The First Newspapers. The first rewspaper in the modern . Ib.iiaH mnnthlv at l'oniM 4 ISfPO Wo ., . , vubvv 4U 5$: tb first English newspaper was -obiijh&l in 1622; the first American jol7M. For bronchial trouMes try Pino Cure (or consumption. It is a good cou"h gediciue. At ilnipei.-ts. price 25 cents. Days of Grace. ' landlord I will jnst give yon three lirtto pay your rent. Artist All right. Suppose you pike it lhamssgivinir, Christmas ami jh( Fourth of July. Life. im i rs trz . i i a. ean, i r . s MI W'-a . I I M W 7 . V .1 ICS I mmm I I ! i Mothers will Una Mrs. ATlnsiow's Sooth. Int Svrup the but remedy to us tor their ,kiluren during liie teething penou. To Dodge the Tax Collector, "Why do you call yourself 'Poor gicbard' a fool once asked of Dr. Franklin. '( "To deal more shrewdly with rl.o j(5(collector,''replied the maker of the I almanac Detroit Journal. Portl nd Dividend Company ana "."Hommerclal Bid 142 Washington Street. Porthnd. Oretwi. Payable monthly. Callorwrite. L. M. Davis, Pres. under the sun. In s,.ice, ,Q(i jsati " Powder it s name is A PASTOR ffiW ! SAVED BY PE-RU-NA MONOPOUE Your dealer handles them or ca tet trein for vuu. 6 N ADHA.MS I'. & KERR BROS., Ttiami. Oregon. Mlrga. UMBRELLA A FIISH iivv?,1 T0"1 1,1 feBn or We-hlncton ymi can v onV. '.if ' r. Tiiur mend. iuali tv . I' "7." t . . , ... .v.. ii.-imane ornvs. best .!(1HM II I PCIV1 n . near Meier A; Frank I n. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bohf f: V '? Bears the Signature ! DIDN'T HURT A BIT! 1 But He Weakened. "My dear," said the poet B'ernlv. "I've just sold a love song, but " "Bat what?" "Oh, nothing. I was about to sav that I wouldn't buy bacon or greenp or uK-raieing flour with the money, but -you know best." 8 - t 1 It I We extract, crown and bridge teeth without Indicting pain. Our methods are modern and meet with the approval of the most exacting. Call and see us. Examination free. Fees reasonable. Both 'phones: Oregon South 2!91: Co lumbia avs. Open evenings till . days rora 9 to 12. t , r WISH BROS., Dentists. l'OUTLANI). KK(.(N. 2l, 0, 5in 71 oit rtq rflntn. Wtg, v.. .mm iuiu v auoiugioa sis. THE CHILDREN ENJOY Life out cf doors and out of the g-ames which they play and the enjoy ment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is g-iven to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gent naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and system effectually, without producing that constipated h from the use of the old-time cathartics and modern imiti which the children should be so carefully guarded. If yc grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and I them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and w assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the sii gentle Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of cc laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syru also to our original method of manufacture and as you v the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which i ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genui bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents p to remember, the full name of CALIFORNIA FIG SYR.IP C the front of every pack age. In order to get its beneficial effects it is al ways necessary to buy the genuine only. a rt rr zi. mmmm A. IV Uil f t. Co-Operative Piano dubs, the Latest In Piano Buytng-AII Club Together to Cheapen the Price to Each, ALL ABOUT THE PIANO CLUBS ,l It will cost you nothing to investigate and will surely save you money. If you are interested and cannot call in person, please fill out the attached inquiry blank and send to the Piano Club Manager, Eilers Piano House, Portland, Oregon. Catalogues, prices and all particulars will be promptly supplied. Out-of-town residents may join any of the clubs now forming . . . .INQUIRY BLANK 'X' EILERS PIANO HOUSE, Portland: Please send me catalogues and all information about the new Piano Clubs to Name Address. NOTE. If interested in Organs, please specify "Organ Club" in above blank. It costs you nothing to investigate this money-saving opportunity. We guarantee' to supply Pianos and Organs to Club members at a bona fide saving of many dollars. Attend to this today. PIAISO HOUSE (Both Phones) Portland, Ore. EILERS 351 Washington St., A' 9 Other Stores at San Francisco, Spokane and Sacramento. A dollar loaned for a hnndrd yirs and courKundtd at 24 per oenL wiil j amount in that time to $2.