The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, September 05, 2015, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 5B, Image 17

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from 1B
of Siuslaw’s performance,
which was a vast improvement
over its 1-for-3 record at
Marshfield’s Jamboree a week
After rallying to tie the game
at 23 on an ace, junior Abby
Watkins delivered another ace
for Siuslaw’s first lead of the
The Warriors, clearly rattled
by the Viks’ comeback, spiked
the ball out of bounds during
the next exchange as the
from 1B
The hostess blinks, so I can-
not say that she did not bat an
eyelash because she did. And
Vikings claimed the game and
match, 25-23.
Her team’s ability to play so
well under pressure was some-
thing coach Angie Herring was
impressed by.
“It’s one thing to come out
on fire, but then to see us go
cold and still play aggressively
and battle our way back was
great to see,” Herring said.
Senior Taylor Dotson also
dominated from the service
line, going 14-for-14, while
junior HannahLeah Jakobsen
contributing an impressive 16-
for-16 in passing — including
six perfect serve-receives.
The Vikings were back on
the road the next night, travel-
ing to Elmira for a chance to
clip the Falcons.
Once again, Siuslaw came out
hot, this time with the bulk of its
scoring coming off of kills and
blocked shots. Rose tallied 15
kills against the Falcons, along
with a pair of stuff blocks.
Jakobsen scored nine kills and
four digs on the night, with
Watkins serving up two aces and
three perfect passes on serve-
receives that helped the Viks keep
Elmira from establishing any
“Our teamwork has
come a long way from the
jamboree,” said Herring,
whose team will return to
the court Thursday in a
three-way nonleague mini
tourney with Newport
and Junction City.
Siuslaw will open the
league season Sept. 17,
when they host Far West
rival Marshfield, begin-
ning at 6 p.m.
Thursday’s nonleague
tourney at Newport
begins at 4 p.m.
she had long black eyelashes.
I’m guessing they were fake,
but her response was pretty
genuine classic.
“Well ... I don’t have a watch
on, and I can tell you that it’s
always RIGHT NOW. And
your table will be ready in 20
minutes. You’re welcome to
wait at the bar.”
He narrows his eyes and
growls like cartoon villain, but
he deserved that and so he
retreats to the well-appointed
bar. The football executive
orders a Chardonnay. His wife
looks at the cocktail board and
inquires about a few of the
drinks and their ingredients.
“What is triple sec?” she
asks the bartender. His name is
Sean. He is the best in the busi-
ness. Truly exceptional.
Siuslaw News
Photo Gallery
Coming Soon
SHS Viking Night
Rods ʼnʼ Rhodies Car Show
Festival of Books
Now Showing
Relay For Life
SHS Hall of Fame
SOS Open Golf Tournament
Hannah Bartlett congratulates Claire Waggoner following an ace.
“It’s three times the amount
of normal sec,” he responds.
The executive narrows his
eyes again and purses his lips.
The wife is bemused, waiting
for the real answer I would
think, but Sean doubles down.
“Single sec is very weak. We
won’t carry it here.”
She gets the Cosmopolitan,
and they both begin talking to
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other married couples, keeping
Swiss time. Another bartender,
Ally, is making a bright-red
drink and conjuring up a name
from Chiefs lore.
“What’s that?” asks the foot-
ball executive.
“It’s the Len Dawson
Cocktail,” replies Ally. “It’s
one of our signature drinks.”
“The Len Dawson!” the foot-
ball executive narrows his eyes
again. If he keeps that up,
they’re gonna stay that way
“Yep,” she says, dipping a
straw into the pint glass,
extracting a sample and offer-
ing it up to the football execu-
tive, who leans over in a tenta-
tive manner.
“It tastes just like Len
Dawson,” she promises.
The bar has exceptional
marble floors. They’re Italian.
It’s funny how you don’t notice
them when you walk in,
because you’re looking up, but
when a football executive
pushes backward on his
barstool really fast, you can
actually hear the difference in
the quality of flooring. They
don’t even scratch.
