SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. 1 KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED. I BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMT General Health Greatly ImnrnvpH h. I u.-i)nd. Oregon. Founded U; r j LOST IN THE WOODS. ! v II. tnltftfit fne D lire r i n l n ; c ouuuui iui mi. KUitary and Kannal Training J rite for Illustrated Catalonia. : ARTHUR C NEWILL, Principal iu.U' I'OK I I.ASD- St ;?.' s School for Girls. -drear. CoTnmcious bniM- rn equipment. Aca.lemic A CO P"P' iui j ivu(i. Irs!"-' c , . in muir and rl. Hint, iosu. All department wi. I ..tember 16. Columbia University! Bearding School for Tonne Men finest situation on Pacific Coast. Ex- etilent f aculty. Largest Indoor college eitleiic field In the world. Over half '? av acre uuuer an arched root J Catalogues Free. re-ru-na. REV. M. A. QUINLAN, C. S. C. University Park, Oregon j S'i'!''kS,s,s'a xw-v s's'a m HE III PENSION LAWS U' .NTHS IIKKFOBD, W ASHIMSTOK. I), c. SENT FREE FOR SALE. One Second Hand Nichols & Shepard ieTwretur. size -HMiu, with wind Blacker. ;j run -u days; a bargain. Inquire of JOHN POOLE, Foot Morrtaon St.i Portland, Or. Mitchell Wagon. Iam4i.ii e.iijieSas'jWtfT 7esf on Earth Beraose It I niaile of the he-it materia! nrmlble eauv. Tlte maim tact lirer absolutely pay 2 Kfc per cent above the murket price ul Deal pmdt ol wacon timber for Die pri viletre of cut iiac over and nkinimlnc nf7 the cream of the wuun iiiK-k, whlt-b lecarned ror 1 to . rearft be fen outline up. which mean an investment la tC ftoci of neariy one million dollar. HITtHKLL Wagons are onauruaued for toslity, proportion, tlumn. strength and Hsu nnainc. "nv take chaneee on any other Wh'r-mx fret tbe best? A MirCHJCU. mUehmll. (.atarte tfarv Co. nxuaud. bealUe. bpokaae. Jtoiae Agents frerywuere. MRS. M. J. PAN LEY. Mrs. M. J. Pauley, Treasurer ef the Rebecca Lodpe, I. O. 0. F., writes from 124 First St. S., Minueapolis. Minn : "I was afflicted for several vears with kidney trouble which became quite seri ous and caused nie con sidei able anxiety. I spent hundreds of dollars trying to be cured, but nothing gave me any per manent relief until 1 tried Peruna. It took less than three months and only ten bottles to effect a permanent cure, but they were worth more than as many hundred dollars to nie. I am fully re stored to health, know neither ache nor pain and enjoy life." Mrs. M. J. Dan ley. This experience' has been repeated many times. We hear of inch caes nearly every day. Mrs. Danley had catarrh of the kid neys. As soon as she took the right rem edy she made a quick recovery. A Prominent Southern Lady's Letter. ! Miss Laura Hopkins, of Washington, I D. C, niece of Hon. E. O. Hopkins. J one of the largest iron manufacturers of ' Birmingham, Ala., writes the following letter commending Peruna. She says: "I can cheerfully recommend Peru na for indigestion and stomach trouble and as a good tonic." Laura Hopkins. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Peruna i a specific for the catarrhal derangemeuts of women. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus Ohio, for free book on catarrh written by Dr. . P. Haitman. An Unfortunate Croesus. "The verv rich have their troubles, too." "Of coarse they do. I've got a multi millionaire uncle who has writer's cramp the worst way" "How did he get it?" "r-igning checks" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Practical Advice from World Fa mous Traveler. Every summer brings tragic tales of campers, hunters and summer tour ists who are lost In the woods. A considerable number are never fonnd. Others go Insane from terror, hunger or cold. Even in tbe more fortunate cast's the persona w ho are lost undergo iutense nervous strain. George Ken nan, the great traveller, gives some practical advice on this subject In a recent number of the Otulook. When yon discover that you have lost your way sit down instantly. Tou have probably strayed but a short distance from the trail because otherwise the branches of undergrowth would sooner have attracted your attention. Then with all your strength of will remind yourself that If you allow yourself to become panic-stricken and rush off aimlessly, you will only get deeper and deeper Into the woods. In the thous-aud-sqiiare-mi'.e forest tracts of Mich igan or the Adirondacks or Maiue you might never be heard