TVCC – WEEK OF NOVEMBER 30 - December 6, 2017 - 7 Saturday Daytime F NP DT D College Innovation The Inspec- Lucky Dog College Basketball Indiana at Michigan. From Crisler Center in Ann Football: Nation tors ’ (EI HDTV) Arbor, Mich. (N) (Live) (HD) (CC) The Drive to Football Today (N) Atlanta 4 - 13 13 Dr. Chris: KVAL Pet Vet ’ (EI HDTV) - - - The Cham- The Voy- KOBI pion Within ager 6 - 16 16 7 - 28 - 9 - 9 9 - - 36 36 13 - - 34 34 December 2, 2017 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 The Cham- The Voy- KMTR pion Within ager-Josh Garcia KOAC Sesame KEPB Street (7:00) Good KEZI Morning America (N) Wilderness Journey- Vet Dreyer Premier League Soccer Arsenal FC vs Manchester United FC. From Emirates Stadium in London. (N) College Football SEC Championship: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (HD) (CC) PGA Tour Golf Hero World Challenge, Third Round. From Albany, Alpine Skiing New Providence, Bahamas. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) Missing (N) ’ P. Allen Smith Premier League Soccer Arsenal FC vs Manchester PGA Tour Golf Hero World Challenge, Third Round. From Albany, FIS Alpine Skiing World Leverage The team in- Wilderness Journey Cup: Birds of Prey, Down- filtrates secret societies. With Dylan United FC. From Emirates Stadium in London. (N) ’ New Providence, Bahamas. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) Vet ’ (EI (HD) (CC) hill. ’ (HD) (Live) (HD) (CC) Dreyer HDTV) Anne of Green Gables (2016) Ella Ballentine. Red- haired orphan Anne grows up in Avonlea. ’ (CC) Victor Borge: 100 Years of Music & Laughter! Borge’s funniest skits. ’ Celtic Woman -- Homecoming: Ireland The female Irish group performs. ’ (CC) KEZI 9 News This Morn- College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (HD) ing (N) (CC) Sabbath KTVC School Better Life Today Remodeling Worship Hour Your Life The Betty KLSR Snowden Show Paid Pro- gram 100000 Cameras - Ohio FOX Col- lege Pre- game Feature Presentation New Perceptions Age Reversed With Mi- randa Esmonde-White Inside Edi- tion Week- end (N) Naturally, Give ’ (EI Danny Seo HDTV) Paid Pro- gram Paid Pro- gram Mindfulness Goes Main- Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions for stream ’ (CC) You Finding financial solutions. ’ College Football Score- World of X Games Highlights from X Games board (N) (Live) (HD) Aspen. (HD) (CC) Paid Pro- Jack Han- Ocean Treks With gram na’s Wild Countdown Jeff Corwin ABC World College Football Game- News day Cosmic Controversy Better Life Today Animal En- GP Worship Hour counters College Football Big 12 Championship: Teams TBA. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) The Prophetic Code Nature Video Kids Time Praise FOX College Football Ex- College Basketball Ohio State at Wisconsin. From tra (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Kohl Center in Madison, Wis. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) FOX College Football Pregame (N) ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 8 3 317 226 10 14 307 - QVC (7:00) Saturday Morning Gifts “philosophy” (N) (CC) WGN-A Walk Dino ›› Walking With Dinosaurs (2013), Justin Long (CC) M*A*S*H philosophy - beauty (CC) M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Great Gifts “philosophy” (N) (CC) M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H - 23 23 U.S. Farm KEVU Report (N) Paid Pro- gram Paid Pro- gram Open House (N) Homes & Estates P. Allen Smith