Timing is everything.
Waiting for him at the end of
the screech is the hostess, two
menus in hand. No doubt, an
exceptional time was had by
12th Street Alano Club Hope Meets
1525 12th Street (Old hospital, back annex).
Meeting site for “Open to All” recovery
groups: AA, DDA, Al-Anon, Native
American AA, GA, Kids caught in the cross-
fire, Meetings. Seven Days a
week, Call for times & meeting agenda.
Contact: 541-9917-9558 or 612-462-1481.
Friday 5:30pm. 1525 12th St. (Old hospital,
back annex) Contact: 541-999-1243 or 541-
Contact Lane Community College, 541-
Ada Grange #570 meets second
Saturday of each month. Potluck at 5pm.
Meeting at 6pm. Enjoy getting together with
people involved in helping the community.
Ada Grange is 10 miles out Canary Road.
Contact: Linda Pugh 541-997-4254, or PO
Box 674, Florence, OR 97439.
Aglow International meets first
Saturday, 10am–Noon., at Florence
Vineyard Fellowship, 2610 Kingwood St.,
Contact: Judy Murphy 541-997-5849.
Al-Anon Family Group meets every
Thursday at noon, at St. Andrews Episcopal
Church, Library Room, 19th & Tamarack.
Contact: 541-997-3788
Al-Anon Family Hope Group 1525
12th St. (old hospital back annex). Meets
Fridays 5:30pm to 6:30 pm. Contact: 541-
Al-Anon Siuslaw Family Group meets
every Tuesday at 7pm., at Cross Roads
Assembly of God, 10th & Maple St., Rm 14.
Contact: 541-997-1209 or 999-0271.
Al-Anon Mapleton Family Group
meets every Monday at 7pm, at the
Mapleton Evangelical Church, Riverview
Ave., Mapleton. Access door off rear park-
ing lot. Contact: 541-999-5223.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets Mon.,
Wed. & Thurs., 7pm., Episcopal Church,
19th & Tamarack. Contact: 541-902-0152.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets Mon thru
Sun., 5:30-6:30pm., Siuslaw Pacific Ctr.,
1445 W. 8th St. Contact: 541-902-0152.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets Mon. &
Fri., 10am., New Life Lutheran Church, 21st
& Spruce Streets. Contact: 541-902-0152.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets Tues
(closed), Thurs and Sat (open), 7pm.,
Mapleton Lions Club Annex on River Ave.,
Mapleton. Contact: 541-902-0152.
Alcoholics Anonymous Open meetings
Sunday, 10-11am. 1525 12th St. (Old hospi-
tal, back annex). Contact: 541-991-7870 or
Meeting. Meets Tuesdays, from 5-6pm. at
the Methodist Church on the corner of
Kingwood & 2nd St. Contact: 541-902-
Beginnings Men’s stag. Meets 11:30 am-
12:30pm. (Closed) Methodist Church @
Kingwood & 2nd St. Contact: 541-902-0152
Alcoholics Anonymous (SIS) Sisters in
Wednesdays at 5:30-6:30pm, at St.
Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 19th &
Tamarack in Library. Contact: 541-590-
Alzheimer’s Support Group meets the
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of every month, 1-
2:30pm., Regency Florence. 1951 E. 21st
Street, Florence. Contact: Paulette Volkoff
American red Cross Oregon Pacific
Chapter. meets 3rd Monday of each month,
at 1pm. Contact Tom or Carol 541-999-
3219. Persons interested in learning about
becoming a Red Cross Volunteer should call
and get information. Great opportunity to
help locally.
American Legion, Francis M. Yost
Post No. 59 meets the 4th Tuesday of every
month, 5pm for a meal and 6pm for general
membership Elks Lodge of
Florence, 1686 12th Street. Contact: Jim
Swant 541-997-3695 or Mike Neilsen 541-
American Legion & Aux. Frances M.
Yost #59. Meets on the 4th Tuesday of every
month, 6pm. Florence Elks Lodge, 1686
12th St., Contact: Terri Gravell 541-997-
Anger Management for Men, Meets
weekly every Tuesday from 6pm to 8pm.