of agajn. The first act Is to break the top of busb and bend It over. Tbe under side of tbe leaves shows such differ ent tints from the upper as to be quickly noticeable. To this first bush tie your handkerchief for a base. Walk slowly away, breaking and bending over bush tops every ten or twelve feet for a trail, and never lose sight of your handkerchief. After a while re turn to your base and try another direc tion, always leaving a trail of bent bushes behind you. Shout whenever yoa return to your base. In this manner one can usually find his way to the beaten path In a few minutes, or be found by search-parties. Even children can and should be tau?bt this simple lesson before they are allowed near large tracts of forest. Persons going deliberately Into the woods to fish or bunt should always wear a small compass suspeuded by a chain about the neck. In a pocket It Is subject to too many chances of loss. If to the compass be added a tiny chamois bag containing a tightly cork ed bottle of matches, twe.ity feet of silk cord, a fish-book and a few tablets of compressed food, the tourist's life is practically safe even though he Is lost tor days. Only Natural. It was several Oars a'ter the r're fight and ths pugilist with two broken ribs was sitting up and sttiokiuir a strong cigar, when the d ctor catt.e in. "Well, how are you feeling no?" asked tbe latter. "I've had a stitch in my side all day." replied the pngil'st. "That's all right," rvplied the doc tor. "It shows that the boms are knitting." Chicago Tribune. from Where Charity Begins. "How much did you realize that plar you gave for charity?" "We hadn't a cent left over." "Why, you had a splendid house." "I know; but the committee realized that charity begins at home, and they couldn't possibly have found actors poorer than ours." Philadelphia Press. Remarkable Family Reunion. William Lynn, residing southeast of Pans, 111., recently celebrated the 108th anniversary of his birth with a picnic aad family reunion. Two hundred persons were present, o( whom 15 were relatives of the man giving the picnic. Among those present were 15 persona over 80 years ot age. DR. C. GEE WO WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT TtaU wonderful Chi nese doctor Is called great because be cures people wiibout opera tion tbat ars riven up to die. He cure with tbone wonderful C'bi ueee herbs, roots, buds, barks and veieUbles that are entirely un known to medical sol- ID ibis country. Through the use ot iboae ktrmlio. remedies this famous doctor knows taesciioD of over too different remedies, which atiuccesnfull.v uses In different diseases. He rurtnlees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, IfcnMi, rheumatism, nervousness, aiomach. ifr, ktdnevs, etc. : has hundreds of lestimon aia Cbsnt'es moderate. Call and see bim. rsuenta uut of the city wnlie for b'.auks and etrniiars. bd 4 cento In aiampa. COSbllr TallUS i'KtE. AIDKbe TEE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. U2V Third St., Portland, Orcf atlIentlob paper. Beat Ciutfh byrup. Tastes bood. use I Ul uroe. boirj pv qrusTP-iw- m . . 1 -v mM m m V B H m 11-1 r Packing L'p. Lockit Why are you packing up evervthing? Mrs. Lockit We must hurry and get out of town, or people will not think we have gone to the coronation Exchange. Don't Gat Footaore: Get Foot-Kaaa. It U a certain cure for sweating, calloui i and hot, tired, aching feet. Make. Mjr or tight shoe. easy. Trv it today, bold by all Druggist. Price 2.. DonH accept a substitute, bom pis sect ihZE. Address Allen 6. Olmsted, 1Kot S. T. TMM Wanted to Sample Him. "Do you take this man for better or for worse?" asked the parson of the widow who was taking unto herself No. S. "Only time can tell," replied the female whose wisdom was born of ex perience. "I can't give you the infor mation asked for until I have bad him for a few weeks." Settled. Jsaks Haven't you and that neigh boring farmer settled your differences yet? Farmer Aa-ere No: but our lawyers have settled. Jenks Settled? How? Farmer Akers On our farms. Catholic Standard. Automobile for Doctor. The largest automobile in the world is being const i acted for a Parsian doc tor. In it, accompanied by two medical students, he inten s to make a trip around the world. ' It will have two sleeping apartments, a large work room, and four big tanks for storing