The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, January 31, 2015, Image 29

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    Fi n d Yo u r N ex t Pro j e c t at t h e H o m e & G a rd e n S h ow
M a rc h 6 – 8 , Ad m i s s i o n $ 2 a d u l t , $ 1 yo u t h
Custom wood products, kitchen ware, hot
tubs, spas, skylights, and dozens of vendors
featuring products and services for both the
home and garden will pack the Florence
Events Center set for March 6 – 8. Laurel
Bay Gardens’ Centerpiece landscape design
“Garden of Artful Delight” will highlight the
19th Annual Florence Home & Garden Show.
The landscape design will feature local
crafted garden art including sculptures,
plantings and glass art. The urban design will
highlight planting ideas to create a haven for
wildlife. Low maintenance and native plant
selections will give homeowners great ideas for
enhancing their yards to add color, texture and
wildlife habitat.
Laurel Bay Gardens will also be featuring
a new line of Certifi ed Organic compost and
Soils, colorful outdoor pottery, statuary and
water features.
Gibs RV, featuring homes on wheels, will
join Cedar Works Spas outside the Florence
Events Center, according to Show Director Jon
Show hours are from 2-6 p.m. on Friday,
10 a.m.– 6 p.m. on Saturday and 11-3 p.m. on
Sunday. Admission is $2 for adults and $1 for
children 12 and under. Admission is free from
4-6 p.m. on Saturday and ½ price coupons will
be available at Bi-Mart.
The show is sponsored by Three Rivers
Casino & Hotel, Bi-Mart and Central Lincoln
PUD. It is presented by Coast Radio and the
Siuslaw News.
Why I s Th e re a n I n d o o r Ya rd S a l e at F E C ?
S a t u rd a y, Fe b r u a r y 2 1 , 8 a . m . – 2 p. m . – Ad m i s s i o n $ 1
So why is there an indoor yard sale at the
FEC two or three times a year? Good question.
And there are several good answers.
Answer #1: It’s a service to the community.
And since FEC exists to serve the community,
it’s a very good fi t. People have a place to
bring their antiques, household items, hobby
materials, books, kitchen gadgets and much
more. They don’t have to put up with the hassle
of having a yard sale at home, possibly in bad
weather. And they don’t have the expense of
advertising either.
Answer #2: It’s green. A lot of the things
offered for sale would probably get thrown
away. This doesn’t mean they don’t have
value—for somebody. But if people didn’t have
a place to sell their unwanted items, they could
easily end up in a landfi ll—or worse.
Answer #3: It makes economic sense.
Paying retail prices for things may be diffi cult
for some people. But at the yard sale, many
people fi nd things they need at prices they can
afford—a good deal for both the buyer and the
Answer #4: It supports the Events Center.
The yard sale is sponsored by the Friends of
Florence Events Center. This non-profi t raises
money to support the work of FEC, often paying
for equipment and supplies that are not part of
the regular operating budget.
Answer #5: It’s just plain fun. Get here
early, grab a warm cinnamon roll and a cup of
hot coffee, chat with friends, and take home a
sack full of bargains that you didn’t even know
you needed.
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The Florence Events Center website: