SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 2017 ❚ SIUSLAW NEWS 850 ✦ VEH. & BOAT PROMO 990 ✦ STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS How Blinded Veterans Help Themselves And Others To A Better Quality Of Life 1995 FORD F350 XLT 2007 BAYLINER 195 Fully loaded, keyless entry, very low miles (77K), runs great, lift rear tailgate, power every- thing, priced to sell, 2K under blue book. $5,500 Call or Text 541-999-1381 Open bow, Mercruser 4cyl-9.8, 4 stroke Tahatsu kicker, fish find- er, cover, cabin encl. Trailer, new bearings. Nice Boat. $10,750 541-268-1040 - 268-1029 D L SO 1986 FORD F-150 PROJECT TRUCK New radiator; tool boxes and overhead rack. $850 obo 541-999-4175 1973 DODGE BALBOA MOTORHOME 19’ $5,000 541-997-1281 2013 KIA SOULE White with black accents. 34K miles. $11,500 541-999-9690 ‘93 12FT SCOUT ALUMINUM BOAT And trailer, 6hp Johnson motor, 5spd elec. motor, 2 swivel seats and acces- sories, 2 gas tanks. $1,400 541-997-2191 12 FT. PORTABOTE 2015 883 HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER 1500 mi, Full D&D exhaust sys, Extended forward controls, New leather Harley Davidson seat. $8,500 OBO 210-379-5945 Lv. mess. Foldable RV boat with several extras. Folds to 4 inches. $575 541-999-2096 Reduce Reuse Recycle Reduce Reuse Recycle Reduce Reuse Recycle 2012 POLARIS RZR XP900 Only 24 running hours. Covered in garage, maintained, like new. Trailer, tie downs included. $13,500 541-991-3467 or cell 707-239-2322 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of: Liberty Belle Phillips. Deceased. Case No. llPsol oa5 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouch- ers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at P. O. Box B, Florence, Oregon, 97439, within four months after the date of flrst publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceed- ings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative, Scott T. Bailey. Attorney at Law, P,C, at P.O. Box B, Florence, Oregon 97439. Dated and first published. March 4, 2017. Personal Representative Publication Dates: March 4, 11, & 18, 2017 D IRECTORY S ERVICES Y ELLOW DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-800- 918-1105 Wade Davis and BVA help ensure VA facilities for blinded vet- erans are able to provide the best possible care and training. What Davis Does Over several days, Davis visits each facility and meets separately with the staff and the veterans in- volved. He considers various aspects of the programs: orientation and mobility, living skills, manual skills, low-vision therapy, computer access training, low-vision clinic, optom- etry, eye clinic, ophthalmology, rec- reation therapy, social work, psychol- ogy, nursing, diabetic education, and pharmacy. He also talks to the Visual Impairment Services Team (VIST) Coordinators individually. Davis’ aim is to evaluate the full curriculum of care and to share fi ndings with staff and the administration to promote and expand each facility’s successful pro- cedures and generally make the facil- ity as productive and safe as it can be for blinded veterans. He also holds information ses- sions for the veterans and provides literature about BVA. Davis’ BVA evaluations have brought about a number of improve- ments to blind rehabilitation services, such as making sure each of the facili- ties has the training and equipment it needs. What BVA Does All this is just one way BVA ful- fi lls the mission it’s pursued since the end of World War II: to promote the welfare of blinded veterans so that, notwithstanding their disabilities, they may take their rightful place in the community and work with their fellow citizens toward the creation of a peaceful world. Through its free service programs, regional groups, resources, and advocacy before the legislative and executive branches of government, it makes life better for blinded veterans. Where To Learn More Because BVA advocates for all blinded veterans, whether they are members of the organization or not, and regardless of how their visual im- pairment occurred, veterans old and young and who experience vision loss can call BVA at (800) 669-7079, or visit, to get connected with the rehabilitative services they may need and have earned. For more about VA health care, visit www. (NAPSA)—When your vehicle’s brakes wear out, they probably “chirp” or grind. When your tires be- come worn, you can see the loss of tread depth. Failed headlamp? Worn wiper blades? The evidence is right in front of you. But how do you moni- tor the condition of safety critical parts that are largely “invisible” beneath your ve- hicle’s chassis? Shock ab- sorbers, for example, play critical roles in protecting your driving safety by keep- ing your tires planted fi rmly on the road, which in certain driving conditions can help you stop sooner, maintain more precise steering con- trol and improve vehicle stability. That’s why having your suspension inspected at least once a year is vitally important—you might not be aware that your shocks and other key safety com- ponents are no longer doing what they’re designed to do. Ask About a Guarantee Some leading automo- tive parts manufacturers have established money- back guarantees to help demonstrate the impor- tance of replacing worn N eed L ooking Don’t be shocked by de- teriorating shocks and struts. Have your sus- pension inspected at least annually. components. The Monroe shocks and struts brand, for example, now promises consumers they will “Feel the Difference” in ride and handling performance fol- lowing installation of select new Monroe shocks and/ or struts or get their money back, plus labor and align- ment (if applicable), during a risk-free 90-day or 1,000- mile trial period. “Consumers have the right to expect a notice- able, positive difference in vehicle performance fol- lowing a repair,” said Mark Boyle, director of market- ing for Tenneco, U.S.