From Meg Spencer (2013-Present): When I arrived as the new Director of the Siuslaw Public Library District in November, 2013 I really felt as though I had come home. I have found an amazing staff and an outstanding collection, a Board with exciting ideas about the future of our services and a Friends of the Library organization committed to advocating for the library. Most importantly, I have found a community that believes in what a library can off er. Hundreds of people walk through the Library’s doors each day, and there is no better indicator of the success of any organization. Last year, the Library checked out almost 200,000 items. People used their Kindles, iPads, other tablets, and Director Meg Spencer smart phones to access 9,154 eBooks and audiobooks. Staff answered more than 9,000 reference questions about everything from where to fi nd books about birds to where to fi nd a meal. Almost 10,000 patrons of all ages attended cultural and educational programs off ered by the Library, and 35,000 patrons accessed the internet. Th rough the Library, hundreds of children received free books to begin their own personal home library. Community members accessed the library space to host meetings and events of all kinds. Basically, what it all means is this – I really do have the best job in the world at one of the best libraries in the world. Th ank you for welcoming me, and for making me part of the Siuslaw Public Library’s next 100 years! From Steve Skidmore (1997-2013): What a great adventure it was being the Director of the Siuslaw Public Library District for sixteen years!! When I traveled west in 1997 from West Chicago to begin this sojourn, I had no idea what to expect—I had been in the state of Oregon only once for a brief three-day conference in Portland a couple of years prior. I knew no one in the state of Oregon. How lucky I was to have found this place and this group of people. Director Steve Skidmore s! ion t a l u t ra Cong the Siuslaw ! to ibrary L c i l b Pu During the years from 1997 to 2013 that I was blessed to serve as its director, the Library District had a remarkable staff and Board of Directors. I never had been around a group that was as talented and with a greater commitment to make our Library the best in the state. We accomplished great things during these years, including a successful building expansion, and I am fortunate to have been involved with all of you and the community. Th ank you for the honor. From Michael Gaston (1978-1997): My wife Louise and I have fond memories of our 19 years in Florence.  I actually met Louise at the Library - she was a homebound volunteer.  She still jokes that she “checked out the librarian.” Th ose two decades were exciting times for the area.  Florence was just becoming a retirement community, and the  many seniors who moved to the area brought their Former Director Michael Gaston with wife Louise broad expertise and high expectations.  Th e Library District was formed and the new library constructed.  But that was only part of the picture.  Bay Street morphed from a seedy area of town to a tourist destination, and the community rallied to build  schools, a hospital, and a performing arts center. It was both exhilarating and exhausting to be swept along in that wave of public improvement.  Louise and I will always be grateful to the library program and the community for the many opportunities we had for civic engagement. Michael & Louise Gaston Friends of the Siuslaw Public Library Even earlier than the 1978 incorporation of the Friends of the Florence Public Library (FOL), this all-volunteer group worked on projects with the aim of strengthening and expanding library services to our community. Major activities include planned events for sales of donated used books, with funds generated used to support Library needs. Th e FOL has also worked with the Library to present programs on various topics of public interest. Other activities include making greeting cards as a fundraiser, and providing a monthly book review program, “Books and Bags”. Th e FOL has supported the Library’s attempts to pass bond measures and contributed generously to the building expansion. A major purpose of the FOL is to pay for Library needs in areas beyond the Library budget, such as: • Computers and software, bookshelves, and books • A motorized cart for disabled patrons • Financial assistance for paving an adjacent alley • A lectern, sound system and chairs for the public room • Payment of interest on a property loan for a lot to expand parking • Cleaning the carpet in the public room as needed • Finding of Library activities such as the Summer Reading Program, a table at the annual Western Lane Community Foundation dinner, and continuing education courses for Library staff • Yearly contributions to the Book Endowment fund held by WLCF None of these activities or accomplishments would be possible without the work of volunteers, who are still needed for assisting the Library in its continuing eff orts to provide services to the community. Come join us. 6 - Siuslaw Public Library District Celebrating 100 Years | May 6, 2015 Father Reads to Children at the Library