Florence artist receives WSO Award of Distinction FLORENCE — Kathryn Damon- WSO’s fall and spring confer- Dawson’s painting, “Sea Change,” ences and exhibitions are held all received the Award of Distinction at over the State of Oregon where Watercolor Society of Oregon, Fall members are willing and able to be 2015, conference and exhibition. hosts. Ratindra Das, of Chicago by way It was hosted in Florence in the of India, juried the show and cri- Fall 2000, with Kari Mais as chair- tiqued the award winning paintings. woman, and again in Fall 2008, He called “Sea Change” a bold with Damon-Dawson and Jane painting by a daring artist. Rincon as co-chairs. WSO members in Hermiston, WSO conferences are scheduled Ore., hosted the conference. At the for the next threes years for spring Awards Banquet, Damon-Dawson and fall 2016-2018, with the received a Gold Award for outstand- upcoming spring conference in ing accomplishment in watercolor Silverton at Oregon Gardens. painting in accordance with the WSO is a member of Western guidelines set forth by WSO. Federation of Watercolor Societies. During the WSO membership WFWS members will join WSO business meeting, Damon-Dawson members in Eugene, Ore., in Spring was elected to a three-year term of 2017. leadership: first year as vice-presi- The Schnitzer Museum of Arts COURTESY PHOTO dent, second as president and third will host both juried shows. Florence artist and newly elected WSO vice-president Kathryn Damon-Dawson as past-president, fall 2015 through Anyone interested in joining with her award-winning watercolor, “Sea Change” fall 2018. WSO, either as an active member Watercolor Society of Oregon is as a watermedia painter, or as a a 50-year-old nonprofit organization cre- in watermedia and providing educational ers interested in the creation and appreci- subscriber member, can visit www.water ated for the purpose of furthering interest opportunities for both members and oth- colorsocietyoforegon.com. ation of the visual arts. Discover Amazing Furniture at 2079 Sherman Ave. - North Bend (541) 756-7641 www.EnglesFurniture.com Mon - Sat 9am - 6pm; Sun 11am - 4pm 1 4 • C OAST C ENTRAL • A r t s & E n t e r t a i n m e n t • D E C EM B E R 20 1 5 North Bend