Cars.TV ’ (CC) Raw Travel Outdoors- ’ (CC) man Crossfire Ministries 24 36 252 108 Paid Pro- LIFE gram (CC) Paid Pro- gram (CC) Paid Pro- gram (CC) Paid Pro- gram (CC) Paid Pro- gram (CC) Paid Pro- gram (CC) Paid Pro- gram (CC) American Beauty Star (CC) ››› A Christmas Wedding (2006, Comedy) Sarah Paulson, Eric Mabius, Dean Cain. (CC) 11 25 25 236 114 26 56 248 137 27 29 206 140 E! Total Divas Total Divas (CC) Two and a Two and a Two and a FX Half Men Half Men Half Men (6:00) College GameDay (N) (Live) ESPN (CC) 28 30 209 144 ESPN2 SportCtr 29 66 301 106 TVLAND Roseanne 30 49 276 886 NGEO M. Dodge philosophy - beauty M*A*S*H America’s Thanksgiving Gospel Music Presents Day Parade (CC) Blue Bloods ’ Blue Bloods ’ James Brown Last Man Standing Word & Spirit Under the Mistletoe (2006, Drama) Jaime Ray New- man, Michael Shanks, Burkely Duffield. (CC) College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Roseanne M. Dodge Roseanne Roseanne Prison Women (CC) (10:12) Roseanne ’ Prison Women (CC) College Football Scoreboard College Basketball South Dakota at Duke. (N) Football Roseanne Roseanne Prison Women (CC) Roseanne Roseanne Lockdown ’ (CC) (1:12) Roseanne ’ Life and Death Row College Basketball Villanova at Saint Joseph’s. (N) Roseanne Roseanne Life and Death Row Roseanne Roseanne Life and Death Row America’s News Headquarters (N) (CC) America’s News HQ Journal Editorial Report America’s News HQ America’s News Headquarters (N) (CC) MSNBC Live MSNBC Live (N) (CC) MSNBC Live (N) (CC) MSNBC Live (N) (CC) Paid Pro- 35 43 325 168 SPIKE gram ’ ›› The Day After Tomorrow (2004, Action) Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ian Holm. Global warming leads to worldwide natural disasters. ’ (CC) Paid Pro- gram ’ Paid Pro- gram ’ Elena of Avalor MSNBC Live Tangled: Friends- The Series Heart. 36 44 249 107 Scrubs “My South Park (8:35) That (9:10) That (9:45) That ’70s Show COM Karma” ’ (CC) ’70s Show ’70s Show “We Will Rock You” ’ 37 50 245 138 (7:00) Law TNT & Order ’ 38 20 247 139 40 65 244 122 42 54 229 112 43 38 687 - 44 52 242 105 46 47 280 183 48 64 256 132 49 48 278 182 50 26 282 184 51 46 265 118 52 35 258 133 55 45 269 120 57 61 355 208 61 51 254 130 Transyl- vania Law & Order A star violin- Law & Order “Standoff” ’ Law & Order A murder ist is murdered. ’ (CC) (DVS) suspect flees to Israel. ››› Jurassic Park (1993, Adventure) Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum. Cloned dinosaurs run amok at an island-jungle theme park. ’ (CC) Law & Order “Burn Baby Law & Order “Amends” ’ ›› Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010, Children’s) Logan Lerman. (CC) (DVS) Burn” ’ (CC) (DVS) Bunk’d ’ (CC) HGTV Fixer Upper Fixer Upper (CC) Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- ROOT gram gram gram Paid Pro- USA gram (CC) Paid Pro- gram (CC) Paid Pro- gram (CC) Extreme Extreme TLC Extreme TCM (7:00) ››› The Stratton Story (1949) (7:00) Major League Fishing ’ (CC) TDC ANML Tanked ’ Tanked “SHAQ-SIZED!” (7:00) Flip- Flipping Vegas Creepy A&E ping Vegas coldblooded creatures. (6:30) ››› 5 Fingers FXM (1952) James Mason. Fixer Upper (CC) Paid Pro- Paid Pro- gram gram Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Fixer Upper (CC) Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) College Basketball Colorado at Colorado State. From Seahawks Seahawks College Basketball Richmond at Wake Forest. (N) Moby Arena in Fort Collins, Colo. (N) (Live) Press Pass Press