I TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 20. ENTERPRISE, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1909. COUNTY PIONEER PAPER. Classified notices in this columa, 1 cent a word each Insertion in either News Record or Chieftain; lMs cents a word for same notice in both papers; special rates by the month or year. FOR RENT. GOOD WINTER PASTURE for horses, at The Buttes, Address, nnv 19 Rn term-Is 3. Ore. 341m FOR SALE. Billiard and Pool tablo, in good condition, with new cloth. Half price for cash. Burleigh & Boyd, attor neys. BUGGY, second hand, in good pondl tion, newly painted. Cheap. Inquire of Rodgers Bros. LOD'.E DIRElTOKY. I n n C EXTKIU'ttlSE LOUUK, No I.U.U.r. 133. EMERALD REBEKAH LODGE, No. 119 Kflf n ENTERPRISE LODGE, No . UI 4. JUANITA TEMPLE, No. 1, Pythian Staters. MXOnillP ENTERP1USB CHAPTF.lt, IVlAoU'llUXo. 30. Royal Arch Masons, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month In Masonic Hall. All visiting Royal Arch Masons welcomed. J. B. OLMSTED, High Priest. D. W. SHEAHAN, Secretary. WALLOWA LODGE, No. 82, A. F. & A. M., meets second and foirth Satur days of each month In Masonic Hall. Visiting Masons welcomed J A BURLEIGH, W. M. W. C. BOATMAN, Secretary. WALLOWA VALLEY CHAPTER, No SO, O. E. S. meets first and third Sat urdays of each month. In Masonic Hall VisltinK Btars ore always welcomed. MRS. ELVA L. FRENCH, W. M. R3 MARY E. STEEL, Secretary. Mill EAGLE CAMP, No, 10497, M .llAaW. A Moeta first and third Thursdays in each month, in new Fra ternal halL Visiting Neighbor always welcome. J. W. RODGERS, Consul. T. M. DILL, Clerk. ANEROID CAMP, No. 3542, R N. of A. "W.O.W. ENTERPRISE CAMP, No. 535, W..0f W. . ALitOTA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W. NEW ARRIVALS. REAVIS. Born to the wife of G. S. Reavls, Monday night, December 28, a daughter. Marriage Licenses. Dec. 30 J. P. Carlson and Orpha E. Allen. The marriage ceremony was per formed by Justice A. C. Smith Wed nesday evening, and the couple left Thursday for Connell, Wash., where the Mr. Carlson is employed. The groom was formerly In the well-drilling business In this county. The bride is a daughter of Noal Allen of Middle Valley. , ' Commercial Club Meeting. The annual meeting of the Enter prise Commercial club for the elec. tlon of officers and transaction of such otlier buisness as may be deemed necessary, will be held in the court bouse, Monday- night, January 18, at 8 o'clock. D. W: SHEAHAN, President. JJbrary Meeting Ladles of the Library will hold a meeting in th library rooms, Thurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock. . ENTERPRISE REAL E8TAJE COMPANY J. S. WAGNER. F.A.WAGNER. 0. M. CORKINS, Sec. We can Sell Your Real Estate you have a farm for us. We will g't v,ou Up-to-date plat of Wallowa County in office. ' ( Office on Main StreL over. Harness Shop. JOSEPH METHODISTS PLAN NEW CHURCH MONEY NEARLY ALL SUBSCRIB ED FOR $4000 STRUCTURE . WAREHOUSE OFFICERS. Joseph, Jan. 5 There is lots of ac tivity in real estate in Joseph and vicinity these days, showing the faith of investors in the growth of the Jtvn. Jesse Marr has bought 130 acres of land 1 miles from town of J. H. Thompson and A. Wurtz 3r. Mr. Thompson bought a house and five lots in the Knight addition. ..iyrtle Hays, daughter of W. S. Hays, aas bought two lots in Bellevlew ad dition. All these sales were made by he Wurtzweller and Cavlness agency J. D. Walck reports the sale of jiock 25, Bellevlew addition to L. G. Page of The Park, and of block 28 to J. J. Rezab, tho electrician. County Surveyor R. I. Long was here on business Monday. Representative J. P. Rusk left Tuesday morning for Portland to be ready for the session of the legisla ture. He was .accompanied by his mother, Mrs. E. B. Rusk, who had been visiting him for several months. Don't forget Joseph will build a $20,000 school house this summer. An order has been entered by the circuit court dismissing the suit of Edith Jennings ,vs. the Joseph Mer cantile company and discharging the receiver. Messrs. Eben and Houser have bought the interest of Mrs. Jen .lings in the business. Mary Baudan returned Tuesday to 3chool at La Grande. Her brother Fred accompanied her for a few days visit. Mrs. W. E. Endlcott