Location: 1710 Laurel Way, Unit B
(upstairs), Florence. For information contact:
Deborah Grigsby, LPCi, MMHC, 541-999-
1913, no cost group sessions.
Anger Management for Women, Meets
weekly every Tuesday from 12 to 2pm.
Location: 1710 Laurel Way, Unit B
(upstairs), Florence. For information contact:
Deborah Grigsby, LPCi, MMHC, 541-999-
1913, no cost group sessions.
Argentine Tango in Newport meets
every Monday night at 7-9pm. (7:30pm on
Community Center located east of LaQuinta
motel on 3024 SE Ferryslip Rd. First 1/2
hour is a lesson-then dancing. No partner
needed. All ages welcome. Wear leather bot-
tom shoes, for info contact: 541-563-2705 or
Baha’i Faith of Florence discussion
meetings every Monday evening @ 875 7th
Street, 6:30pm. Soup’s on supper and inter-
faith devotional discussion. No Charge.
Contact: Suzanne Mann-Heintz 541-590-
0779 or James Heintz 541-590-0616.
Beloved Community of Florence,
Healing Circles, Meditation, Spiritual
Coaching. Meets every Saturday, 10:30am.,
Private Home. Contact: Eleanor 541-999-
9870 Cell.
Better Breathers Club, meets 4th
Wednesday of each month, Peace Harbor
Medical Center in Conference room C. 2-
3:30pm. Contact: Karl 541-902-6300 Ext
Breastfeeding Support Group, second
Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm., Siuslaw Area
Women’s Center, 12th St., Florence.
Contact: 541-997-1794.
Cancer Education Group Everyone
Welcome. Meets every other Tuesday at
1:30pm @ 1525 12th St., Ste. 4A, Florence,
97439. For further information please
Contact: 541-999-6809 or 541-999-8624.
Fee: No fee.
Celebrate Recovery for hurts, habits and
hang-ups Starting Nov. 29th. Meets every
Friday. 6 PM for a meal, following by meet-
ings at 6:30.PM Meeting. 1st qtr. at Cross
Road Church,, 2nd quarter at Florence
Christian Church, 3rd qtr. at Florence
Evangelical church and 4th qtr at Florence
Church of the Nazarene. For more informa-
tion call Chick 541-997-3370.
Central Coast Miniatures Club of
Florence, 1st Thursday of month, 6pm.,
Siuslaw Public Library, Bromley Room,
Central Oregon Coast Amateur Radio
Club meets every Wed. 7:30am. at Kozy
Kitchen, Hwy 101. & 8th St. Wed net @ 7
pm. 146.80(-) 100hz tone.
Chronic Pain Group People with
chronic pain helping people with chronic
pain, meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 5:30 to
7:00pm at Community Baptist Church, 4590
Hwy. 101, Florence. Contact: 541-991-
Citizens Democracy Watch, meets at
1pm., the last Sunday of the month at the
Women’s Center. Contact: 541-997-3950.
City Club of Florence, Meets 1st & 3rd
Fridays of each month. 11:30 buffet lunch,
Speaker: 12-1 pm. Ocean Dunes Golf
Clubhouse. buffet reservations 541-997-
3232, For info: Call 541-902-0992.
Coast Chamber Ensemble, meets every
Thursday, 3-5pm., Coast Village Clubhouse.
All musical levels welcome. Contact: 541-
Coastal Celtic Society, Meets the third
Wednesday of each month. Contact: Carolyn
McCord 541-997-9142 for different loca-
tions and time.
Coastal Women Veterans, 2nd Friday,
11:30am. Place to be announced. Contact:
Coastal Writers, 1st and 3rd Thursday,
7-8:30pm. at The Shorewood, 1451 Spruce
St. Contact: 541-902-8575.
