founty Official Paper. City Official Paper.- . ik. His 7 77 REPRESENTEE SEWSPAPER OF WALLOWA COL'.NTV. VOL ::X NO. IT- ENTERPRISE. OREGON. 0:T0BER fl. 02. WHOLE NO- P50 a. rv . i : i but. i u i . . t . ) FALL OPENING GENERAL MERCHANDISE We wish to announce to the people of Wallowa Countv that we are now receiving our stock of 1 Foil and Winter (food which is by far the largest stock anil best quality of goods we have ever received. We solicit your r.alrcnage and trust our goods and prices will merit a liberal porfion of your pur chase. With us it is not a question how low we can make prices but how good' quality we can furnish for the money and how well we can serve the public in fnr- shing their requirements. We do not cwim to be philanthropistsor that we want to sell o-oods below cost but we will meet anv to competition in 'our locality. We are now biu-y opening and marking our new stock and haven't the time to go in detail in ad vertising any specials but will say that our lines are quite complete in the different -departments. WORLD'S NEWS. FROM FAR AND NEAR. Clipped and Copied Frcm Our" Exchanges. Labor bodies of Montana will ad dress a mammoth petition to Presi dent Kooseiielt asking him to inter cede in the great industrial struggle between the Pennsylvania . magnates and their employes. A. !ew smelter company has juft been organized in lenver with a cap ital stock of f 20,000,000. English authorities hi London took General Corbin and John W. Gates to task vsterday for running an auto mobile fester than the speed required bv law. The Lewis & Clark Fair. The Oregonian has secured a state iient'itom all of the members nf the n xt legislature on the jropo:eJ ap propriation to Ik made when the law nakers meet next winter. T.'ki fol owing is the opinion sent in by IJrp esentative Burleigh of Wallowa and I (lion cou.iti-.: Enterprise, Oct. 5. (To the Kditov. I nm not sufiieiently advised at present of the intentions and pur poses of the Hoard of .Directors to ex press a decided opinion as to what action the Legislature should take in the matter. Speaking in a general way, if the fair , is to be of sufficient importance to secure an appropria tion from Congress, and from t lie states generally, I should favor an ap propriation of a sufficient amount to erect a suitable state building, large enough to accomodate each county in making a county exhibit. That would arouse a local pride in each 011 countv and secure a countv nunroii- t. r.Uarfc. tliel'ort Oair.ble man rhabn sufiicientlv large to make the who lost G5 twt.nty-dollar gold piece t.xhMt ,,ossii,1(,. Mj wlu,n V(H, get the host possible: exhibit from each county in this state you have a This is the season when you expect special reduction sales; but surely you never antici pated such sweeping reductions as we're male ing for th itf ale. You can't realize the extent until jou come and see. great thow within itself. I should think a special levy of 1 mill added to the state tax would produce ample revenue for the pur ine opinion llie Fair Hot on a ranch near Maehiaa hist we k, thinks that his trick dog. which was with him at the time the nxMu-y dis appeared, carried awsy and buried the sick of gold pieces, which weighed four jMiinds, The annual migration of Chinese j pose. I am of to their native tand has begun. The lean be made a greater success bv K:nprccs of India, which sailed from ' deluding alto-ether upon larg Vancouver Monday, carried 7C0 j propcialiu:is and not attempting Chinese ami refused the sppiications . much, but bv malum: a oractiial of 1 50 others who detired to go. of each dollar of smaller appropri-' Word has reached Vancouver that ! turns, the cabh steamship Colonia buoyed.' Ia the meantime Portland and the the Pacific cable one mile off Fanning j i.rd of D'lviHors shuuM t; k sUps Island Monday morning, having . laid ; to arosise a greater inteiest and tu 3445 HHiilical miles letveeii Van-1 thusiasm in the Fair thionghout tie Easy to Buy Two good points about these shoes are -they are easy to buy and they are Easy to Wear Ve believe that we have a stock of men's, ladies and children's, shoes that will afford a satisfactory shoe for everv calkr. couver and that point since Septem ber 18. W. K. Hearstf in accepting the Democratic noinii.ation for Congress from the lltii district, yesterday, said that he was in favor of Government ownership of certain things, such ue railroads and telegraph. In a speech from a balcony of his hotel, at Brussels, yesterday, General; Dewei reiterated that they had not come to Europe to seek vain succor to regain their independence, but to obtain help in repairing the ravages of the war. At Grand Eapids, Mich., yesterday, Lti. ,t flu. inwf- tvriv. ! nr t ritlif'iii! n : . 