“Deleted!” ’
’ (CC)
›› The Longest Yard (2005, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Burt Reynolds. Prisoners train for a football ››› Rush Hour (1998, Action) Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Tom Wilkinson. Mismatched po-
game against the guards. ’ (CC)
lice partners seek a kidnapped girl. ’ (CC)
36 44 249 107
(3:40) ››› Meet the Parents (2000) (6:10) ›› Meet the Fockers (2004, Comedy) Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman. Future in-laws clash (8:55) ››› Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004, Comedy) Vince
COM Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller. (CC)
in Florida. (CC)
Vaughn. Dodgeball teams compete for $50,000 in Las Vegas. (CC)
37 50 245 138
(5:15) ›› Insurgent (2015, Science Fiction) Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Octavia Spen- ››› The Blind Side (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron. A well-to- Good Behavior “Stay Beautiful” Ja- Good Behavior “Stay Beautiful” Ja-
TNT cer. Fugitives Tris and Four search for allies and answers. (CC) (DVS)
do white couple adopts a homeless black teen. (CC) (DVS)
vier takes on a gruesome job.
vier takes on a gruesome job.
38 20 247 139
40 65 244 122
Big Bang
Big Bang
WTBS (4:45) ›› The Hangover Part II (2011) Bradley Cooper. (CC) (DVS)
›› Shooter (2007, Suspense) Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Glover. A wounded sniper plots revenge
SYFY against those who betrayed him. (CC) (DVS)
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
41 63 273 129 BRAVO Cynthia rejoins the dating scene.
42 54 229 112
43 38 687 -
44 52 242 105
46 47 280 183
48 64 256 132
49 48 278 182
50 26 282 184
51 46 265 118
52 35 258 133
55 45 269 120
57 61 355 208
61 51 254 130
72 57 202 200
87 68 312 185
501 501 501 300
Big Bang
Big Bang
Search Party (N) Search Party (N) Search Party
Search Party
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
(N) (CC)
Hawaii Life (N)
Hawaii Life (N)
Married to Medicine Simon plans a The Real Housewives of Atlanta
getaway to New Orleans. (CC)
Island Life (N)
Island Life (N)
World Poker Tour WPT Montreal
- Part 2.
Beach Hunters
Beach Hunters
World Poker Tour WPT Montreal
- Part 3.
Watch What
Happens Live
Caribbean Life
Caribbean Life
Heartland Poker Tour (CC)
Modern Fam-
ily ’
90 Day Fiancé: More to Love David agitates Evelyn’s parents. (N) ’
90 Day Fiancé Molly asks Luis to step up as a parent. (N) ’
(10:05) Unexpected (N) ’
(11:09) 90 Day Fiancé ’
TLC (4:00) 90 Day Fiancé ’ (CC)
››› Carmen Jones (1954) Dorothy Dandridge, Harry Belafonte. (CC)
Feu Mathias Pascal (1926, Drama) Ivan Mosjoukine, Marcelle Pradot, Michel Simon.
TCM ›› The Loves of Carmen (1948, Drama) Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford.
Alaska: The Last Frontier Otto and Alaska: The Last Frontier Atz Lee Alaska: The Last Frontier New up- Alaska: The Last Frontier Ex-
Alaska: The Last Frontier Jewel
(10:01) Alaska: The Last Frontier (11:02) Alaska: The Last Frontier
TDC Jane’s mission continues. ’
and Charlotte try to save a cow.
