Countj Official Paper,-, City Official Paper.- .to VOL. XIX NO. 17. ENTERPRISE, OREGON. DECEMBER 25 mz WHOLE NO- 970 LAUNCH THE BOAT. r III I I 3 I r 1 III II I I 17 II 1 MI -VJ A 1 jjTX-tiW Ilk II I I SV - This is to hp fhf Knt.ns. . j ... . . " " never so exteosive be ore Xf tL d " Fa" Trade " correct prices. We aevert Ltd WeTt? "f ? immenSe stock ad da, Trade surpass a., previc -ldX ""4f " room already finds us crowded for JL' lL "ot large additwus to our store pi,ed witoLiss to cSj$&B? is son ushers in our present Holiday Sea- TENTH ANNIVERSARY SALE The Ten Years the present company has been serving the public has been one of conttnued progress The constant increase of our yearly Tales has plac d us at thf top notch of up-to-date merchandising. Never was our stock so extensive or our sales so large. Reading that the bountiful prosperity existing in Wal owa county argues for heavy Holiday Purchasing, we have anticipated a rush of buying by PS ing an unusual and extensive Holiday selections. previa Santa Glaus Will Have Possession He will present the usual assortment of staple holiday offerings, supplemented by all purchasings of the seasons novelties from the markets of the ICast and West loys and novelties in endless array will be here to bring joy and gladness to the little ones. The purchasing power of the dollar was never greater than now. You can be suited in your buying be the purchase large or small. We have especial pride in this line. All the wp-to-date lines in Ties. Four-in-hands, Butterfly Bows, and the Dress Ties in conventional black and white. Gloves in correct styles. An exceptional line of every day, dress and fancy shirts. I in It costs but little to dress in style when you buy here. We can outfit you in ready-to-wear Clothing, in standard and fashion able fabrics, or if you prefer a tailor made costume. Are particularly seasonable just now. Let us show you our lines. Bought in the Fashion Center of the East. These garments by their faultless make, stylish appearance and reasonable price irresistible ap peal to the lady who wishes to dress in comfort and at the same time in perfect style. We are offering gar ments in various qualities of cloth prices. We can suit any purse. No matter how little you pay you get style and effect quality as well. We alFo have a line of furs. ' These will be snapped up quick therefore be prompt in buying. A Jacket or Cape makes a most useful and ac ceptable present. Blankets and Comforts This is one of our strongest lines. We nre showing cxcep'.ional values in these very seasonable goods. We have as leaders a heavy, all wool, Oregon made blanket for $5.00 that is a genuine bargain for com fort and price. You can get tbe blanket in the regulation grey, with varied colored stripes or in moroon, as you choose. Blankets at less prices. They are Bnaps. Soft, fleecy and warm. No better present these. Comforts in endless array. SHOES Never was our line so large. We can suit you in price, style and quality. Latest fashions in Ladies' and Gentle men's Shoes. Our stock is as complete as liberal buying can make it. We can save you money on your winter's purchasing. All styles and weight in Arties and Rubber. " DEY GOODS . Heavily loaded shelves of the Beasons best, greet you here. Staples in all lines. Seasonable dress goods in var iety that insures quick selection. Novelties in mauy lines. An exceptional offering in Mottled flannel. Similar to out ing but much finer. To see it is to buy. You will have to hurry. Only r few bolts left. in. terns Two Extra Specials An invoice of new carpetings and Floor Oil Cloth just You will have to luirry n you gCk ju. - r-- , I? !n firftnite work. The good a large line ui w ,. heavy kind that is a joy to the housewife. Io better line every shown in the county. Extra Special A line of Oriental Tapestry and Chenille table covers. Something that will instantly appeal to any housewife. Elaborate designs in various colorings. W'aen in doubt buy one of these. Early Purchases will be laid away for later delivery. H M, ft M. GO. The Big Busy Store Imnh Pt in WateyNew Year's Qay. Lewiston Tribune. Unless one, pected delay occurs in tbe construc tion work on the craft, the pretty new steamer, Imnaha, will be launch ed on Kew Year's day, and it is plan ned that appropriate ceremonies shall beheld in honor of an event which meant tbe opening to trade and com mercial activities of an extensive and rich section of tbe state which has to long remained isolated. Captain Harry Bailsman and Builder Easton are each anxious that the new