4 B SIUSLAW NEWS ❚ SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015 TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Woman is fit, but can barely stand DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 66- year-old female. Even though I use gym weight machines for upper and lower body three times a week, walk daily for 2 miles and spend 15 minutes on a motion trainer at the gym, I can- not stand up easily after gardening on my knees or getting on my knees on the floor. Is there anything I can do to regain the ability to get up off the floor/ground without a struggle? — S.C. ANSWER: It sounds to me that despite your good exercise regimen, you may have weakness specifically in your thighs — what we call “proximal muscle weakness.” There is a very long list of medical illnesses that affect these muscles specifically (my text- book lists 28 different diagnoses), including common conditions such as SALOME’S STARS ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You might not like some people’s idea of a surprise. But you could be in for a pleasant shock when someone finally sends a reply to a request you made so long ago that you almost forgot about it. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) It’s a time to expect the unexpected. So don’t be surprised if a decision that just recently seemed final suddenly opens up and leaves you with another chance to make an important choice. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Taking a different tack on a work proj- ect might rankle some colleagues. But the positive results of your innovative course soon speak for themselves. Celebrate with a fun-filled weekend. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Meeting new associates can be awk- low thyroid levels and vitamin D defi- ciency. I would recommend a visit to your doctor for a careful exam of your nerves and muscles to see if my suspi- cion is correct. Your doctor may sug- gest a trial of vitamin D. If no medical cause is found, I would work specifically on strength- ening the hip muscles, which extend the thighs. A trainer at the gym can show you those exercises. DEAR DR. ROACH: Both of my daughters are in their 40s and going through menopause (according to their doctors, so they are not guessing about this). Both daughters are having such severe migraine headaches that they are missing work (and both are practi- cally workaholics who usually are able to tough it through physical problems). The migraines occur almost every time they have a period. Migraines are not daily during that time, but episodic (usually one per period). They do not have migraines except during menses. One daughter was put on estrogen, which has helped her cramping, but she still is getting migraines. The other daughter has been referred to three physicians who all told her there was nothing that could be done but go on estrogen. She is now 49 years old and concerned that if she goes on estrogen at this point, she will simply have the same migraine issues again when she goes off it and wonders if that is actu- ally worth just delaying having to deal with the migraines. Is there any other solution besides estrogen for severe hormonal migraines? — S.S. ANSWER: Estrogen-associated migraine is common. However, it usu- ally is the drop in estrogen that triggers the migraine. That’s the reason many women get migraines around the time of their periods, as estrogen levels nor- mally decline then. For many women, migraines get worse years before menopause — and by “menopause,” I mean when periods stop altogether. As the periods become erratic, and sleep cycles are interrupted by hot flashes, migraines become worse, as they have in your daughters. However, once periods stop entirely, episodic migraines usually get dramat- ically better on their own. During the erratic time before menses completely stop, estrogen pills, cream or an insertable ring can be used to maintain a more constant estrogen level, which usually improves the headaches. This can be slowly tapered off when the periods could be expected to be finished. ward, even if you’re in a high positive phase right now. Best advice: Make them feel comfortable, and you’ll soon forget your own discomfort. LEO (July 23 to August 22) It’s a good time for you social Lions to blow- dry your manes, polish your claws and look like the Fabulous Felines you are as you make new friends and influence the influential. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Expectations run especially high this week, and you should feel confi- dent in your abilities to take advantage of what might be offered. A colleague has some advice you might find help- ful. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A recent flurry of activity leaves you in need of a little breathing space, and you’d be wise to take it. Close fam- ily members should have an explana- tion about an emergency situation that just passed. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) An insensitive act makes a difficult situation more so. But try not to waste either your physical or emotional energies in anger. Move on and let others fill the clod in on the facts of life. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) It’s a good time to look into that training program or college course you’ve been considering. You might have a good place to use those sharpened skills sooner rather than later. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Education dominates much of your aspect during this week. You might want to start checking out those summer session courses that could help advance your career plans. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Progress often comes in fits and starts. But at least you’re mov- ing straight ahead with no backsliding. You should soon be able to pick up the pace and reach your goals in due time. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Be wary of a deal that gives confusing answers to your questions. Remember: It’s always risky swimming in unknown waters, so you need all the help you can get to stay on course. Siuslaw News ! AD IT DAY E R TO www. the siuslawnews.com E -E DITION • S PORTS • T OP S TORIES • O BITUARIES • W EATHER • F ORUMS • B LOGS