left Tuesday for Imbler on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Rucmon. School began Monday after a ten days' vacation. Attendance is very large. "" . Because of the council'; ban on public gatherings last weak, the Knox , entertainment was postponed until January 6. . Julius Bastcr has obtained a con tract from Charles Meek of upper Prairie Creek and has ordered a new mill, Charles V3t, wife and two sons, George and Fay, left for We3ton Sat urday. The boys had been home for the holidays. Glen Leslie and Emma Roup also returned to Weston Mon day after the holiday vacation. Jerome Freldroan of Pendleton, for merly of Joseph, was visiting hut sister, Mrs. Wurtzweller, during the holidays; , Sam Ashloy of Welser, Ida., cousin of W. E, LeffeJ, spent a few days here last week. Mrs. L, P, Womack visited her sis ter, Mrs. Charles Bale3, of Enterprise LTuesday, The Methodist peoplo are planning for a new $4000 church of brick or stone to be built this spring. Most of the money has been subscribed. The1 Warehouse company has elect ed the following: Wade Slier, Pres.; A. .Wurtzweller, Sec; Wllber McCul lyr' Treas.; directors, Wade Slier, Geo. Ifouser, L, Cavlness, E. Borland, Dr. Thompson. The building, 60x160, will be ergcted near the stockyards.. The sale, list it with a buyer. money is all provided, Rnd a baler will be placed in one "ertd of the building. SAM PACE BUY8 HALF INTEREST IN O. R. & CO. There Is probably no man who knows the land of Wallowa county like ex-Assessor Sam Pace. He has been on nearly every quarter section for valuation purposes, and It seems natural and fitting that he should go into the real estate business. He has bought a half interest in the well known O. R. & I. company, L. E. Jordan, who organized and has been connected with it ever since, re tainlng the other half Interest. The company has fitted up fine quarters in the old Chieftain office, and will be a power In the develop ment of this great county. ' Plan For County Choral Society MUSIC LOVERS TALKING OF SUM MER MUSIC FESTIVAL WITH 150 CHORUS' Music lovers in Enterprise arc dis cussing plans looking to the organiza tion of a Choral society to Include singers from every part of Wallowa county, the intention being to unite the various sections Into one grand chorus of at least 150 voices, in a summer music festival extending ovoi two or three days. If the singers of the county will unite Jn the mat ter, it is proposoJ to engage Pro', oyer, of Portland, who will give his undivided attention to the training of the chorus , during the months of July and August. The good results of such training by a man of Prof. Boyer's exceptional ability are so ap parent as to require no demonstra tion, Prof. Bpyer is now at work with the Portland chorus for the annual spring festival to be hold in that city in March next. The chorus num bers 50J and everything points to a triumphant success. In the New Year's issue of the Oregonian, Frederick W. Goodrich, president of tho Portland Festival chorus, contributes ' the . following, which will ' doubtless Interest Prof. Boyer's many friends In Wallowa county: "Here In Portland is a permanent choraj organization which those In charge) have determined o make the be3t of its kind In the Pa clflc West. . Composed of many of the finest musicians in the city, it cannot fall to exercise a powerful Influence on the, musical life of the entire section. It would be making lnvlduous comparisons to mention the names of the many professional mu sicians who sing in its ranks, but every musician in the city, worthy of the name, s either singing or exert ing a pqweful influence in Us favor. The director is Wm; H. Bayer, a vet eran in the cause of chqral music. A fine trainer and brilliant chorus master, no one is more fitted than he to direct such an organization." LOSTINE Lostlne, Jan. 5. Mrs. J. L. Ham mack of Joseph arrived Tuesday to visit here with her mother. Mrs. S. V, Cray of Enterprise vis ited Tuesday with her brother, Chas. Brfdwell, ' Mrs. J, L. Browning of Enterprise came Tuesday to -.ylslt her sister, Mrs. W, W. Wlljett. Protracted Meeting. Evangelist Stevens and wife will begin a protracted meeting in the Christian church noyi