SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 2017 9 A Library hosting discussion on Oregon fishing, seafood today main branch of the library in the Bromley Room. This event is sponsored by Oregon Humanities and is part of the nonprofit group’s statewide “Conversation Project.” Oregonians love the wild beauty of our 363 miles of A LICE B RAUER C HRISTIAN P RESCHOOL coastline, but finding truly local seafood can be hard, even on the coast. The United States imports approximately 90 per- cent of its seafood and ships out nearly as much to the glob- al market. Why aren’t we eating more local seafood, now that pre- serving and distribution tech- nologies are the most sophisti- cated they have ever been? Why do we consider seafood more a delicacy now than it has been in the past? These questions are the focus of “Fish Tales,” the free conversation with Bright, a Let me Showcase your property. COURTESY PHOTO EASTER CANDY Jennifer Burns Bright food and travel writer based in Port Orford, Ore. She recently retired from teaching at the University of Oregon, where she researched desire in 20- century literature, led a faculty research group in the emerging discipline of food studies, and won a national pedagogy award for a team-taught, interdiscipli- nary class on bread. SEE’S EASTER CANDY FUNDRAISER Richard Beaudro Principal Broker 541 991-6677 Chets Trail #2100 – Rare 5 acre secluded parcel in the woods. Septic approved, well in place, power to the lot. Fantastic lake frontage with two potential building sites and Woahink Creek run- ning though the lot. Bring your home plans! $200,000. #2371-14010831 We will be selling Easter candy from March 13th - March 24th. Th ere are various types of Easter candy to choose from. Please call or stop by the Preschool to order your Easter Candy! 21st and Spruce Street, Florence Meggan Haslett, Director 541-999-6026 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 She holds a PhD from the University of California at Irvine and a Master Food Preserver certification. As a community organizer linking local producers and consumers, Bright often speaks and teaches at events. Her writing appears in Gastronomica, Oregon Quarterly, NPR’s “The Salt,” AAA’s “Via,” and Eugene Magazine, and others. Through the Conversation Project, Oregon Humanities offers free programs that engage community members in thoughtful, challenging conver- sations about ideas critical to our daily lives and our state's future. For more information about this free community discus- sion, visit the Siuslaw Public Library, call 541-997-3132 or visit Blood drive to be held at Siuslaw High School /RVLQJ <RXU +($5,1* RU DUH \RXU HDUV MXVW SOXJJHG ZLWK ($5:$;" Destinie Tatum, a senior at Siuslaw High School, will be holding a blood drive at SHS from Friday, March 17, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There are six openings every 15 minutes, with the goal of filling a total of 120 slots from students and com- ),1'287)25<2856(/) <RX DUH LQYLWHG IRU D )5(( HDU LQVSHFWLRQ XVLQJ WKH ODWHVW YLGHR WHFKQRORJ\ WR GHWHUPLQH LI \RX FRXOG EH KHOSHG E\ D KHDULQJ DLG munity members. The blood drive will take place in the high school gym. To donate, stop by the high school office or contact Destinie Tatum at destiraye@ Walk-ins will also be wel- come. Harley Huff Sr. Scholarship application deadline April 1 1RZWKURXJK([SLUDWLRQ'DWH Now through March 17, 2017 Ada Grange #570 is offer- ing scholarship applications for a Harley Huff Sr. Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $500. The scholarship is open to seniors from Siuslaw and Mapleton high schools. &DOOIRUDQDSSRLQWPHQWQRZWRDYRLGZDLWLQJ,W¶V$OO)5(( $* 5*0*, / (0,5$*( "$4 4")=#&& $8;2 ) ?);2 2 (& $4 $4+&? )( )&)2 ')($8)2 4) ?);0&& 4 >8&? ="8 = 4 8) 82'$( $ ?); );& "&+ ? "2$(! $/ *',&5 &5/*($ /$(! 05 "$4 ;$)'82$ <&;8$)( =$&& +2$4&? 