SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 2017 ❚ SIUSLAW NEWS 12 FT. PORTABOTE Foldable RV boat with several extras. Folds to 4 inches. $575 541-999-2096 or fl avors. Learn more, in- cluding recipes and a store fi nder, at www.crunchmaster. com. Denver residents, visitors and commuters have a new way to get around. Through General Motors? Maven car sharing service, they can get vehicles from Volts to Esca- lades starting at $8 per hour, gas included. Learn more at Junior Achievement (JA) has helped inspire more than 100 million young people with its programs focused on entrepreneurship, fi nancial literacy and work readiness. To fi nd out more about get- ting involved with JA, visit or con- tact a Junior Achievement offi ce. Many small businesses can increase their revenue by becoming money transfer agents through a company called Sigue. For informa- tion about offering a money transfer service at your business, visit www.sigue. com and click ?Become an Agent.? You can now get single- serving cups of cottage cheese paired with real piec- es of fruit. Made by Muuna, they?re high in protein and low in calories. Learn more at The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently ap- proved implantable cardiac devices by Medtronic that allow for MRI scans in both 1.5 or 3 Tesla machines. These devices include pace- makers, ICDs, insertable cardiac monitors and cardiac resynchronization therapy defi brillators. To learn more, visit www. mriheartdevices. 999 ✦ PUBLIC NOTICE 990 ✦ STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS 990 ✦ STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS PUBLIC NOTICE On March 8, 2017, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc., the licensee of (K48GC-D), Channel 48, (Florence, OR), filed an application with the Federal Communications Commis- sion to assign the license of (K48GC-D) from the Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc., to Edge Spectrum, Inc.. (K48GC- D) is currently operating from (Florence, OR) with a peak transmitter output power of 0.12 kilowatts. Publication Date: March 11, 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE The Port of Siuslaw Commission will meet in Executive Session per ORS 192.660 (2) (a) on Wednesday, March 15 , 2017, at the Port of Siuslaw conference room, 100 Harbor Street, in Florence, at 6:30 PM. The regular Commission meet- ing will follow at 7:00pm and include resolutions to define commercial vessels, transfer appropriations, and authorize re- pairs. Port meetings are open to the public. For more infor- mation call (541) 997-3426. Publication Date: March 11, 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE CLAIMS against the Estate of MICHAEL ROBERT LUCIER, of Swisshome, Oregon, Lane County Circuit Court Case No. 17PB00526, are required to be presented, with proper vouch- ers, to the Personal Representative, JANAE A. LUCIER, at P.O. Box 43, Swisshome, Oregon 97480, within four (4) months from February 25, 2017, the date of first publication, or such claims may be barred. Any person whose rights may be af- fected by the proceeding may obtain additional information from the court records, the Personal Representative or the at- torney for the Personal Representative. Jane C. Hanawalt Attorney for Personal Representative PO Box 1153 1625 12th Street Florence, OR 97439 Publication Dates: February 25, March 4, & March 11, 2017 NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ORDINANCE PASSAGE On March 20, 2017, the City of Florence City Council will review and consider an ordinance concerning the follow- ing… Ordinance No. 5, Series 2017 – An Ordinance of the City of Florence, Oregon, governing the use and occupation of the public right-of-way by communications providers and estab- lishing an application process, fees, and terms for such use. This notice serves as official publication of the availability of the ordinance. The full text of the Ordinance will be avail- able on the City of Florence website at, on or after March 13, 2017 or may be inspected at Florence City Hall, 250 Hwy 101, Florence, Oregon during regular busi- ness hours. For more information about this notice, or any Flo- rence City Council proceedings, please contact City Recorder Kelli Weese at 541-997-3437, or via email at kelli.weese@ci.flo- Publication Date: March 11, 2017 SERVICES: DIVORCE $155. Complete preparation. Includes chil- dren, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503- 772-5295. MISCELLANEOUS: DISH TV – BEST DEAL EVER! Only $39.99/mo. Plus $14.99/mo Internet (where avail.) FREE Streaming. FREE Install (up to 6 rooms.) FREE HD-DVR. CALL 1-800-394- 5170 Switch to DIRECTV. Lock in 2-Year Price Guarantee ($50/month) w/AT&T Wireless. Over 145 Channels PLUS Popular Movie Networks for Three Months, No Cost! Call 1- 800-243-0916 DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-800- 918-1105 Do you owe over $10,000 in back taxes? We help people resolve tax debt. $50 cash back upon sign-up. BBB Accredited. Call for a free consultation 1-800-956- 6048 Chronic Pain? Back or joint pain, arthritis? Recent Medicare/health coverage changes may benefit you! Products are little to NO COST, if qualified. FREE Ship- ping. Accredited Pain Specialists. CALL 1-800-481-7096 Lung Cancer? 