Pass (Live) ›› No Strings Attached (2011, Romance-Comedy) Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher. (CC) (DVS) ›› The Wedding Planner (2001) Jennifer Lopez. An event orga- nizer has eyes for her biggest client’s beau. (CC) Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Hoarding: Buried Alive Rachel Maddow Show Raven’s Home ’ Vander- pump Rul Friends The Real Housewives of House- Orange County (CC) wives/NJ Property Brothers (CC) Property Brothers (CC) College Basketball South Carolina State at North Carolina State. From PNC Arena in Raleigh, N.C. › Big Daddy (1999) Adam Sandler. A goofy ne’er-do- ››› Bridesmaids (2011, Comedy) Kris- well adopts an impressionable youngster. (CC) ten Wiig, Maya Rudolph. (CC) (DVS) Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive ›› Susan Slept Here (1954) Dick Powell. (CC) ›› Bell, Book and Candle (1958) James Stewart. ›››› Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) (CC) ››› The Children’s Hour (1961) Audrey Hepburn. Dirty Jobs In search of Dirty Jobs Mineral mine; Dirty Jobs Some of the Cash Cab ’ Cash Cab ’ Cash Cab ’ Cash Cab ’ Cash Cab ’ Cash Cab ’ Cash Cab ’ Cash Cab ’ Cash Cab ’ Cash Cab slime eels. ’ (CC) rice plantation. ’ (CC) dirtiest jobs in New York. (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) “Vegas” ’ Tanked ’ (CC) Tanked ’ (CC) Tanked ’ Tanked ’ (CC) Animal Cribs ’ (CC) Animal Cribs ’ (CC) Zombie House Flipping “This Place Is Nuts” ’ Zombie House Flipping ’ (CC) Zombie House Flipping ’ (CC) Live PD: Rewind “Live PD: Rewind No. 10” ’ Live PD: Rewind “Live PD: Rewind No. 20” ’ Live PD “Live PD -- 05.12.17” Riding along with law enforcement. ’ (CC) The Curse of Oak Island The Lagina brothers get stunning news. (N) ’ Paid Prog. (9:15) The Rifleman Paid Prog. (9:45) The Rifleman Vikings Heahmund rallies the Saxons. ’ Dr. Jeff: RMV Holy Grail in America Kensington Rune Stone. ’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. (10:15) The (10:45) The (11:15) The (11:45) The (12:15) The (12:45) ›› Walking Tall (2004) The Rock. A sheriff Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman and a deputy try to rid their town of thugs. (CC) Lost Gold (CC) Dr. Jeff: RMV Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious The Kitchen (N) (CC) Valerie’s Vermont The Wonderful World of Disney: Magical Holiday Celebration Celebrating the holiday season. ’ Food Paradise “Spicy” Vegas Dallas Guy’s Big Project (CC) (1:05) ›› Disney’s A Christmas Carol (2009) Voices of Jim Carrey, Robin Wright Penn. ’ (CC) Ninja Steel Loud Loud CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Loud Alaska Fly Rod Bill Dance Sesame Street (N) Sesame Street ›› 101 Dalmatians (1996) Glenn Close, (11:45) REAL Sports Jeff Daniels. ’ (CC) With Bryant Gumbel (8:45) ››› The Full Monty (1997) Robert Carlyle. Cash-poor Brits dare to bare it all in a strip show. 549 549 512 310 (6:35) ››› Space Cow- MAX boys (2000) (CC) 579 579 537 318 A Season SHO With Navy 598 598 544 327 (6:30) ››› (8:15) ››› What About Bob? (1991, Comedy) Bill TMC Casper (CC) Murray, Richard Dreyfuss. Premiere. ’ (CC) Inside the NFL ’ (CC) Black Sabbath: The End of the End (2017) Black Sabbath. ’ (CC) Outdoors Sasquatch Deadliest Hollywood Survival (10:20) ››› Boiler Room (2000, Drama) Giovanni Ribisi, Vin Diesel, Nia Long. Premiere. (CC) (10:35) ›› Bad Moms (2016) Mila Ku- nis, Kristen Bell. ’ (CC) Miguel Cotto Gold Fever Dirt Trax Food Paradise (CC) Food