6 B SIUSLAW NEWS z SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Tuberculosis concerns put to rest with test DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 22, and I am a security guard at a local store. Just recently, I detained a sus- pect for shoplifting. We were in a room no bigger than a small office, and she was coughing up a storm. I was in and out of the room for a half-hour or so. When the local police department showed up, she revealed that she has active tubercu- losis. I did my research, and it is contagious when it’s airborne. How much exposure is necessary to catch it? What are the symptoms of TB? Is it curable? Please, I’m in need of answers. — E.A.M. ANSWER: Tuberculosis is an infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The most common body location is the lungs, but tuberculosis can infect the kidneys, lining of the brain, bones SALOME’S STARS ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Although practical situations continue to dominate this week, there’s time for the Lamb to indulge in the fun things in life — like maybe taking a special someone out for a great evening. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) This week favors relationships. Take time to renew old ones, and make time to go where new friends can be found. On a more practical note, expect news about a business deal. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You should be seeing some progress on that new workplace situation. Meanwhile, family matters might demand more attention, and you’ll want to set aside time to deal with them. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A and lining of the heart, among oth- ers. It is contagious by air only when in the lungs, as you said. The major symptom is cough, but weight loss also is frequent in advanced stages, giving TB its old name, consump- tion. The likelihood of getting infected after exposure depends on many fac- tors, including some things we don’t know in this case, such as whether she is being treated and whether she has cavities in her lungs. The good news is that you would be considered a low-risk contact, having been in a room with her only for a relatively short period. The bad news is that it is possible to have acquired an infection. Your doctor or a public health official should evalu- ate you for evidence of prior infec- tion with a skin test, which should be repeated in eight to 10 weeks. Tuberculosis is almost 100 per- cent curable. People with active infection usually are treated with several medications for six months. DEAR DR. ROACH: My wife drinks in excess of 3 liters of diet soda a day, sometimes even more. She has colitis, for which she takes Lialda, and on her last visit to her primary care physician, her blood work revealed borderline bad levels in her liver. The doctor seems to think she needs to stop “drinking alcohol,” but I have been married to her for more than 30 years, and I know it’s not drinking that is caus- ing this. We both consume only moderate amounts of alcohol. Could it be the chemicals in diet soda? — F.J.R. ANSWER: Three liters a day is a lot of diet soda, and that much caf- feine probably isn’t good for her. However, I don’t think it is likely to be affecting her liver. Mesalamine (Lialda and others) rarely can cause abnormal liver tests — specifically, high levels of the same enzymes that might lead a doctor to suspect alco- hol use. You didn’t tell me what kind of colitis your wife has, but ulcerative colitis, a form of inflammatory bowel disease, is associated with several kinds of liver problems, including fatty liver and primary sclerosing cholangitis, which is potentially severe. I don’t think either alcohol or diet soda should be blamed until she has had a more careful workup. I think a visit with her gastroenterologist would be wise. relationship suddenly might present some challenges you never expected. After talking things out, you might want to consider taking some time to assess what you’ve learned. LEO (July 23 to August 22) A dis- appointing response to a request might dampen the Lion’s spirits. But you might want to ask the reasons behind it. What you learn can be of great importance in a future undertak- ing. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A once-volatile situation should be settled by now, giving you a chance to refocus on a project you’ve been planning for. Look for an inter- ested party to rally to your support. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A business matter that unexpect- edly turns into a personal situation could create complications. Best to resolve the matter now before too much harm can be done. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Emotions can run high when they involve personal matters that no one really wants to talk about. But this could be a good time to cre- ate the means to a workable outcome. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A positive response to a workplace request could lead the way to other long-sought changes. Congratulations. A personal situation also takes a welcome turn. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Patience pays off, as that once-overwhelming work situation continues to become easier to handle on a one-by-one basis. Look for posi- tive news from a colleague. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) It might be a good idea to take more time to reassess your next move in working out a complex situation. You could benefit from a new perspective on the matter. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) You might want to consider making time to discuss a change of plans with everyone concerned. Be prepared to explain your actions. Also be pre- pared to listen to alternatives. S iu s la w N e w s ! AD IT DAY E R TO www. t h e siu sla wn ews.com E -E DITION • S POR TS • T OP S TOR IES • O BITUAR IES • W EATH ER • F OR UM S • B LOGS