SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2017 DAREN - This Week Stats:7-6 Season Stats:93-60 H UNT F AMILY D ENTISTRY DAREN T. HUNT, D.M.D. 950 9th Street • P.O. Box 14000 Florence, OR 97439 541-997-7181 TRACY Kansas City Denver Baltimore Minnesota Tennessee New England Chicago New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams NY Giants Tie-Breaker:45 Senior discounts / Free estimates Florence, OR CCB#195304 Kansas City Miami Baltimore Minnesota Tennessee New England Chicago Carolina Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams Oakland Tie-Breaker:45 BRIAN This Week Stats:8-5 Season Stats:102-51 BRIAN’S BARBER SHOP 1215 Rhododendron Dr. Florence, OR 97439 (541) 997-8726 Hours: Tues-Fri 8 (ish) to 5 (ish) Sat 8 (ish) to 3 (ish) Men’s, Kids and Ladies Short Hair Cuts MARY This Week Stats:7-6 Season Stats:88-65 WE ER! V DELI OCEAN GRINDS COFFEE CO Organic and Fair Trade Coff ee TWO LOCATIONS 813 HWY. 101 & 87738 HWY. 101 OPEN 541-999-7433 A WEEK! Kansas City Denver Baltimore Atlanta Tennessee New England Chicago New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams Oakland Tie-Breaker:42 Kansas City Denver Baltimore Atlanta Tennessee New England Chicago New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers Arizona NY Giants Tie-Breaker:36 Sheds, Decks, Carports, Patios, Painting, Pressure Washing & Service Calls, etc. We do it all to Protect your Investment (541) 999-5050 Bonded & Insured CCB#20166 Daniel Lofy CCB#202440 l o f yc o n s t r u c t i o n . n e t 5 4 1- 9 9 9 - 0 3 4 7 2 2 85 S t e . J H w y . 1 0 1 F l o re n c e , O r . 9 7 4 3 9 TODD S This Week Stats:10-3 Season Stats:94-59 L IUS AW S 3 s n g i S & G R A P H I C The Shippinʼ Shack LOCATED AT: Corner of 6 St. & HWY 101 th (541) 997-8148 Kansas City Denver Baltimore Atlanta Tennessee New England Chicago Carolina Green Bay Jacksonville Cleveland LA Rams Oakland Tie-Breaker:42 JIM This Week Stats:8-5 Season Stats:97-56 RV’ers, we are PARTS your complete Mobile SERVICE & Dry Rot Repair Service “Complete RV Truck & Auto Repair” FLORENCE RV AND AUTOMOTIVE 4390 Highway 101 North, Florence 541-997-8287 Kansas City Miami Baltimore Minnesota Tennessee New England Chicago New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams Oakland Tie-Breaker:38 Denyse This Week Stats:10-3 Season Stats:97-56 Specializing in Color, custom cuts, perms, waxing, pedicures, manicures and more! 351 Laurel Old Town Florence 541-997 3160 Kansas City Miami Baltimore Atlanta Tennessee New England Chicago New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams NY Giants Tie-Breaker:47 Season Stats: RAY This Week Stats:9-4 Season Stats:89-64 Ray Wells, Inc DEQ#37263 This Week Stats:6-7 Season Stats:90-63 Shervin’s Automotive DBA Potter’s Tire & Automotive New Owners AJ and Megan Shervin! WRITTEN WARRANTY ON ALL REPAIRS. Napa Car Care Center We Welcome Drop-Ins. Call 541-997-5049 4515 Hwy 101 North UR IN YO SEND Y FRIDAY B S PICK 5 PM FOOTBALL CONTEST CB# 91052 YOU CAN PLAY AND WIN! PANEL WINNER- Tracy Wolfard winner with 13 correct COMMUNITY WINNER- Kurt Medlock 5-way tiebreaker win with 10 correct CIRCLE YOUR PICKS K ANSAS C ITY AT NY J ETS D ENVER AT M IAMI D ETROIT AT B ALTIMORE M INNESOTA AT A TLANTA H OUSTON AT T ENNESSEE N EW E NGLAND AT B UFFALO S AN F RANCISCO AT C HICAGO C AROLINA AT N EW O RLEANS T AMPA B AY AT G REEN B AY I NDIANAPOLIS AT J ACKSONVILLE C LEVELAND AT LA C HARGERS LA R AMS AT A RIZONA NY G IANTS AT O AKLAND Garage Doors sales • installation • repair We sell and install all types of garage doors, as well as garage door openers. alumium • steel • wood • vinyl Give us a call today for a free estimate. We promise fast, friendly service and great rates! MIKE BARRETT’S GARAGE DOORS Florence • 541-991-0367 CCB# 79598 KEVIN This Week Stats:7-6 Season Stats:99-54 Hoberg’s Complete Auto Repair 345 Hwy. 101 541-997-2413 Kevin McMullen 3rd Generation Owner Serving Your Auto Needs Since 1945 375 9th St, Florence, OR 97439 (541) 997-6111 Total Points from the Monday Game:__________ JIM HOBERG _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VISIT US ONLINE AT Broker/Owner 541-997-7653 Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1870 H WY . 