❘ / SIUSLAWNEWS ❘ @ SIUSLAWNEWS SATURDAY EDITION CAST AWAY ❘ JANUARY 2, 2016 ❘ $1.00 Protect pets this winter ALL ABOUT PETS — B3 SPORTS — B SERVING WESTERN LANE COUNTY SINCE 1890 FLORENCE, OREGON CRIME N EW Y EAR ’ S R ESOLUTIONS Man arrested for murder of stepfather Jeffrey Holmes, 41, accused of killing Jack Youngblood, 80, after dispute north of Florence B Y C HANTELLE M EYER Siuslaw News Community members share their resolutions for the New Year C OMPILED BY S IUSLAW N EWS S TAFF Erin Reynolds Florence City Manager Joe Henry Florence Mayor “I resolve to continue to thank God for the blessings that have been bestowed upon me and my loved ones. I resolve to do my best to use those gifts in these difficult times to strive for the leadership, communication and team- work to keep our fair city on the path to becoming a great place for all our citizens to live and work as well as to make it the premier destination on the Oregon coast. I resolve to work harder to keep our attention focused on the tasks at hand and not be distracted by agendas that are not in the best interests of the majority of the people of Florence.” “My personal resolution is the cliché answer that I’m sure a lot of people will have, that 2016 may be a more balanced year. For me that means work out more, eat healthier, spend more time with family and friends and read a few good books along the way. As city manager, my resolution is to stay the course and complete the projects that we put in motion this last year — all the while continuing to make progress on the city’s priorities that will add to and improve this amazing community of Florence that we call home.” “I am excited for Dunes City to move forward with a strong, caring City Council and equally strong and caring staff. The holiday season also brings to mind the importance of fami- ly, friends and neighbors. I want to offer my sincere appreciation to every- one that has supported me throughout the year. Nobody stands alone in civic service. Beside them are their family, friends, and co-workers, who share their time, advice and listening ear. I encourage us all to continue our efforts to work together as neighbors and volunteers for the common good of all. It is important that we remember that we can affect change in our community by volunteering. That will continue to be my pri- ority in the coming year. And, as I look optimistically to the future, I’m hoping 2016 is our best year ever.” See “As outgoing executive director of the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce, I would like to see the Chamber continue to flourish in 2016, and fulfill its mission to the communi- ty. I also urge the Florence business community to become engaged with our Chamber. With near- ly 1,000 business licenses issued in the city, and only 300 Chamber members, there is a lot yet to be accomplished, and it is only through the collective effort of the business commu- nity members that this can happen. The Chamber can not accomplish its mission without their engagement. Together, we can do so much more for our community.” See Florence Police join other agencies to stop multiple vehicle-related crimes B Y C HANTELLE M EYER Siuslaw News RESOLUTIONS 6A Popular jazz quartet returns to City Lights B Y J ACK D AVIS Siuslaw News J INSIDE azz enthusiasts and music lovers in gen- eral will want to be at City Lights Cinemas Thursday, Jan. 7, to expe- rience the Florence-based Miles To Go (MTG) jazz quartet, featuring guest pianist Ken Wannberg and three local female vocalists performing pop- ular jazz standards. “Ken has worked on every major film score that Stephen Spielberg and George Lucas has ever produced, until he retired in 2005 and chose Florence as his home,” percussionist Nate Kaplan said. “He is not only a brilliant music edi- tor, he is also a brilliant composer.” MTG will feature at least one original jazz composition by Ambulance . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coastal Events . . . . . . . . . . . Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2 B5 A8 A4 COURTESY PHOTO Miles To Go jazz quartet will perform Thursday, Jan. 7, at 6:30 p.m. at City Lights Cinemas. Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5 SideShow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B4 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Word on the Street . . . . . . . A7 THIS WEEK ’ S Wannberg, who will be on keyboard. The group will also feature three female vocalists, each performing four songs. “Maree Beers recently played Roxy in the local production of ‘Chicago,’” Kaplan said. “Anything she does, she brings it home. She is amazing.” Denise Dee and Judi Kelly will also perform. See SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 48 36 48 37 45 39 46 37 WEATHER Full Forecast, A3 Florence Police Department (FPD) reported the arrest of Larry L. Gifford, 29, of Veneta, on Tuesday in connection with several vehicle-related crimes in Lane and Douglas counties. “It’s a long, drawn-out story,” FPD Lt. John Pitcher said. “People saw us driving around all over.” On the morning of Dec. 29, FPD received a report of a vehicle stolen from 10th Larry Gifford Street off of Spruce Street in Florence, and of a second vehicle broken into and tools stolen in the same area. At about 10:50 a.m., officers from FPD and Douglas County Sheriff’s Office (DCSO) investi- gated a hit-and-run accident that had occurred in Florence. DCSO stopped the suspect vehicle on Highway 101 in Douglas County. CONCERT 9A TODAY DEATH 6A High-speed chase ends in crash, arrest Cal Applebee Florence Chamber Executive Director Rebecca Ruede Dunes City Mayor A 41-year-old man was arrested Tuesday after- noon following an alleged dispute and the murder of his stepfather in Florence, according to the Lane County Sheriff’s Office. On Dec. 29, at approximately 11:59 a.m., sher- iff deputies were dispatched to a “dispute or dis- turbance call” at 5330 Knoll Way, located in the northern outskirts of Florence. Upon arrival, deputies located a deceased per- son, Jack Harvey Youngblood, 80 years old, at the scene. Detective Sgt. Carl Wilkerson said the initial information indicated Jeffrey Whitman Holmes, Youngblood’s 41-year-old step-son, had been in a dispute with people at the location. Holmes was no longer on scene. A deputy locat- ed Holmes about a mile away from the residence and detained him. Investigators from the Florence Police Department, the Oregon State Police and the sher- iff’s office responded to the area and began inves- tigating Youngblood’s death. The investigation revealed that Youngblood died as a result of being assaulted by Holmes. In an interview Wednesday morning with the Siuslaw News, the victim’s wife, Julia Youngblood, said, “I’ve lost two of the most important men in my life.” S IUSLAW N EWS 126 TH Y EAR ❘ I SSUE N O . 1 C OPYRIGHT 2016 See CHASE 6A CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK THESIUSLAWNEWS . COM