Community Chorus of Florence meets
Mon. 7-8:30pm. at Cross Road Church, 10th
& Maple Sts. Florence. Contact: Laura
Merz, 541-902-8567
Diabetes Health & Wellness Group,
Meets twice a Week every Wednesday from
9am to 11am AND 8pm to 9:30pm. Location:
1710 Laurel Way, Unit B (upstairs), Florence.
For information contact: Deborah Grigsby,
LPCi, MMHC, 541-999-1913, no cost group
Disabled American Veterans and
Auxiliary meet first Saturday each month at
2pm., 1715 W. 21st St. Contact: DAV Skip
Stitt 541-997-1562.
Family Caregiver, Support Group,
Spruce Point Assisted Living, 9th Street,
Florence. Meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays 10:30
am. to 11:30/12:00 in the Community
Room. Contact Annette at SP 541-997-6111.
Facilitator: Mary Ann Earl RN, BSN
Family Support Group for family
members of chronically mentally ill, meets
the 4th Wednesday of each month, 6:30-
8pm., PeaceHealth counseling Serv.,
Florence Business Center.
Fibromyalgia Support Group of
Central Oregon Coast, 1st Saturday, 1pm.,
Pacific Community Hospital, Newport.
Contact: 541-563-5240.
Fibromyalgia Support Group of
Reedsport meets 3rd Wednesday of every
other month at the Reedsport Public Library.
Florence Area Alzheimer’s Hospitality
Program, Respite Care meets Mon., Wed.,
Thur. from 10am.-2pm., Florence Senior
Center, 1570 Kingwood Street, $10.
Contact: Jan landrum 541-902-8539.
Florence Area Chamber of Commerce
Noon forum 3rd. Thursday of each month,
noon, at World Market Buffet, Three Rivers
Casino. Open to the public. Contact: 541-
Florence Area Coordinating Council
meets the first Wednesday of the month at
the Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue Hall on
Hwy. 101, 9am.
Florence Area Democratic Club meets
at 11am the 1st Saturday of every month.
Florence Area Humane Society, Low
Cost Spay/Neuter, Wednesdays, Please call
the Shelter for an appointment. 541-997-
Florence Caring Pregnancy Center
open Mon., Tues & Thurs., 11:00am.-4pm.
FREE. 1525 West 12th Street (Florence
Business Center). Margaret Getchell,
Executive Director, 541-902-2273.
Florence Chapter-Oregon Right to
Life Contact: Mona Dick 541-997-2065.
Florence Dance Guild, meets monthly.
Contact: Angela Palmer 541-997-6839.
Florence Duplicate Bridge (non-smok-
ing), Every Thursday afternoon starting @
12:30pm. St. Andrews Episcopal Church,
19th & Tamarack, Florence. Contact: John
Weatherwax 541-997-2677. (American con-
tract bridge league (ACBL) sanctioned
games (Master points awarded) Open to all.
Florence Elks Lodge 1858 meets every
Thursday at 7:00pm., 1686 12th Street.
Florence Garden Club, 2nd Wed.,
Sept.-June, 12:30pm., Presbyterian Church
of the Siuslaw, 3996 Hwy 101. Contact:
Carol Honey, 541-997-8965.
Florence Herb Enthusiasts meet the
3rd Thursday, 11am. New Life Lutheran
Church. For info call Jacquie, 541-997-
July-field trip, Nov.-wreath making at
Greentrees, Dec.-Community service proj-
Wednesday, noon, Florence Elks Lodge,
1686 W. 12th St., Florence.
Florence Parkinson’s Disease Support
Group, Meets 4th Wednesday of every
month, 1:30pm., Siuslaw Public Library,
Bromley room. Contact: Carole 805-587-
Florence Performing Arts Association
Board meeting, 2nd Thursday of each
month, 3:15pm. FEC. www.florenceper-
Florence Poetry Group, Meets every
Wednesday, 3-5pm., in the activity room at
Shorewood Retirement Center, 15th &
Spruce. All welcome. Contact: Elsan
Zimmerly 541-991-7566
Florence Rotary Club, Tuesdays, noon,
at Florence Events Center, 715 Quince St.,
Florence. Contact: Ron Caputo, 541-997-
Florence Salmon/Trout Enhancement
Program, 1st Wed., 7pm, Florence Elks
Lodge. Contact Ron Caputo 541-997-4961.
