Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, November 20, 1902, Image 1

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    ,lj Official Paper.-
City Official rapor.
xix m 12.
P , ill PI Twill
November is going to be our ban
ner month of the rear in volume of
business and low prices.
I Ml BHfia
Ess J4 d issS
B-i CiiC'
Are now on sale as also are Jackets
and Capes for Mioses and Children
We ran please you in the very latest
style and colors. Don't fail to tee
and examine them.
We are now handling more Merchandise than ever be
fore in the history of our store. We shall endeavor to
make prices as lew as is co:.ritont with good vaiues ami
bve added to our list of cleric so that wo will he ready to
serve you rnoro promptly than ever. Trusting we s.ia.l re
wive your patronage we arw respectfully yours
Clipped and Copied From
Our Fxchanges.
The party of iloers who wore in
specting agricultural conditions i;,
Canmlu have returned to their nativ.
Belief is general that the govern
ment of Bolivia is to e-,uip un aniiv
for the purpose oi wiping Acre oil' the
In. Ip.
Managers of Cannon's campaign for
the spcakeiship of the House of Rep
resentatives declare he is certain oi
Latent advices from Venezuela till
oi per feet quiet and peace rcignin
Ccuncilmai Q. n. Richev Srionsiv i
StabbeJ Last Night. j
Last evening about 9:f!0 Mr. A. II, I
Stone went into the Hiekoiy saloon
on business with one of the men em- j
ployed there. Mr. Richey in whose !
employ Mr. Sune had formerly been, j
and between whom thero existed ill '
feelings on account of some inisunder-
standing in iheir settlement tit the '
time Mr. Stone left his employ, was
in the saloon w ith a number of friends,
and as Mr. Stone was about to leave
the house, Mr. liichey brought up the
subject of their settlement, their con
versation became somewhat tropical,
an.l it is said by some that Mr.
Kicht-y took hold of Mr. Stone to pre
vent his leuving the house when lie
drew his pocket knife, and in the
fracas that followed, Mr. Richev ie-
oeivcd three seveie cuts in the face
and one in the wrist. The men were i
then s t irnto l ami M ,. ;..!.... !
.: -t. t , . , , I- " i . Jilt III , M it; .
tlieic, I he revolution is said to be at I, ..!.,.,, ,,. .i, ,.;,, , . ,, . I
taken to toe ot jee of rs. Bacon m d
an erd. , , ,, , , . , ,
ilal! here his wounds were dressed. I
At I.aGraiide Frank Knapp and C. Xigiit marshal! Childers at once ur-1
R. Yiu.ghn are being held in jail bu- rested Mr. Stone, who was placed un.
-Ue they are absconding debtors der ifii.MJ bonds to appear before Ju.-j
from Wallowa County. , lice Ci.-.mt nt ten o'clock this inornitirj
A new cetisus of China ehows a pop-1 winch he did, when his srial wat. jost- j
ulathn of 400,000,000 souls, an in- oued until Monday the 2U iiist. W.I
. . . ... i r n i i i i
creisse ot liuniau Ceiugs m tlie Ueles- "i'in-eiiKii-i.p una v. I. iantis
uh! Empire of 40,000,1100 in 'M years. ' l,t'ine bondsmen. Lat.rande
ft is weil that the door of the United Chronicle.
.... i .1 t . . I .1 . . ! :
riaies is loc e.i imu uarreu
constantly increasim
to this
oi mou
lt b'. f-'.'.servtd.
It Means Business.
Oroyonian Xe.vs Hurean. Washing
ton, Nov. 15. Secretary Jiitchco'.'k
has finally determined that a forest .' r,1)uaUtl
r -serve .-.nail be created in tne ilue
and Strawberry Mountakis'of Eastern
Ureg.i'.i, blK the lands included by the
i'ruMdentiai proclainatiini will bj only
t.!overnnic:it timler lands or worth
less mountain, summits. : .Tbs proela
nation 'rill not issue un'( the Inter
j.r Department shall have inspected
wry acre to be includ.-d in the re--"i-ve,
and to eliminate such 'nmU
i.ov,- included in the withdrawal as
have b, en denuded f tir.iber or are
.iivntd or occupied by lirge holders
Vll towns or settlements and ah
chuol ln'.uls and all private ranges
vn I aiM w es
be excluded. I!ut, above all
'se, the Secretary will exclude those
lands which were entered for specula
te purpose just prior to Ills d.-p.irt-lieiit's
withdrawal by parties who are
'i.-lieved to have received tips r.s to
the in lent iuii of creating a Ulue
Mountain f jrest reserve. This infor
mation the Secretary today gave to
.11 1.- f'..ll.!,,,n r.f Ii.iVi.l-
... louei imiiiciiii vti. - - - ' ent roar, tiown
;tv, wno lias oeen urging uie ouu-i
iehmeiit of a reserve from which ail
niv ite holdings tdiall have been elim
inated. Secretary Hitchcock says it is bis
eirpu.-e to create no lieu,bose in mai:
ng the ''Ine Mountain reserve or to
i-i'.iiii ehiniors for frauds ot" any kind.