Sunday, QUARANTINE LIFTED, No new cases of diphtheria appear ing quarantine and the ban on public gatherings were lifted Monday. The vthools re-opoued after the holiday vui at ion. Oron Brady and daughter Naomi, who had the disease, are en tirely recovered. GRAND BALL At the Enterprise Opera House Friday Evening, January 8 Music by Enterprise Orchestra of five pieces. We are going to have Christmas and New Year rolled together in A GREAT BIG DANCE. Come and have the time of your life. Tickets ONE DOLXAR. ASSESSOR MILLER TAKES UP DUTIES NEW OFFICER IS FAMILIAR WITH, THE WORK COUNTY COURT CONVENES. The, new county assessor, B. F. ilier, was sworn in Monday moru i?ig by County Clerk Boatman, and t once went to work in business like fashion In the assessor's office. " Acrr MTAjMtMtre PROFESSOR BELL AND HIS Alexander Graham Bell, the acpd 1 fid x .: :,vi JFT7 0t ne,r,al naVlsatl0D " tolmprovr heTenns of flight already discovered and demonstrated by the Wright brothers ft J SJr I" tethedronSrS; wlfhTis several youthful aids, for n srHp nf Scotia. Th totruhr, ,Z ""J "wrT " - uaaaecK, JNova in ' its wrTuc ; TV r" - Ideas. ' hu . lUttU. Bll He has mada no announcement nf leputy yet, but Arthur Pace Is asslst- g on the books for the present. Mr. Miller is not a new hand at he business by a long way. He ield a similar position in the East, And for several years in this coun- has made the assessment in the country north of .Wallowa for Mr. Pace. . County Court This Week. County court convenes today. Wed- aesday. As usual at the January lession there la a large amount of business on hand. Probably the moat important item Is fixing the levy for he coming year, and it is said that in spite of the fact of building the sourt house and large expenditures t'or roads, the total levy will be no larger and probably leis thaa last year's record low levy of 11 mills. Wallowa county's portion of the itate expenses this year amounts tc bout $9300. Circuit Court Judge Knowles is expected in about January 18 to hold a session of cir cuit court. CONTRACTING ACREAGE TO RAISE SUGAR BEETS Job Plngree, field superlntendept )f the Amalgamated Sugar company, F . S. Bramwell and S. Storey, the lat--er field foreman of the La Grande, factory, are In the valley this week closing contracts for acreage for the sugar beet test. They were In En terprise Tuesday and today, and will be at Lostlne Thursday and Friday. Their proposition ia a good one for the landowner and shows faith in this valley as a beet country. STOCK SHIPMENTS. Dlshman and Day shipped five car loads of cattle and hogs Tuesday morning, threa from here and Joseph and two from Wallowa. B. T. Long went with the shipment to Portland. Editor Will Turn Ranchman Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hainan an chlluiou ware guests last weak ot his si3ter, Mrs. J. H. Djbbin and family of Prairl? Craak. Mr. Huffman was until a few months ano editor i of tho Pendleton East Oregonian, I which he made one of the most j quoted papers in the state. He is also an author of both merit and reputation. He sold out his inter ests in the E. O. and has bought a i ranch in Alberta, Canada, where he will remove in the spring. ENTERPRISE WINS GAME. Enterprise won the football game from Joseph Sunday by the score of I 9 to 0. Both teams had more weight in the line-up than at the game in Joseph, the latter having the heav ier line while the locals' backs had the advantage in weight. The game was a good one. Face drop kicked Ac AIDS IN AERIAL EXPERIMENTS. oiwt., . urr' . ""I1 ln. "erlal craft comprises, 1IV1IIIT IllflfMl IIWIO I. ..... .. .. 