Florence Senior Travel Club, Meets
Monday, Wednesday & Friday, Noon-3, at
Jerry’s Hot Rod Grille, 1179 Hwy. 101. 541-
Florence Siuslaw Lions Club, 1st & 3rd
Tuesdays, 6:30pm., Pacific Pines RV Park
meeting room, 4044 Hwy. 101. (entrance on
42nd St.) Contact: 541-991-3161.
Fellowship, Sundays, 10am.
at the
Fellowship Hall located at the NW corner of
Heceta Beach Rd. & Hwy 101. Contact:
Sally Wantz 541-902-9505.
Flying Needles & Hooks of the
Siuslaw, This group does charitable knitting
& crocheting for schools, SOS, & Helping
Hands. All are welcom. Meets 2nd Tuesday
in Bromley room Siuslaw Public Library
from 3pm-5pm. 4th Tuesday – at Greentrees
Community Room from 3pm-5pm. Contact:
Suzanne Mann-Heintz, 541-590-0779.
Friends of Florence Events Center
meets on the last Tuesday of every month,
3pm. at Florence Events Center. Contact:
FEC 541-997-1994.
Friends of Honeyman State Park,
Meets 3rd Monday of each month at
11:15am. recreational meeting hall at
Honeyman, on Canary Rd. A group of vol-
unteers who support projects at Honeyman –
activities include park upkeep, planting &
clearing, interpretive programs and special
events. Everyone Welcome! Contact:
Suzanne Mann-Heintz 541-590-1779, or
Friends of the Library meeting, 4th
Thursday of each month, 11am., Bromley
Room Siuslaw Public Library. Contact: Susy
Lacer, 541-997-8663.
Friends of Poetry, Meets every
Wednesday, 3-5pm. Meeting room –
Shorewood Center, 1451 Spruce St.,
Florence. Contact: Elsan Zimmerly, 541-
Grief & Loss for Adults, Meets weekly
every Thursday from 9am, to 11am.
Location: 1710 Laurel Way, Unit B
(upstairs), Florence. For information contact:
Deborah Grigsby, LPCi, MMHC, 541-999-
1913, no cost group sessions.
Grief & loss for Students, ages 12-18,
Meets weekly every Thursday from 3:30pm
to 5:00pm. Location: 1710 Laurel Way, Unit
B (upstairs), Florence. For information con-
tact: Deborah Grigsby, LPCi, MMHC, 541-
999-1913, no cost group sessions.
Grief & Loss Support Group spon-
sored by Peace Harbor Home Health. Please
contact facilitator for information. Contact
Deborah Hunt, LCSW. 541-997-3418.
Grief Share Meets at the Florence
Christian Church, Thursdays, 3pm., 2nd and
Ivy streets. Contact: 541-997-2961.
Health Associates, a parenting support
group, 3rd Wednesday, 7pm., 340 9th St.
Contact: 541-997-1877 or 541-997-7134.
Helping Hands Coalition, is an all-vol-
unteer community organization dedicated to
providing services, food, clothing, and a
daytime center for the homeless and others
with unmet needs. Our small but friendly
facility provides warmth, comfort, and basic
services for those in our community. Meets
every Mon., Wed., & Fri, from 11am-2pm,
1339 Rhododendron Dr. Contact: 541-997-
Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of
Foreign Wars, Meets 2nd Tuesday, 1pm.,
2216 Willow Loop, Florence. Contact: Beryl
Foreman - 541-902-8327 Call for informa-
tion or applications.
Ladies of Elks, second Monday, 7pm.,
Florence Elks Lodge. Contact: Linda Tank,
secretary, 541-997-3352.
Lower Umpqua Gem & Lapidary
Society Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each
month @ 2pm. Winchester Bay Community
Center, 451 Winchester Ave. Contact: Bill
Hendrickson, 541-271-6816 Reedsport. or
Cam Grow, 541-997-8089 Florence.
