The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, June 27, 2015, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 6B, Image 18

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    6 B
Making vitamin D
without sunlight
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have a
question about vitamin D-3 pills.
How does 400 mg fit into such a tiny
pill? I also thought you needed sun-
light to make vitamin D. — A.S.
ANSWER: Four hundred mg is
very small. Most of the tablet isn’t
even vitamin D — it’s starch and
other materials to hold the tablet
The skin does make vitamin D-3
from precursors in the presence of
sunlight. However, there are several
factors that affect this process.
During winter months at moderately
high latitudes (above the line from
Los Angeles to Atlanta), the sunlight
might not be strong enough to effi-
ciently convert enough vitamin D,
so many are vitamin-D-deficient
during winter.
People who don’t go outside, who
usually wear clothing and hats to
ARIES (March 21 to April 19)
Although you don’t like to change
plans once they’re set, once again,
you might find that doing so can
make a big difference in your favor.
Family matters dominate the week-
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)
You continue to get encouragement
for your proposals, including some
support from unlikely sources. Use
this positive flow to move forward
with your plans. Good luck.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)
Family matters are dominant this
week. It’s a good time to be with
those you love. It’s also a good time
to contact and reunite with loved
ones with whom you’ve lost touch.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Be
cover their skin or who have darker
skin are less able to create vitamin
D. People over 70 also are less able
to make their own vitamin D. This is
why many foods are supplemented
with vitamin D. Even so, a sizable
proportion of the population has low
levels of vitamin D.
There remains great controversy
about whether supplementation will
improve overall health. Studies are
ongoing to test the effect of vitamin
D supplementation to reduce frac-
ture risk, improve muscle function
or reduce cancer risk.
DEAR DR. ROACH: You men-
tioned lupus in a recent column. Is
there a connection between lupus
and arthritis? — D.J.T.
ANSWER: Systemic lupus ery-
thematosis (SLE) is a disease that
can affect virtually any organ in the
body, and usually affects several —
often at the same time. The most
common symptoms are fatigue,
fever and weight loss. Skin signs
can be very specific, such as the
classic “butterfly rash,” a red, but-
terfly-shaped rash across the nose
and cheeks. Arthritis (joint inflam-
mation) or arthralgia (joint pain) is
present in 90 percent of people with
lupus at some point in the illness.
The arthritis booklet discusses
joint pain found in rheumatoid
arthritis, osteoarthritis and lupus.
Readers can order a copy by writ-
ing: Dr. Roach — No. 301W, Box
536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.
Enclose a check or money order (no
cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada with
the recipient’s printed name and
address. Please allow four weeks for
DEAR DR. ROACH: If you walk
briskly for a certain time and dis-
tance, is that not just as good for you
as jogging, if you are going for the
same time? — A.
ANSWER: It depends on what
you mean by “good.” If you mean
what I think you do, in terms of
overall health and maybe living
longer and feeling better, then yes, a
brisk walk is nearly as good for you
as jogging.
Jogging probably is better for pre-
venting osteoporosis, since it gives
more impact to the bones, but on the
other hand it is harder on the joints.
If your goal is to get faster and win
races, then you need to practice
going faster. But walking is nearly
as good for most aspects and is eas-
ier on the body than jogging for
most people.
careful not to allow differences of
opinion to create unpleasant feelings,
especially in the workplace. A neutral
observer could check out the situa-
tion and suggest a resolution.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) While
the Lion’s Den is the center of atten-
tion this week, with family matters
dominating much of your time, work-
place issues are also important. Try to
find a balance between them.
VIRGO (August 23 to September
22) The future of a new relationship
could depend on how much the usu-
ally impatient-to-get-things-done
Virgo is willing to stop pushing and
let things happen naturally.
LIBRA (September 23 to October
22) Worry over a loved one’s well-
being is eased with good news from a
sympathetic source. Your continued
show of love and support is impor-
tant. Stay with it.
SCORPIO (October 23 to
November 21) This is a good time to
consider mending fences with some-
one you wish was back in your life.
Forget about blame, and focus on the
good things you once shared.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 21) This is a good week to
start researching information regard-
ing whatever changes you’re consid-
ering, whether it involves a new
home, a new location or a new job.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to
January 19) A long-anticipated job
opportunity could turn out to be less
than you expected. But appearances
might be deceiving. Check it out
before you decide it’s not for you.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to
February 18) Good news: Adapting
to a new situation might come more
easily than you expected. You can
look for continued support from col-
leagues who appreciate your contri-
PISCES (February 19 to March
20) Someone you care for might need
more reassurance from the typically
“unemotional” Pisces. Go ahead.
Open up, and you might be surprised
at what you find when you do.
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