grades to the homestead. ’
posed (N) ’ (CC)
returns for Kase’s cattle drive. (N)
The Kilchers pay tribute to friends. “The Day Jewel Returned” ’
ANML Monsters Inside Me ’ (CC)
Storage Wars
Storage Wars
A&E ’ (CC)
’ (CC)
Monsters Inside Me ’ (CC)
Monsters Inside Me ’ (CC)
Monsters Inside Me
Monsters Inside Me (N) ’ (CC)
(10:01) Intruders “Episode 5” (N)
(11:02) Monsters Inside Me ’
›› Walking Tall (2004, Action) The Rock, Johnny Knoxville. A sheriff and ››› 300 (2006, Action) Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, David Wenham. Premiere. Badly out- (10:32) Live PD: (11:03) Live PD: (11:33) Live PD:
a deputy try to rid their town of thugs. ’ (CC)
numbered Spartan warriors battle the Persian army. ’ (CC)
Police Patrol ’ Police Patrol ’ Police Patrol ’
››› Lone Survivor (2013, War) Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Eric Bana. Taliban fighters in (7:20) ››› Lone Survivor (2013) Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch. Taliban
FXM 2005 Afghanistan attack four Navy SEALs. (CC)
fighters in 2005 Afghanistan attack four Navy SEALs. (CC)
Forged in Fire “The Naginata” ’
To Be Announced
HIST Forged in Fire “Zulu Iklwa” ’
Jay Leno’s Garage (CC)
Jay Leno’s Garage (CC)
CNBC Shark Tank ’ (CC)
(4:45) The Walk- (5:45) The Walking Dead “Some
(6:45) The Walking Dead “The Big Scary U” Negan
AMC ing Dead ’
Guy” A surprise causes trouble.
and the Saviors face a dilemma. ’ (CC)
(3:55) ››› The Polar Express
FREE (2004) Voices of Tom Hanks. ’
Jay Leno’s Garage (CC)
(7:57) The Walking Dead Confron- The Walking Dead Negan has lieu- (10:04) Talking Dead Guests dis-
tation with the Saviors continue.
tenants solve an issue. (N) ’
cuss “Time for After”. (N) (CC)
(11:03) The Curse of Oak Island
Paid Program
Paid Program
(11:04) The Walking Dead Negan
has lieutenants solve an issue. ’
Food Paradise “Happy Hour”
Food Paradise (N) (CC)
Food Paradise “Best in Chow”
Extreme Hotels “Totally Bizarre”
Top of the World “Hawaii” (N)
Inside Jokes
Impractical Jokers “The Q-Pay”
Impractical Jokers (CC)
Imp. Jokers
Imp. Jokers
Guy’s Grocery Games (N) (CC)
Guy’s Big Project “The Sizzle”
Holiday Baking Championship
Imp. Jokers
Iron Chef Showdown (CC)
Imp. Jokers
Guy’s Grocery Games (CC)
Imp. Jokers
(6:05) ›› Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000, Children’s) Jim Carrey, Jeffrey (8:45) ››› The Santa Clause (1994, Children’s) Tim Allen, Judge Reinhold, Wendy Crew-
Tambor. A curmudgeon hates the Christmas-loving Whos of Whoville. ’ (CC)
son. An adman takes over for fallen Santa. ’ (CC)
Lip Sync Battle School of Rock Full House ’
Full House ’
Anthony Bourdain Parts
Anthony Bourdain Parts
HALL (4:00) The Mistletoe Inn (2017) (CC) With Love, Christmas (2017) Emilie Ullerup, Aaron O’Connell. (CC)
(4:30) Mecum Auto Auctions “Kansas City” Classic car auction from Kansas City. (N)
Truth Hunting
Bushman Show Bone Collector
(6:10) ››› Wanted (2008, Action) James McAvoy. An office drone be-
comes part of a secret society of assassins. ’ (CC)
549 549 512 310
(3:35) ››› Strange Days (1995)
MAX Ralph Fiennes. (CC)
579 579 537 318
(4:45) ›› Office Christmas Party (2016, Comedy) Ja- Ill Behaviour
SHO son Bateman, Olivia Munn. ’ (CC)
(Part 3 of 6)
598 598 544 327
(4:00) ›› Tyler Perry’s the Family
TMC That Preys (2008) Kathy Bates.
(3:30) ›› Wild
644 644 526 340 STZEN Things (1998)
Forged in Fire: Cutting Deeper ’ (CC)
Jay Leno’s Garage (CC)
Jay Leno’s Garage “Hand Made”
Food Paradise (CC)
Tiny Christmas (2017) Jonathan A. Rosenbaum. ’
NICK Henry Danger
Anthony Bourdain Parts
CNN CNN Newsroom
Red Arrow
OUTD Hunt Adv
(4:30) ››› Sully (2016) Tom
HBO Hanks, Aaron Eckhart. ’ (CC)
(9:39) FXM Pres- ›› Safe House (2012, Action) Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds. A
ents (CC)
rookie and a renegade operative try to evade assassins. (CC)
Imp. Jokers
89 89 603 159 NBCSN
418 418 606 153
Big Bang
››› Mad Max: Fury Road (2015, Action) Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult. Mad ›› The Book of Eli (2010, Adventure) Denzel Wash-
Max must outrun a warlord and his men in a desert chase. (CC) (DVS)
ington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis. (CC)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Modern Fam-
USA “Blinded” ’ (CC) (DVS)
“Confession” ’
Teenager is brutally beaten.