60 or Older? If So, You and Your Family may Be Entitled To A Significant Cash Award. Call 800- 413-5730 To Learn More. No Risk, No Money Out of Pocket Spectrum Triple Play TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second speed. No contract or commit- ment. We buy your existing contract up to $500! 1-800- 718-0153 SAWMILLS from only $4397.00 - MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any di- mension. In stock ready to ship! FREE Info/DVD: 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N EMPLOYMENT: Drive with Uber. No experience is required, but you'll need a Smartphone. It's fun and easy. For more informa- tion, call: 1-800-819-1182 SPORTING GOODS: 2017 RICKREALL GUN SHOW Sat., March 11, 9-5, Sun., March 12, 9-3. Adults $6 (Kids under 12 FREE) FREE PARKING. Polk County Fairgrounds, Rickreall, OR 503- 623-3048 Y ELLOW D IRECTORY S ERVICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of: Liberty Belle Phillips. Deceased. Case No. llPsol oa5 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouch- ers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at P. O. Box B, Florence, Oregon, 97439, within four months after the date of flrst publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceed- ings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative, Scott T. Bailey. Attorney at Law, P,C, at P.O. Box B, Florence, Oregon 97439. Dated and first published. March 4, 2017. Personal Representative Publication Dates: March 4, 11, & 18, 2017 N eed L ooking Uncle Sam Wants You To Save For Retirement (NAPSA)—If you ever feel your ?fi nances are too stretched to save for retirement, you’re not alone—and there could be good news for you. The Saver’s Credit—a little-known tax credit made available by the IRS to eligible taxpayers—could make saving for retirement more affordable than you think. It may reduce your federal income taxes when you save for retirement through a qualifi ed re- tirement plan or an Individual Retire- ment Account (IRA). “The Saver’s Credit is a fantas- tic tax credit because it pays you to save for retirement. It offers eligible workers an added incentive to save for retirement on top of the benefi ts of tax-deferred savings when they con- tribute to a 401(k), 403(b) or IRA,” says Catherine Collinson, president of nonprofi t Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies®. Here’s how it works: 1. Check Your Eligibility Depending on your fi ling status and income level, you may qualify for a nonrefundable credit of up to $1,000 (or $2,000 if fi ling jointly) on your federal income taxes for that year when you contribute to a 401(k), 403(b) or similar retirement plan, IRA or myRA. Single fi lers with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of up to $30,750 in 2016 or $31,000 in 2017 are eli- gible. For the head of a household, the AGI limit is $46,125 in 2016 or $46,500 in 2017. For those who are married and fi le a joint return, the AGI limit is $61,500 in 2016 or $62,000 in 2017. You must be 18 years old or old- er by January 1 and cannot be a full- time student or be claimed as a depen- dent on another person’s tax return. If you fi t within these parameters, the Saver’s Credit may be for you. 2. Save for Retirement Save for retirement in your em- ployer’s retirement plan, if offered, or in an IRA. In general, for every dollar you contribute to a qualifi ed retire- ment plan or IRA (up to the lesser of the limits per- mitted by an employer- Th ey change their cli- mate, not their soul, who rush across the sea. –Horace *** Th e world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. –St. Augustine *** Th e journey not the ar- rival matters. –T. S. Eliot *** I have found out that there ainít no surer way to fi nd out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them. –Mark Twain *** Traveling tends to mag- nify all human emotions. –Peter Hoeg *** To awaken alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world. –Freya Stark *** *** How beautiful it is to trav- el until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. –Lin Yutang *** Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. Th e mind can never break off from the journey. –Pat Conroy The Saver’s Credit—a little-known tax credit made available by the IRS to eligible taxpayers—could make saving for retirement more affordable than many people realize. sponsored plan or the IRS), you defer that amount from your current overall taxable income on your federal tax re- turns—and you may also qualify for the Saver’s Credit. 