oil. Different, Cholly May Gabble tells me, you said timsie Uayhoy and I would never , find any girls to marry us because we j are too fastidious. i Misj Pepperev There was a slight misunderstanding there. I said von , were "two fast idiots." Philadelphia Frvss. Full Weight Coffee. Some coffee roasters think it neces sary to put water on their coffees when they roast them. We don't think so. The result is that when vou buv our Monopole Mocha and Java coffee yon don't pay for any water weight. It's all coffee and .better than any other you have used. You'll think to if you know good coffee when you drink it. Sold in one and one-half pound car tons. If vour dealer doesn t handle Monopole groceries, send hs his name. Wadhatus et Kerr Bros., Portland, Ore. Discounted. First American Boy My papa lives like a priuce. Second American Boy That a notn- ing. My papa lives like the president of a trust. Detroit Free Press. Mothers will Una Mrs. fVlnslow's Sooth ing Svrup the best remedy to use tor their Children during lb teettunc period. What Might Have Been. There is a tale of a man w ho spent his life in withing he had lived differ entlv. and when he died he was sur rounded by a throng of spectral shapes each one exactly like the other, who, on his asking what they were, replied: "We aie all the different lives you might have led." Edith Wharton, "The Valley of Decision." CITO Permanently Cures So Sts er nerrouaMiel Ilia .oar Art'lk'iienf lr. Kliae'eUreat Nm Restorer. Send tor FltBK t'J.OO trial lultlf and treat, tea. Pa.B.U.KLiKa.Ltd..aU4KhSuriuladelpula.l Often the Case. "They say his wife drove him to drink." "Perhaps she did, but from what I know of him I think he would have been aw full v disappointed if she hadn't." Chicago Post. Mother "My mother was troubled with consumption for many years. At last she was given up to die. Thea she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. T. No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you are coughing today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Tires sties t lk., Mc, It. All erstrltti. Consult your doctor. If tie ssrt take w, then do as ha leye. if he tell, yoa ant to take It. then don't take It. He knows. Leave It with hlia. We are willing. J. U. ATF.H CO.. Uowell. Mass. i2seeley William Avanhio) The Panama. ye puzzlin' over the paper 9 gislaUSl i (111 S. FH 8 I She Capitulated. Maud Do you mean to tell me that Jon and Georite are encaged t last? JUbel Yes; he had quit spemiing : edition ooney on me, and I thought I nugui sell lei him propose. "Wat "Here's an advertisement about a sale of 'pajamas,' " replied his wife. "Wat's 'pajamas,' ennyhow7" "Oh, that's them fash'nable straw hate everybody's wearin' now." Phil adelphia Preai. Tbe Appropriate Vehicle. "She seems to be a stickler for doing evervthing appropriately." I "i should say so, she always does hei marketing in a baewet pnaewn. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. I your home s-pi-Uel w ith the great- Oil-greatet remedy for euiergi nciea. Didn't Harmonize. "Haven't you read that lovely new io .d the first summer girl. "No" replied the other. "The only of it I ve seen nasauornu I Inn a-W-lltl that doesn't accord with nun vw Then and Now. Mrs. Growells The idea of your call ing me a goose. When you were court ing me you said I was an angel. Growells Well, snppose I did? What is the use of twitting a man about the lies he told three years ago? Chicago News. Losing Opportunities. The automobile had broken down and be fnauffeur was busy trying to dis r the trouble. " The impatient ner of the machine at la.-t broke Mt: "Hurry up, Felix! There are a lot 01 People crossing the street that we re ruiMjinr;!" any of Press. my gowns." Philadelphia They Did Agree with Him. "lthough I leel that your parents and I will never agree" he began "Really, Mr. Gayley," she inter rupted. But he cmtinoed. White I know I am most unwortky of you "Well, papa snd mamma agree with you there, wr. uawej. RIRIHI - r m i ' The treatment of Catarrh with .ant Pjc Wngent washes, lotions, salves "f" cigarettes or any external or local JW as senseless as would be kindling a fire on top , a pot to make it boil. True, these give temporary JtiieJ, but the cavities and passages of the head and the bronchial tubes soon fill tip again with s- . -t v Taking cold is the first step towards Catarrh