The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, June 20, 2015, SATURDAY EDITION, Page 6B, Image 18

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    6 B
Honey has
sweet healing
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am diabet-
ic and had a sore on my big toe
about a year ago that wouldn’t heal,
so my podiatrist sent me to a doctor
at a hospital wound center. After
three visits, the doctor started talk-
ing about removing a bone from my
toe, and I refused to accept it.
I came across a catalog that had
alternative remedies for some health
problems. One of the items was a
wound honey, used to treat diabetic
sores and bed-pressure sores. I
ordered some and started using it,
and within three weeks my sore had
started to heal. I went back to my
regular podiatrist and told him what
I had used, and he was aware of that
type of treatment. More can be
found out about the healing proper-
ties of wound honey on the Internet.
I felt compelled to share this with
ARIES (March 21 to April 19)
Making things more complicated than
they need to be can be a problem for
the typically orderly Lamb. Try to
look for a less intricate way to accom-
plish the same goals.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)
Avoiding personal involvement in a
troubling situation might be advisable
at this time, especially since you
probably don’t have all the facts. The
weekend brings a surprise.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A
problem with a colleague you thought
had been resolved could recur.
However, this time you’ll be able to
rely on your record to get a quick res-
olution in your favor. Good luck.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22)
Giving your self-esteem a boost could
others who may be facing the same
problem. It is a far better option than
amputation. — L.G.
ANSWER: Honey has been used
since ancient times for wound heal-
ing, and modern science confirms it
is an effective way of treating super-
ficial burns and ulcers. It has been
shown to have antibacterial proper-
ties, as well as antimicrobial proper-
ties, and is a potentially useful treat-
ment for many burns and ulcers. I
have found that few of my col-
leagues are aware of this.
I have two concerns to pass along
with your story. First, honey may
not be appropriate for all types of
diabetic sores. Honey has been used
for superficial and slightly deeper
ulcers, which we call stage 2 and 3.
The evidence for honey in a stage 4
ulcer is less clear.
Also, one needs to be extraordi-
narily careful about the quality of
medical information available on
the Internet. I strongly recommend
starting with Medline Plus
which references trusted sources for
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 82-
year-old male who exercises regu-
larly for strength, cardiovascular fit-
ness, agility and flexibility. I prefer
stair-climbing workouts ranging
from about 20 to 115 flights of
stairs. I would like your opinion on
this type of exercise. I have what
appears to be some moderate knee
arthritis and have heard that stair
climbing can be harmful to the
knees. I do not experience knee pain
while climbing stairs. — D.K.
ANSWER: Osteoarthritis used to
be called “degenerative” or “wear
and tear” arthritis, both of which
suggest that you could be damaging
your knees from exercise. However,
this doesn’t seem to be true.
Exercise turns out to be one of the
most important treatments of
osteoarthritis, and one that shows a
significant improvement in function
and quality of life, far better than the
medications many people take.
Most people should start slow and
build up, but you are exercising at
quite an intense level. I offer you
congratulations and don’t recom-
mend stopping.
The arthritis booklet discusses
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid rthritis,
and lupus. Readers can order a copy
by writing: Dr. Roach — No. 301W,
Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-
6475. Enclose a check or money
order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6
Canada. with the recipient’s printed
name and address. Please allow four
weeks for delivery.
be a good idea for the Moon Child,
who might feel a bit daunted by the
week’s occurrences. Just focus on all
your positive accomplishments.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) The
“mane” attraction for the Lovable
Lion this week is — what else? —
love. New relationships move to new
levels, while long-standing partner-
ships are strengthened.
VIRGO (August 23 to September
22) A recent workplace problem will
prove to be one of miscommunica-
tion, and once the matter is settled,
you should have a better chance of
getting your proposals approved.
LIBRA (September 23 to October
22) Good news! After dealing pretty
much in the dark with a matter that
seemed to be taking forever to
resolve, you should soon be seeing
the light at the end of the tunnel.
SCORPIO (October 23 to
November 21) A positive message
should help lift that energy-draining
sense of anxiety, and you should soon
be able to deal with even the peskiest
matter, whether at work or personal.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 21) Try to control that
heated Sagittarian temperament while
dealing with what you believe to be
an unfair matter. A cool approach is
the best way to handle things.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to
January 19) Nursing hurt feelings
could keep you from learning what
went wrong. Ask your partner, a fam-
ily member or a trusted friend to help
you reassess your actions in the mat-
AQUARIUS (January 20 to
February 18) Nature is dominant this
week. Try to spend time outdoors
with someone special. An act of kind-
ness in the past might be recalled by a
person you believed was out of your
PISCES (February 19 to March 20)
An upcoming career decision could
be based on how well you might be
able to apply your artistic talents. Be
sure to use the finest samples of your
work to make a strong impression.
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