126, S UITE A PO B OX 3040 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F LORENCE , OR F AX 541-997-7654 Phone Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WEEK With the Football Contest The Picker Panel Winner’s Team receives a $15.00 Gift Certifi cate to Dirk’s Big Dog Donuts and Deli DR. CLEMENT This Week Stats:10-3 Season Stats:106-47 Smile On Our Face! Go Get Em, DUCKS! 1256 Bay St. 541-997-3423 Kansas City Denver Baltimore Atlanta Tennessee New England Chicago New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams Oakland Tie-Breaker:48 KELLY This Week Stats:9-4 Season Stats:108-45 Gracie Gracie & Kelly Invite You to stop in and Check Out the Great Selection of Toyota Cars & Trucks Kansas City Miami Detroit Minnesota Tennessee New England Chicago New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams Oakland Tie-Breaker:58 Kansas City Denver Baltimore Minnesota Houston New England Chicago New Orleans Tampa Bay Indianapolis LA Chargers Arizona NY Giants Tie-Breaker:52 NY Jets Miami Detroit Minnesota Tennessee New England San Francisco Carolina Tampa Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams Oakland Tie-Breaker:44 EVERY WEEK S! You Always Put A Kansas City Denver Detroit Atlanta Tennessee New England San Francisco New Orleans Green Bay Indianapolis LA Chargers Arizona NY Giants Tie-Breaker:62 SETH This Week Stats:10-3 Season Stats:95-58 Fill out the form below for your choice of winners. The TIE-BREAKER game is the Monday night game. Guess the total points of this game. In the event of a tie-breaker tie, the winner will be determined by a drawing. Entries must be received by Friday, 5 pm at the Siuslaw News, 148 Maple Street, (P.O. Box 10), Florence, Oregon 97439. Mailed entries must be postmarked by Friday. Employees of the Siuslaw News and their families are not eligible to win. In the event of multiple winners, final weekly winner will be drawn at random from preliminary winners. ATTENTION: Tie breaking Process - the designated tie-breaker game will be judged on total points ONLY. Please estimate the total points for the tie-breaker game. One entry per family . GO DUCK Kansas City Denver Baltimore Atlanta Tennessee New England Chicago New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams Oakland Tie-Breaker:68 KIM This Week Stats:7-6 Season Stats:90-63 C INCINNATI AT WIN $20 E V E R Y Kansas City Miami Baltimore Atlanta Tennessee New England San Francisco New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams Oakland Tie-Breaker:45 JIM This Week Stats:7-6 Season Stats:78-75 TIEBREAKER: Name: Kansas City Miami Baltimore Atlanta Tennessee New England Chicago Carolina Tampa Bay Indianapolis LA Chargers Arizona Oakland Tie-Breaker:38 MIKE This Week Stats:9-4 Season Stats:99-54 Kansas City Miami Detroit Atlanta Tennessee New England San Francisco New Orleans Tampa Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers Arizona Oakland Tie-Breaker:48 BEAT THE PICKERS PANEL P ITTSBURGH P H . 541-997-2054 F AX 541-997-3499 1-877-201-0652 P.O. B OX 3467 1770 L AUREL P L . F LORENCE , OR 97439 2017 E XCAVATING • S EPTIC S YSTEMS • S UBDIVISIONS L AND C LEARING • P AVING • T RUCKING B RUSH & D EBRIS R ECYCLING • D EMOLITION “ We stand for the National Anthem.” 625 Hwy. 101 #128 Florence, OR 97439 DANIEL This Week Stats:6-7 Season Stats:81-59 NY Jets Denver Detroit Atlanta Tennessee New England Chicago New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville La Chargers Arizona Oakland Tie-Breaker: 45 This Week Stats: Handyman 101 Construction, LLC This Week Stats:13-0 Season Stats:101-52 Interior and Exterior House Painting • Deck and Railing Staining • General Repairs • Pressure Washing • Gutter and Downspout Cleaning • Mossy Roof Treatment 7 DAYS DAVID DIRK This Week Stats:7-6 DIRK’S Stop in and enjoy our Donuts and Deli Sandwiches Our donuts are Made Fresh daily! Open Monday - Saturday 5 am-3 pm Sunday 5 am - NOON 1136 Hwy. 101 • 541-997-8630 JEANNA This Week Stats:7-6 For All Your Local SPORTS! 148 M APLE S TREET (541) 997-3441 Season Stats:97-56 NY Jets Miami Detroit Atlanta Houston New England Chicago New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers Arizona Oakland Tie-Breaker:53 Season Stats:81-72 Kansas City Denver Baltimore Atlanta Tennessee New England San Francisco New Orleans Green Bay Jacksonville LA Chargers LA Rams NY Giants Tie-Breaker:46 5 B