1 1 . . . -v......,,,, duuio uuauiuieiy new a goal from tha field, which with a touchdown gave the locals 9. Jo aaph was unable to score. WARNING ABOUT CASHING POSTOFFICE MONEY ORDERS Postmaster Ben Weathers has re ceived a notice to warn merchants and others about cashing P. O. mon ey orders numbered from 1401 to 1l00 imdiibivc. Those blanks were stolen from the Bellingham, Wash., postoffico Sta. i on December 13. It would be wise to cash no Belllng liarn criers, as expert crooks some times alter the numbers yith red ink. RECIPROCITY. From the Wallowa Sun. "Trade at home because it pays," says the local merchant. Perhaps he is right, but carry it a little farther and patronize the merchant who gets his printing done at home, who uses home productions of flour and lumber. Read your home paper and trade with the men who ad vertise there. Then . see whose ox Is gored? WALLOWA Wallowa, Jan. 5. Revival services began Monday evening at the M. E church. An old fashioned watch meet ing was held New Years eve at the church. They had a good program and refreshments were served. Alice Proctor of Elgin visited her si3ter Mrs. Char:e3 Hug, during the holidays. Bethel McKenzle o' Lostlne vis ited her brother over Sunday. Mr. aid Mrs. Omer Stubblefield of Enterprise spent Tuesday here. W. I. Sanner of Promise traded here Monday. Joe Carper of Promisa killed a cou gar Sunday measuring 8 feet from tip to tip. Couch & McDonald sold for Fred 4-Gay-ierd of Joseph; -three -geod-tim-l ber claims on Littie Sheep creek. J. A. Eggleson and wife of Enter prise were down Monday closing up with Couch & McDonald the pur chase of the 120 acr.e farm which they sold to him. Mr. Eggleson is well pleased with his bargain. This firm sold during the last week nine, lota in McDonald addition,, belong ing to various parties, to Olaf Hen drickson and Carl 'Lundquist of Union county. NOTICE TO SETTLE. All parties knowing themselves in debted to ' me must settle at once by cash or note, otherwise their ac counts will be put in the hands of my attorney for collection. bit. Lon Davis. L OF COYOTE BOUNTY CONTINUED HOPE TO GET BACK $1000 FROM COUNTY. Tte Wallowa County Woolgrowers association met in the directors' room of the Wallowa National bank In this city, Monday. There was a large attendance of prominent flock masters. . Hon. J. H. Dobbin and Thos. Morgan were re-elected presi dent and secretary of the associa tion, respectively. An assessment of one-half cent a head on the 192,630 sheep in the county was levied to continue the $1.50 bounty on coyote scalps. It Is believed this fund will be swelled by about $1000 from the county, which was given by the wool men several years ago in the expectation that the state would give a bounty. That act of the legislature was turned down and the money contributed by the Wallowa woolgrowers sent to our county court, which has since held it. The statutes provide the court may at its option give a bounty, and the present court will be asked to do so, thus returning the money to the purpose for which it was oi lg inally contributed. The resolutions in regard to forest reserve and the tariff adopted by tha state association at the Hepp- ner mesting were endorsed with i.he further recommendation that all grazing land in the national forests not covered with timber be n1 oat from the reserve. Warehouse Company Officers. The directors of the Woolgrowers Warehouse company mot Monday af- , ternoon and organized by electing Jay H. Dobbin president and W.' H. Graves secretary. Rumble To Move To La Grarfde. E. W. Rumble has bought an inter est In the Bolton-Bodmer company at La Grande and will remove to that city from Elgin as soon as he rounds up his other business inter ests. The Bolton-Bodmer company is incorporated for $15,000 and handles agricultural implements. Sheep Shearer Goss to Phoenix Art Scrogglns left on New Years day for Phoenix, Ariz., to be on hand at. the beginning of the sheep shear ing season, about January 20. As us ual, Art will work north through California and Oregon. One or two other local shearing experts .will leave for the south soon RILEY'S BILL OF FARE Standard Breakfast Foods Randolph California Navel Oranges , Grande Ronde Eating and Cook ing Apples Samoan Cocoanuts San Bernadino Lemons ; Home-Made Bread, Pies, Cook ies and Doughnuts Royal Italian Maccaroni Swiss and Domestic Cheese Little Neck Clams Cherry Stone Oysters Red Ribbon Lobsters and Salmon . Libby's Canned Meats French Sardines Van Camp's Pork and Beans Grande Ronde and Wallowa Potatoes and Onions Best Brands Sauces, Catsups " Tand "MuitanTT Enterprise Creamery Butter ' Hermiston Honey Schilling's Coffee Choice Teas And everything that should te in a First Class Grocery Store RILEY & RILEY Phon White 27 NOTE: Phone us if you need a dray or express wagon. ANNUA MEETING WDOLGROWERS