Managing Chronic Pain Support
Group Forming Starting March 2, 2015.
Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month
from 5:30-7pm, at Community Baptist
Church, 4590 Highway 101. for informa-
tion: 541-590-0591.
Mapleton Advisory Committee meets
the second Wednesday of each month,
Siuslaw Valley Bank in Mapleton, 4pm.
Mapleton Booster Club, Meets 3rd
Wednesday. of each month @ 6pm. Siuslaw
Bank in Mapleton. Contact: Krystal Wolford
Mapleton Grange #584 meets second
Saturday of each month. The GWA and the
social pot luck begin at 1pm., Grange meet-
ing starts at 2pm. Contact: Robert Fritson
Mapleton Lions Club meets 1st and 3rd
Mondays of every month.
Masonic Lodge of Florence Stated
Communication, 1st Tuesday. Family din-
ner 6:30pm. Open Lodge 7:30pm. 84910
Hwy. 101 S. Contact: 541-997-9728 (bus.)
Masonic Widows Social Club, last
Wednesday, 12 Noon, at the Masonic
Temple, 84910 Highway 101 South (1.5
miles south of the bridge). Contact: Phyllis
Williams 541-997-7965.
Meditation held Thursdays, 5:30pm. at
United Methodist Church, 2nd &
Kingwood. Contact: Pip Cole, 541-971-
Mid Coast Soldiers, Come ride with us,
Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA)
Florence, OR. Breakfast meeting/ride, 1st
Saturday @ Kozy Kitchen, 8:30am.
Business meeting, 3rd Tuesday @ Ixtapa
Restaurant, 5:30pm. Contact: Rob 541-999-
NAMI (National Alliance for the
Mentally Ill) of West Lane County, meets
on the 4th Thursday of each month.
6:30pm.-8pm. Hospital Cafeteria. Contact
Monica: 541-902-8308.
Narcotics Anonymous meets every
Friday, 7pm-8:30pm & Wednesdays
7:30pm-8:30pm., at Options Annex, 1445
8th Street. Contact: Carol K: 541-268-4769.
National Assn. of Retired Federal
Employees (NARFE) Contact: Jim Parrish,
Ocean Dunes Women’s Golf Assoc.
meets first Tuesday of every month, 8am., at
Ocean Dunes Golf Links. Contact: 541-997-
Oregon Central Coast Veterans, each
Tuesday, 12:30pm., Old Town Coffee
Roasters, 125 1/2 Nopal St., Florence. Any
veteran or active duty member of the Armed
Forces welcome. Contact: Dennis Marsh,
Oregon Coast International Dancers,
meet every Wednesday evening 6:30 pm.-
7:30pm., Come join the fun! at LCC.
Contact: 541-870-4346 for info and direc-
Oregon Dunes Chapter Daughters of
the American Revolution meets monthly
September–May. For more information,
contact: Dianna Allison 541-991-2958
Oregon Right to Life please contact
Mona Dick at 541-997-2065.
Pacific Coast Wind Ensemble meets
Monday 6:30-8:30 pm., alternates btw SHS
& Waldport HS music rooms. Amateur thru
professional welcome. Contact: Gail
Nichols 541-999-6907.
Pacific Dunes Shrine Club meets for
Dinner Socials at Driftwood Shores, for
Business Meetings at Bliss’ 101. For details,
call 541-997-4082.
Artisans. meets 2nd Wednesday of each
month, 10-Noon at Elks Lodge, 1686 12th.
St. Florence, (room next to Thrift Store)
Topic: Regular membership meeting.
Contact: Claudia Ignatieff 541-999-7785.
Artisans. board, 3rd Wednesday of each
month, 10am., at Fire Station on Hwy. 101.
Contact: Claudia Ignatieff 541-999-7785.
Parkinson Support Group meets first
Tuesday of each month at Ocean Unity, 834
SW Lee, Newport. Call 574-6560 for more
information. Jeff Geiger, Facilitator.