&51.79!M0i. . I German farms oocupy nearly l.O.VX- 000 acres in Central America, on which over 2u.iVk.ihi coffee trees are planted. : I Thi'k sct-nt of an otter Is conveyed to i the pursuing hound while under water : by the "chain" of boblues which marks j its devious course. j j At riinitz, near Presden, is the larg-1 j est camellia in Europe. It is 1" years , ; old, atKitit fifty fee; Uijrh and bas forty I j thousauj blossoms each season. j j The agricultural returns of Great '. . . . r ii v " , u v . ' v ivi.i under crops and prass was S2.isT.Tii5 i acres a doc-reuse of 29,480 comiared with 11H.p1. The new commander-in-chief of the , Grand of the Republic, Gen. j Stew art, is but 54 years old. lie enlist , ed while a boy and served over four I years during the war of the rebellion. Among the flotsam and Jetsam ; thrown up on the beach at Khossillt, Glamorgan, recently, wa the body of a full-grown linn, which has since been buried by the coast guard in what known as Fox's cave. I Dr. Simon Xewcomb, professor emp" ltus of mathematics and astrouomy In Johns Hopkins University, has Just had the honorary degree of doctor of philosophy conferred upon him by the Christiauia University. At the present day. on the best au thorities, there are 250,0iO,CKi Mussul niuus In the world. The Christian pop ulation Is put at 447.IHXUH.HJ. but the Increase of Islam is more rapid than that of lu sister religion. The National Museum at Belgrade has come Into possession of a collection of slxty-eijtht thousand Homan copper coins recently unearthed near a Ser vian village. The oldest of them be long In the time of Caracalla. "You don't have much to say on public questions?" "No, Senator Sorghum. "I am very much Inclined to think that in modem affairs public questions are of less con sequence than private understand ings." American pottery manufacturers are discussing a plan for the construction of a special building at the World's Fair appropriate In deoign and of ceramic materials, so far as possible. In which to Install everything In the line of clay manufactures. Upton Miller, a retired farmer, TO years old, living at Mt, Morris, 111., ,has made two articles of Inlaid furnl fire, a bureau and a washstand, the first containing over 8,000 pieces of wood, the other over 5,000 pieces, which he intends to exhibit at the World's Fair. The per capita debt of Boston Is f30 more than that of New York City. Af- '.ter New York, with a per capita debt jof $115, come Cincinnati with fS2. Bul Uiniore with $78, Pittsburg with $08, Buffalo with $45, Philadelphia with ?48. Cleveland with $31. St. Louis with $33 atid Chicago with $10. The Duke of Ievonshlre possesses as an heirloom Claude Lorraine's "Book of Truth," which Is said to be one of the rarest and most valuable books In Europe. It Is, at any rate, worth six times as much as the famous "Mazarln" Bible, the moet costly book in the British Museum. The late duke refused $100,000 for It A Paris searcher after facts has made the discovery that to Balzac belongs the honor of having Invented the wood block pavement for streets. The first reference to it Is found In that author' comedy, "Mercndet," which was play ed at the Francolse, In which Merca det dilates on the advantages of such pavement, since with wooden blocks In the streets barricades are 'Impossible. A London Justice has Just made an Important decision regarding dress makers disputes. lie will not have dresses tried on In court, because "he had long since come to the conclusion that with ordinary dresses any lady could wear a dress to make It look as If it did not fit," and be was also perfect- ly satisfied that "any milliner or dress- maker could pull it about aud make it fit when It did not do so." Queen WUhelmlna's crown la Tery ' gorgeous. It is of dull gold, only the ' edges being polished. It consists of a ' ciiuisYm velvet cap Inclosed In a circle! set with sapphires aud emeralds. The Imperial arches terminate In sixteen points, eight of which are surmounted , by large siugle pearls, and the other ! eight, bent toward the center and there ' crowned with the globe and cross, are 'set with nine pearls each, which are ! graduated In size,' the smallest being placed at the top. Vancouver uses the septic tank sys- , tern for the disposal of Its sewage. There are three tanks, located at differ- ' ent points In the city. One of these disposes of the sewage of a district having a population of 6,000 people. The American consul says: "The tanks are covered, as the bacteria work In the dark. On a recent visit, I found a scum between two and three Inches thick over the surface of the tank; this cum, I was lnfoftned. Is composed of .the little microscopic Insects which - consume all the solid matter. The tanks had been in full operation for about eighteen bioirths, only clear water had been discharged, anl yet there was but a small layer, loss than one-half of an Inch thick, of asL re maining at the bottom of the tanki." 