8 A SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2015 FRAA hosts Holiday Arts ‘Season of Caring’ supports nonprofits Festival Dec. 4 and 5 www.shoppelocal.biz Holiday Arts Festival 2015, presented by Florence Regional Arts Alliance (FRAA), runs for two days this year, beginning Friday, Dec. 4, from 1 to 7 p.m., then again Saturday, Dec. 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Florence Events Center. Admission is free. Come meet the craftsmen and artisans showing their lat- est creative designs and unique works of art in many genres. The list of vendors in this year’s festival includes: Karen Skulley, knitted scarfs and shawls, purses and quilts; Ralph and Vicki Martin, scrollsaw wood art; Cindi Covert, all things cro- cheted; Debbie Brown, hand- woven bags and pillows; Carol Strenkoski, dog sweaters and women’s beaded hats; Peggy Goodrow, stained glass; Patti Land, fabric bas- kets and pottery; Debbie Kiturkes, painted pottery dishes and jewelry; Karen Souza, upcycled jewelry and Port from 1A “And if we don’t, then we go back out?” Duman asked. Caputo said the board would have to move forward and cross that bridge if it happened. Buckwald said he would like to see a unanimous vote. “I’d like to see us all in sup- port of whatever it is we do,” he said. “We have to find a way to make that work.” The board voted 4-1 in favor of seeking new applicants and re- evaluating the previous applica- tions. Duman voted no. Districts “My vote of no was based on information gained during the executive session and I cannot comment on that,” Duman said. “I will respect the wishes of the board.” Caputo felt the board had learned a lot by going through the process. “The next time the process might be a little bit easier,” he said. “The commissioners all have their individual visions of who they want in this posi- tion,” interim port manager Dina McClure said. “A few of them share a common vision, JACK DAVIS/SIUSLAW NEWS T he “Season of Caring” reception and soup kitchen held Nov. 14 at the Florence Events Center raised a total of $250 that was shared with Siuslaw Outreach Services (SOS) and Florence Food Share. The soup kitchen served 75 people and earned $100, and the artists raffle brought in $150. In addition, approximately 100 pounds of food were collected for Food Share. SOS received 40 coats, some blankets, two sleeping bags and several sets of gloves. but it is not a consensus. “If the board is unable to come to a consensus, I commend them for taking more time to re-evalu- ate the first round of applicants and do further recruitment. I don’t expect their decision to be unanimous, but it is in the best interest of the port for the major- ity to agree.” The port will accept additional applications for the position of port manager until Dec. 15. __________ Follow Jack on Twitter @SNews_Jack. Email him at jack@thesiuslawnews.com. T he Chick en Coop O N M A P L E Join Us for our CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Saturday, November 21st, 12 -4 We are having refreshments, drawings and lots of fun! Christmas has arrived at The Chicken Coop! 129 Maple Street , Old Town Florence 541-991-7739 from 1A The employee will keep track of her hours for both agencies. The SVFR Board of Directors signed the intergov- ernmental agreement (IGA) at its meeting on Nov. 18. The WLAD board signed the IGA on Thursday. According to the IGA, “SVFR remains an independ- ent contractor, providing serv- ices through this intergovern- mental agreement to WLAD.” “I’m excited to do this,” Brown said. “I work with great people in both places.” The SVFR board also dis- cussed other issues at its board meeting, including the October burglary at its Canary Road sta- tion. “The last estimate of loss was in the neighborhood of $16,000,” Langborg told the board. “That’s pretty high. I didn’t realize that the radios were worth $5,000 a piece, and we lost two.” According to Divisions Chief Marvin Tipler, the radios were so expensive because they are commercial radios. “We’re looking at ways to improve security and ensure that this doesn’t happen again,” Langborg said. Airport yard art; Tina Shoys, mosaic art; Lori Muir, local photogra- phy; Claudia Ignatieff and Ron Hildenbrand, prints, cards, oil paintings and light- ed cubes; Sun Levine, fine pottery; Claudia Brown, sea glass, bead and wirework; Annette Bignami, woodwork- ing; Sharon Pryor, tole paint- ed item, Christmas crafts and glass art; Maggie Bagon, hand spun and dyed and felted items; Ken McDougal, fine art scenic photos; Janet and Kevin Square, intarsia wood- working and fractal art; Diane Osborne, Santas (large and small); Norma Burkett, fibre arts; and Peggy Murray, orig- inal art and illustrated printed cards. Artisans exhibiting in the Holiday Arts Festival will be donating 10 percent of their sales to the FRAA Art Center, 120 Maple St. For more information, con- tact Claudia Brown at 541- 902-1933 or Peggy Goodrow at 541-902-1430. ® R O T L REA Please Join With Us at Berkshire Hathaway Home Services 1875 Hwy. 101, Florence By donating toys for the children recieving toy baskets from Florence Soroptimist. Please drop off unwrapped toys by Dec. 15th so they may be distributed on December 19th. Please purchase toys for age group of 9-12 for boys and girls. We would like to thank those who have already dropped toys off. WORD ON THE STREET What are you thankful for? HAVE A QUESTION WE SHOULD ASK? E MAIL : E DITOR @T HE S IUSLAW N EWS . COM We asked members of the local Boys and Girls Club this question. View more of their responses in a special Thanksgiving section on Wednesday, Nov. 25. from 1A The council re-established the Airport Advisory Committee on Sept. 8, after which city staff began the recruitment process. Henry announced that the seven members of the commit- tee are Andreas Blech, Byron Devries, Larry Farnsworth, Richard Holcombe, Carl Middleton, Craig Sanders and Sam Spayd. According to city code, the committee shall meet at least every other month, at a regu- lar time to be set by the com- mittee. __________ Follow Chantelle on Twitter @SNews_Chantelle. Email her at cmeyer@thesiuslawnews.com. “I am thankful for my mom, dad, cats, dog, food, home, Netflix, books, basketball, cross country, my friends, Sam and Ms. Pat and karate.” —A LISON , 13 “I am thankful for BGC, food, water, school, frends, family, people around the world, peace, the munny that people downate to the boys and girls club.” —M ADY , 11 “I am thankful for my dad and mom and my family and games like Mincraft and Halow and movies like Friday the 13th, and my frinds Ryan and Vinny. I love holidays.” —S HILOH , 8 DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed above are solely those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Siuslaw News or its advertisers. I MAGINE T HANKSGIVING W ITH T HIS V IEW Cell: Coast Real Estate 100 Hwy. 101, Florence, OR 97439 541-999-7317 diana@cbcoast.com CB#10959 MLS#15116288 $825,000