Peace Harbor Hospital Auxiliary
meeting, 3rd Thursday, except July/August,
luncheon at 11:30, Florence Events Center.
Contact: 541-902-9669 or 541-902-1970.
Pointman Veterans Ministries -
Support for veterans and their families.
Especially wartime stress. Contact: Bond
Hanson, 541-997-2074; Dan Hackett, 541-
Professionally Retired Ornery Single
Seniors, (PROSS). For information, contact
Damie, 991-6430, or write P.O. Box 572,
PTA meets 2nd Tuesday of the month,
4pm. Siuslaw Elementary School Library.
Contact Diane McCalmont, 541-997-1854.
Florence Community PTA.
Quilt Guild (Rhododendron), 2nd and
4th Wednesdays, 10am., Florence Christian
Church. Contact: Kate King, President.
RAPP Committee meets 3rd Wednesday
of month at B&G conference room, 1234
Rhododendron Drive, noon-1:30pm.
Rainbow Girls, Meet 1st & 3rd
Wednesdays, 6pm, Masonic Lodge 84910
Highway 101 South (1.5 miles south of the
bridge). Contact: Sherry, 541-915-9382.
Reiki Gathering All Reiki students 1st,
2nd, 3rd degree. Time to work on each other.
No cost. Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month
6:30-8:30pm in Private Home - call for
directions. Contact: Lynette Kristine 541-
Retreads Motorcycle Club, Florence
Chapter, meets second Saturday of the
month at Kozy Kitchen for breakfast &
rides. Contact: Bill Trapp 541-997-5063.
Chapter, meets 3rd Tuesday of every
month, 7pm., Presbyterian Church of the
Siuslaw, 3996 Hwy. 101. Contact: Mike
Bones, 541-997-3082. Sept-May only.
SAR (Sons of the American Revolution)
Central Coast Chapter, meets 3rd Saturday
of each month, at Reedsport Methodist
Church at 11am. For information call 541-
271-3771 or James Ives - President 541-
S.C.O.R.E. (Service Corps Of Retired
Executives), free personal consultations
with people in or interested in business.
Contact: LCC, 541-997-8444.
SHIBA, (Senior Health Insurance
Benefits Assistants) Meets in Florence @
DHS & LCC 1st Tuesday & 3rd Friday. Call
for an appointment for Medicare help.
Contact: 800-722-4134.
SRAC, Siuslaw Regional Aquatics
Center, Meets the second Monday monthly
at 7pm. at the Lions Club in Mapleton. All
community members interested in our local
pool are encouraged to attend.
Siuslaw Area React meets third
Tuesday each month, 7pm. Contact: 541-
Siuslaw Diabetic Support Group meets
third Tuesday each month, 2pm., Siuslaw
Public Library, The Bromley Room.
Contact: 541-997-7134 Julianne or Joan. No
meetings June, July or August. Start
September 20, 2011
Siuslaw Fiber Arts Guild meets the
third Wednesday of each month from 10am-
Noon at Bromley Room at the Library.
Contact: Margaret Keith 541-997-4558.
Anyone interested in joining in the knitting,
hand-spinning, felting, rug-hooking is wel-
Siuslaw Fisherman’s Association,
Meets 3rd Monday of each Month at 1536
12th St. Church of the Nazarene, 2nd floor,
6pm. Contact: Annette Smith 541-902-2345.
Siuslaw Friendship Club meets the sec-
ond Thursday of each month at 11am.
Contact: Betty Fieldson 541-997-2842.
Siuslaw Genealogical Society meeting,
3rd Wednesday of each month, 7pm. Public
Library, Bromley room. Contact: Ellie
Duree, 541-997-6613.
Siuslaw Outreach Services. Women’s
Empowerment Support Group meets
every Tuesday, 4-6pm., 1576 West 12th St.
Contact: 541-997-2816.
Siuslaw Pioneer Museum meeting, sec-
ond Monday of each month, 10am., 2nd &
Maple St. 541-997-7884.
