10 A SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2015 Rotary raffling painting to raise money for clean water Florence donated $4,000 and four other Oregon Rotary clubs donated $500 each. These donations where matched by the Oregon Rotary District 5110. The Rotary Foundation matched these contributions to pro- vide the $34,000 needed for this project. This year, the Rotary Club of Florence is working on a grant to provide clean water to a village in Peru. The vil- lage of Belen de Urco’s water source is contaminat- ed, like 70 percent of all water sources in Peru. Peruvian children get sick from the water and miss school. The parents are trapped wanting better lives for their families. Connect with us Having a community water system providing clean safe water will help them improve their lives. A grant for Peru will require the Rotary Club of Florence to come up with $6,000. Florence Rotary’s world community service chair- man Ron Caputo said, “We’re still about $1,000 short, so I am raffling off a painting by previous Rotary club of Florence member George Lewis, titled ‘Wild Flowers.’” For anyone who wants to help fund this grant, Caputo can be reached at the Florence Events Center on Tuesdays at noon. COURTESY PHOTO Florence Rotarian Ron Caputo is raffling off a George Lewis painting, “Wild Flowers,” for Rotary’s latest project to bring clean water to Peru. 6SUXFH6W)ORUHQFHa -- VKRUHZRRGUHWLUHPHQW#JPDLOFRP ŽŵĞ ũŽŝŶ ƵƐ ĨŽƌ ŽƵƌ ,ŽůŝĚĂLJ džƚƌĂǀĂŐĂŶnjĂͶtĞ ĂƌĞ ĞdžĐŝƚĞĚ ƚŽ ŽīĞƌĂĨƌĞĞŚŽůŝĚĂLJĚŝŶŶĞƌǁŚĞŶLJŽƵ ďƌŝŶŐĂĚŽŶĂƟŽŶŽĨĂŶŽŶͲƉĞƌŝƐŚĂďůĞ ĨŽŽĚŝƚĞŵĨŽƌƚŚĞůŽĐĂů&ůŽƌĞŶĐĞ&ŽŽĚ ^ŚĂƌĞ͘ĞĐĞŵďĞƌϭϯƚŚϭϭƚŽϭ͗ϯϬƉŵ͘ ŐŝŌĞdžĐŚĂŶŐĞ;ŵĂŬĞƐƵƌĞĂŶĚďƌŝŶŐ ĂŐŝŌͿĂŶĚĂƐƉĞĐŝĂůǀŝƐŝƚĨƌŽŵ^ĂŶƚĂ͘ S IUSLAW N EWS Follow us on Twitter @S IUSLAW N EWS 541-999-5083 ůƐŽĂϮͲďĞĚƌŽŽŵĂƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚŝƐĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ͊ Visit us online: www.TheSiuslawNews.com. It’s Christmas at Our Gift Shop Beginning November 23rd Peace Health Medical Center Gift Shop Every $10 you spend in the Peace Harbor Medical Center Gift Shop during November and December... receive a ticket for a chance to win one of many great prizes. Merry Christmas from Your Hospital Gift Shop Volunteers PORT HOLE PUBLISHING Looking for a unique gift this holiday season? 179 Laurel Street, Suite D FLORENCE LET US PUBLISH YOUR BOOK G ift Certificates for the CCB# 55030 Florence Events Center 77567 Hwy. 101 • GARDINER To purchase – simply drop by the box office 15th Annual ʻTree of Givingʼ ready November 30th. Monday to Friday between 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Stop by for coffee & cookies and pick up an ornament to help a local High School teen in need of necessities. 715 Quince St * Florence, OR * 541-997-1994 1780 Kingwood St. Gift Certificates are good for redemption for any ticketed show at the FEC for one year from purchase. PORT HOLE BOOKS 541-997-8526 NEW-USED-RARE! WE HAVE IT ALL! Best-Selling Author, Ellen Traylor, Owner/Publisher 541-999-5725 Sotheby’s, eBay Master Dealer and Appraiser for Discovery.com portholebooks.com • portholepublications.com Always the perfect gift! Deck Your Halls! The Holiday Shop ★ NOW OPEN DONATE NOW! Maximize your donation by donating to Cars for a Cause by Dec. 31st. We accept cars, trucks, RVs, boats & motorcycles CALL NOW! St. Vincent DePaul’s 2315 Hwy. 101 997-8460 •Helps those in need in Lane County • Charitable donation •We do all the paperwork St. Vincent de Paul 2315 Hwy. 101 • Florence • 541-997-8460 M-F, 10-8 Sun., 10-6 OPEN DAILY CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK www.shoppelocal.biz Each year, the Florence Rotary Club reaches out somewhere in the world to help less fortunate people. Last year, Rotary helped fund a grant to put water fil- ters into 14 schools in India. Many school children in India do not have access to safe drinking water, and as a result they suffer great hard- ship and sickness. The Rotary Club of Florence and The Rotary Club of Bangalore India will bring clean water to approxi- mately 17,000 students by delivering water filtration systems to 14 primary schools in and around Bangalore — India’s fifth- largest city. The Rotary Club of