10 D ISASTER P REPARATION • N OV . 2, 2016 E m er g e nc y k it c h ec k l i s t A battery-powered radio and extra batteries Flashlights or battery pow- ered lanterns, with extra batteries Avoid using candles because of the fire hazard Water to last three days. At least one gallon per person per day Manual can opener Fully-stocked first aid kit Extra prescription medica- tions, eyeglasses and contact lens solutions Supplies for baby, elderly or special needs Non-perishable food, including canned meat, vegeta- bles, soups and fruit, crackers, cereals, granola and energy bars, peanut butter and nuts Plastic sheeting, tarp and duct tape Dust filter masks rated “N95,” designed to keep out air- borne dust, pollen and possibly protection from disease Whistle to signal for help A stash of cash in small bills. Set aside as much as you can reasonably afford. Copies of your important family documents. You can scan them to a flash drive and store in either a “go bag” or other safe location away from your home. These documents may include copies of insurance policies, deeds, passports, birth certificates and titles to your vehicles Small photo album with current photos of family members and pets Regular, unscented, house- hold bleach for purifying water and an eyedropper. Experts rec- ommend 16 drops of bleach to purify one gallon of water Utility knife and/or heavy- duty scissors Heavy duty trash bags “Strike anywhere” Matches in waterproof container Sanitizing and disinfectant wipes Extra set of car and house keys, stored in a secure location away from your primary residence Gloves. Latex or non/latex, plus a good pair of work gloves Toilet paper (lots) and paper towels Travel sizes of personal hygiene items, dental care, soap, feminine care, deodorant, etc. Blankets or sleeping bag and small pillow Towels for each member of the family, and extra for clean-up Extra clothing, socks, underwear and outerwear, and sturdy, comfortable footwear Small tool kit. Include a wrench for shutting off utilities, hammer, nails, screwdrivers, screws, duct tape, zip ties, etc. Signal flares Insect repellent. Wasp/hor- net spray can also be used for per- sonal defense Extra pet food and water. Also if your pet requires medica- tion, get some extra for them as well Fire extinguisher Disposable camera with flash for documenting damage. Remember, survival is not a kit. Survival is a plan and the kit should be a part of your plan. Creating an emergency kit he disaster prep motto: Get a kit, make a plan, be informed. Both FEMA and the Red Cross recom- mend having a 72-hour emergency kit, though more and more experts prefer sup- plies for up to two weeks. That is having enough supplies and equipment to get you through 14 days without electricity, water or trips to the store. Building an emergency kit does not need to break the bank. Picking up a few extra items now and then will build up over a period of time and, before long, your pantry is filled with supplies that will carry you through a disaster. Don’t be overwhelmed by a huge list of items — just buy a few items each week and you will be prepared for the most likely emergencies in our area. Some additional tips when planning your kit: T DISASTER PREP B Y D AVE R OBINSON Special to the Siuslaw News • Keep your kit in one general location. In fact, keep one kit at home and a separate kit, including cell phone charger, in your vehicle. • Store your kit in a cool, dry place. People use food-grade 5-gallon buckets, ice chests or duffel bags to keep everything together. • Make sure your kit is portable in case of evacuation. • Rotate your stock of food, water, med- icines and batteries every six months to ensure freshness. Commercially bottled water is recommended to ensure safety. • Stay in the habit of keeping your gas tank at least half full and keeping your cell phone charged. • If you need to evacuate, be sure to remember chargers for your technology, important paperwork, contact information and spare keys. • Have a go-to place for all family mem- bers to meet in case of emergency. Use this checklist to create an emergency kit for you and your family until basic services may be restored. Dave Robinson is the postmaster in Bandon, Ore., and author of “Disaster Prep for the Rest of Us.” He may be contacted at disasterprep.dave@gmail.com. Visit his website for more disaster preparedness tips, disasterprepdave.blogspot.com.