Siuslaw Public Library’s Art Display
Committee meets the second Tuesday of
each month at 8:30am., Bromley Room of
the library.
Siuslaw Rod & Gun Club meets third
Thursday of the month, 7pm., Gun Club,
Munsel Lake Road. Contact: Jerry Harpole,
Siuslaw Soil & Water Conservation
Dist., first Monday, 6:30pm., 1525 12th
Street, Suite 10A. Contact: Seth Mead, 541-
Siuslaw Viewfinders Photography
Club, meetings 1st Monday of the month at
the Siuslaw Public Library, Bromley room,
6pm. Contact: Curt Peters, Digital Dunes
Photography 541-902-8748.
Siuslaw Watershed Council meets the
last Wednesday of every month, 6:30pm.,
Contact: 541-268-3044 (Open to public.)
Soroptimist International of Florence,
Meets each Wednesday, 12:00 noon at
Ocean Dunes Clubhouse, 3345 Munsel Lake
Road. Contact: Pres. Jo Hine 541-997-2233.
Support Group for Families &
Friends with Mental Illness, Meets every
4th Thursday of the month from 6:30-8pm.,
at the Peace Harbor Hospital cafeteria, 400
Ninth St. Mental illness is a very stressful
and devastating experience for all involved.
Everyone is welcome to come and share
with others who are going through the same
experiences. Contact: Monica 541-902-8308
or Julia 541-997-2026.
SWING (Siuslaw Womens Investment
Group), Meets every third Tuesday,
12:30pm., New Life Lutheran Church,
spruce & 21st St. Contact: Joyce 541-999-
9876 or Karen 541-999-7906.
T.O.P.S. - OR #890, Meets Every
Wednesday, 8:45-10am., The New Life
Lutheran Church, 2100 Spruce St., Florence,
OR. Contact: 541-902-7574.
Toastmasters International, Siuslaw
Talespinners, meets the second and fourth
Wednesday of every month at the Siuslaw
Valley Fire & Rescue Station on HWY 101,
from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Call: Anne
Machalek, 541-902-8008.
Us Too Prostate Cancer Education
and Support Group – Evening Group,
meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, 5pm. at
Presbyterian Church. Spouses, loved ones
and families are welcome. Contact: Bob
Horney 541-997-6626.
Us Too Prostate Cancer Education
and Support Group – Lunch Group,
meets 3rd Tuesday of each month, 12 Noon
at Kozy Kitchen. Spouses, loved ones and
families are welcome. Contact: Bob Horney
Van Fans – Meets the 1st Wednesday of
each month, 11:45am., at Shorewood for
meeting & lunch. Cost $8.50. Contact: Lea
Rudd 541-999-0779.
Veterans of Foreign Wars – Grimshaw
Post 3232 meets the 2nd Tuesday of each
month, 6:00 pm., Elks Lodge of Florence,
1686 12th Street. Contact: Jim Swant 541-
997-3695 or Tony Cavarno 541-997-1677.
Veterans of the Florence Area meet
every Monday at 11:30am. at Elks Lodge of
Florence, 1686 12th Street. Contact: Tony
Cavarno 541-997-1677. Bond Hanson at
Weight Loss Surgery Support Group
meets the 4th Wednesday of each month, 7
pm., Conference Room “C” - Peace Harbor
Hosp. Contact Ron 541-902-8081 or
Marlene 541-997-8801.
Weight Watchers meets Thursday
evenings at 5:30 pm. (Meeting weigh-in 5
pm.) at the 1380 10th Street at Cross Road
Assembly of God. Contact: 1-800-651-6000
(Sisterhood in Sobriety), Meets every
Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm. at 1525 12th St. (Old
hospital, back annex). Contact: 541-902-
0152. Open Meeting
Wednesdays, 10am.-noon, Cross Road
Assembly of God, 1380 10th Street.
Contact: 541-997-6636.
Brought to you by
148 Maple St., P.O. Box 10, Florence,
OR 97439 • (541) 997-3441