SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2017 © 2017 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff f Schinkel, Graphics 5 B Vol. V 33, No. 9 Are you a careful reader? Read the article below and see if you can circle all seven errors. Then, rewrite the artice correctly on the blank lines. hile quite small, the beautiful _________ and black monarch butterfly makes one of the longest migrations in the animal ________. How many butterflies can you find on this page? Monarch butterflies live in Canada and Northern United States in the spring and summer. Every fall, when the weather turns _____, millions of monarch butterflies begin flying ________ to Southern California and Central Mexico. In the fall, thousands of monarch butterflies clinging to trees blend in perfectly with autumn leaves, keeping them safe from predators. The butterflies ________ to the same forests each year, and some even find the same tree where their parents and grandparents wintered. Because it is such an old word, we don't really know who or when someone said, “That thing over there is a butterfly.” One stories is that they was named so because it was thought that witches took on the shape of butterflies and then stealed milk and butter. larvae Scientists aren’t sure how the monarchs know where to go each year, since they each only make the trip ______. No one knows for sure why we call the insects butterflies, since the wurd has been in the english language for centuries (the word was buterfleoge in Old English, which means butterfly in our English tomorrow). egg The butterflies mate in the winter. The male then dies and the female heads back north, laying eggs on milkweed ________ along the way. The females all die before the next fall migration begins. caterpillar Some peoples think it comes from someone hearing “butter- fly” when someone else said, “flutter-by.” In other languages, the fluttery bugg is not called anything like “butter” and “fly.” Draw and color this PRQDUFK·VRWKHUZLQJ adult butterfly pupa Butterfly is one word made from two words (butter + fly). This is called a compound word. Look through the newspaper for words that can be combined to make a new word. There is only one thing the larvae of a monarch butterfly will eat. To find out what it is, circle every third letter. Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. The monarch butterfly is poisonous and birds recognize their orange and black wings and avoid them. The viceroy butterfly is a tasty snack for birds. It protects itself by looking almost exactly like a monarch butterfly. It mimics the monarch. Look at the monarch and the viceroy butterflies. Can you tell which is which? Label each butterfly with the proper name. MIGRATION MILKWEED MONARCH VICEROY MIMICS WINTER LARVAE BLACK AVOID NORTH SOUTH TEXAS PUPA COPY A M A W I N T E R Z I N O I N S C I M I M Y L T A R G B G A E D I I M I O V A L P L N X G R N H R K U Y A O E N A T V W P M P C R T R U A E A O I O K T C O E E N V A R C C H S H D This week’s word: MIMIC The verb mimic means to imitate or copy something. The parrot could mimic the sound of his owner. Try to use the word mimic in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. A Fly on the Wall If you could be a fly on the wall, hearing and watching others without their knowing, where would you go and what would you like to watch? Find and read a newspaper article about the environment. Write a short summary of the article. Be sure to indicate the who, what, where, when, why and how of the article. Standards Link: Writing Applications: Write summaries of expository text. New Patients Welcome Gentle, Personal, Comprehensive Care 5RRW&DQDOV‡&URZQ%ULGJH‡([WUDFWLRQV‡,PSODQW5HVWRUDWLRQV‡&RVPHWLF'HQWLVWU\‡7HHWK:KLWHQLQJ Relaxing riverfront view from all rooms. (541) 997-3423 1256 Bay Street