The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, August 26, 2017, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 4B, Image 14

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Plagued by
Canker Sores
plagued with canker sores. I get
four to fi ve outbreaks a year. The
products that are sold to heal them
do not help much. Do you know of
a mouthwash that could be used to
prevent or maybe reduce the severity
of canker sores, and what would you
recommend for use on canker sores?
What, in your opinion, causes them?
-- J.H.
ANSWER: Canker sores, also
called aphthous ulcers, are painful
sores that are located in the mouth.
When they keep coming back, as
in your case, it is called recurrent
aphthous stomatitis (“stoma” is the
Greek word for “mouth,” and is
sometimes used for surgically cre-
ated openings). While it isn’t clear
why they occur, there have been
studies that show there may be a de-
fect in immune function in people
with RAS, making it similar to Be-
hcet’s syndrome. It may be associ-
ated with celiac disease and infl am-
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A
change that you’d hoped for is down
the line. But you still need to be pa-
tient until more explanations are
forthcoming. Continue to keep your
enthusiasm in check.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your
social life expands as new friends
come into your life. But while you’re
having fun, your practical side also
sees some positive business potential
within your new circle.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Your
workplace situation continues to im-
prove. Look for advantages you might
have missed while all the changes
were going on around you. Th at trust-
ed colleague can help.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Re-
sist the urge to hunker down in your
matory bowel disease, and it can be
triggered by many things, including
stress, food and drug hypersensitiv-
ity and trauma.
The most common effective treat-
ment I know of is a medium- or
high-potency topical steroid. It can
be prepared specifi cally for use on
aphthous ulcers, such as Kenalog in
Orabase, and this can speed up heal-
ing, especially when applied early.
Some people swear by vitamins, but
they were not found to be effective
in a study.
Thalidomide, a potentially dan-
gerous medication that has extreme-
ly high risk for birth defects, can be
used in severe cases.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I offer my
experience with a prostate treat-
ment not covered in your article. I
had no symptoms. A routine annual
test revealed that my PSA had risen
rapidly to 5.1. At the recommenda-
tion of my urologist, I had a biopsy
(actually, 13 individual biopsies).
My Gleason score of 7/8 predicted a
painful death from prostate cancer if
left untreated.
My options were surgery or ra-
diation therapy. I chose radiation,
which consisted of nine weeks (45
treatments) of one or two minutes
of actual radiation. Extreme caution
was taken to avoid damage to other
organs. I had no side effects during
or after treatment. Two years later,
my PSA is 0.04, and I expect to con-
tinue an active lifestyle at 82 years
of age. -- J.A.G.
ANSWER: I appreciate you writ-
ing in to share your story. Most men
I hear from have accepted surgery
in your situation; however, many
experts feel that radiation treatment
offers a better balance of effective-
ness and side effects than surgery. I
did know an oncologist in a situation
almost exactly like yours who also
decided on radiation and had excel-
lent results.
I do want to caution that a perfect
outcome like yours is not guaran-
teed. I occasionally see men who,
despite abundant caution, have de-
veloped radiation damage to the rec-
tum or bladder. However, the risks
with modern radiation therapy are
READERS: The new booklet on
the prostate gland discusses cancer,
enlargement, infections and erectile
dysfunction in detail. Readers can
obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Roach
-- No. 1001W, 628 Virginia Drive,
Orlando, FL 32803. Enclose a check
or money order (no cash) for $4.75
U.S./$6 Canada with the recipient’s
printed name and address. Please al-
low up to four weeks for delivery.
bunker until things ease up. Instead,
get rid of that woe-is-me attitude by
getting up and getting out to meet old
friends and make new ones.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) Now
that you’re back enjoying the spotlight
again, you should feel re-energized
and ready to take on the challenge of
bringing those big, bold plans of yours
to completion.
VIRGO (August 23 to September
22) A former friend would like to re-
pair a relationship you two once en-
joyed. Your positive response could
have an equally positive impact on
your life. Th ink about it.
LIBRA (September 23 to October
22) Resist making impulsive deci-
sions. Stay on that steady course as
you continue to work out workplace
problems. Be patient. All will soon be
back in balance.
SCORPIO (October 23 to Novem-
ber 21) You might feel confi dent about
taking a promising off er, but continue
to be alert for what you’re not being
told about it. Don’t fret. Time is on
your side.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22
to December 21) People dear to you
might be planning a way to show
appreciation for all you’ve done for
them. Accept the honor graciously.
Remember: You deserve it.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to
January 19) Congratulations. Your
self-confi dence is on the rise. Th is
could be a good time to tackle those
bothersome situations you’ve avoided
both at home and at work.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to Febru-
ary 18) You feel obligated to return a
favor. (Of course, you do.) But heed
advice from those close to you and
do nothing until you know for sure
what’s being asked of you.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20)
Your loving reassurance helped revive
a once-moribund relationship. But be
wary of someone who might try to
do something negative to reverse this
positive turn of events.
Frank’s 101 Barber Shop
396 Highway 101, Florence • 541-902-9588
Siuslaw N ews
Joi n Uncle Fra nk at the Kla m ath River Sal mon Festival
August 19th! See you there!
Fra nk is at the Barbershop on Mon, Tues, Thurs a nd Friday, 9-3
Taki ng lu nch from Noon - 1:00 It is a must!