boat will be in shape for launching on the first day of the new year and tbe con struction operations are being push- ea as rapidly as possible. The work on the deck will be commenced this week and only severe winter weather could now prevent the completion of of the craft on tbe date desired. As surance is now given by the manu facturers no delay will been- encoutercd in the shipment of the machinery from the east and it can be installed promptly upon its ar rival here There now therefore seems but little doubt that the boat will 1 ready for the initial run un the Snake by the middle of Jauuary. Illustrations are already available as to the result that will follow the establishment of the upper river boat service. Parties arriving from the copper camps report that more men are now at work along the river than during any winter season in the past, while a large number of people are on the ground planning to inaugujate work on claims that have been idle for years. In many instances aban doned claims are being relocated and several deals it is understood mav soon be announced. At all points where assessment or transient work is . being done the ore is new beinr stored, preliminary to sacking lor shipment. Tbe knowledge that a transportation service is soon to Le established has revived tbe confidence of owners of property and steps are being taken for extensive work in all the districts extending from Wild Goose to Pittsburg Landiig. The plans of the new boat company as regards the regular landings to be established between Lewiston and Iiuunha have not yet been announced but it is known that the officers have made a careful study as to the best points of entrance to the river from tbe farming, fruit and stock sections of tbe highlands extending back from the river. It is known, however, that a landing will be established st Grande Ronde, it beiug the object to serve all the country lying contiguous to that stream for a considerable dis tance back from the Snake river, It has also been explained that the boat will be a great convenience to the people of Asotin countr in the quick and convenient delivery of freights from Lewiston, thus eliminating the necessity of freighting and a special service between Asotin and this point will probably be maintained indepen dent of the regular trip to the Ira na na mines. Meeting Called Ths Members of the Wallowa County Wool Growers Association a.e reortested to meet et Enterprise Saturday Jan. 3, HW3, at 1 o'clock for tho purpo - of elating oSIkts etc- All sheep men in the comity are requested to be present at this meet ing for the purpose of investigating the proposod For.-st Reserves, to de cide on a date to have a wool sale at Elgin and t-uch other business as may come before the meeting. Jay H. Dobbin, gee. Notice to Creditors All parsons indebte 1 to the under signed will pleass call and settle by cash or notes by Jan. 1st, 1903, or the accounts will be placed in the hands Every Saving Counts for You We will help yon get your due by selling you your WINTER SUPPLIES At prices that can't be beat. Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishings A complete line of dry goods and ladies fur nishings, up-to-date and first class in every par ticular. Also a nice line of lumishings for the baby. NOTIONS We always carry a large stock of notions, where you can get anything and everything you want in this line. If you are in doubt, what to buy for a Christmas present come in and exam ine our line of jewelry and dainty notions. We are constantly adding to our stock: of millinery, and if we haven't what you want our Milliner will make a hat that becomes you, and if the fashion doesn't suit she can modify the fashion to suit your case . if HI'S iJtEffil3&!s8S Our stock of Gent's Furnishings includes Hats, Caps, Heady-made Clothing, Shoes, Felts and Rubbers, Gloves, Underwear, work shirts dress Shirts, woolen and cotton socks, handker chiefs, mufflers, ties, collars, etc. We also have the agency for the Star Tailoring Company of Chicago. Our stock of Hardware is complete so when you want something in this line come in and examine our goods and get our prices. Wagons, Buggies. we have just received a carload of New !Ioline wagons and buggies and if you are con templating making a purchase of either let us ive you prices on both that are down to UhI rock. GROCERIES. we carry a nicely assorted line of groceries and as we order small lots at a time, and order often our stock is always fresh. JOHN CALVIN, Enterprise, Oregon. f an attorney for collection. E L. Day.