Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, October 30, 1902, Image 1

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    )Ulltj Official Paper,--.
City Oilicial lVqiei'.--
Unique unenngof Quality
and Quantity
NO. 0.
The Ladles Aid Society of the M.
E. Church will have exclusive
charge of the IS. M.&M.Co.'s store
On this day the
will in rlirirce nf ill1 TVidios. Tiip ;-'oriotv
I will receive a liberal percentage of all CASH
I Such a happy combination should cause a
j liberal loosing of purse strings,
i The markets of the East and West have
Contributed to the largest and best stock that
j ever loaded the -.helves ,pf the store. Choice
I purchasings of Staple atrJ Seasonable lines of
Fall Goods await your inspection.
I ....
are particularly lull. The goods unci prices will
j appeal strongly to your buying judgment. Suits
: and blankets in complete selections, suggest com
fort for ap-proacliiug weather. We want the
Ladies to sell at least a dozen heating stoves on
this day. Air tights in beautiful design at prices
that make the coal strike look like the Fourth
of July.
The sales cn this day should be the record for
the war. The Ladies will have full and pcr-
Sil":il t-rrr. f 4-1,,. Krnrf VOU1 WUIltS Will
-",..,"- .
anticipated, 'by tkent promptly and eiaciently.
Yuii inr. th- onnonmiilv to make your pu''
chases from a stuck tin
excelled in the county and
uirne time help a society that is doing a
r.oiiu wor
- - - cT "
We arc now handling more
e Merchandise tlian ever be-
We shall endeavor to
allies a iid
loi'f in t.lio liit.nrv or our store
. . ivi'li pool
umse prices as lew as i , i
bve added to our list of clerks so that we will be ready to
serv, you moro promptly tlja never. 1 rusting v. e
ceivc vour patronage we are respeetuil'y yours
WORLD'S news.
WHOLE NO- flfi2
Clipped and Copied Fnra
Our Exchanges."
As tha result of a collision nrar
lIjp. Idaho, yesterday, throe North
ern Tucific Iocr:n:tivos n-oi-3 wreckeil,
Fireman T. P. layers was killed and
Engineer A. L. Bussey dangerously
hurt., Both men were resilient i.f
Butte, Mont. A light engine e:i::ie
in contact with a doublj hj.ider
Upon ar.-iving :it I.'verpool. En:
an I, jegierday, after a visit to the
United States for the purpose of t inly
ing naval construction, Admiral
Lord Charles DeresforJ gave out in an
interview that the two English-speaking
nations unite 1 could whip all the
rest 01' the world. Headmits A:ueriea
lea Is in. engineering and construction.
Lost a car of Horses.
T. C. U"i,atherly, of Joseph, lost a
u'irJimJ of horse which were put in
the railroad stock yards Saturday
night. Mr. Weatherly had loaded
two curs, of horse nt Kliu f.r ship
ment cast, lie unloaded tin animals
here-and the gate to one of the pens
was open, and the horses got away.
The night was very dark and the fact
that Lie ptte was open was not dis
Dollars and ensd
whim tm m w sal mm mf
Used asjthey should be will bring you
more by buying your fall supplies of
Last Saturday while Scott Thonins
md sou, of North Yamhill, were tie. r
hunting in the mountaint west ol
-ilnrithm, the young man aeoideoty
shot his father with a 30-.10 ririe.
Tiiey were standing on a log when a
deer jumped up, and the young mr.n
in throwing a shell into the gun aeci
lentally discharged it. Mr. lhom:.s
is in a serious condition.
The building and plane of the West
ern Tacking company at Linnton.
near Portland, the only horse cannery
in th country, burned to the gv-iund
Sunday night. Tne canneiy was a
heavy exporter of canned horse meat
'. o Fi'a'nce.
Latest reports from the Cr-e Indian
agency in Montana are that tho pre
valence of smallpox has he-n mini covered. On Sunday the nnthv IkmuI
mized by rpuuaritine. The conditions o. 'lightened horses i-huved upnt.N. j
were nothing like as sensational as at J- Jlarrss' lar.n tit Lower Cove, and
first reported.