-based manufacturer of Monroe ride control products. “Our new Feel the Difference Guarantee is designed to of- fer the consumer assurance that they are making a wise investment in their vehicle. It also helps promote con- fi dence and loyalty in their relationship with the repair provider.” Because shocks and struts often wear out very gradually, the slow degra- dation of ride and handling precision can be diffi cult to detect—not unlike the gradual change in your eye- sight. But, just as a new vi- sion prescription can have surprising benefi ts, vehicle owners who replace worn shocks and struts or other undercar components can experience dramatically im- proved ride and handling. New ride control parts can also reduce chances of ab- normal wear of other com- ponents, including tires. “After a ride control re- pair, many consumers are amazed at the difference in their overall driving experi- ence,” Boyle said. “A guar- antee like ours essentially is an investment in educating consumers about the ‘invis- ible’ parts that help keep them safe. And it helps en- sure they get quality prod- ucts from a supplier they can trust.” SAWMILLS from only $4397.00 - MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any di- mension. In stock ready to ship! FREE Info/DVD: 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N Ray Wells, Inc Gift Certificates must be picked up within 2 weeks of winning Deadline for today’s paper: Monday by 3:00 PM VERONICA ZECCHINI found the Saint Patrick’s Day Graphic on Page 8B (Upper right hand corner of 93 12FT SCOUT BOAT Promo) She won a gift certificate to Siuslaw Riverside Wednesday’s Graphic D-077 P H . 541-997-2054 • F AX 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 LEISURE EXCAVATING INC. D-222 997-6300 Environmentally Responsible Free Inspections 541-997-4027 (541) 999-0896 REAL ESTATE Living in the Florence area since 1979. COAST REAL ESTATE 100 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 G ENERAL C ONTRACTOR We specialize in Structural Problems and Dry Rot Call Robert or Marcus 541-997-5970 • 541-991-7870 (cell) D-266 WINDOWS Yes! 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Call 1- 800-243-0916 CCB#203797 999 ✦ PUBLIC NOTICE (NAPSA)—According to Depart- ment of Veterans Affairs (VA) statis- tics, there are over 130,000 legally blind veterans in America. Every year, another several thousand are added to the number either because of combat injuries, age, illness or other factors. What’s Being Done Fortunately, they’re not simply left in the dark. All over the country, the VA has set up residential and out- patient centers where former military persons who have impaired vision can learn to lead more independent, pleas- ant and productive lives. There are two basic kinds of fa- cilities. The Blind Rehabilitation Pro- grams support blind and low-vision veterans and active-duty servicemem- bers in regaining their independence and quality of life to enable their suc- cessful integration into family and community life. These places also support family and signifi cant others to better under- stand visual impairment and foster the provision of appropriate support, to assist in enhancing home environ- ments and to reduce caregiver burden. The Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR) programs use a team approach to provide services based on a thorough assessment of the veteran’s strengths, needs and personal goals. Veterans and their families are en- couraged to identify these goals and provide ongoing feedback regarding progress. To enhance the quality of life for veterans and servicemembers expe- riencing vision loss, the Blinded Vet- erans Association (BVA) works with VA to help keep these places up to par. Recently, that organization’s Training Coordinator, Wade Davis, conducted a comprehensive and individualized Veterans Care Review at each of the 13 Blind Rehabilitation Centers na- tionwide. He is currently doing the same with the VISOR programs. 990 ✦ STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS Jack Mobley Construction, Inc. • Remodeling • New Construction • Sub-Contracting • Additions • Foundations & Flatwork 541-997-2197 CCB#164472 Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Siuslaw News Yellow Directory P.O. Box 10 148 Maple Street Florence, Oregon 97439 (541) 997-3441 Fax: (541) 997-7979 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 850 ✦ VEH. & BOAT PROMO 11B