The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, February 28, 2015, Image 16

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    6 B
Which blood
pressure reading
is right?
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 70-
year-old man with high blood pres-
sure. I take a calcium-channel blocker
and a diuretic to control it. I am con-
cerned about systolic readings that can
vary 10-12 points when I take my
blood pressure five-10 minutes apart.
A recent example: readings of 132,
143, 140 and 133, taken five to six
minutes apart. My diastolic readings
don’t vary more than a point or two in
the mid-70s. Should I be concerned
about these variations in systolic pres-
sure? — J.S.
ANSWER: Having a patient who
gets multiple values, thinks about
what it means and cares enough to ask
is a real pleasure for a physician.
This degree in blood pressure vari-
ation is well within the expected
norm. Your systolic pressure (the top
number, and the peak blood pressure
ARIES (March 21 to April 19)
Change is still dominant for Rams and
Ewes, both in the workplace and their
private lives. This is also a good time
to look at a possible relocation if that
has been one of your goals.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)
Doing things for others is what you do
well. But don’t forget that Bovines
thrive on the arts, so make some time
for yourself to indulge your passion
for music and artistic expressions.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)
While the Romantic Twin considers
where to go for his or her upcoming
vacation, the Practical Twin will start
making travel plans now to take
advantage of some great bargains.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Your
sensitive nature helps you deal with a
while the heart is expelling blood
from the left ventricle into the aorta) is
about 136, plus or minus seven points.
Having multiple readings increases
the precision of the measurement and
allows your physician to make better
decisions about the effectiveness of
your treatment regimen. Your systolic
number, however, is in the range of
prehypertension, so your doctor will
be keeping an eye on that.
During the course of the day, sys-
tolic blood pressure readings can vary
as much as 30 points. Even in the few
minutes you took these, I often see
variation as much or more than this.
DEAR DR. ROACH: What are the
methods for diagnosis and treatment
of an Achilles’ tendon tear? — L.N.
ANSWER: The Achilles’ tendon
connects the calf muscles, soleus and
gastrocnemius, to the heel bone, the
calcaneus. A complete rupture usually
happens with a sudden, forceful con-
traction of the calf muscles, such as
jumping, often in sports. The diagno-
sis usually is made by physical exam.
It’s not always as obvious as it
might seem: Some people with a com-
plete rupture can still walk, and some
people have no pain. Still, an experi-
enced examiner should be able to
diagnose a complete tear. An ultra-
sound or MRI is sometimes used to
evaluate a partial tear or look for sim-
ilar conditions, such as bursitis or
A complete tear can be managed
surgically or with physical therapy
and rehabilitation. A surgeon should
always be consulted. Partial tears are
usually treated conservatively, with
PT and rehab. Surgery on the
Achilles’ tendon typically requires
two to three months off of work.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have heard
that magnesium destroys vitamin B,
and vitamin B keeps you warm. I am
cold all the time. I take magnesium for
a delayed heartbeat. Do you think that
magnesium is my problem? — H.A.
ANSWER: I also have heard that
vitamin deficiencies, including B vita-
mins and vitamin D, can lead to intol-
erance of cold. However, I couldn’t
find much good scientific evidence to
support that, and none at all that mag-
nesium causes problems with vitamin
absorption or activity.
Low thyroid, hypothyroidism, is
the first condition to come to mind
with cold intolerance, and anemia is
the second. Although it can’t hurt to
try a B-vitamin supplement, I would
recommend getting checked out for
these conditions.
difficult emotional situation. Be
patient and continue to show your sin-
cere support wherever (and for
whomever) it is needed.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) You’re
making progress as you move through
some unfamiliar territory. And while
there might be a misstep or two along
the way, overall you’re heading in the
right direction. Good luck.
VIRGO (August 23 to September
22) Some good news arrives — and
just in time to remind you that you’re
making progress. Perhaps things
aren’t moving as quickly as you’d pre-
fer, but they’re moving nevertheless.
LIBRA (September 23 to October
22) This is a good week to step back
and assess the facts that have recently
emerged to see where they can be used
to your advantage. Also, don’t hesitate
to make changes where necessary.
SCORPIO (October 23 to
November 21) You should begin to
experience some support from those
who now agree with your point of
view. This should help counter the
remaining objections from die-hard
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 21) Don’t let your aim be
deflected by trivial matters as you try
to resolve a confusing situation. Take
time to find and thoroughly assess the
facts before making any decision.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to
January 19) The possibility of moving
to another location has come up. But
before you dismiss it as unworkable,
it’s worth checking out just in case it
does have some merit after all.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to
February 18) New relationships —
personal or work-related — show
mixed signals. Best to assume noth-
ing. Let things play themselves out
until you have something substantive
to work with.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20)
Your ability to make needed changes
without causing too much, if any, neg-
ative ripple effect comes in handy
when dealing with a sensitive matter
either on the job or in the family.
Call us today to find out why we continue to
pay the best interest in town. Personal Interest.
Siuslaw News
777 Hwy. 101, Florence