7 " . Plums; later wi and citizens ol county aim it. j II. Miller, of Chicago, were arraigned! n' ti olmr'Tp f if ninnin" a lotterv and 1 nro uotiiitr it through the fraudulent; use of the mails. A dispatch from Manila yesterday states that General SuMinier-in com mand of the American forces on Min danao Island, has sent an ultimatum j to the Rultun of Uacoljd, proiuisii.g I him the same treatment received by the Moros if !io did not give m ouce. I i 1 l best made, I In ypESTJflTTJNfii ntmun 1 S TTT PRICED. I i. ' r ItOlvmt OCtAH TO Ofi4, V viV'-ili l f on want :1r, 0 fl.itcrs, St.louhMG. state. Secure not only the support of . the members of the Legislature but the enthusiastic support of the men", and women who have to pay the stute and county appropriations. j. a. in: ii i ricii Representative from Umatilla and i LfldiCS HfltS fOf Mid5 Wallowa counties. Pleasing Clothes for We!lDressed Men When we buy our stock we. arc anxious for rijfht quality and riyht price, we are anxious to procure for our customers the best the manu facturers produce. There's Quality, Style and finish in these suits and every buyer speaks of hi pleasure in owning them. summer Fruit for Sale. I have for sale at Rouse's place on Alder rilope, YelKiW Transparent, Dutchess and Early Pennoek apples i : at one cent a round, also Peach ! have Fail and Win- I ter Apples, Pears, Prunes, etc. The Alder Slope Fruit is very tinn this C. D. EMMONii. Wanted! To list, a few choice stock ranch". that are for sale, within next few days for a colony of Eastern sloe These beautiful1 lulls tire veritable dreams and the rush of the gelling reason U past The Inference is Plain The best of the wearing season is coming nnd these, huts may be bought at a bargain. He sure to see them at one lien's Neckties How are you off for tics? Summer stock needs replenishing. We are showing some of the swellest and handsomest you ever saw. Light pretty summer colors, the brand new ness of the styles, the fairness of the price all combine to attract men. men who an; to Wallowa ii t. ' I countv to locate. If you want to sell HHot Weather Hat EFF re e E-2a ii A decision reddered by Judge Tuiey yesterday in Chicago, in a suit ineti- J.--W--t--- i tuted by the Illinois Manufacturers' : '-'--"-'-- --"- ' I : a tlli,(tir.n iiihv. it is estiiuted. CAtkt jthe Chicago Telephone Company more than .1,0'J0,M, unless the Su preme Court reverses the judgment of Judge Tul.v. The demand for eggs w g;eat in Baker City that several carloads of : Eastern egs haw to be shipped into ! that city every year. i The upphi crop of Oregon last tea ! son was b')0,0d! lynxes of fi t sh and j 150,000 pounds of dried fr.iit. The crop tins year win it uounniernoiy h.rger, hough th-.' price realized will be less. here is your opportunity. Apply at llit IlLl A.sllll VlllV, IJIH7) prise, Oregon. Notice to Sheepmen'. We'll fll you with a hut that will look well ua well ns feeling coinforlable. Tho fasbioimblc. summer bemi .vear sliown liere oipilit to please anyone who wants to be in style and to by sensibly comfortable. if hese Straw Hats The Jackson Ranthoulette bucks from Dayton, Wash., are in a pasture near Enterprise and in charge or li. ' will hold their color and their shape. They are fcnonfh to stand cleaning, which will inauro being a credit to you all through the season, , good tlient W. liioom. Parties wishing ty f :ir chuse wilt cull an him. G. F. Jackson. Notice. PaintiKg as it Should be The paint we sell in the rijjlt' kind. It ban good body . nnd will cover your walls effectively. Plenty of good colors and all the paints are mixed so they won't run peel, crack or bliter. Just ns nearly perfect an paint can he made. You get it nt a reasonable price. Notice is hew-by giyn that the!' Coition, of the ffjg QoOtlS ,.! ,-. Cnur'v were connected Monday. I count) will meet in Liuei pi lse on 1 00 J. H. McCi'ufliK, Assessor. Pca:b P(ur3, Apples and Peers. aud the booi;s close 1 as reipiir. d by i October V, the same being the fiwt law. Out of a total tax of Itt3,77'J.20 ; Monuay in saiu n.onin there has been bol.ectexl U'2,UJO, j leaving about 7000 delinquent. Gideon Pteiner, a well-known fish dealer of Salem, wants the next Legis lature to repeal the law, which creates a close season for catching black bass, j For sale verv cheaD at the orchard He says the iish are plentiful tnougb ; on te jag- Keavi ranch. Will be now, so that they Viil not be xrer- jadivered at your home If desired, minated even if the people are per-! Address C. II. Oubuks, mitted to take th.!:n at a;i seasons of; ' Enterprise, Oiifgoii. the year. , - I It is just the reason for wearing these- summer ilresB good and if you are wise you will select one or more o them. Plenty of variety in color and grade, but every piece is this season's stock and will be comfortable for your use. tin Enterprise, B Oregon.