The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, September 12, 2015, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 6B, Image 18

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For high
cholesterol, statins
are way to go
DEAR DR. ROACH: Last year, I
told my doctor that I no longer
wanted to take a statin drug. I had
read so much about statins and am
on meds for cholesterol and high
blood pressure. I am 73, and other
than having arthritis in my knees, I
am not having problems.
My doctor put me on fenofibrate.
I am due for my yearly checkup in a
few months and don’t really know
yet how this is working on my cho-
lesterol. I was wondering what your
feelings are about this drug. — RS
ANSWER: I’ve written a lot
about statins, which have been
proven to save lives and reduce
heart attacks in people with heart
disease and also in some people at
higher-than-average risk for heart
disease. In contrast, although non-
statin medications reduce choles-
ARIES (March 21 to April 19)
Personal matters claim a good deal of
the Lamb’s time in the early part of
the week. But by midweek, pragmatic
considerations (work, school, job-
seeking, etc.) begin to take priority.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) The
seasonal shift ignites the Bovine’s
creative aspects. You could do well if
you try to combine your penchant for
innovation with the more pragmatic
demands of the week.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Ideas
come easily to you this week. And
never mind that some might suggest
they’re unworkable and/or impracti-
cal. It’s your vision that counts. Work
them out and see what turns up.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22)
Personal matters continue to domi-
nate the early part of the week. By
terol, they have not been proven to
do what they are really intended to
do, which is to prevent heart disease
and death.
I suspect that medications like
fenofibrate do have a small benefit
in protecting the heart; however, I
would not use them unless the side
effects of statins made it impossible
to take one. Often, people intolerant
of one statin do well on another. For
people at high risk, such as those
with previous heart attack or known
blockages, I would try a different
class of medication. For people at
lower risk, I would work on a diet
proven to reduce heart disease risk,
such as the Mediterranean diet, and
encourage regular exercise and use
medications such as fenofibrate
sparingly or not at all.
Another medication, ezitimibe
(Zetia or Ezetrol), also lowers cho-
lesterol but without convincing
proof that it lowers heart disease
risk. It may be that the mechanism
by which statins reduce heart risk is
not just through lowering choles-
Learn more about high choles-
terol and how to control it in the
cholesterol booklet. Readers can
order a copy by writing: Dr. Roach
— No. 201W, Box 536475,
Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a
check or money order (no cash) for
$4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with the
recipient’s printed name and
address. Please allow four weeks for
years old and in good health. I am 5
feet, 11 inches tall and weigh 168
pounds, the same as in 1950. My
blood pressure and cholesterol are
good on treatment, and my pulse is
62. I drink an energy drink three or
four times a week after the noon
meal, when I don’t take a nap and
need to keep going. I am a farmer,
and am active every day. Are these
energy drinks harmful to me? —
ANSWER: The caffeine in one
energy drink is about 160 mg per
16-ounce can, which is the equiva-
lent of somewhere around a cup or
two of regular coffee, depending on
how strong you make it. That much
caffeine doesn’t cause problems for
most people, especially for those
who are used to it. However, it also
has 52 grams of sugar — about 14
teaspoons. My advice is to stick
with coffee. You will save money
and reduce your sugar intake a lot.
midweek, more workaday issues once
again begin to emerge. Balance your
time to give both the attention they
LEO (July 23 to August 22) A new
contact could provide an expanded
opportunity. But be sure you get all
the facts before you consider signing
on. Ask questions, and be wary if you
don’t get the right answers.
VIRGO (August 23 to September
22) An unexpected development
could cause some supposedly
resolved disagreements to reignite.
Deal with the situation before it leads
to some really serious problems.
LIBRA (September 23 to October
22) A clash of work-linked view-
points needs to be discussed openly,
honestly and calmly by all concerned
before it can impede progress on an
ongoing project.
SCORPIO (October 23 to
November 21) The Scorpion’s prag-
matic side helps you accept the possi-
bility that a change of plans might be
the wise thing to do. Be sure to weigh
all your considerations carefully.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 21) Some people might not
take no for an answer. Never mind.
Keep your resolve if you’re sure you
don’t want to be involved in a poten-
tially sticky situation.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to
January 19) All other facts and figures
aside, it’s what you learn about poten-
tial colleagues that can be most help-
ful in assessing any decisions you’re
likely to make regarding a new proj-
AQUARIUS (January 20 to
February 18) You might want to
reconsider some of your outside com-
mitments if they continue to demand
more time than you can spare. Be
honest with yourself when making a
PISCES (February 19 to March 20)
Pay attention to that inner voice of
Piscean wisdom counseling you to
remove those rose-colored glasses
and take an honest look at any deci-
sions you might face this week.
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