The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, January 31, 2015, Image 28

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    Vo e t b e rg s B r i n g O u t s t a n d i n g M u s i c i a n s h i p & Fa m i l y E nt e r t a i n m e nt t o F E C
S u n d a y, M a rc h 1 5 , 2 p. m . – Ti c ke t s $ 3 0 a d u l t , $ 1 0 yo u t h , $ 6 0 Fa m i l y Pa c ka g e
The Voetberg Family Band virtually defi nes
“family entertainment.”
The internationally acclaimed Voetbergs
are eight siblings, ages 15 to 25, whose show
displays a cohesive variety of musical styles
and a developed musicianship way beyond their
years. As classically trained musicians, each
band member displays unique versatility while
remaining technically sound. Many are national
age-group fi ddling champions with outstanding
skills on other instruments.
The Voetbergs play Sunday, March 15, 2
p.m., with a morning outreach performance
at Siuslaw Middle School on Monday, March
16. Concert producer SEAcoast Entertainment
Association is offering a special four-ticket
family package price of $60 for the FEC concert.
The Voetberg Family Band performs Irish,
Scottish, American, swing, jazz and classical
music, and has been coached by several world
class musicians.
“To say that the Voetberg family is unique,
wonderful, talented, entertaining, and a joy is to
not quite do them justice,” says Floyd Domino,
a two-time Grammy award winning pianist and
advisor to the Voetbergs.
“These youngsters are great entertainers,”
says SEAcoast producer Ken Henderson. “They
have an obvious and infectious love of music
and for life. They perform with great passion
and joy, and will probably be one of your
favorite family bands of all time.”
Two more shows will round out
SEAcoast’s sensational season of high-caliber
For nearly two decades Quartetto Gelato
has won the hearts of audiences worldwide
with their unique blend of musical fi nesse,
pyrotechnical solos, blazing gypsy show pieces,
multi-instrument mastery, and dynamic humor.
Quartetto Gelato performs Friday, April 17, at 7
p.m., with pre-concert talk at 6:15 p.m.
The Eugene Symphony returns Friday,
May 15, at 7:00 p.m., to present a special
Florence-only “Orchestra Showcase” to close
out the season. This unique, one-time concert
will include the music of Barber, Haydn, and
Strauss; and feature symphony principal cellist
Anne Ridlington. They will host a pre-concert
talk at 6:15 p.m.
Tickets for all performances are available
online at or at the Florence
Events Center box offi ce or by phone at 541-
B e h i n d t h e S ce n e s i n O u r Tow n
M a rc h 2 0 – 2 2 ; 2 7 - 2 9 Ti c ke t s $ 1 5
début as Rebecca Gibbs and Wally Webb.
Co-directors Jennifer Connor and Cathy
Dupont are working together with the actors to
encourage discovery, experimentation and to
create back stories as the actors melt into their
roles. Even cameo role characters are encouraged
to fi nd meaning in their lines.
For example, if the Crowell brothers,
played by Patrick Rowley, and Topher Keppol,
need to take up more space on the stage, they
are encouraged to fi gure out what they could be
excited about that causes the extra movement.
When choir director Simon Stimson, played
by Chris Campbell, or town busy body Mrs.
Louella Soames, played by Chris Campbell, need
to leave the stage, they are encouraged to fi gure
out how their character would do it and why.
The cast also includes Grant Hammond
as Howie Newsome; Elizabeth Rose as Mrs.
Forrest; Chuck Knorr as Constable Bill Warren;
James Bonisteel as Joe Stoddard; and Shawn
Penrod as Sam Craig. Victoria Seitzinger,
Kassy Keppol, Elisa Arnold, Sandy Vaccaro,
Linda Reeves, Courtney Ricketts, Margaret
McDiarmid, Johanna Bonisteel, Paula Burnett
and a few others play supporting roles.
Tickets are available at the box offi ce at 541-
997-1994 or on-line at
On an unusually sunny weekend in January,
Lyndsey Keppol and Jesse Reeves met at the
local coffee shop to review their scripts. They
were later joined by Kate Gibson and Danny
Keppol. Practicing for hours, outside of school
and work, is normal for Last Resort Player actors.
Lyndsey and Jesse have been paired together
in the classic production “Our Town” as Emily
Webb and George Gibbs. They play the young
couple that grows up in small town America,
100 years ago. They were last paired in LRP’s
production of The Sound of Music. Danny and
Kate, who are newer to acting, play Frank and
Julia Gibbs, George’s parents.
Our Town is a beautifully written play by
Thornton Wilder about taking in the beauty of
the simple things. It is heralded as one of the
greatest American plays ever written. Themes of
everyday living, love, marriage, and the reality
of death set the tone for the three act Pulitzer
Prize Winner. The show will be produced by
Last Resort Players on March 20-22; 27-29 at the
Florence Events Center.
With the fl awless Annie Schmidt playing the
Stage Manager, the audience will be led through
the lives of the Webb and Gibb’s families. Charles
and Myrtle Webb, Emily’s parents will be played
by seasoned actors Jim Wellington and Judy
Adams. Memphis Gliewe and Shiloh Penrod will
106.9 FM 103.1 FM
104.1 FM 1250 AM
Your locally owned
community radio stations.
For ticket information, contact The Florence Events Center box office at (541) 997-1994
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