1 4 1 I Vt5J ;i Rev. H. PtnbenvoU, of Elkhcrn, Wis., Is pastor of the Evangelical Lu theran St. John's Church of that place. Kev. Still envoll is the pojr of two bib es presented to him by Emperor William of Germany. Upon the fly ieaf of one of the bibles the Emperor bas written in bis own handwriting a text. This honored pastor, in a recent letter to the Tafuna Medicine Co., ol Columbus, Ohio, says concerning their famous catarrh remedy, l'eiuna: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: had hemorrhages of the lungs for a long time, and all desoalred of me. I took Peruna And u rur,! It itmvm m answered j strength and courage, and made healthy, pure blood. It Increased my weight, gave me a healthy color, and I feel well. It is the best medicine in the world. If everyone kept Peruna in the house It would save many from death every year." II. STUBESVOLL. Thousands of people have catarrh ; If you do not derive prompt and sat who would be surprised to know it, lie- isfactory results from the am of Teru cause it bas been callod tome other na, write at once to Ir. Ilurtniitn, glv name than catarrh. The fart is ca- in a full statement of your rae, and lie tarrh is catarrh wherever located; and will be pleased to give you his valuable another fact which is of equally great advice gratia. importance, is that Feruna cures ta-1 Address Dr. Hartnian, President of tarrh wherever located. I The Hartnian Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Quite Intelligent, Watts I tell yon, old man, I saw the most remarkable exhibition of an imal intelligence today that could be imagined. Potts What was it? Watts A bride and bridegroom '"vw iruui wjo uuuse ncruss iuo aireei ana nonoay can Understand a in which I live, and one cf the horses says. Wave. attached to the carnage threw a shoe. Now what do yon think of that? Dangers of Modem tiducatlon. Fond Mother Ob, I am so glad yon came inl I don't know what on earth ails the baby. Caller Shall I run for the doctor? Fond Mother No, for an interpreter. llist-renrh nurse left suddenly todar. word he ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's I Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of M FacSlalle Wravrw tMew. The Solano. The solano is a hot southeast wind, loaded with fine dust, which blows across Spain. It produces great nn easiness throughout the country. The Spanish have a proverb which says: "Ask no favors during solauo." JOHN POOLE, PORTLAND, ORE. Fool ol Morrisoe Mr rat. r,J Too h beat bargains In Boilers arid F.iifinea. Windmills, I'umpaand i,u. ral Maciiluerv. H.kkI Kawlim Machines a peeiaXr. us before buyine:. CARTERS llUktaimiaa. TO! ILiOACflC. roi DIZZINESS. rot uuoumit. FOR TORPID LIVEI. TOR COMSTIPATIOR. TOR lAUOWtUI. rORTHECOMPLUIOI 'Me I n Certs nretr anna YafUtaMev in Maws wis Preparing: for Holiday Trade. MB. STOBPKEFPFR: We sell you Natl, Raisins, Urteal Fruit. Vermont Maple Sfar, hatce, Flfs, Honey, everything- you nee4 lor the holidays; butter quality ami lover prion than you ran Iiri4 elaewhere. Ncud lor our ' Special Holiday Price Uat. or write us anil ee . i will call on you. TO OkOWEKSi-Wi always buy era. butler, . cherae,, ptars. onions anl apula. liars yoa any to aellt Let us know, II you want a' good price. WOLF eft SONS. Wholesale Fruita and Produce. W I0 FRONT ST.. PORTLAND, OR. With many a man the loss of his reputation would be synonymous vlti good luck. CURE SICK HEADACHE. BESTFQRTHi BOWELS tfyoe haeeo't a regular. BeaJtby noreeieBt of Mai K vela every dar. you realca. or will be. Keep your weia opeo. and be well. 'oroe. la tbesbapeol s fk..ii. bisic cr sin Eoicn tt egmi lOHMHbcai. eMteftt. mutt perfect wa uf ro. Tha 4J SAVE MONET and YOUR EYESIGHT 3 J Pleasant, Palatable, intent TaataOood DoOoos, Irrer Slokeo, Weaken, or Orlpe, luc. 60c wl3 or free aamp.e. and booklet on heel IB. Addreas i rrli s SaeiSr f . faliaii, aeatml, See lata. Ida KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN sl.3JM.tWVIIrlW.' H CtHtS PHtn aiITLSf7AU.S. MB vouch crrup. -i-aatee uoua. in time. Sold by droaftnta. f By Using Ibe Perfected Malck Lighter L 1 Caiotlce Eat Lamp. Jf .TI'KHrKfTKDean rea1. Jr y I ll(bul with a parlor TT toalch. r It slrra 10 llniee Ihe light of a common kernelnrlampat call lheeiiii and rare. II has a Mi-kel-nilver gen erator whlrh dea nol stale Irom Ihe action ol taral. aud el. the lip, an braaa dun. Ve hare Match LlshUoc Lamps Iroin IJ.7A up. Write lor circulars and prices. STEWART 1 EBANT LIGHTING CO. Inventors A MT M Third St., PORTLAND, ORB. Long Distance J'taouo Oregon, North 281 Columbia, 60V. Agent wanted In every town In U. 8, F. W. U. Me,. 48-1BOS. ! I BKJf writtef te m vettleews pleaee I r I i