From his hendp;arteri at Manila,
General Davis has issued n sweeping
order calling attention of ai my o.'licers
t w,. .u..j .i. ,.t. -i- i i
lilLl Clill. lll"i!IU'lj (II ll'Uy illlll
rnaiinei'i of dresi.ftre haeom ine: neL-li-: A
J'jnt in tiie islaie's.
Tli j government of Chili has an-
ined tli.it i's eiVorts to secure
closer relations with t h j otiiia- South
Vnierieun juwers are not intended lo
i.ituriere in any way with the Xor.h
American government's wishes or
u:t ions.
During Hi?! course of an a'lhvss tit
.VioSi: La. Kan., last, eventftg Elien M.
t. me, the -Vmeriuan missionary, ivlai
v.is held f'ir rans-nu by lr!;:;i!ids. an-i.iiinci-il
!ie woul'l .nut h? able to n
)ty the money Kpenfc to serure her re
1 ise.
.At :i dinner give;; by L.i. ly Coo!: ii.
aiudon last- evening it is claimed tie
aet eame out thai the. Boer common
b-rs were, nolle too friendly in. the:
eelin:: towar.l one another. Severn
have been recovered iilthough ihl
1 i
iui.iu- nas cause I .iir. cat iieriy a
eoosideral'le extra troubl j nnd annoy
ance. LaCrande Chronicle.
f iiie former Uuer generals Were pre;-'
"it at the function.
At St. Louis yesterday Coionei K,i
Killer was lei'iis.'d periois ;ion by tb.
'..urt to go on the b m.ls of several o:
. i city o.'lieials against whou
barges of boodiing have been broiiglii
!iu'.l iiho is a iniiiionaire, is
''ore tiie Courts charged will
London a Iviees which h..v ica -:U (1
X -.v York tell of a sace.c.is.'ul e.pei i
wii ! a life-having ,ii. vie... Jn
an iilu n. in u in e.lobe tw.) rn'n wic
t idivn overboard Lm a ste.uner i tT
!I vre, I'r.ineo. and were later piclod
lo i iive and well, after hrtviug bet n
i! tb.. "e-ee tb? waves for a uun -ber
of hours.
Tin:. Chicago Mas 'lis have deei''rl
to pay the sum of .:;.5..) ) due as
taxes. For the enibe.:t!.!ii;e:;t of tb:
amount, '.'a; tain E. W'illiaaii, is no.,
on trail.
Only $-J0 in taxes i.-' d ii. .'.;. :. ct
the lientjn County tax poll. It i.
believcd that the Boruon Ceunty
Sherill' has the smallest, riclimpirnt
list in tiie -taie.
After a meeting held at Canton.
Ohio, Saturday, it was announced b
the trustees of the McICiiii-.o Menioiia!
Association thut no inouuiu ,ut would
be erected until an s-JJiiion-si 'ficfi,003
C'lveili'd r.ontia AnJ AJL'i II I'Meil
Tiie regular biennial term .-f C'r
.. tit Conn convened in this tiy Muu
1 i.v illuming with Judgo i.
rl.ikiu on the bench. The aitornrys
oreseiit w re J). V.'. Sheiil:a:i. Suiitli
c Ilodgin, Del'ue iv Cool-:, Burleigh
t liurh igh, of Enterpris:, O. M. Cor
Vies, ol W.:!k.wa, JI. G. Lake, of
loneph.C. 11. Finn and T. S. Ivauhoe,
I Liit.l ramie, .1. ,s. Sw.ek, of 5,u tland,
rid JTT.rict Attorney San. White.
Hie io.'lowujg is tin recoid of thej.ro-'.aedin-'j
J). lb lieu hie:," u'. J. T. V:.vlo:i,
ti led and ibsiiii: sed.
:. It. Lai bam vs. .M'en Sheep
'hearing Machine Co., settled.
.1. A". Cherrv vs- Col.
' 1 i
1...I. m. I
Itotk I: 'an I Plow Co. vp. K. ,.
.Jiiboii, cont inuud.
Wallowa Mere. Co. vs. I,. J). IJis
coner, settfrd.
Enterprise, Oregon.
Winter is conuner and now is the time to get your
cold weather' necessities. We carry a complete line of
Ladies' and Gents' furnishings at prices that can't be beat.