forrt aks perspiration, and the Pson.outSh in pors which should pass off through the skin, are tW v-i .mVirane or inner st-in, u uacar. upon hip iuuv-vjuj -- , ..lruS uch of "which is absorbed into the ch. Kidneys and other "aches every part of the system, involving Stomacn breath Pts of the iJody. When the disease aMU esu e the cve9 red, ponies exceedingly foul, blinding hea daches re remedy that does tarintr afiertl nd a consUnt ringing in tne u from the reach the polluted blood can matter, and when rich, pure oirculation all offensive xuw . the body the blood is rantt&e heaftiy and the skia mucous membranes wcomc ptom3 disap- artive. all the disagreeably painiu y y onri a permanent, .tnruK" ,,-,,- the 8- S. S. beinr a trictreJet.Me blood pidly improve Stomaei the Tand get the best edil its tonic effects. Write t on application. Ire. B-ok oa M" ?SlVlC CO.. Attt 0- While one's advertising ought to be considered In the nature of a continued story, each advertisement ought to be complete In itself. The crying weakness of modern ad vertising, says Joel Benton, is its puerility In name-making. He wants an "advertising philologist" or "ar biter of nominclature." Tbe citizens of Los Angeles, Cat., have expended nearly $350,000 within the past ten years In advertising, ex hibitions, etc., for the purpose of at tracting settlers aud otherwise adver tising their city. It might be pertinent to add tbut Los Angeles showed the largest percentage of gain In popula tion during those ten years of any city in America. Hundreds of novel advertising schemes tbat are hatched every day are so evenly meritless that It is almost safe to apply Punch's advice to all of j them, "Don't!" Some oue tries them all, however, and vast sums of money are sunk In them. There are doubtless I cases where they pay, but It would not be hard to show that legitimate adver tising would have paid better. The great public holds its open court daiy in the newspaper and will hear what any man has to say In behalf of his business provided he can say it well. Printers' Ink. The Philadelphia Record tells an In teresting story about the success of thu largest general store iu Tacoma, W ash. Tbe proprietors began business in a small way, lived economically and saved every dollar to buy space In the newspapers. Now their advertising contracts call for an aggregate space of 107 pages a year. The manager of tbe concern says they would as soon think of going out of business as of re ducing their advertising space. The ex periment of that firm is the common experience of all extensive advertisers. A man might as wen taice aown nis business signs as to stop advertising, as might a firm. Stopped for Once, A citizen from the frontier, who nev er had been in Washington before, was visiting a friend in the nation's capi tal, and was taken one day to tbe gal lery of tbe Senate while an important measure was under discussion. A senator was a long, prosy and apparently aimless speech, ana tbe visitor soon grew tired of It "Why doesn't be say sometbln' worth listening toJ" be whispered to his friend. "Ob, he's merely talking' against time. Beat HU Wife. Mrs. Crlmsonbeak You say be beat his wife with a club? Mr. Crimsonbeak Several clubs. Mrs. Crimsonbeak The monster. Mr. Crimsonbeak Oh. I don't know. Tou see, he beat her at golf. Yonkers Eta teaman. Alcohol, I Opium, 'Tobacco , Using 420 fOIITUHS) 0RI60SJ Tak far on Ttitrd treat toi Upper At blna. Pnnne, Pkuk, Iat4 Oresoa. . r. w. o. We. ST-lSOS. I Tit II EM writ! I V annU rlttag to axivertleera pi this pskpats More Fortunate Than Some. Wigg No; I can't say that Talk alot is a friend of mine. I merely have a speakiag acquaintance with bim. Wagg Most people have only a list ening 1 acquaintance. Philadelphia Record. Knew Nothing of Horses, Lord Kitchener says that most of the trouble with remounts in South Africa was due to the fact that tbe soldiers at tending them knew nothing of the rare of horses. ' Norwegian explorers are to start tbe south pole in 1903. for NVEATHERWISE IS THE MAN WHO WEARS .SWMBPiOOF WSjs OILED CLOTHING l Vw A romrt Minn stxtftrutinfl fivsr aixty-stx yeer ard our cjLikr& ere doxk or s every garment bearing the ' oioN or 1 nc non. There ere rt&ny irruto.tiorts. Be sure of the name VMiicn i ...... . v I WTVLK OH UtW PULkUIU r-lM Ul WPDYVHB Nsni etSFUsata (. 