❘ / SIUSLAWNEWS ❘ @ SIUSLAWNEWS SATURDAY EDITION VIKS CLAIM 2ND IN LEAGUE ❘ OCTOBER 17, 2015 ❘ $1.00 Bon Voyage! INSIDE — A3 SPORTS — B SERVING WESTERN LANE COUNTY SINCE 1890 FLORENCE, OREGON DUNES CITY Hilden retires, councilor steps in HATS OFF TO FEC VOLUNTEERS Florence Police fire sergeant Shawn Morgan terminated after internal police investigation Jamie Mills appointed interim administrator B Y C HANTELLE M EYER Siuslaw News B Y J ACK D AVIS Siuslaw News INSIDE Dunes City administrator Fred Hilden has retired from his position after two years on the job. Hilden, 65, was promoted to city administrator in August 2013 after serving as city recorder since April 2010. City councilor Jamie Mills was appointed to assume the role of interim administrator. “I didn’t want to resign my city council position,” Mills said, “but our charter required it. So I resigned to take the position.” According to Mills, Hilden, who turned 65 in May, had been talk- ing about retirement for several months. “I think it was in Fred Hilden August that Fred made the deci- sion that he was going to retire,” she said. “He started using up his accrued Jamie Mills vacation time, because he had quite a bit of it, and his sick leave as well.” Mills is uncertain whether or not this will be a perma- nent move for her. “I was appointed to step in because we needed some- one in the office,” she said. “The staff is great and they have done a wonderful job, but there are certain things that staff can’t handle. The mayor finally said, ‘We need somebody in here.’” Mayor Rebecca Ruede said, “We are going to let her do that job until we find the right person. You never know, maybe she is the right person. We don’t know what the future holds. We are going to move forward and take one step at a time.” Dunes City Council will address Hilden’s compensa- tion package and a possible job description posting dur- ing its Thursday, Nov. 12, regular meeting. “We sincerely appreciate Fred’s service to the city and we wish him well in his retirement,” Ruede said. Hilden did not respond to requests for comment. Ambulance . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B5 Coastal Events . . . . . . . . . . A10 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Florence Police Sgt. Shawn Morgan has been fired following an internal investigation at the department, accord- ing to Police Chief Tom Turner who announced the termi- nation this week. Turner said that according to the Oregon Public Shawn Morgan Records Law Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 192.501, only some information can be released to the public. Under ORS 192.501, Subsection 12, the City of Florence is exempt from releasing documents pertaining to “a personnel discipline action, or materials or documents supporting that action.” “What I can say is, the city did termi- nate Shawn Morgan, a police sergeant,” Turner said. “The termination took place after an internal investigation was com- pleted.” Morgan originally started as a reserve officer for Florence in 1998. He joined the police department as an officer on June 25, 2001. Florence City Council voted to pro- mote Morgan to the level of sergeant in October 2014. Turner added, “The public was never in any danger and the termination was not a result of any interaction between the employee and the public.” Turner said that Morgan’s termination created a vacancy in the department. “We hope to work on filling (the posi- tion) when we can get to it, but we do not have a set time,” he said. COURTESY PHOTOS Bonnie and Bob MacDuffee (above) received the Overachievers Award for their volunteer work. The General Manager’s Award went to Rachel Pearson (right, with FEC Director Kevin Rhodes) for her contributions to the Winter Folk Festival and Siuslaw school music programs. ‘Team Claudia’ named Co-Volunteers of the Year at annual luncheon B Y J ENNIFER C ONNOR Special to Siuslaw News F lorence Events Center (FEC) recently held an appreciation lunch- eon for the many volunteers that assist the center with operations. The “Madhatter Tea Party” themed occasion was organized by FEC Director Kevin Rhodes and staff, Sandi Anderson and Jennifer Connor, to honor these faithful volunteers that offer their services. Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A5 SideShow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B4 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Word on the Street . . . . . . . A9 THIS WEEK ’ S The Co-Volunteers of the Year honor was awarded to “Team Claudia.” Claudia Brown and Claudia Ignatieff were given the recognition for their contributions to the FEC Art Gallery Committee. The General Manager’s Award went to Rachel Pearson for her volunteer contributions to the Winter Folk Festival and her commitment to the Siuslaw School District music programs that are held at the Florence Events Center. See VOLUNTEERS 7A Claudia Brown and Claudia Ignatieff (below, with Rhodes), aka “Team Claudia,” were named Co-Volunteers of the Year for their work with the FEC’s Art Gallery Committee. TODAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 62 57 60 51 62 50 65 47 WEATHER Full Forecast, A3 Reedsport woman dies in highway crash S TAFF R EPORT An 89-year-old Reedsport woman has died following a single-vehicle crash last week on Highway 101 near First Street in Florence. According to the Florence Police Department, Jean Benson was the pas- senger on a three-wheel motorcycle driv- en by David Cheeseman, 69, of Florence, when it crashed Oct. 8 at around 9:27 p.m. Both occupants were taken to PeaceHealth Peace Harbor Medical Center for unknown injuries. Benson was later transported to PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend in Springfield, where she died from her injuries. Florence Police Lt. John Pitcher said alcohol appears to have been a factor in the crash, but the investigation is ongoing. Any potential charges were not disclosed. S IUSLAW N EWS 125 TH Y EAR ❘ I SSUE N O . 83 C OPYRIGHT 2015 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK THESIUSLAWNEWS . COM