The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, October 01, 2016, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 6B, Image 17

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    6 B
Taking the next
step in weight-loss
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have been
trying to lose weight, with no results.
I have cut back on carbs and sugar. In
general, I watch what I eat. I also go to
the YMCA and work out — in the
water mostly, because my legs hurt so
much. I weigh 286 pounds. I would
love to lose 100 pounds, but I am not
having any luck.
When I go to my primary-care doc-
tor, he tells me that I need to lose
weight. When I tell him what I have
been doing to try to lose weight, he
doesn’t believe me. I think I need
more help with my weight problem. I
don’t know if I should find a new doc-
tor, or what! — J.S.
ANSWER: I have heard variations
of this story so many times from my
own patients that I am sure you are
trying. However, losing weight is a
ARIES (March 21 to April 19)
Someone from your past could arrive
with welcome news concerning your
future. Meanwhile, avoid taking sides
in a workplace confrontation until you
have more facts to go on.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A
decision about a relationship could
have longer-lasting consequences than
you might imagine, so be sure of your
facts before you act. A trusted friend
can help.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A
strained relationship could be restored
with more personal contact between
the two of you. Letting others act as
your go-between only adds to the
ongoing estrangement.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) New
very difficult thing to do. Once your
body has reached a certain weight, it is
incredibly hard to get things turned
around. Fortunately, it is possible for
everyone to lose weight. But you cer-
tainly do need some help. So does
your primary-care doctor. As an alter-
native to getting a new one, I think it
might be worthwhile to see an expert
in weight loss, since this is a field
requiring knowledge of new medica-
tions, as well as potentially using
medications approved for other condi-
tions in an “off label” way to help you
lose weight.
One of the first things to look at is
the medicines you already take. Most
primary-care doctors don’t know (and
I mightn’t have, if I didn’t work at an
institution where research and teach-
ing about this goes on) how many
medications for blood pressure,
depression, epilepsy and diabetes
(among others) can cause weight gain
as a side effect. Sometimes switching
medications can help a great deal.
Most primary-care doctors are
uncomfortable prescribing medica-
tions for weight loss, especially after
the disaster caused by the combina-
tion of dexfenfluramine and phenter-
mine (fen-phen). There are newer and
safer medications now.
Metabolic conditions such as
Cushing’s disease and hypothy-
roidism need to be looked for.
Careful evaluation of the diet —
using food diaries and often enlisting
the expertise of a registered dietician
nutritionist — is of paramount impor-
tance. Since there is so much misin-
formation, I almost always find peo-
ple eating unhealthy foods and avoid-
ing healthy ones, to their detriment.
You should be congratulated on
finding an exercise that you can do,
and be encouraged to do so every day.
Finally, since you are 100 pounds
or so overweight, your doctor also
should consider the risks and benefits
of bariatric surgery, the most effective
way (and only reliable one for most
people) of losing that much weight.
wrote about essential tremor, several
people who suffer from this condition,
as well as several clinicians, wrote to
tell me about a product called
Liftware that helps many (but not all)
people with hand tremor eat with less
difficulty. It’s a handle that you can
attach a fork or spoon to, and it
reduces the amount of shaking. It’s
available at
facts could mean taking a new path
toward a goal you’ve been hoping to
reach. However, be sure all your ques-
tions are answered before you under-
take to shift directions.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) This is
a good week for all you fine Felines to
turn your attention to some important
considerations, such as your health,
your job situation and the status of
important relationships.
VIRGO (August 23 to September
22) Avoid making a quick decision
about a matter that needs more study.
Keep your mind open for possibilities,
even if they don’t seem plausible — at
least not yet.
LIBRA (September 23 to October
22) You might welcome the emphasis
on openness in relationships that mark
this period. But it’s a good idea to
avoid sharing personal secrets with
people you hardly know.
SCORPIO (October 23 to
November 21) There are still some
questions that need to be asked and
answered before you can feel confi-
dent enough to make a potentially life-
changing decision.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 21) Some lingering effects
from a now largely resolved work-
place confrontation could make things
difficult for you. Act on this before it
becomes serious.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to
January 19) You feel you’re finally in
control of your own life after months
of making compromises and conces-
sions you never felt comfortable with.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to
February 18) No sooner do you decide
to pass on one job offer than another
suddenly turns up. This one might not
have everything you’re looking for,
but it’s worth checking out.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20)
Congratulations. With Jupiter’s strong
influence dominating this week, don’t
be surprised to get some good news
about a troubling financial matter.
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