SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 2017 3 A LCC to offer several Community gears up for annual Power of Florence new classes this semester Several new continuing education classes begin this spring term at Lane Community College, Florence Center. Registration is currently open for classes, including new classes in watercolor basics, a workshop on the operas of Puccini, card making and cinema studies on Humphrey Bogart. Other new additions this spring term include a work- shop exploring relationships, a blues dancing class and a tech- nology class on how to use smartphones. Outward Ventures field trips start April 19 with a visit to the Capitol to meet with legisla- tors and learn about the leg- islative process firsthand. The remaining trips have waiting lists and students are encour- aged to add themselves to the list. Students on wait lists will be contacted by March 28 about registration opportuni- ties. Registration is online and staff at the Florence Center can help with the process either by phone or in-person. The campus is located at 3149 Oak Street. For more information con- tact Marsha Sills, Continuing Education Coordinator at LCC Florence Center 541-997- 8444, ext. 4825 or visit www 45% OFF Implants NOW FREE CONSULTATION See the DentureMaster’s difference, we do it all right here! The seventh annual Power of Florence, a city-wide day dedi- cated to volunteering and giv- ing back, will be held this year on July 15, 2017. The day, officially pro- claimed by the Florence City Council, was started seven years ago by Kaylee Graham, now 17 years old. “I envisioned this day to be like the Rhododendron Festival, with events happen- ing all around Florence,” said Graham. “Only this day, all of the events help make a differ- ence for our community by fundraising, collecting items for the needy or beautifying our community.” Over the course of the last six years, the Power of Florence has had more than 7,000 participants, 78 service projects have been completed, about $42,000 has been raised for nonprofits in our area — and over 14,000 pounds of food has been collected for our local food share and Humane Society. Last year, there were 40 events around town including a pancake feed, Oregon Coast Humane Society Hamburger and Hotdog Barbecue, CROW Car Wash, Beavers vs. Duck COURTESY PHOTO Community members gather in support of the upcoming Power of Florence. Food Collecting Contest for Florence Food Share, multiple park and school beautification projects, and more. All of the events provide a fun way to give back and make a difference for our community in a fun and rewarding way. Everyone in the community is encouraged to get out and make a difference, either by attending the events, volunteer- ing or by creating and hosting their own fundraiser or com- munity service project. Businesses can participate by simply donating a small portion of their profits for the day to a nonprofit of their choice; Relay for Life teams could plan a fundraising event for this day; and nonprofits can plan events to help benefit their agency. If you or your organization would like to have an event during the Power of Florence, or for more information, email Kaylee Graham or Ava Glowacki at powerofflorence@, or call 541-997- 8778. Learn more about it at www. Oregon Dunes DAR to hear military museum update Dr. James Ridley,DDS 206 Nopal Street Florence, OR 97439 CALL NOW 541-997-6226 Wayne Sharpe, Oregon Coast Military Museum (OCMM) president, and Cal Applebee, OCMM executive director, will share information about the museum at the Friday, March 24 meeting of the Oregon Dunes Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), beginning at 12:30 p.m. Sharpe and Applebee will update members on the current status and future plans for the museum. The chapter has supported the museum since its inception with monetary donations and volunteer assistance. A National Society DAR grant funded the remembrance garden, and past regent, Jacquie Beveridge, serves on the board. Though DAR is a lineage organization, members of the community are welcome to attend and learn more about the local military museum in a casual setting. Anyone interest- ed in attending can contact Karen Childs at 541-997-7154 for the location information. This local chapter supports our active-duty military, veter- ans, and an annual scholarship to a graduating senior. Any woman age 18 or older, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible for DAR membership. Women interested in mem- bership can contact Childs to attend a meeting as a guest. To learn more about the Daughters of the American Revolution, visit the national website at Seneca scholarship offered to wide pool of applicants Life‛s Short. Get Dirty. Time for Spring Planting at LAUREL BAY GARDENS! PLANT NOW FRUIT TREES: Apple, Peach, Plum, Cherry CANE BERRIES: Thornless Blackberry, Marion STRAWBERRRIES: Seascape, Quinalt, Tristar SEED POTATOES: Red, Yellow & Blue EUGENE — The Seneca Family of Companies has cre- ated a scholarship program to award a $5,000 scholarship to an eligible applicant. Eligible applicants include any junior or senior high school student in Oregon. The scholarship will be awarded to a single recipient based on an essay contest. To prepare for the essay, the appli- cant is required to hold three different interviews with peo- ple connected to the wood products industry, based on this question: “What are the benefits of forest management for the forest and for the com- munity?” Seneca’s mission is for stu- dents to learn about Oregon’s greatest natural resource in the WEDNESDAY THURSDAY process of this application. While most scholarships aim to narrow their pool of applicants, Seneca views this as a unique opportunity to give all students, no matter their academic standing, demo- graphic, or athletic talent, the chance to earn a college schol- arship with their excellence in research and creativity. The Seneca Scholarship is for $5,000 toward an Oregon college of their choice irre- spective of GPA or any other qualification. By writing the essay, “They put themselves in the position to win a scholarship and at the same time they’re being edu- cated about something that is extremely important to the State of Oregon and to the via- bility of our natural resources,” said co-owner Kathy Jones- McCann. “I think its huge for the kids that have always felt that they couldn’t compete, grade-wise, that they know they can apply for this scholar- ship because even if they don’t earn the scholarship, or it may have given them some insight and some inspiration into the wood products industry.” The essay contest is now open at www.senecascholar The deadline for all students to upload the 5- to 10-page essay applications is March 29. Co-owner Becky Jones said, “Education is so valuable. It should be available to anyone who wants it and is willing to put in the work.” FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY MARCH 22 MARCH 23 MARCH 24 MARCH 25 MARCH 26 MARCH 27 MARCH 28 Showers Rain Rain Showers Showers Showers Showers 53°F 40°F 51°F 41°F 53°F 44°F 51°F 41°F 50°F 44°F 55°F 45°F 53°F 44°F VEGETABLES: Seeds & Starts NEW ARRIVALS RHODODENDRONS: Over 80 Varieties AZALEAS: Encore for blooms for all seasons FLOWERING TREES: Cherry & Magnolia “We’re glad to get you growing!” Award-winning Landscaping Service LCB#6718 NURSERY • LANDSCAPING • GARDEN CENTER 88493 Hwy. 101 Florence Open 7 days Just 2 min. N. of Fred Meyer RECEIVE $10 OFF your next visit when you get something shrink wrapped! Patios • Water Features • Fire Pits Outdoor Lighting • Irrigation Systems Home & Garden Décor Pricing begins at $10/ft . Bring this ad in or simply mention you saw it. 10% Senior Discount Every Tuesday 4515 Hwy. 101 N., Florence 541- 997-5049 AJ and Megan Shervin, Owners Open Monday - Friday 8am-5pm 997-5973 Find us on Facebook