Paradise (CC) Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Holiday Baking Christmas Cookie (3:10) ›››› The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993, Children’s) Voices of Danny Elfman. ’ (CC) CNN Newsroom Smerconish (CC) Fowl Life Western Loud CNN Newsroom The Christmas Train (CC) American Ninja Warrior “Pittsburgh Finals” Ted Nugent Wild Skies Steve’s (1:15) ›› Serendipity (2001, Romance- (2:45) ››› Kong: Skull Island (2017, Adventure) Tom (4:45) Sex Comedy) John Cusack. ’ (CC) Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson. ’ (CC) and the City (12:20) ›› Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (1:55) ›› Get Smart (2008) Steve Carell. Agent Max- (3:50) ››› Shakespeare (2016) Seth Rogen. (CC) well Smart battles the KAOS crime syndicate. (CC) in Love (1998) (CC) (12:15) ››› A Simple Plan (1998, Suspense) Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thornton. Premiere. (CC) ››› High Fidelity (2000) John Cusack. A record-store ››› While You Were Sleeping (1995) owner recalls past relationships that failed. Sandra Bullock. Premiere. ’ (6:16) ››› (8:01) ››› The Mask of Zorro (1998) Antonio Banderas. Zorro’s 644 644 526 340 STZEN Home Alone protege crosses swords with a returning tyrant. ’ (CC) Ancient Aliens ’ (CC) SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Loud Waterfowl (4:43) FXM Presents Paid Prog. Undercover Boss ’ Undercover Boss ’ ››› The Karate Kid (1984, Children’s) Ralph Macchio. A Japanese handyman teaches a teenager to defend himself. (CC) Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers A. Sedaris SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Loud Bunsen NICK Loud CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Raised OUTD Red Arrow Ram Out (7:25) ›› Ice Age: Collision Course HBO (2016) Voices of Ray Romano. (CC) Friends (3:58) ›› Judge Dredd (1995) Sylvester Stallone. (8:20) ›› Island in the Sun (1957, Drama) Harry Be- (10:20) ›› The Lieutenant Wore Skirts ›› Little Black Book (2004) Brittany Murphy. A wom- (2:14) FXM ›› The Other Woman (2014, Romance-Comedy) lafonte, James Mason, Joan Fontaine. (CC) (1956) Tom Ewell, Sheree North. (CC) an interviews her beau’s former girlfriends. Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton. (CC) Presents HIST (7:00) The Curse of Oak Island ’ CNBC Premier League Soccer (7:45) The (8:15) The (8:45) The AMC Rifleman Rifleman Rifleman Stuck in the Middle (3:40) To Be Announced My Christmas Love (2016) Meredith Hagner. (CC) Enchanted Christmas (2017) Alexa PenaVega. (CC) Finding Santa (2017, Romance) Jodie Sweetin. (CC) HALL Christmas Every Christmas Has a Story (2016) Lori Loughlin. (6:55) Premier League Soccer Teams Premier RacerTV (N) Motorsports Hour Sports FIS Alpine Skiing Men’s Mecum Auto Auctions “Kansas City” Classic car auction from Kansas City. (N) (Live) 89 89 603 159 NBCSN TBA. (N) (Live) League Jeopardy! Super G. (N) (Live) 418 418 606 153 Fox Report (N) (CC) ›› Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013) Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson. (CC) (DVS) 87 68 312 185 501 501 501 300 Gold Girls Gold Girls ››› Gorillas in the Mist ›› The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997, Adventure) Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore. ’ (CC) ›› Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002, Comedy) Mike Myers, Beyoncé Knowles, Seth Green. (CC) Million Dollar Listing Los Million Dollar