12 A SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2015 © 2015 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 31, No. 35 Are you an eagle-eyed reader? Read the articles below and correct the nine spelling and grammar errors you find. The first one is done for you. Biggest Bugs By Nellie Fly Olympic Games, they are capable of some amazing abilities. For their e size, they really ar world champions at speed, strength and distance! he motto for the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius.” That’s , Latin for “Swifter Higher, Stronger.” And while bugs e aren’t invited to th Heaviest Some insect are longer. Some are wider. but the Goliath Beetle holds the record for biggest Australian tiger beetles are the fastest running insects known. One of the fastest was clocked at 2.5 meters per second (5.6 miles per hour). They run about 170 times their body length per second. insect because of its wate. The Goliath Beetle can grows to be 4.5 inch (11.43 cm) long If I could travel 170 times my own body length per second, how far would I be able to run in a second? If you’re 4 feet tall, 680 feet per second! Of the 1,830 varieties of fleas, the champion jumper is the cat flea. It has been known to leap to a height of 34 inches. and weigh up to 3.5 ounces. That would be like a person leaping over 1,000 feet! Relatively, fleas take off with greater acceleration than the Space Shuttle! Goliath Beetles live in Africa’s tropical forests and eat tree sap Read the following facts. Then complete the chart. A frog can jump 20 times its body length. A kangaroo can jump 4.5 times its body length. A kitten can jump 3 times its body lenth. A flea can jump 150 times its body length! Longest The longest insect is a “Stick If someone could travel at the rate of 680 feet per second, how many feet would they travel in one minute? Contraction Action Dash through the newspaper and find ten contractions. Write the two words that make up the contraction. Beware! Some possessive nouns may look like contractions. Don’t let them fool you! Is a rhinoceros beetle stronger than an elephant? Surprisingly, for its size, the rhinoceros beetle is much stronger than an elephant. Borneo. The largest specimen ever recorded be in the Natural History Museum in london. Its boddy length is 12.9 inches. Its total longth, including its legs, is 20 inches! Standards Link: Data Analysis: Interpret information on a graph. Standards Link: Editing: Edit work for correct spelling and usage. An elephant can carry up to 25% of its own weight on its back. The rhinoceros beetle can carry an amazing 850 times its own weight! That would be like an elephant carrying 850 elephants on its back. Complete the grid by using all the letters in the word SWIFT in each vertical and horizontal row. Each letter should only be used once in each row. Some spaces have been filled in for you. Standards Link: Word Analysis: Identify separate words in a contraction. Standards Link: Life Science: Animals have structures that help in survival. lthough he knows everything about spiders, Spider Storch is a terrible runner. He’s afraid he’ll ruin the Third Grade Olympics for his teammates. Will he? Unscramble the title of this book. Then, check it out at your local library this summer! Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Read age-appropriate text in a variety of genres. RHINOCEROS SWIFTER FORTIUS HIGHER STRONGER SPACE CHAMP SPEED GAMES DASH FLEA BODY LATIN SPIDER FROG Find the words in the puzzle, then in this week’s Kid Scoop stories and activities. R E G N O R T S R E E S E M A G H R C O H S R C D S E S H R G G P L A T I O B E F H R E I I N A E P R A M D E A S E P R S U I T R O F S S S O R E C O N I H R Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. Standards Link: Word Analysis: Understand and use comparitive and superlative forms of adjectives. Chewing Gum Chewing gum can rid the mouth of up to 100 million harmful bacteria in just 10 minutes. The gum’s adhesive properties trap bacteria and reduce bio film on the teeth. Celebrating 6 Years of offering the Florence Community Dental Care 541-997-3423 1256 Bay St. Old Town Florence SWIFT The adjective swift means moving very quickly. The beetle is a swift runner. Try to use the word swift in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family members. Bug Games ANSWER: “One – two – flea – GO!” Find three pictures of people smiling in today’s newspaper. Label them “happy,” “happier,” and “happiest.” Find three pictures of people or animals looking strong. Label them “strong,” “stronger,” and “strongest.” I K F W B O D Y L E P Superlative Scavenger Hunt Dr. Chad Clement Bug” from the rain forests of Make up a game in which the players are all bugs. What is the object of the game? What are the rules? CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK and fruit.