That fit the feet as well as the purse are our cele
brated Friedman Bros. Shots of which we carry a com
plete stock. And our "Little Sampson" shoes for Boys
and Girls are just the tiling for school wear. Also a nice
assortment of Baby Shoes.
The. creations we arc showing for ladies of aliases
will delist those who are h ird to pleas.e ana who want
so-uethin thats worth while.
Here are Fashions for Fall Wear
Riijht from the market of the best millinery ever produced
arson s Giovss are the Best"
And we carry a complete stoclt of Men's working and
urt-s -loves of this brand. And all sizes of overalls, jum
pers and storm coats.
oe l.nve ,.. ri'en-y for i!,e Star Tut Unlvy Co. (,f (l,ieM).
('.;i:e in ,-mo1 Mr our line of r.bunj.Ics un.l Lc con vinctd tlmt you can
:: t u Ftyli: h, ja rb c'. Miit of ( l,,il,es at u very reosonablo rice,
bitisfactiou -unniiitee.i. , ;;oo,l lim; f rt-ailyniude clothing always on
(). R mil J
'iraieuu. settled.
K. M. Fi'k et ul vs. J. A.' Wood, ft
al con : in lied.
If. 1$. Koyee vs. State of Oregon mid
L. Green, Ju.,iit:e, no si rvice..
Joe Hayes vs. Currio Valsv. inkier,
iiile conliivne I.
J. M. Mitchull vs. J. T. I). Lncert,
sale eon'iruied. .
Mr. Ileuvemn t al vs. J. M. Mit-i
chell, et ul. trial l.efore referee.
Idi'iho Exjilo. i Copper Co. vs.
W. Eavei e; a!, continued.
F. T. Tinsley vs. J. C. McAlister,
et ul. Tak"iiunder adviseioent.
J. II. II:iU-y vs. J. L. Cavil, iss et i:l
Wallowa Co. vs. A. V.'ade, decree
for : I. inti ;'.
dan : . Ihirton vs. F. Wilts, default
and decree to quiet title.
A. Levy vs. John A. Conuett, con
tinued. The Gran f Jury v- .i? in s. s-ioii oi,L
a v hort time as there was no bu.-,ii;i.si
to come l efoie it.
Thej etit jury was rii.-mi. i d 'i ues
day n.orniug without h jury trial,
which is certainly recoid breaker
for Wallowa Conntv.
oi;n USE OF
(V.;-ist.s nf ul! kind of .Inline Wnro and Tin Kitchen I'tensi'w
D.:iiy iVh, !:.tck.-.ts r.,dlM, f :.r;enters Tools, l'ilch Forks , Ax
hi. '..vols, Uarduood, Naiis, Screws, lioor Trimmings, etc.,fcto.
Paints, Oils and Brushes
ha:l I een r .iae '.
' igure-1 for tl c wheat shi;;ri;e'its
from tie: United States to South
Afiica, co n J)i!ed by the Treasury
Bureau of Si itistie.s, shuw that last
vear th ' to" il of inisiu : with thnti
section of th : v. orb' was H.Totl.OOO.O'jO. i
I Notice is herein- given to the stock
Real tr .se.!- on the mimic Bt'-gc ! holders of the i nterprise Athletic Club
was the result at Cold Sj.ring ilarO-.r, ; thjt a mtctint Q- th , directori ,M.t,
X. Y., Saturday evr..n;t, when a ne-m-: on ( ct i9 12 there ,v,g 8P:Jes8.
her of a trv.mpg medicnre company , ment of 5C pPr ccnt levi 0!1 al, htock
In attempt! u; !o shoot an np,dc from ,,,-the incorporation,
the head.,' n attet.dant, kdled hisj y0u n-ill pleas, remit the sumo to
man.. Chiles Meuit, I ho shooter, , , ,..cretary at once
has been held for manslaughter. ' . , C. M. Lockwoow
C..rrf, fashionable and hni. I'r'i.es , of varionu value,
fvlit'ioneiy, I't ifuine;-., Toilet ArUele-tin. notions of every description,
Our , stock of Groceries is complete and we carry a
midline of the "Preferred Stock" , of Canned goods
Diamond w" Extracts and the "Coral Blend Koastcd
enterprise, mmm,