Listing Los Million Dollar Listing Los Million Dollar Listing Los Southern Charm Thomas Southern Charm Kathryn Below Deck Jen upsets Angeles “She’s a Boss” Angeles (CC) Angeles (CC) Angeles (CC) issues a threat. (CC) and Landon argue. (CC) the entire crew. (CC) Mysteries-Museum Expedition Unknown TRAV Everest Air Mysteries-Museum Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro The Chris Gethard Show 64 62 246 204 TRUTV Hack The Bobby Holiday Contessa Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s 66 53 231 110 FOOD Kitchen ›› Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas (7:00) ›› Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish Mickey’s 70 34 311 180 FREE (1998) David Gallagher. (CC) Xmas Carol (1999) Voices of Wayne Allwine. (CC) 72 57 202 200 Joy Reid (CC) Disney Channel Holiday Andi Mack Andi Mack Bizaardvark K.C. Under- K.C. Under- Andi Mack Jessie ’ Celebration ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (CC) cover cover ’ “Mama” ’ (CC) (10:20) That (10:50) That (11:25) That (11:55) That (12:25) That That ’70s ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Show ’ 62 28 277 215 71 31 299 170 MSNBC Live (N) (CC) (9:45) ›› Shrek the Third (2007) (CC) (DVS) (11:45) ››› Cinderella (2015) Cate Blanchett. (CC) (DVS) Friends Friends Friends Friends WTBS ››› Twins (1988) Arnold Schwarzenegger. (CC) Paid Pro- Futurama ’ Futurama ’ Futurama ’ Futurama ’ Futurama ’ Futurama ’ ›› Evolution (2001, Comedy) David Duchovny, Orlando Jones. (1:23) ››› Dawn of the Dead (2004, Horror) Sarah Polley, Ving SYFY gram (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Alien organisms develop rapidly in Earth’s atmosphere. (CC) Rhames. Milwaukee residents fight zombies in a mall. Winter 41 63 273 129 BRAVO Warm-Up The Road to Christmas (2006) Jennifer Grey. Football College Basketball Harvard at Kentucky. From Rupp College Basketball Kansas vs Syracuse. From the Scoreboard Arena in Lexington, Ky. (N) (Live) AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. (N) (Live) Forbes Cashin’ In FNC Business 32 60 356 209 MSNBC (7:00) AM Joy (N) (CC) Roadster- Puppy Dog Vampirina 34 32 290 172 DSNY Racers Pals ’ ’ (CC) 31 58 360 205 Paid Pro- gram Total Divas (CC) E! News Weekend (N) The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians ››› Freaky Friday (2003) Jamie Lee Curtis. (CC) › Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (2011, Chil- ›› Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012, Children’s) Voic- ›› Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014, Children’s) Voices ››› How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014, Children’s) dren’s) Jason Lee, David Cross. ’ (CC) es of Ray Romano, John Leguizamo. ’ (CC) of Ty Burrell, Max Charles. ’ (CC) Voices of Jay Baruchel, Cate Blanchett. ’ (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Roseanne M. Dodge M*A*S*H (2:15) ›› I Am Number Four (2011, Action) Alex Pet- (4:15) › Mother’s Day tyfer, Timothy Olyphant. ’ (CC) (2016) Jennifer Aniston. (1:45) ››› Smokey and the Bandit (1977, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Sally Field. ’ (CC) ››› Weird Science (1985, Comedy) Kelly LeBrock. ’ (CC) (10:23) ›› Payback (1999) Mel Gibson, (12:07) ›› Dante’s Peak (1997, Action) Pierce Bros- (1:58) ››› Home Alone (1990) Macau- (3:43) ›› Home Alone 2: Lost in New Gregg Henry. ’ (CC) nan, Linda Hamilton. ’ (CC) lay Culkin, Joe Pesci. ’ (CC) York (1992) Macaulay Culkin. ’