1 SIS lAeBwIwe 44 A.J.T0WtR C0.505TON.MA55i m tXT -I r J., , rrtf li r W. L. DOUGLAS n 9. cunrc umo v vj onwbw siot W. 1m JJouglas Blioes ars the stun. "W'bat's the good of that?" asked tbe daid of the world. This is the reason tt . im uouias lilt ace situ no uiuto men's $3.00 and $3.60 shoes than any otner two manufacturers. W. L. DOUCLA8 S4 SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. other, aghast 'Time goes on Just the aame, doesn't It?" "I suppose It does." replied bis friend, looking at his watch and yawn ing; "but It doesn't seem to." ,. . a I j . ' . . . , Seat impon4 md4 Anrlcam Itthm, Htyl'i A man can't be said to be thoroughly ., CafTfeaW, tcir.Oaif. id m. cJwm domestic In his tastes unless he can Fa Caior Kyaieta nad. an article out of the refrigerator Csntleo I j without splllmg' something. ( The awnutaa have W. I BOUOUkar - BAane aad prloa tamper! eat aottoa ty noil, tic. extra, llixtt. Oatatofrm. aad prloa atam le. extra. Jllus. W. L. OOUQLAS, BROCKTON. MASS. The Kind You llavn Always ltourrht I111.1 borno the bIlmiu- ture of ClinM. II. Fletcher, and bus been luixlo under bis personal supervision for over HO years. AUow 110 ono to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " JuHt-as-frotxl " ore but Experiments, and endanger tno bealtli of Cbildren Experience against Experiment. . What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JVareotlo substance. Its npro is its pnarnuteo. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethlntr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulencv. It asHlmilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and itowels, nrlvliifx healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauaccu The Mother's Friend. The KM You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of S7 f r In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI eCNTaUN MHNNTt TT VURrlAV lTncrr, NIWOM tT. BEST FOR THE BOWELS AW W U SSaT m awsi slujiUil ALL DRU waiMrW.' I CANDY CATHARTIC $ J of ai tire are iirli astaaswaaaawaw equaled I THE STOMACH yEGETABLE LIVER TONIC ssWMae-saVBrtMft VsrWWWWtaWararWWlsf MILD BUT -SURE BOON FOR ; MOTHERS IhjSJtaSSSaSSjJSSjSSjaSSSr,! nrmn- CURE CONSTIPATION aaeaa C NEVER SOLO t IN BULK J GDI STS. taste root- Eat them like candy. They remove any baif taste In the mouth, lrav-lng- the breath sweet and perfumed. It la a pleaaure to take tlmm, aod Uey are liked especially by chlldreo. sweeten tba stnmach by sleanalnr the mouth, throat and loos cnannei. inai ns, they nop unai(rstea iooa irons lug In tns stomscn. prevent sas lorrn In the bowels, and kill disease serras of any kind that breed and feed In the sa tire syatata. are purely veretable snd contain no mefw euriai or otner mineral poison, inev con- tbe latest dlseoverlee in medicine, ta a combination of remtdlea us ta make the blond sure and rick and make clean akin and beautiful con- plexlon. ton ths stomach and bowels and stir us - the la ay liver. They do not merely softs sT rTTlsf lTl PlT the stools and cauee their discharge, but vv""S,li strengthen the bowels and put them Intel SSSaaaawaaaw lively, healthy condition, making- their aav tlca natural. never crip nor rrlpe. They act quietly rpew itivery ana never euss any Kino or uiieoin fortaole feeling. Taken regularly they Biak, tba liver act regularly and naturally as It should. They keep the aewtrtge of the body properly moving and keep the system clean. Increase the flow of milk In nursing; moth, ere. If the mother eats a tablet, It makes her milk mildly purgative and has a niU4 but certain effect on the baby. In tola way they are the only safe laaatlve (or the Bursitis Infant taken patiently, persistently, will cure ear form of constipation, na matter how old er bow often other remedies have failed. They are abaolutely guaranteed to cure any case, or purchase money will ba cheerfully re funded. f cosf 10s, SSc, tOc a box. Samples sent free for the asking. We publish no testimonials but sell Caacarets on their merit under ab elute guarantee to cure. Buy and try a bos to-day, or writs us for (res samples and booklet. Mem arsauae slisat as., eauuM ee SSW leas. 4;tfe nrilinn wfflls4Ueurf rsaisr of this paper who wrttl rs. tplUU liLYY AlmlJ port ts as soy stteapt of subsUtuUea, or sale e " soBsthlaf hut as good" wkaa Cascarsta are catlsi for, ss4 teslaUs srieace ayes walcawssasessivist. All cenatpoadsace P8sft4attal,