I'be reserve he favors will be irregular
.ii ,lmi.e. a clieckerboaid in w.ine sec
:,t,i,, b;it v. ill be all Government
: illd.
He finds hat much opposition thai,
i ;s been manifested by Oregon people
,-.,s basid on nii-'coi'.e.eptioii of the
of forwt re.-ervatior.s. ll.
nance thut the tiuiler re-ei -
not in any way iiu-nerc
bix wagons and teams j assed i
through Enterprise last Thursday en- j
roiif; for the end of the wagon road '
l'-ading toward the mines on Lo.ver i
The wagons Werj lo.id. d !
with a variety oi freight beloiicinir to
the Eureka Mining, Smelting & J'.nvur j g
J,a- "ud ,U,K'"S ot,ur H'ings there lSS3SSMmSaS
were two gasoline engines, ttvo elect i io
drills and two dynamos for lighting
purposes. Mr. Schoonmuk-.'r, the ies ;
dent manager of the company met !
the freight in Enterprise and also!
contracted with the Elk Mountain j
sawmill lor the delivery of lumber at j
the end of the wagon road with w hich j
they t-xpact to construct a flat bottom- j
ed dra in which they will haul the!
machinery from the top of the hill to j
the mines near the mouth of the '
Imnaha. Me also purchased u- large
quantity of lumber to be taken down!
to their permanent camps for use in;
building buuk houses, maehiiu s!i ip--,
etc. j
1. C. Gurusey also arrived in the
city Thursday and l ie the next morn- !
ing for the sight of the propos-J j
wagon road irom t!ie end of the pro- I
Commencing Saturday. Nov. 9th, a beauti
ful line of Pattern hats and walking hats to be
' eld at greatly reduced prices.
And if we haven't what you want in trim
med hats our Milliner can suit the most fas
tidious. Come in ana cvamine our stock.
to the mines.
says that lie intends to have work
gun right awav.
He j
be- !
l irpo:
Walijwa Cols I V, Oki:';o:;, j
July J I, J'.i02.
'To H.MIKI. UilOiVN:
You are Ic jc- J
by notified that we have expend. i
one hundred dollars in labor and im
provements on the Col 1 Spring min
eral claim located in the Jinnaha '
M ining dit-trict, i.i which claim you!
were owner of one-third interest ,i:::l as '
will j;ear by certificate filed July 2o,
VJ'ii, in the office of County Cierk of
: .lon Will
with Ue location of m':nii:0' claims: W allowa county, Oregon, in older to
i .her will it prevent cutting of J hold said premises under the provis- i
timber. It will, However, ions v. :zion Kev:ed ?t::i!:tr
.aevcut corporations and speculators
.in acquiring title to large areas of
valuable land ip this region, to th.
t.,:r.ment ot the interests of h.- tiers
Protection oi wrier supply is of equal
i . ..fine to timber preservation, b
holds, and to this end the forei't of
.. .. .:,..in!Hiiis will be iicr.iei-
of the United States, being amoiint re
qnired to bold same for year ending
DeceridHjr 31, lijltl, and if within
'id !.,. ,,r... i...-- i.. ...'to
v...., 4iii.i noiiee iiy puiy:n";.- v
lion you fail or refuse to coiitrib itt '
your proj)ortion of sucii exiieii'Jituie i t
;n co-owner y,-mr interest in liaid f
claims will beeoino Die projierty of
be six months or u ! the siiusciibers under Secticn 2:i21.
uated. It may
s.ivs nic nr.,n-..,
shall finally be estaoitstien,
I i: ...111 I...
I 1 n cured os much "in
There will be no just
heforn the
ye;n, i-'
but v;ifii
ground lor continued haggling for th
exel ;ion 'f some areas or the addi
tion of others, us has U en the case
with almost every reserv'4' hoietoforc
J. F. Ci.-j i.kk.
J. M. Ki.ixv.
Shooting flctches.
: There will be a shooting match in:
Knterprise, Wednesday before Thanks- j
fiving for 'Turkeys. Shot gun aif.
S I-
i watches. j