“Locum” ’ (CC) (DVS)
“Pop” ’ (CC) (DVS)
“Bang” ’ (CC) (DVS)
ily ’
TRAV Food Paradise (CC)
Imp. Jokers
64 62 246 204 TRUTV Imp. Jokers
66 53 231 110 FOOD Iron Chef: Behind the Battle
71 31 299 170
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
“Social Edition” (N) (CC)
Fixer Upper (CC)
Fixer Upper (CC)
HGTV Fixer Upper (CC)
High School Football WIAA Class High School Football WIAA Class 4A Championship: Teams TBA.
ROOT 3A Championship, Teams TBA.
62 28 277 215
70 34 311 180
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
“Chateau Get Down” (CC)
Big Bang
› Joe Dirt (2001, Comedy) David
Spade, Dennis Miller. (CC)
Full House ’
Fresh Prince
Anthony Bourdain Parts
(10:50) › The Santa Clause 3: The
Escape Clause (2006) Tim Allen.
Friends ’
Friends ’
CNN Newsroom Live (N) (CC)
Christmas at Holly Lodge (2017) Alison Sweeney. Premiere. (CC)
The Christmas Train (2017, Drama) Dermot Mulroney. (CC)
Sports Jeop-
ardy! (CC)
Premier League Match of the Week (N) ’
Sports Jeop-
ardy! (CC)
Premier League Match of the
Day (N)
RMEF Team Elk Headhunters TV Spirit of Wild
Drop Zone
(8:05) ››› Deepwater Horizon (2016) Mark Wahlberg. Premiere. Crew
members fight for their lives when an oil rig explodes. ’ (CC)
(6:05) ››› Midnight Special (2016) Michael Shannon. A man tries to un- ››› Good Will Hunting (1997, Drama) Matt Damon. Premiere. A young
cover the truth behind his young son’s special powers. (CC)
Boston man must deal with his genius and emotions. (CC)
Shameless Fiona is shaken by the White Famous
past. ’ (CC)
(5:50) ››› Thelma & Louise (1991) Susan Sarandon. A near-rape
abruptly turns two friends into hunted outlaws. ’ (CC)
Fresh Prince
Full House ’
Anthony Bourdain Parts
Imp. Jokers
Christmas Cookie Challenge
SMILF An ex-
treme mud run.
Shameless Ian helps Trevor raise
money. (N) ’ (CC)
››› The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000, Drama) Will Smith, Matt Da-
mon. A mystical caddy helps an ex-golfer regain his swing. ’ (CC)
Trophy Hunt
Lee & Tiffany
Curb Your Enthusiasm “Fatwa!”
(Season Finale) (N) ’ (CC)
Hunt Adv
Gregg Ritz
(10:50) Michelle Wolf: Nice Lady
’ (CC)
(10:10) ›› Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) Zac Efron. Party
ing brothers take two wild women to a Hawaiian wedding.
White Famous
“Scandal” (N)
Shameless Ian helps Trevor raise
money. ’ (CC)
(10:10) ››› Cinderella Man (2005) Russell Crowe. Down-and-out boxer
Jim Braddock makes a dramatic comeback. ’ (CC)
(5:21) ›› The General’s Daughter (1999, Suspense) John Travolta. Army (7:20) ›› The House Bunny (2008) Anna Faris. A sex- ››› Unfaithful (2002, Drama) Richard Gere, Diane Lane, Olivier Marti-
investigators probe an officer’s brutal slaying. ’ (CC)
pot teaches misfit sorority sisters about men.
nez. A housewife has an affair with a charming stranger. ’ (CC)
(11:06) ››› The American (2010,
Suspense) George Clooney. (CC)