3. File Your Tax Return and Claim the Credit When you prepare your fed- eral tax returns, you can claim your Saver’s Credit by subtracting this tax credit from your federal income taxes owed. Workers who are eligible to claim the Saver’s Credit are also eligible to take advantage of IRS’ Free File program for taxpayers with an AGI of $64,000 or less. Twelve commer- cial software companies make their tax preparation software available for free through the Free File program at • If you are using tax preparation software, including those offered through IRS’ Free File program at, use Form 1040, Form 1040A or Form 1040NR. If your soft- ware has an interview process, be sure to answer questions about the Saver’s Credit, also referred to as the Retire- ment Savings Contributions Credit and/or Credit for Qualifi ed Retire- ment Savings Contributions. • If you are preparing your tax re- turns manually, complete Form 8880, Daylight Saving Time Begins March 12, 2017 Here is how it works… We will put a graphic or photo in the box to the left. You find it somewhere in the classifieds. Come into our office, Enter your name, phone number and describe where you found the graphic or bring in a clipping to attach to your entry into the drawing for a gift certificate. Gift Certificates must be picked up within 2 weeks of winning Deadline for today’s paper: Monday by 3:00 PM MERRIBETH TERRELL found the National Umbrella Month Graphic on Page 8C (Coldwell Banker Coast Real Estate – Right side of lawn – Beautiful Willow Dunes Custom Home) She won a gift certificate to Siuslaw Riverside. Wednesday’s Graphic C ontractor? for a P rofessional? a D-077 DEQ#37263 Ray Wells, Inc P H . 541-997-2054 • F AX 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 P.O. B OX 3467 • 1770 L AUREL P L . • F LORENCE , OR 97439 LEISURE EXCAVATING INC. D-222 CCB #192681 DEQ #37943 D-182 997-6300 Environmentally Responsible Free Inspections 541-997-4027 CCB#79884 999-0896 REAL ESTATE COAST REAL ESTATE 100 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439 G ENERAL C ONTRACTOR We specialize in Structural Problems and Dry Rot Call Robert or Marcus 541-997-5970 • 541-991-7870 (cell) D-266 WINDOWS Yes! WE DO WINDOWS! 30 Years Experience • Reasonable Rates• Senior Discount • Lic. #209676 Window Cleaning BearClaw Construction Residential & Light Commercial Roofing, Siding, Windows, Doors, Dry Rot, Custom Decking, Painting: int & ext, Tile Setting No Job is too small Pressure Washing to Preservation one call does it all. 5 4 1 - 9 9 9 - 9 2 1 1 Servicing Florence and the Pacific N. W. for over 14 years. Commercial • Residential PEST CONTROL For What’s Bugging You (541) Living in the Florence area since 1979. Robert’s Handyman Service TOPSOIL WHEN AVAILABLE Call for Free Estimate – 997-6977 Lynnette Wikstrom – Broker (541) 999-0786 CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS LANDSCAPE MATERIALS • CAT WORK • CLEARING GRADING • SAND & GRAVEL - U-HAUL or DELIVERY BARK • CEMENT MIX • DRAIN FIELD ROCK • SEPTIC SYSTEMS (541) P.O. Box 31,000 CB# 91052 E XCAVATING • S EPTIC S YSTEMS • S UBDIVISIONS L AND C LEARING • P AVING • T RUCKING B RUSH & D EBRIS R ECYCLING • D EMOLITION ELECTRICAL Licensed Bonded Insured EXCAVATING D-070 Good Luck Saturday’s Graphic The following businesses are ready and waiting for YOUR Call!! Wednesday and Saturday in the Siuslaw News D-085 the Credit for Qualifi ed Retirement Savings Contributions, to determine your exact credit rate and amount. Then transfer the amount to the des- ignated line on Form 1040, Form 1040A or Form 1040NR. • If you are using a professional tax preparer, be sure to ask about the Saver’s Credit. • Consider having any refund you receive directly deposited to an IRA to further boost your retirement sav- ings. Note that the Saver’s Credit is not available with Form 1040EZ. The 17th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey found that just one in three American workers are aware that the credit exists. Don’t overlook Uncle Sam’s Saver’s Credit; it may help you pay less in your current fed- eral income taxes while saving for retirement. For more details on the Saver’s Credit and online retirement planning calculators, visit the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® at www.transamer Transamerica Center for Retire- ment Studies® (TCRS) is a division of the Transamerica Institute®, a non- profi t, private foundation. Please visit TCRS at and follow on Twitter @TCRStudies. Graphic Search CCB#203797 999 ✦ PUBLIC NOTICE (NAPSA)?Atrial fi bril- lation, or AFib, is a leading cause of stroke, points out the American Heart Asso- ciation, but it is treatable. To learn more, including risk factors, symptoms and treat- ment, visit afi bawareness. Privacy fi lters on your device screen can protect your personal and busi- ness data by blackening the angled view of onlook- ers. They?re available for all device types, including monitors, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Learn more at Crunchmaster crackers include Multi-Seed Crack- ers, Multi-Grain Crackers, Multi-Grain Crisps, 7 An- cient Grains Crackers, and Popped Edamame Chips. They?re full-fl avored crack- ers, oven baked and gluten- free, with no artifi cial colors Jack Mobley Construction, Inc. • Remodeling • New Construction • Sub-Contracting • Additions • Foundations & Flatwork 541-997-2197 CCB#164472 Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Siuslaw News Yellow Directory P.O. Box 10 148 Maple Street Florence, Oregon 97439 (541) 997-3441 Fax: (541) 997-7979 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 850 ✦ VEH. & BOAT PROMO 9B