4")= ?); ="8 ?);0< ( '$44$(! ( $ ?); ( "&+ ? "2$(! $/ Return applications by April 1, mailed to Ada Grange #570 C/O Linda Pugh, 8087 Fiddle Creek Rd., Westlake, OR 97493. For more information, call 541-997-4254. FTS Internet Lounge %! * /$(! $ 55/$0 ?); ()= =2 "2$(! $ ?); =$&& 2$< )( +%! ) 2$(! $ 882$4/ = 848 ?);2 "2$(! 8) 4 $ ?); );& "&+ ? "2$(! $ ?); =$&& 2$< ()8"2 %!/ MAC and PC Repair and Tutoring Do you hate making that long drive to Eugene just to fi x your computer? Or is your computer running too slow? Maybe you are hesitant about performing those pesky updates or upgrades? Florence now has their very own complete Mac and PC repair service center. Call Florence Tech Solutions today. We off er di- agnostics starting at $50, so there are no surprises when the bill comes. Not just computer repair, we also work on home theatre, universal remotes, streaming, various soft ware and much more. (#$ ,$/0 && $(#)$ "2$(! $ 2+$24 4"&& ( 8)2? 2+$24 2!2&44 ) '% )2 ')& 4"&& ;- 8" 8)8& )48 ) 8" 2+$2/ ,QWURGXFLQJWKH1(:&KLSLQWKH(DU ,Q7KH&DQDO$GYDQWDJHV Come see us at our new location FTS Internet Lounge next to BJ’s Ice Cream or call for our remote services at 541-991-3705. Open 6 days a week from 10am-5pm, closed Sundays t ,QGLYLGXDOL]HG t 6L]HVWRPHHW\RXUOLIHVW\OH $GYDQFHGSRZHUIXOWHFKQRORJ\DOORZVHYHQ t 8VHVWKHHDU¶VQDWXUDODELOLW\WRORFDWHVRXQGV PRUHRSWLRQVWRZHDUWKLVPRUHQDWXUDOVRXQGLQJ t &RPIRUWDEOHWRZHDU DQGFRPIRUWDEOHKHDULQJDLG t 0RVWPRGHOVFRPSDWLEOHZLWKZLUHOHVV ,($53$9/#(#"#(& 2SHQ)LWKHDULQJDLGVILWVHFXUHO\EHKLQGWKHHDU DQGKDYHDWKLQWXEHWKDWGLUHFWVWKHVRXQGLQWR \RXUHDUFDQDO7KH5,&5HFHLYHU,Q7KH&DQDO SURYLGHVPRUHWDUJHWHGVRXQGZLWKDVSHDNHU DGGHGWRWKHHQGRIWKHFOHDUWKLQWXEH %OXHWRRWK 7HFKQRORJ\ 5HFHLYHU,Q7KH&DQDO$GYDQWDJHV 0RUH5,&$GYDQWDJHV t 6PDOOHUWKDQHYHU t 0RUHQDWXUDOVRXQGLQJ t 'LVFUHHWDQGFRPIRUWDEOH PLQL5,& t %HVWLQSHUIRUPDQFHIHDWXUHVWKDWUHGXFHRU HOLPLQDWHIHHGEDFNDQGZKLVWOLQJ t 7KHPRVWYHUVDWLOHPRGHODEOHWRILWPRVW OHYHOVRIKHDULQJORVV0RVWPRGHOVDUH t FRPSDWLEOHZLWKZLUHOHVV%OXHWRRWK 7HFKQRORJ\ t 9HUVDWLOH t 8WLOL]HVWKHPRVWDGYDQFHGWHFKQRORJ\ t 8VHVWKHHDU¶VQDWXUDODELOLW\WRORFDWHVRXQGV t 5HFKDUJHDEOHRSWLRQV Simplify your financial life. Let’s talk. t 0RVWPRGHOVFRPSDWLEOHZLWKZLUHOHVV%OXH WRRWK7HFKQRORJ\ $127+(5*5($7:$<726$9( /,0,7('7,0(2))(5 3FDFJWFS*O5IF$BOBM 6DYHRQRXUDGYDQFHGOLQH RIGLJLWDOKHDULQJDLGV %8<*(7 2)) )) .; ; 6;); 7;) (;8;2214;!!488$&2$ &&#*#:(#9)&;8$)(42$(!$4 *RRG RQO\ IURP SDUWLFLSDWLQJ 0LUDFOH(DU +HDULQJ $LG &HQWHUV 2QH FRXSRQ SHU SXUFKDVH 1R RWKHU RIIHUV RU GLVFRXQWV DSSO\ 'LVFRXQW GRHV QRW DSSO\ WR SULRU VDOHV 2IIHU YDOLG RQ 0( 0( 0(KHDULQJDLGV&DQQRWFRPELQHZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHUV&DVKYDOXHWKFHQW2IIHUH[SLUHV([S Off er expires March 17, 2017 GDWH 2IIHUYDOLGRQ0RGHO0( 'LJLWDO3URJUDPPDEOH 9DOLGDWSDUWLFLSDWLQJ0LUDFOH(DU +HDULQJ$LG&HQWHUV /LPLWRQHKHDULQJDLGSHUFXVWRPHUDWWKHSURPRWLRQDOSULFH Andy Baber, AAMS® Financial Advisor . 1010 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 541-997-8755 0D\QRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKRWKHURIIHUDQGGRHVQRWDSSO\WRSULRUVDOHV &DVKYDOXHWKFHQW2IIHUH[SLUHVH[SGDWH Off er expires March 17, 2017 6RPH)('(5$/:25.(56DQG5(7,5((6PD\EHHOLJLEOHIRU+HDULQJ$LGVDW12&2677KDW¶V5LJKW1R&R3D\1R([DP)HH1R $GMXVWPHQW)HH0RVW,QVXUDQFH3ODQVDUHDFFHSWHGLQFOXGLQJ%/8(&5266%/8(6+,(/' &$//)25<285$332,170(17 $77+(6(3$57,&,3$7,1*0,5$&/(($5+($5,1*$,'&(17(5621/< Miracle Ear Florence Miracle Ear Coos Bay /RFDWLRQV$GGUHVVHV3KRQHQXPEHUV OPEN HOUSE MARCH 13-17 2775 Hwy 101 Suite B • Florence, OR 97439 632 Anderson Ave Coos Bay, Oregon 97420 541-423-3142 541-423-3142 Visit us online at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ember SIPC CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK The Siuslaw Public Library will host “Fish Tales: Traditions and Challenges of Seafood in Oregon,” a free dis- cussion facilitated by Jennifer Burns Bright about fishing and seafood in Oregon. The presentation will take place today at 1 p.m., at the