N OV . 2, 2016 • D ISASTER P REPARATION 13 Keynote Speaker 11 a.m. to noon — in the Florence Events Center theater Keynote speaker Mykel Hawke will use his lifetime of military and survival knowledge to instruct audience members on the best ways to prepare for and survive weather-related disasters. Gallery I Speakers 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. Save-Your-Family.com and AmericanPreparedness.com are resources for building and maintaining a disaster preparedness “go kit.” From ready-to-purchase kits to personalized plans, look to Save-Your-Family.com to prepare your family. 11 a.m. to noon, 2 to 3 p.m. Learn how to perform emergency sutures and dress wounds at two special classes. Registration is required by calling Siuslaw News at 541-902-3526. The class is $25 per person, and limited to only 50 participants. 12:15 to 12:35 Jesse. M. Honeyman State Park Manager Dan Schewlakow will talk about “Cordage: Past and Post.” This interactive skill-share will demonstrate both primitive forms of cordage making, including different types of plant fibers, as well as a more modern approach of making long pieces of cordage from recycled materials. Cordage is one of the 5 Cs of survival — cutting device, combustion device, cordage, container and cover — so is a beneficial skill to learn. 12:45 to 1:05 p.m. SilverFire specializes in wood and biomass/bio-fuel clean cooking technology. SilverFire emergency products are efficient and reliable just using twigs, ground scrub, kindling, construction debris or other flammable biomass. 1:15 to 1:35 p.m. Beauty by Delivery Day Spa is a locally owned day spa in Florence. It features locally-made products along with premium spa care. Owner Elaine McMillan is also ORGANIZING a Little Free Pantry FOR FLORENCE to provide staples for homeless and struggling individuals in the area.